
Is God white ?

88 posts in this topic

Here's some more. I'm not well versed enough in the various religions to know if some of these are just AI hallucinations, but it gets the point across. Sorry for the multiple posts in a row.

In Sikhism, the "Divine Light" (Jot) is a central concept that refers to the divine presence of God. It is often depicted as a brilliant white light that guides the seeker on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

In Jainism, the "Siddha Shila" is a state of spiritual liberation that is often depicted as a brilliant white light.

In Taoism, the "Taiji" or "Supreme Polarity" is sometimes depicted as a brilliant white light that represents the ultimate reality and the source of all things.

In some forms of Kabbalah, the "Ein Sof" or "Infinite Light" is a divine light that is often depicted as a brilliant white light that emanates from the divine source.

In some forms of Hermeticism, the "Divine Light" is a central concept that refers to the divine presence of the universe. It is often depicted as a brilliant white light that guides the seeker on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

In some forms of Theosophy, the "Akashic Light" is a divine light that is often depicted as a brilliant white light that contains the records of all human thoughts and actions.

In some forms of Wicca and other forms of modern Paganism, the "White Light" is a symbol of the divine feminine and the goddess energy.

In some forms of Sufism, the "Nur Muhammad" or "Light of Muhammad" is a divine light that is often depicted as a brilliant white light that guides the seeker on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

In Baha'i faith, the "Light of God" is a central concept that refers to the divine presence of God. It is often depicted as a brilliant white light that guides the seeker on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

In some forms of Gnosticism, the "Pleroma" or "Fullness" is a divine realm that is often depicted as a brilliant white light that contains the divine spark within each individual.

In some forms of Rosicrucianism, the "White Light" is a symbol of the divine and the ultimate reality.

In some forms of Freemasonry, the "Blazing Star" is a symbol of the divine light that guides the seeker on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

In some forms of ancient Greek mythology, the "Aether" was a divine substance that was often depicted as a brilliant white light that filled the upper air.

In some forms of ancient Egyptian mythology, the "Ra" was a sun god who was often depicted as a brilliant white light that symbolized the divine presence.

In some forms of Native American spirituality, the "White Light" is a symbol of the divine and the ultimate reality, and is often associated with the spirit world and the ancestors.

In some forms of Celtic spirituality, the "Imram" or "Otherworld" is a spiritual realm that is often depicted as a brilliant white light that contains the divine spark within each individual.

Edited by What Am I

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Sorry for posting yet again, but I get really enthusiastic about the topic.

I've been following this forum for a while, and one of the LSD reports that stood out is another where the user experienced kundalini and got blasted into the white light. Though they describe it as golden, but I'm fairly certain it's interchangeable, as the intensity of the light (and the corresponding depth of awakening) creates subtle variations in its shade.

This guy was interesting because he seemed not fully aware of both kundalini as a phenomenon and the white light as a recognizable marker of divinity. Yet he experienced both at a very high level, and claims to be able to do so on command using a low dose of LSD. Probably quite naturally talented, as OP likely is as well.


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15 minutes ago, What Am I said:

Sorry for posting yet again, but I get really enthusiastic about the topic.


I'll need time to digest it all but your posts are very welcome 

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7 minutes ago, Loveeee said:

I'll need time to digest it all but your posts are very welcome 


Have you ever used 5-MeO-DMT? For people like you who are able to pull off this tricky maneuver using LSD, I'm always curious what you experience when you use the psychedelic offering the most direct path to the white light that there is.

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17 minutes ago, What Am I said:


Have you ever used 5-MeO-DMT? For people like you who are able to pull off this tricky maneuver using LSD, I'm always curious what you experience when you use the psychedelic offering the most direct path to the white light that there is.

No only acid, but I lie completely still in darkness and it works like 5meo 

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41 minutes ago, Loveeee said:

No only acid, but I lie completely still in darkness and it works like 5meo 

Here's a thread on another forum where a user (Rising Spirit) describes his previous whiteout experiences using LSD. At the time (2018), he hadn't yet used 5meo, and he was curious to hear reports of what it's like. You can see there's a break in time in the thread, and then he returns in 2021 after having used 5meo.

He goes on to describe his experiences in excruciating detail lol. This guy is extremely verbose and communicates in a unique way, but it provides the opportunity for a very detailed description of the state which 5meo can potentially produce.,50719.0.html

The same guy has many other posts on that forum where he goes into even more detail around his 5meo experiences. It's really helpful stuff for anyone trying to get a better grasp on this particular branch of spiritual experience.


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@What Am I Thank you !

The founder of Alcoholics Anonymous was big on the white light 


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Here's a stylized representation of the typical initiation of the state.


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@What Am I  

interesting reports. For me the 5meo experience is totally different, it is absolute black without bottom. At first it seemed very horrible to me, now that I understand the mental dynamics that emptiness entails, it is a normal experience.

At a given moment, reality is empty, nothing, but black is the absence of something, total emptiness, it is a feeling of death. At a given moment the void opens, and I realize that the one who opens is me, because I was the void, and the opening occurs due to the non-limitation of the void. then the absolute totality of existence is revealed and I am that. a voice inside me screams, hallelujah, hallelujah, I will never forget this, it is obvious, it is what it has always been, what I am, and after a few seconds it closes and a process of forgetting begins, before it was instantaneous, in minutes, now It stays longer, days, and there are flashbacks with meditation or some THC.

It is an opening to a very strange dimension from the point of view of the usual linear functioning of the mind, since it is not properly a dimension, it is where the dimensions occur, understanding or knowledge, therefore it is not graspable by the mind, can't be understood, because the mind is happening in it. It's not an infinite mind, that infinite mind is just a possibility that is happening, the absolute is not happening, it's the existence, the basis, everything else, including god, are emanations of it. 


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51 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

interesting reports. For me the 5meo experience is totally different, it is absolute black without bottom. At first it seemed very horrible to me, now that I understand the mental dynamics that emptiness entails, it is a normal experience.

Right, very mysterious. I guess I can't claim to fully understand why there's variations in some peoples' experience of the supreme state. I imagine it has a connection to kundalini. As you read through reports of "white light" breakthroughs, kundalini activation is an incredibly common theme, and it's a very essential part of my own experience as well. I think it's possible that if you put your focus in that direction, the infinite black emptiness may take on new characteristics.

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@Leo Gura Once again just in case, what's your experience with the white light, what can you tell us 

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When I look in the mirror, I see god. God is definitely white.

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Here's a few relevant reports. The first one is quite excellent. I'm aware the Adeptus Psychonautica guy is somewhat of an enemy to the forum, and not everyone is a fan of Joe Rogan. Despite the fact that neither of them grasped the full immensity of what they experienced, they were nonetheless lucky enough to have a propensity towards it.





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@What Am I Nice ! It would be nice to have Leo's input, I don't remember him ever talking about the white light

@Leo Gura don't be shy 

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Pure consciousness isn't white, it's clear.

Infinitely clear.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It's my suspicion that the white light in these experiences is the "visual" representation of the infinite source of energy that powers all things in manifest reality. A phenomenon tied very closely to kundalini and its functioning in the human body.

As Leo is stating, and as I believe/know as well, God is truly formless. And that includes not taking on the color white, but rather having no form and instead encompassing infinite potential. Put into words, God would be the raw and pure subjectivity observing the infinite white cascade of energy in this state. Of course, words can't do justice to the reality of it.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Pure consciousness isn't white, it's clear.

Infinitely clear.

But before that level, as your consciousness increases, don't you consistently get a whiteout ? Is it some kind of level I can shoot for ? 

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