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I can’t daygame without my wing

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Hi everyone, 

i started daygame 3 weeks ago. Not bad results so far : 

- 70 cold approaches

- 15 closes (instagram closes)

- 1 instant date

- 2 dates

but i’m only performant when i game with a wingman. When i go to game alone i’m literally afraid. Last time i gamed i did 3 approaches in 4 hours…

However, the blockages are also there when I am with my wing but I manage not to be paralyzed when he games with me. 

what can i do to game alone and still performant well ?

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What does he do when he is with you? Encourage you , give you tips?

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10 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

What does he do when he is with you? Encourage you , give you tips?


10 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

What does he do when he is with you? Encourage you , give you tips?

It's a weird situation because I have a better level than him and in his presence I feel obliged to show him the example. I think it makes me unconsciously feel good to have someone less good in daygame because if I see him fail I won't ruminate on my own rejections and failures.

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16 minutes ago, Ben2204 said:


It's a weird situation because I have a better level than him and in his presence I feel obliged to show him the example. I think it makes me unconsciously feel good to have someone less good in daygame because if I see him fail I won't ruminate on my own rejections and failures.

Ok then I don’t know how to help you. Maybe just do it for your own sake not for someone else. And accept that people have different preference and reasons for rejecting so to not take it personal, but still be open for improving from “mistakes” 

Edited by Sugarcoat

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When you say you are with your wing, do you mean he is beside you all the time or do you walk up to the women alone and he is somewhere at a distance?

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@Ben2204 Sounds like you had a pretty good bash of that. I have a mate that for one reason or another is a really good wingman. We both appreciate the beauty in women

He knows a lot of women. Women feel safe around him lol

I feel the fear with and without the wingman. For me it’s more of a mood thing. I’m in a higher state with my mate

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This is definitely something I've experienced. I made it my goal to approach at least once before I met up with a wing and at least once after we parted ways. The only thing that's going to get you through this sticking point is consistently practicing it. Maybe even have a session per week you do by yourself if you want to make the time for it.

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@Ben2204 I have lots of mine own blockages and I've been looking at Leo's confident video . 


And I have been failing hard approaching any girls .  And I have found a bunch of unconscious limiting beliefs that have been there . Sounds like one yours is that you you need your wingman to approach , 


What other limiting beliefs do you have that makes you afraid to approach alone ?

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