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How god realization happends during intercourse.

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1. You feel  love during the act for eachother. Just like lovers do.
2. Love starts to feel more intense, you start feeling like you're fucking your sister/mother, but you can't really stop because it feels good and you're close to orgasm.
3. You realize it's like you're fucking yourself and have an orgasm killing the 'illusionary ego of the 'other'. Because of your intense love/energy release. (You don't see the dead body) just a symbol for your own god realization

How do i know?

I had an experience with clinical psychologist during an interview, and my vibration/love was rising drastically because i needed to pass this to understand the meaning of life. 
She started walking towards me with love and i blacked out for 1 sec, as the love i was projecting got back to me. Then the love turned into intense pain because it was human bodies limit. Then she got shocked/scared from this pain and walked away.

Also when i stopped my heart, the love/vibration i felt while looking into the void kills universes that's how powerfull it is.

So love is pretty much the frequency that allows you to operate in a certain way. By rising your love you raise in frequency/consciousness. 

There was also a scene in some jesus movie that i've seen a long time ago, jesus had sex with a lady and he killed her/she dissapeared.

I also noticed in another state of consciousness when i was with my friend , is that when i went inside of myself where i could find light/intelligence/purity/serenity and while being inside my mind it was like my friend paused, meaning no sound ever came from him, only when i came back out of my mind. So it's like when you're in samadhi no1 or nothing can touch you and you also can't hear anything from where your ego is.


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Emerging connections feel like cells forming your body.

One hand passing, the other awaiting, synchronized.

Merging telepathy, intuitive mutual understanding.

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❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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I need to find a therapist like that. 

If truth is the guide, there's no need for ideology, right or left. 

Maturity in discussion means the ability to separate ideas from identity so one can easily recognize new, irrefutable information as valid, and to fully integrate it into one’s perspective—even if it challenges deeply held beliefs. Both recognition and integration are crucial: the former acknowledges truth, while the latter ensures we are guided by it. 

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The most beautiful post on the forum. 


My name is Sara. 



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