
How To Recognize Enlightened People

25 posts in this topic

I don't always know when someone is enlightened. It's much easier to tell those that aren't. I follow the words of Lao Tzu, "those who know, don't speak. Those who speak, don't know." I don't usually look to enlightenment as a pre-requisite to finding the teachings of another, worthy or worthwhile. I gauge that persons ability to get me to look at myself, to ponder, to question. I love Tony Robbins however what he has to offer is in a different arena. Leo's videos have much to offer in the sense that they have gotten me to think, ponder, self evaluate, and to broaden my scope in a specific kind of way.

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On February 16, 2016 at 8:02 AM, Leo Gura said:

I dunno about Socrates, but Tony Robbins is definitely NOT enlightened. He seems quite addicted to ego.

I doubt Socrates was enlightened, despite him saying, "The only thing I know for sure is that I know nothing."

The only enlightened ancient Greek I know is Heraclitus. If you read his writing, you clearly see that he was in a class all by himself. His statements are refreshingly Zen-like and powerful.

While you can't know for sure who is or isn't enlightened, in practice it's pretty easy to tell once you've studied enlightenment long enough. I can usually tell from hearing just one or two sentences if the teacher has a grasp of enlightenment. It just becomes very obvious. It's a handy skill to have actually, because it lets you sort the wheat from the chaff very quickly. I can know in just a few minutes that Tony Robbins will not teach me the deepest truths of life. His teachings are useful, but they are not existentially deep.

I just heard from eckhart tolle that Marcus Aurelius is the only enlightened politician. 

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One can experience if someone is enlightened.

Sit next to the person and your mind will become empty, questions disappear and a unconditioned joy will fill you.

These are the signs of a true guru. An enlightened one does not need any words he can communicate in silence, communicate with the soul.

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Hello @Ella90,

very good question, I will try to give my perspective on enlightment and hope this is of some use for you,


On 14.2.2016 at 11:06 PM, Ella90 said:

So this question is bothering me since i've spent all my last weekend listening to Leo's videos about enlightenment. Who is enlightened? Would I know to recognize an enlightened person?

I started wondering if big figures i'm inspired by are enlightened people, like Tony Robbins?

Was socrates enlightened?

I've listened to some of Leo's videos about enlightement and I remember in one of them, he spoke about a theoretical plateau or level of enlightment he didn't want to theoretize about, because it's out of reach for us in our current spiritual development (he put it in his words, I'd need to look for the video to quote him correctly.)

You see, he is wise enough to not speculate about things that are beyond comprehension.

Even if we on our spiritual path encounter times where we dwell in higher levels of counciousness, it's not easy to convey the experience, the insight we've gathered etc.

And encounters of this hightened spiritual awarness (peak experiences) are open to all of us, also to people who are just starting on their journey or even triggered by some event, circumstances, a book they read or a lecture they attend.

On a more practical level (which is deeper than the one previously mentioned), we have a realm of "flow" or "being in the zone". With many spiritual practices we can bring us up to a level where we experience "flow" and do so more often.

But you see, this "being in the zone" is not only being experienced by spiritual thruth seekers. Even in sports it is being mentioned and you can read about this phenomenon elsewhere.

So what does Enlightenment represent to you?

See, we have many traditions. Many definitions. Many representations and "fancy" descriptions of what this state is all about.
Some compare it to their tradition, others to their "belief system" and so on

It sometimes becomes so bizzare that it's hard to stomach, as people wonder about a word, get confused and immobile even. They don't strive for their aim anymore, because they're literally "lost in translation(s)".

I'll admit, the term Enlightenment itself is prone to change. It will change depending on what book you read, whom do you listen to and even if you followed an accomplished Master of a particular School or practice, he will give you many scraps of insight, but never the whole picture. Because, it is on you to find the ultimate truth, the truth where words just can't do any justice.

Whereas the Websters Dictionary gives a shaby definition for Enlightenment, it gives a good one for its adjective form, enlightened:




1 :  freed from ignorance and misinformation <an enlightened people> <an enlightened time>

2 :  based on full comprehension of the problems involved <issued an enlightened ruling>

source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/enlightened


This is only meant as a starting point.

Those are highly practical definitions.

I would, from my own perspective, also say that whatever we do in our lives, we should strive to upgrade our level through "enlightments". We can be good and "in flow" in one area of our life but sloppy or "immobile" in others. We should inspect those areas, as only inspection, putting our awarness on some-thing, will alow for enlightenment in this area to take place. The more areas we master and enlighten the more we grow as a whole, integrated being. Therefore it is important to know what we are good in and honor and appreciate those areas and at the same time also looking for and upgrading the weak-points. (I don't suggest to try to get rid of the weak-points only, as it will firmly destabilize your already mastered areas - acknowledge the areas you're good in.)


Can someone see if another is actually enlightened?

I am not sure about it, because there are so many different expactations connected to it.

Also it is hard to comprehend something which is higher advanced then our current paradigm or mindset. But definitely we can see if we can learn something new, gather a new point to view from and expand our insights and knowledge.

Enlightenment is also to a large degree subjective -- and on the other hand, as mentioned before, bound to the definition or tradition you're measuring from.

And also I think, even an enlightened being can have a bad day as long as he is alive and carries a body around with him :-D

What is of interest, though, for me, is if people are striving for positive transformation, not only for themselves but also for the world in general. Those are the people worth having for companions if you yourself are looking for greater spiritual andvancements.

I tell you outright, I'd rather be alone in a cave in the Himalayas than surrounded by ignorant people not worth aligning with.

Fortuanatly more and more people are waking up and striving for spiritual development. It's really refreshing.

Kind regards,

P.S. Please bear with my english. It's my second language and I literally learned it over the internet. I try my best, but my skills in using this language are still limited.

Edited by Isle of View

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