
Women are my only and only distraction from Enlightment

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1 hour ago, Emerald said:
  • Here's my comprehension of your writing:
  1. The infinite polarizes to converge in omniscience or diverge interconnected perspectives. 
  2. Contraction individuates to explore meaning through contrast, value fulfillment & immersion. 
  3. The infinite contains and shines through the finite, as they oscillate form and formless in polarity.

I see through some parts of the dynamic but do have questions:

On one hand, you said that the contracted perspective allows greater immersion and appreciation of the relative.

On the other hand, you talked about the burdens of the infinite, is it because it seeks to harmonize the entirety?

Does the relative expand the infinite, or was it always part of it? Is the experience deeper or more personalized?

There are infinite perspectives to explore, are we creating the relative or tuning into it?

49 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:
  1. Dualities are relative, hence divided, and not absolute. The absolute must be formless, hence empty.
  2. God, being Infinity, cannot be any thing and so cannot exhibit any behavior, nor bias, nor intention.
  3. The absolute is undefinable since definitions strip it of wholeness. Only this essence is real.

What do you mean by real and why use that word specifically?

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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1 hour ago, Davino said:


Despite sex being quite overrated, sexual programming is hard wired in the masculine psyche to levels I'm still astonished to discover. It's not going anywhere any time soon.

And that burden should not be placed on women. If you find a highly conscious partner you can flow with them. In fact a woman can lead her man to high consciousness and spirituality. It does not always have to be the other way around. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@Forestluv That is because relationships are about survival, and spirituality is not. The more you intermingle survival into your spirituality the more corrupt it will get. Which is why the most spiritual people are monks who live in caves.

Your claims are false and not sustainable in objective reality. There are people like Adyashanti. They live spiritual lives and are happily married too. This whole idea that spirituality is all about living in caves is outdated now. 


My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You don't need to find a girl who knows Actualized.org. You just need to find a girl who roughly aligns with your values and then you as the man will guide her into watching Actualized.org or whatever else is important to you. You lead and teach her what is important.

It's gender neutral. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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1 hour ago, theleelajoker said:

Don't agree. Can't see why it has to be that way. In my personal experience a relationship can be about both.

Maybe it's only like that because you think it's like that.

In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true is true or becomes true, within certain limits to be found experientially and experimentally. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the mind there are no limits.

John C Lilly

It’s that way for him because he believes it’s that way and doesn’t realize how unfathomably deep the spiritual lessons go when it comes to relationships and mundane sober living. With that mindset the Tao will not bless him with these lessons BUT every path is different so it’s a matter of personal preference if you want to explore this aspect of life or go in a different direction.

Many “seekers” I’ve spoken to are some of the most childish people you will meet and are hopeless when it comes to relating. I prefer spirituality with legs. Not state chasing. I’ve learned more from life and about spirituality from the dysfunctional relationship with my ex more than any ayahuasca ceremonies I’ve done. 

But I wouldn’t say my path is better or more enlightened than anyone else’s. I don’t believe there is a tier list or even a way to compare paths.

But anyone who thinks relationships are just some novel aspect of life without deeper spiritual lesson to them is kidding themself, and if you believe that and believe this is absolutely true about relationships, then definitely don’t bother with them cause you’re wasting your time. 

Edited by Lyubov

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All this repetitive relationship advice leads nowhere, I have a better idea

Just throw some neuralink vr sex simulators at the horny men, to stop distracting us from metaphysics lol

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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15 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

Your claims are false and not sustainable in objective reality. There are people like Adyashanti. They live spiritual lives and are happily married too. This whole idea that spirituality is all about living in caves is outdated now. 

What I said does not mean relationship and spirituality cannot be combined.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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29 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

If you find a highly conscious partner you can flow with them. In fact a woman can lead her man to high consciousness and spirituality. It does not always have to be the other way around. 

Of course 

My women helps me a lot to grow personally, exposes my blind spots as well as offering me a lot of grounding in my Spiritual process.

She's also very gifted spiritually although she has other needs right now to attend in her life. 

I'm gonna share how I found my sweet spot regarding Awakening and my romantic relationship.

In the beginning it was quite a gap difference, as she had no experience or points of reference. We did some psychedelic trips together and to my surprise, she had profound Awakenings and mystical experiences. Now she has a point of reference and knows how radical this stuff can be. She decides that in the future she will explore Awakening but right now she wants to focus on other parts of her life.

