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Rakats are a measure of Salat, not wudu. Wudu is ablution. And yes, those movements are burned into my nervous system as well, the cupping of the hands, the washing the head etc.

4 rakats in Zuhr, 2 in Fajr.

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7 minutes ago, thedoorsareopen said:

What can I say? Wahhabist propoganda is a hell of a drug.

You’re larping as an ex Muslim. 

Edited by gambler

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54 minutes ago, thedoorsareopen said:

I don't really like labeling myself an ex-Muslim, cuz I only practiced for a year when I was 8.

He only practiced the religion for a year, when he was 8. An age where you're not required to pray.

But somehow wudhu is burned into his nervous system:

22 minutes ago, thedoorsareopen said:

those movements are burned into my nervous system as well, the cupping of the hands, the washing the head etc.

@Sandhu Do you not see why I'm triggered over the blatant gaslighting?

Are people here actually going to consider, like Leo, that his dad was advised to break the laws for religious jihad because the laws of the United States is satanic and thus a duty to break it, and he went ahead and got arrested 20 times? Hello???

Edited by gambler

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7 minutes ago, gambler said:

 Do you not see why I'm triggered over the blatant gaslighting?

So, don't be triggered. Don't reinforce your Islamic identity. I practice Islam for spiritual purposes yet I feel nothing bad about whatever anybody has to say about Islam because I do not identify myself as muslim anymore. 

Edited by Sandhu

Yeah, I'm a cool person.

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Just now, Sandhu said:

So, don't be triggered. Don't reinforce your Islamic identity. I practice Islam for spiritually reasons yet I feel nothing bad about whatever anybody has to say about Islam because I do not identify myself as muslim anymore. 

Fair enough.

But I just want to make it clear that you don't even know how I identify myself as.

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9 minutes ago, gambler said:

you don't even know how I identify myself as.

I smell Baby

Yeah, I'm a cool person.

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1 minute ago, Sandhu said:

I smell Baby

Better to be a truthful baby than a liar.

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1 hour ago, gambler said:

Better to be a truthful baby than a liar.

what is even truth?

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I started performing salat at age 3, was instructed at this school and prayed at school. I said I only practiced at age 8 cuz that was the only time I ever tried to carry out the whole 5 prayers a day, fasting all Ramadan, praying Taraweeh, and really believing in it. I took tutoring lessons as well. I was basically being trained to go on to be a sheik or imam or something. My dad basically wanted to pay money to someone to turn me into a Hafiz, but he didn't want to actually parent me, so it was a weird disjointed experience where on the one hand I was being trained in this foreign religion, and on the other being mostly raised by a white lady from Cali. I don't know if that's normal, it was just my experience.

But after growing up and learning more about what western society is like, I'm pretty flabbergasted at what passed for teaching standards there.

Don't get mad at me, Saudi Arabia funded a bunch of radical Islamic schools around the world in the 70s and 80s, and this is what they were teaching in your religion's name. I can't vouch for that, and apparently neither can other Muslims. It's basically the same response the global Muslim community gives after heinous acts like Oct 7 -- "Hey, wasn't me, I didn't personally kill people, so I have no responsibility in this."

People do shitty things in the name of Islam, non-Muslims criticize, Muslims get butthurt. The cycle repeats. No one learns anything. I wonder if Muslims can develop a sense of shared collective responsibility for things done in the name of their faith.

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3 hours ago, thedoorsareopen said:

I started performing salat at age 3

Stop trolling for the love of decency. This is the most ridiculous thing you have said as of yet, and you’ve said crazy things that I thought couldn’t be topped.

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