
Usage of AIs

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How do you use AIs when you want to think, contemplate, or understand something?

Have you found limits for AI for those activities?

If you don't mind, could you share those limits?

Or maybe share your thoughts about what the AI is actually capable of doing compared to non-AI methods.

What is a good way and bad way of using AIs, in your opinion, for those activities?

Edited by Nemra

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I get the sense that I am one of the few people who uses AIs for the things I mentioned.

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Asking for counter-arguments to the points you're holding.

I've got Infinity for a head and I have a hard time handling it.

Words can't describe You!

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@Nemra It's been huge for improving my thinking. Unfortunately, ChatGPT now seems almost useless for longer form inquiries or when you need back and forth collaboration. It's accuracy has been falling at a steady rate over the past few months. Fortunately, Claude has proven to be better than ChatGPT ever was, especially with the "Projects" feature. 

My AI utilization is spread across ChatGPT, Claude, Meta (free), and Perplexity (search engine, free). 

I use each for different things and sometimes I use all of them for thoroughness. 

Perplexity is often more efficient than Google when you need up-to-date info. It's nice. 

You can get really creative with ChatGPT's custom GPTs. Here are a couple examples:

Sometimes, you just have a quick question and you don't want any fluff, no bullshit, Just the answer. For that, I created "Direct GPT". 😂



Then, I created another for quick, broad exploration. I call it "Term-cloud generator". The whole point is to feed it a term and quickly discover related concepts. This is HUGE for exploration.



You can create GPTs to explore broad or narrow. You can get REALLY creative with this. 

For Claude, I've been working on a "Project" which is kind of like a custom GPT in ChatGPT, but you can upload files with instructions for it. I've been working on a set of instructions for what I've poorly named "Holistic Understanding Framework (Concise version)". The idea is to feed it a term and it bring me up to speed on what it is as quickly as possible. This is best used for drilling into specific and complex topics. Example: 



I can provide the instructions for this prompt if anyone is interested.. just LMK.

Also, Claude can do stuff like this:

Lastly, it's really good for exploring your own psychology. I've often wondered why, as a child, I was utterly fascinated with certain things like booby traps in movies like Indiana Jones, The Goonies, etc,... or why I loved to sling two marbles into a bathtub and watch them interact. Now I know why! This could be its most powerful use case—to assist you in knowing yourself. 

Also, when you need to go back and forth with an AI, Claude is the best but I fear it's not going to last. 

I think AI companies gave us dirt cheap access to the best their tech can offer, but only for purposes of attracting business/enterprise clients. They've invested billions and aren't even close to being profitable. Offering their maximum level of performance for $20 a month isn't anywhere close to being viable, which is why ChatGPT doesn't do it anymore. Only the rich get that kind of power. I hope I'm wrong about this. 

The ways in which these tools can be utilized for higher thinking and understanding is INSANE. I can't go back. 

Edited by Joshe

If truth is the guide, there's no need for ideology, right or left. 

Maturity in discussion means the ability to separate ideas from identity so one can easily recognize new, irrefutable information as valid, and to fully integrate it into one’s perspective—even if it challenges deeply held beliefs. Both recognition and integration are crucial: the former acknowledges truth, while the latter ensures we are guided by it. 

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@Joshe, I'm using Claude AI. I'm more focused on gaining a deep understanding of concepts, like ideology (I have been watching Zizek a lot lately, lol). I noticed that they added the project feature but didn't bother to explore what it was built for. Although I thought before about how to write questions and get answers depending on some context without always telling it.

Edited by Nemra

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Ask specific questions. Then dig deeper on the answers. Be specific as much as possible.

This is how you sharpen your own mind with AI.

And claude AI is next level. It's insane that we came up with a stuff that's pretty close to an intelligent being. Unreal stuff. 

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Here is a beautiful example of how AI is used to help people with debilitating conditions, such as ALS:


I AM Lovin' It

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“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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@Yimpa, it really is beautiful.

Also, conan's podcast is one of the best.

Edited by Nemra

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