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6 hours ago, Letho said:





"Okay, sure so what Michael, "Emptiness", we got it, but what the hell are we going to just do about that, what's the answer then?"

Well, I wrote this below just now, I haven't re-read it yet but I'm confident that I've synthesised its essence.



A message on Fullness

An Introductory Response to Emptiness

Where has my sense of perception faltered in the past on the enigma that is existence that I should have already solved long ago? This programmable entity I call my ‘biological mind’ made by the chemical, electrical and cellular hardware to be the DNA that creates the thoughts and emotions to guide the soul that was given this mind to self-comprehend beyond the hierarchical mountains that bind it, has not been programmed to see beyond these overshadows well enough. Instead, as I look back at the history of my decisions in the past I see the old remnants of a mind that was programmed to compare them to societies values that have now become an outdated wreckage. A comparison that was made so unconscious that I was led to believe that it was of my own making, instead it was almost as if my brain had already been implanted with a Neural Implant and I was cast into the hopeful future a hundred years before everyone else. However just as such our future continues to close in on rather a dystopian vision of human potential so too did my figurative implant, societies carefully manufactured cyst grown just in the middle of my neck right beneath the bottom of the back of my skull, pre-screen all possible decisions through a coloured abstract filter, pre-categorising existence as non-existence, permanently stuck between two illusory voids I could never venture out of.

I now know these cyst as the byproduct of multiple interacting layers of consciousness that have grown overtime, operating symbiotically together to intersect into a final computational result. It is as if all of these layers of consciousness are alive simultaneously, communicating and interacting with one another only to build a ‘computational cyst’ in real time from moment to moment to generate holographic certainty in decision making, when in reality, the perception of its permanence was the very magic that was hiding a deeper communication between the layers to generate higher awareness, where ‘meta’ leads to ‘recursion’ and ‘recursion’ leads to ‘growth’. This led me to understand that more than just a mere implant or cyst, the apparatus of control was instead an architectural structure of self-deception that through almost every decision, our souls got lost in supporting, as we of course could not see any other possibility available to us and even if we could, The Architecture of Our Own Making here would already have us outplayed, for even if we had resilience it already controlled the specs of our resolution, the graphics card of what would be available as an end output to that sentient will, an oxymoron in the face of the challenge that awaited ahead of us. ‘Meta’ was the only way, to become sophisticated royal thief’s that found hidden passage ways in the museum of our own minds to unlock non-disclosed treasures kept from the ‘untrained eyes’ of intellectual children, at least, this is how it feels as I embark on the challenge of re-awakening a nervous system that I alone am responsible for lighting the torch in the caves of our being to traverse the intricacies of our own deeper nature. And each day as I leave this cave of rediscovery having relearned how to communicate with existence again through each of my individual centres of being, to remember who I was at my birth so I can learn to taste air, feel the warmth of the sun and experience the life of the trees around me. 

We’re taught that every thought we have has an association to something else however this is not true, instead, association is purely potential energy and therefore potential exists as a spectrum of probabilistic association not deterministic which why “You create your own reality” has layers of wisdom beyond the public preaching to it that require so much self-awareness and training to self-comprehend to be able to accept this understanding with ease. “Car, rabbit, horse, Jupiter, rainbow, fox”. It may have seemed like as you attempt to do your own associational linking, that its pre-determined, however nothing could be further from the truth the deeper we self-comprehend the relationship between intentionality and awareness. To even simply intend to be aware, the association changes, and to be aware of intention, changes it some more, and every permutation of energy that relates to both the separation and joining between intention and awareness here, affects the outcome of our choosing. “To create our own reality” then, relies upon this superposition of self-comprehension between all of the energies of our nervous system to inform us in the moment of potential, to then create it from energy into matter. This is why I coined “Developmental Hierarchy of Awareness (DHA)” in an earlier post here, and this journal entry clearly reveals the stature of this truth in light of this vein between this societal meme and the heart of abstract understanding here that pumps blood between the two that has it make sense to breed life that reflects our self-comprehension; ergo even shorter then, self-comprehension (SC1) equals self-creation (SC2), and its lack, a reflection of what we see now in New York City like so many other places in the United States where there many homeless living in abandoned subway tunnels and other underground spaces in NYC that are referred to as “The Mole People”. Internationally, this granular to macroscopic understanding between SC1 and SC2 spreads its wings across our entire planet, casting our comprehension at each end of its wings over any mental incongruity between sentience and universe, from the so called ‘unresolvable’ plague of depression in the western world to the intractable clutch castes our held in by their respective governments in the east, where manufactured ‘Freedom of Choice’ is found at the bottom of a Mc Donald’s Coca Cola and where this same freedom is landlocked in the illusion of ‘One’s rise to the top’ in totalitarian societies. There is a growable cyst possible in every social structure, what we are looking at in our understanding of their designs is the radius of one’s respective vision weighed against the circumference of programmed illusions that encircles one’s soul, that without a commitment to meta-rationality, as depicted in an earlier post is the intersection between the combined effort of meta-awareness and meta-knowledge; this continuous self-recursion blinding sentience to the point of exploding one’s societal contact lenses blocking the truest light from hitting their souls.  