In this way I am understood and find support from her in my path while she had epic insights and Awakenings into the nature of Consciousness and the Universe.

It's very rare you'll find someone devoted to Truth like you but your partner needs to have some points of reference of what you're doing. Otherwise it's gonna be real rough, plenty of misunderstandings and lack of connection.

So no need to get a hot witch girlfriend but a mature woman/man that is willing to have some Awakenings because (s)he loves you and is curious about your most profound life passion.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Which is why the most spiritual people are monks who live in caves.

Key words the most. (credit for nuance)

It helps me to look at spirituality and survival separate ingredients in a soup mix, we get to choose the amount of each, and it is contingent on our particular taste/preferences/goals (these change with time). We can have both at varying degrees, but it's difficult to strike the right balance.

Monks who want the most out of spirituality live in caves simply because they want the most out of spirituality. Doesn't mean we should want what monks want, or if that's even right for us. 

Edited by Terell Kirby

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12 hours ago, Salvijus said:

😂 Living up to Ramana maharishi picture I see. 

Its Robert Adams .

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Thanks all for the replies, I have picked up a lot of useful information and a very clear insight for me has arrived:

Since last summer i wasn´t able to go deep into the consciousness completely and let go of attachments, I´m going to get entangled in the creation fully and deeply for 10 years more or so.

Since the intelligence or consciousness still thinks this 'game' is worth getting lost in, lets give it another round, so next spiritual time comes, probably there will be much more decision to completely trascend and not look back. 

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11 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

What I meant is that ultimately, infinity is absolutely empty in the sense that it's impossible that god wants anything, like being an individual, or hidden anything. Could happen relatively, in a given moment in the infinity, but in the whole infinity no, there is no intention, no real change, no movement, just because it's infinite. Then, any perception that we could have, even it seems very true, is just relative,  not false but not absolute. The absolute is just total, is the essence, only the essence is real, and it's nothing that can be defined, just totality, existence.

yeap. All this stories of medicine journey teachings are nothing more than high consciousness fantasies of a mind in an expanded state. Is not that they are not true but they are within the relative construction. You can construct that or you can construct a movie or a building. Is just construction.

Absolute wise they have no reality and the pull of death and physical body is gone lets see if ahayuasca mother holds you in your heart. Ayahuasca or spirits are part of the dream, is not absolute and is not trascendence but entanglement. 

Spirituality is removing the fantasies until nothing is left but the empty space. Hallelujah, the mind and his obssession to construct is gone.

@Emerald spirituality is precisely about trascending subjetive experiences and reaching absolute perception. 

10 hours ago, Forestluv said:

@Javfly33  So I started with a relationship with someone with LOTS of chemistry. . .There were aspects of beauty, connection and magic that were so satisfying. Yet there was devolving back into ordinary things - dualities, ego, right and wrong, petty personality conflicts etc. After about a year we broke up and then I was able to see how much was lost since my Peru trip. It was as if I was exposed to Enlightenment and then got De-Enlightened and it sucked. 

After that, I dated very rarely because I could quickly see the price I would need to pay. What's frustrating is that the "two worlds" overlap. There are flashes of "Enlightment' within the relationship. Sometimes really profound - and that gives me hope. Yet it's never enough to overcome the whirlpool that pulls me back into the ordinary world of personalities, egos and petty crap. I haven't dated anyone for years. At times I really miss aspects of it.


yeah, that makes sense and matches my experience. Probably one can not choose both at the same time. 


Edited by Javfly33

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10 hours ago, Lyubov said:

It’s that way for him because he believes it’s that way and doesn’t realize how unfathomably deep the spiritual lessons go when it comes to relationships and mundane sober living. With that mindset the Tao will not bless him with these lessons BUT every path is different so it’s a matter of personal preference if you want to explore this aspect of life or go in a different direction.

Many “seekers” I’ve spoken to are some of the most childish people you will meet and are hopeless when it comes to relating. I prefer spirituality with legs. Not state chasing. I’ve learned more from life and about spirituality from the dysfunctional relationship with my ex more than any ayahuasca ceremonies I’ve done. 

But I wouldn’t say my path is better or more enlightened than anyone else’s. I don’t believe there is a tier list or even a way to compare paths.

