
Money is not God, why does it enslave us?

29 posts in this topic

This is not actually true . Money is the actual God.  Most people actually worship money and sex . Wake up .

Edited by Someone here

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Its an easy way to get one of everything without having to be skilled in everything. If you had to rely on giving away only what you are good at to survive you might not get everything you need.

Edited by Hojo

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On 9/2/2024 at 2:55 PM, Princess Arabia said:

It's a currency. It flows like the current.

It's a currency

It flows like the current sea.

Hold that frequency.


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If it is true that

money is distilled moonshine

humans need rehab

Edited by SOUL

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Money god beckons

it demands a sacrifice

Mammon wants your soul

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On 02/09/2024 at 11:49 PM, Jac067 said:

Money is not a god.  

Money is not a god.  

Money is not a god.

Money becomes god when you use it to bring joy to others.

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