Realms of Wonder

Inspiration for Self-Actualizers

18 posts in this topic

Hey you!

I want to share some inspiration for your path.

  • At 18 I was considering killing myself. At a college I went to because it was easy, doing my best to escape my past choices, the feeling of being lost and depression. Somewhere deep down I knew I Was living inauthentically, but wasn’t aware of it.
  • I was facing crippling low self esteem, awkwardness and anxiety in social situations. I was wrecking my body eating fast food daily, eating ice-cream most nights to escape my thoughts.
    I had no direction, no purpose, almost no hope, and didn’t know what to do.
  • I didn't dream, I didn't aspire to anything beyond what I was doing, but something was brewing inside.

Seven and a half years later…

  • I take consistent daily action, investing 1.25-4 hours daily into my life purpose, on top of working full time.
  • I feel the best I’ve ever felt in my body, finally beating SIBO, (mostly.)
  • I feel so much momentum in my creative work, I feel it build and it’s AMAZING. I don’t want to stop!
  • I have an amazing intimate relationship of 2 years. Our communication is better and better, our attraction keeps growing and growing, and we both inspire and push eachother to become more authentic and loving of our self.
  • I have more clarity then I’ve ever had before. I know exactly what I need to do each day to move my life purpose forward. Even going to my day job has its role.
  • My worst days in the middle of an ego backlash, are often better then my best days 5 years ago.
  • I often wake up with growing excitement leading into my first creative session for the day.
  • I wake up at 5:00 AM consistently, automatically, giving me time to create, go for a walk, pack lunch and eat before I head out for my job.
  • My job is better than I could have imagine 5 years ago, a whole new industry, kind co-workers, honest leaders with integrity.
  • I still distract myself, but there is less and less judgement, and a trust I will find my way back, and a growing wake of results to look back on.

Maybe its taken longer than some, and there is so much left to go, two of the big ones are…

  • I have yet to build financial independence from my life purpose
  • I recognize that it may be years before I focus on spirituality seriously

but I am on the path and it feels amazing.

I hope you have a great day! 

If you have any questions, I am happy to respond.




Edited by Realms of Wonder

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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That's nice

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Nice. Congratulations. What was the process you took. Maybe it can help to inspire others - the transitional process. In between the bad times and the 7years. It can be a brief explanation.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Realms of Wonder 

Thats super awesome, some questions if you don't mind me asking:


What would your current more mature self say to your 19 year old self?

Also, how much of maturing process do you think just comes with age?

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This makes me happy. 



Edited by Jimbouu
Juust deleted the useless stuff

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4 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Nice. Congratulations. What was the process you took. Maybe it can help to inspire others - the transitional process. In between the bad times and the 7years. It can be a brief explanation.

Thanks :) 

Its been really messy, still is to some degree, but is are the cliff-notes version of the last 7 years.

Don't forget to sprinkle a few kg of uncertainty, fear, loneliness, overwhelm, and emotional discomfort on top of this pile.

I'll keep it as big picture as I can.



  1. I dropped out of college, was introduced to Psychedelics and at 19. I tripped a lot, investing in the life purpose course that new year.
  2. Around my 20th birthday, I realized I needed to move if I was going to actualize my potential, so I got a second job and started saving. 7 months later I moved to Portland Oregon.
  3. Chose inauthenticity by joining a MLM Cult for 9 months, (was in denial about the cult mechanics for a long time,) but chose authenticity, leaving to explore life and try and build this life purpose thing.
  4. Started building habits: meditation, Humor Practice, going for a walk.
  5. Got a job in a new career (Barista work,) and went on my first Solo Retreat around new years of 2020 (I was 21.)
  6. Coming out of the solo retreat with clarity and commitment to my life purpose (still super fuzzy at the time.)


