
Unconditional Love

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Unconditional love is an interesting thing. To show unconditional love if someone hits you in the face do you turn the other cheek? Love your enemy? You can, but why? When someone hits you in the face you feel sorry for them because their mind is corrupted to the point where they think using violence against you is acceptable. You show empathy for their broken mind.

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You probably did something wrong in the first place if someone hits you in the face.

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If they hit me because of something I did then they do not have unconditional love and I feel extremely sorry for them

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@Ancestor You must surrender your authority before reclaiming it. Jesus is saying give up give the simulation your power then fight it back. Not fighting back will awaken you through suffering. Earth is a place to lose your power then redeem it , like a reset for God.Everything you lose and redeem is metaphysical. You show unconditional love by giving your authority to everyone and then you awaken and take it back. You see the unconditional love is actually for yourself by it being for you you become lucid in the matrix (conscious) and you love everything cause it dosent matter. You become a passenger on Gods ride. The earth is like a roller coaster and your body is like your buggy riding the roller coaster.


Edited by Hojo

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Unconditional love isn't something one shows. It isn't some human trait to demonstrate. Unconditional love is what is and it's exactly as it's name suggests- it's without any conditions. It's not about doing something wrong or something right. Not about loving everything or everyone. Not about not hitting back someone that hits you or turning the other cheek. Those are all conditions. Even loving everything is a condition. 

It's everything. Hate, misery, jealousy, gossiping, fighting, killing, loving, pissing in the yard, hitting someone in the face, holding a lover's hand, making chicken soup, shitting on the floor, showing empathy, being narcissistic, psychopathic, doing cocaine, drinking beer, eating a salad,.......IT'S EVERYTHING.

 I'm speaking about existential unconditional love. What is. Truth. It doesn't discriminate. It doesn't have any conditions. It's not bounded by laws. It doesn't care about your petty human survival and biases. It's all those things. It's your biases and prejudices. Your racism and bigotry. Your whining and bitching. Your complaining and gratitude. IT'S EVERYTHING. Make no mistake about it. So leave your petty little if someone hits you in the face, and you do not hit them back bullshit out of this; it's even if you took a gun and shot them in the face in return. Can you handle this truth or is your love conditioned. A limited, biased, conditioned and programmed human mind identity will never understand what unconditional love is, and even that is unconditional love.

A human in form is incapable of showing unconditional love because it is already in the realm of what unconditional love is. An analogy would be like asking the wave to set itself aside and become the ocean. It can't survive without the ocean. It is the ocean. Asking a human to show unconditional love is the same thing. It can't because it is already a part of that unconditional love which is the whole. How can a part of the whole become the whole. 

Understand now?

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia Why would it not be more like raindrops on their way to the ocean? A wave is already part of the whole in every sense, but the raindrops at least temporarily can have the illusion they’re separate. They become the whole ocean (which they already were in the first place) once they hit the water.

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Love in not a Calculation or Contract, it is not "If You do this or that for Me I will Love You, and visa versa for them", Love is an Inclusion, that is why You feel the way You do when You experience Love, You Have Included them as a part of Yourself, and this is why this translates to not only other human beings but possessions, ever see a person lose a house in a hurricane and how they react? They Loved the House, the House was a part of them, so when it is gone they Grieve..

So Unconditional Love only works when Your Naturally Blissful within Yourself, if Your not it won't work and it becomes a contract or calculation, which is not Love at all!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Unconditional Love recognizes the inevitable interconnedness of all aspects of reality to form the significances, through which selves can be created to experience meaning. To love unconditionally is to feel the living awareness behind someone's visceral experience, all identity tracing of their journey.

Also, y'all deadlocked in illusions of an unchanging ocean, missing that each drop contains the infinite ocean in expansive individualtion to concerge and emerge new oceans. It's not a simple return, the entire ocean evolves.

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I like way Rupert Spira puts it: Love is the recognition of shared being. Unconditional because all entities share being. 

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily ... 

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Love is, the world unequivocally looks to be going to hell

but I not only sow the seeds of love in word and work

but I am anticipating them to bear bountiful fruit

It doesn't matter when either

I will wait - (And oh available now on iTunes for those interested)



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