But anyone who thinks relationships are just some novel aspect of life without deeper spiritual lesson to them is kidding themself, and if you believe that and believe this is absolutely true about relationships, then definitely don’t bother with them cause you’re wasting your time. 

11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Forestluv That is because relationships are about survival, and spirituality is not.


@LyubovI agree and can relate with your points.

For me, both the functional but also my dysfunctional relationships have been incredible re growth. I would even go as far to say that IMO you cannot reach certain levels without relationships. Thinking of purusharta, you first go for a family and then you go into a cave.

What bothers me is that some personal believe systems and attitudes are generalized  are presented as "true". I believe this to be reckless and irresponsible as it causes a cascade of thoughts and actions that are not constructive or healthy for people's life. 

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@Someone here Sex is overrated depending on what kind of sex you have. I´ve had meaningless lifeless boring sex. Then yeah only cumming is the good part.

But when you fuck the shit out of a 9-10 on 5 positions for 1 hour then you'll know what sex is. Have you done that? Have a 10 gagged on your dick? 

When your masculine center is at pure fire with another femenine also on fire then the process of sex is even greater than cumming. 


Edited by Javfly33

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3 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Spirituality is removing the fantasies until nothing is left but the empty space. Hallelujah, the mind and his obssession to construct is gone.

Yes, it's absolutely simple, but the human mind hates it.The human mind is a construction within a finite cycle, nothing is more alien to it than the infinite. it needs an idea of purpose, a starting point and a destination, a movement in one direction. Absolute reality is nothing like that, in infinity there is no real movement, any movement is only apparent, so if you want to open yourself to the absolute you have to leave movement.

the human mind says: wtf?? This is fucking shit, malfunction, I need to grab something, be someone, have a goal. Well, all that is relative, that is, ultimately an illusion. There is no real movement, since movement is by definition relative. one thing moves relative to another. At infinity, point x and point y don't matter, you can advance whatever you want, which is an imaginary advance, there is no advance, no movement, nothing.

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

@Someone here Sex is overrated depending on what kind of sex you have. I´ve had meaningless lifeless boring sex. Then yeah only cumming is the good part.

But when you fuck the shit out of a 9-10 on 5 positions for 1 hour then you'll know what sex is. Have you done that? Have a 10 gagged on your dick? 

When your masculine center is at pure fire with another femenine also on fire then the process of sex is even greater than cumming. 


I only had sex a handful of times . Nothing too fancy . Just doggystyle. No blowjob because my ex said it's disgusting to give me head . I don't think talking about this is important. 

My point is still upfront even if you have sex with Kate Upton ..still it's not worth the fuzz..as soon as you cum you feel disillusioned..why is that? 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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I don’t get this thread. 

Relationships and especially sex can be used as a vehicle for spirituality and enlightenment. 

Basically all major religions are based around sex. And very effective methods are created like sexual transmutation. 

If I have to name 1 thing that transformed me the most is my gf and break up with her this years. 

Relationships and sex can only be a prison if you are addicted to it and enslaved to it; i.e when you make sex and girls your false god. I’m not above it though. Transcending your instincts are very hard. Perhaps it should be done on a later stage. 

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44 minutes ago, AION said:

I don’t get this thread. 

Relationships and especially sex can be used as a vehicle for spirituality and enlightenment. 

@AION It can be used but is not realistic:



Basically all major religions are based around sex.

@AION LOL. About denying and making sex shameful you mean.



 Maybe, or maybe not. Let´s leave it that there are ways to pursue things in an entangled way which gets you further from liberation or in a conscious way where it leads you closer to liberation. Probably relating to women, as long as I plan it in a healthier more conscious way, would be a step up on my journey. 

Edited by Javfly33

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You will want to do sex after enlightenment experiences. It does not matter at all. 

Accept your biology.

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

fuzz..as soon as you cum you feel disillusioned..why is that?

Super common when you don't know yourself enough in the sex facet. 

It means that the sex you were having was not fluid, you were not totally open, there was no real connection (the connection can happen with a woman with whom you have not even said hello), you did not feel totally yourself, so all that shit is camouflaged for the fact that you are horny, as if you were drugged, and the moment you cum, the drug disappears in a second, and the sad naked reality is left, and you just want to disappear. 


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