  1. Started producing music as COVID hit (Life purpose at the time was to create music that connects people the beauty and wonder of reality.)
  2. During the next year I faced a lot of social anxiety as a barista, started dating, kept creating music.
  3. Took another Solo retreat the next new year, (Got COVID, used it strategically.)
  4. Got a second job to save money, then quit both to work at a gym, then quit the gym because it went against my values.
  5. Moved to Pennsylvania to work at a summer camp for the summer of 2021. (Met my current GF there.)
  6. When I returned to Portland I got a job as a cook (again,) and started releasing music and posting on Instagram. (Life purpose at the time was to Create music that gives people the courage to face their self.)
  7. I did that for 6 months, then decided to quit all social media (Including YT) and just face myself deeply. Leading to a pretty deep existential crisis. (I was doing a LOT of DMT at the time.) During this "dark time, I realized that I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, not really, and that my current path wasn't going to lead me to living my life purpose. (At the time called "Waking Authenticity," with a vision to make the world more authentic)
  8. I also wrote my first album during this time.
  9. Coming out of that slump, I made a strategic choice to become a Licensed Massage therapist, aligning my day job more with my values, and giving me more free time to work on my LP.
  10. I went to school for 1.25 years, then passed the licensing exam, and got two jobs as a massage therapist.


  1. After a few months of transition period, 6 months ago I started releasing videos on YouTube and writing music again. Kept it up until today, learning, growing in both quality, value and excitement.


Whew! This is not concise, but let me know if you have any questions :)




Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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4 hours ago, UpperMaster said:

@Realms of Wonder 

Thats super awesome, some questions if you don't mind me asking:


What would your current more mature self say to your 19 year old self?

Also, how much of maturing process do you think just comes with age?

Great questions!

Hmm, I dont feel mature hahaha. But relatively speaking, I am more than that 19 year old.

I would probably tell him.

  1. Choosing an Authentic Life is an option.
  2. Its okay that you dont know what you want and that you feel behind. It is going to work out.
  3. The challenges you are facing are preparing you.
  4. Love yourself more.
  5. Enjoy being unconscious, they are good times too.


To the second question, I dont know man...


  • For me, I can tell a marked difference between how I could think at 18-21 and now. Its like my mental vision was nearsighted at those ages (Prefrontal cortex not yet fully developed I'd imagine.)
  • But, I think its a factor, but not inherently. 
  • If I would have done nothing with my last 7.5 years, I would be the same age but less wise.
  • 7.5 years can be used to gain experience, make mistakes, choices and solve problems. Or it can be used on a  video game world and no real world change.
  • In the end I think the maturity difference is really because I am 7.5 years more experienced.


But hey, maybe in 7.5 years I will disagree with what I just wrote, lets find out ;) 





Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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5 hours ago, Realms of Wonder said:
  • My job is better than I could have imagine 5 years ago, a whole new industry, kind co-workers, honest leaders with integrity.


How on earth did you find this, unicorn hunter? I'm beginning the process of living my LP but potential day jobs seem like the biggest hangup and time suck. 

Do you have any advice for finding jobs/industries with kind co-workers and actually honest leaders with integrity? From my research I get a sinking feeling that I need a unicorn company or working for myself to achieve this.

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44 minutes ago, Realms of Wonder said:

Thanks :) 

Its been really messy, still is to some degree, but is are the cliff-notes version of the last 7 years.

Don't forget to sprinkle a few kg of uncertainty, fear, loneliness, overwhelm, and emotional discomfort on top of this pile.

I'll keep it as big picture as I can.



  1. I dropped out of college, was introduced to Psychedelics and at 19. I tripped a lot, investing in the life purpose course that new year.
  2. Around my 20th birthday, I realized I needed to move if I was going to actualize my potential, so I got a second job and started saving. 7 months later I moved to Portland Oregon.
  3. Chose inauthenticity by joining a MLM Cult for 9 months, (was in denial about the cult mechanics for a long time,) but chose authenticity, leaving to explore life and try and build this life purpose thing.
  4. Started building habits: meditation, Humor Practice, going for a walk.
  5. Got a job in a new career (Barista work,) and went on my first Solo Retreat around new years of 2020 (I was 21.)
  6. Coming out of the solo retreat with clarity and commitment to my life purpose (still super fuzzy at the time.)


  1. Started producing music as COVID hit (Life purpose at the time was to create music that connects people the beauty and wonder of reality.)
  2. During the next year I faced a lot of social anxiety as a barista, started dating, kept creating music.
  3. Took another Solo retreat the next new year, (Got COVID, used it strategically.)
  4. Got a second job to save money, then quit both to work at a gym, then quit the gym because it went against my values.
  5. Moved to Pennsylvania to work at a summer camp for the summer of 2021. (Met my current GF there.)
  6. When I returned to Portland I got a job as a cook (again,) and started releasing music and posting on Instagram. (Life purpose at the time was to Create music that gives people the courage to face their self.)
  7. I did that for 6 months, then decided to quit all social media (Including YT) and just face myself deeply. Leading to a pretty deep existential crisis. (I was doing a LOT of DMT at the time.) During this "dark time, I realized that I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, not really, and that my current path wasn't going to lead me to living my life purpose. (At the time called "Waking Authenticity," with a vision to make the world more authentic)
  8. I also wrote my first album during this time.
  9. Coming out of that slump, I made a strategic choice to become a Licensed Massage therapist, aligning my day job more with my values, and giving me more free time to work on my LP.
  10. I went to school for 1.25 years, then passed the licensing exam, and got two jobs as a massage therapist.


  1. After a few months of transition period, 6 months ago I started releasing videos on YouTube and writing music again. Kept it up until today, learning, growing in both quality, value and excitement.


Whew! This is not concise, but let me know if you have any questions :)




Nice. You seem pretty focused and grounded. Keep it up and do you mind sharing your YT channel with us. Would love to see it.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Puer Aeternus said:

How on earth did you find this, unicorn hunter? I'm beginning the process of living my LP but potential day jobs seem like the biggest hangup and time suck. 

Do you have any advice for finding jobs/industries with kind co-workers and actually honest leaders with integrity? From my research I get a sinking feeling that I need a unicorn company or working for myself to achieve this.

haha that's me! Lookin for the single corns :)

To put this in context, the career I have spent the most time in is Restaurants as a cook. Generally pretty toxic, low consciousness environments. 

It doesn't take much to be better then that from a co-worker and leader perspective haha.

And for more context, this job I now have, I started working there right around 7 years after starting my path. I am not saying it will or should take that long for you, just, I worked a lot of shitty jobs, changed careers 2-3 times before finding it.

To find a job with higher quality environment and leaders...


One perspective could be that in any industry there will be outliers where that high quality is happening. I dont like relying on outliers..

Another perspective is to choose an industry which requires or at least has a higher chance of higher development.

I work as a Licensed Massage therapist. I chose that industry from the later perspective, and now work at a wellness center that has chiropractors, a naturopath, acupuncture and massage, its pretty great.

Not saying you should become a bodyworker, but become a CA (Chiropractors assistant) can be really easy, and can pay 25-35$ an hour depending on where you work. If I would have known it was an option, I would have worked there instead of kitchens in a heart beat haha.

Let me know if you want me to expand on any of this.



Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

Nice. You seem pretty focused and grounded. Keep it up and do you mind sharing your YT channel with us. Would love to see it.

Happy to! would love any feedback or thoughts if you have any :) 

Here is my YouTube Channel: Waking Call

And here is my music: Waking Call's Music



Edited by Realms of Wonder

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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On 9/3/2024 at 11:56 PM, Realms of Wonder said:

Happy to! would love any feedback or thoughts if you have any :) 

Here is my YouTube Channel: Waking Call

And here is my music: Waking Call's Music



Nice. Keep going.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Awesome share and great work.

What would you say about implementing new changes and habits in a way that you can stick to it?

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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17 hours ago, Ayham said:

Awesome share and great work.

What would you say about implementing new changes and habits in a way that you can stick to it?


Good question. 

The only way that worked for me was to get really clear WHY I was doing it, choosing the habit, and sticking to ONE new habit at a time and give each one 90 days to solidify. 

Expect life to fall apart a few times during the implementation stage of each habit.

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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