This path is solely, of one’s own responsibility. Sole is to soul and soul is to awakening to the avatar that one is encased within their existence. And with the decaying of the functional fixedness that previously held an unbreakable clench on the slow exploding of one’s intellectual veins that pumped new blood into the lifeline of humanities future philosophy here, “each one, teach one” becomes a new mantra to approach each moment of existence as one grows out of formally entrenched cysts and learns from those experiences the art of “Cellular Karma”, SC1 and SC2 showing their unitive light, learning that each thread they sow into themselves sows their associational probabilistic future as we learned earlier, and thus too then, their association to higher meta-horizons, where the emptiness of their former shadows becomes the fullness of their slowly realised light.





A Tertiary introduction to Mind Biology and its intersection between our individual absolute truths
and self-mastery within and beyond DHA
(copy, paste, search for meaning of algorithm)

Along the way to fullness from the oblique and myopic existential tragedy that is modern society, there is a simple truth that has both biological permanence once its trained but mind impermanence to it while one is making it to the other side of this dividing wall made of holographic projections by societies zombie film reel. 

This truth, albeit living in this stated simplicity, is so pure that its therefore easily misunderstood by a sentience like ourselves when we’re the manufactured product on the other side of the logistical processors of said modern tragedy, that I must introduce it with suspense as I’m doing here so far. And if I didn’t need to do this I wouldn’t have myself time and time again missed its poignant silent symphony that then glows from my subconscious to the first layer of my eyes perception as the light of the universe begins its entry point into waking my being up with its wonder. It’s ramifications are so socially relationally silent, that its depths are hardly taught on the one hand and on the other even if they could be taught most would not have the awareness to comprehend much less maintain this comprehension for its truth to be so present that its self-evidence is permanently intertwined with their being to the point of noted biological permanence meeting also mind permanence, where its not just cellular nor merely neural with respect to becoming a remembered truth, however like all truths of this universe as we learn them should be, it should become so intertwined with our “mind (or mental) biology” to coin the term, that it neither becomes one that is all encompassing over our being nor is encompassed by any one other truth that has reached just as much permannce over its impact in the way that blood creates the DNA of our “mental (epigenetic) biology” continually; unity, integration, and other obvious words like these come to mind of course.

And this truth is “absolute compassion” to the totality of its implied universal definition. Who on this forum is even capable, perhaps including myself for that matter as well, when it comes to actualising what I’ve stated in my previous post with absolute ease and fluidity and yet, I express myself with the implication that the reader is self-authoring enough that they’ll immediately apply it to their existential axis of sentience as further evidence of their own authority to empower themselves with their self-responsibility? And do I not do the same thing too then with this truth that without introducing it onto the red carpet as I have, it would just be perceived as a cliche’d truth rather than one that’s taken in only with the purpose of redesigning the value and significance its now given following the greater meaning I’ve so far attempted to imbue it with for the reader? For every level of the DHA, and read up on previous posts regarding this acronym, the next level has no choice but to adopt a higher degree of awareness for the truths that they have come to learn about the universe, for that of course is just a natural implication of them having reached a higher level of awareness. So this greater adaptation is choiceless however choice driven in the mindfulness we give in applying ourselves in the mastery of the level of awareness we’re on, this needs to become the new vocabulary for us at every level of awareness. Dually, a greater characterisation of the dimensions of our awareness that correspond to our level needs to be self-articulated and at worst, self-originating if we can’t discover outside resources to aid us in designing the parameters of our level to fulfil SC1, see previous post for this acronym, so that we can move to SC2 (again, move to previous post), and understand that this meta-language of self-mastery is our meta-rationality to now apply in the mastery of our particular level of meta-awareness. There isn’t a proper scale of awareness built on awareness much less on consciousness as I have eluded to and one of the big social problems we face societally is the fact that the social norm around viewing awareness both hierarchically and one that needs to become a part of what we learn to reverse engineer, design and master, is virtually non-existent. And I haven’t even stated where that also includes an understanding then as stated a monitoring and embracing our value sets on the absolute truths of existence at a higher level of meta-awareness of existence, with compassion here or ‘absolute compassion’ as being one example of this. One important reflection on this is it isn’t necessarily a bad thing, because the fact that we’re aware of this problem and can generate a culture then towards reversing it, is already beginning to change the causality of it remaining a problem in the long term future. 

My hope so far for the reader is that ‘Absolute compassion’ in its totality, so a ‘fullness’ in stated totality, should start to be viewed as a meta-problem more than an emotional problem, and one where that in part is solved at a higher scale of awareness much more than one previously thought. There’s undoubtedly a threshold of awareness that exists where after one’s gone beyond it that’ll reflect the heights by which compassion can be represented at the highest limits of awareness after which diminishing returns begin from here, after-which, the only higher resolution on an absolute truth like compassion being further actualised is going to be its circulation via “mind biology”, so standard transmutational exercises where as I’ve shared preliminary one’s can be learned from the site . Simple thought experiments like comparing the awareness and the implication of compassion on a life scenario between an ant, cow, dog, baby human, adult human, someone with Alzheimer’s and someone with genius level intelligence automatically as the reader undoubtedly has likely thought about in the past in some analogous way, shows with ease *** why a scale of awareness matters in assigning not only responsibility with respect to compassion concerning cognitive capacity however also just the natural experience of the being as it concerns its capacity to even experience compassion in the first place, we of course know the sheer range of individual cases that exist in an autism diagnosis to know that the possibility of being able to experience compassion exists across so many different permutations that its impossible to generalise outside of being self-honest about the looseness of said generality. In the future developmental sense, we have three overlapping scales between potential and present capability, where on the left and right we have the level of awareness, level of experience (i.e. of compassion) and level of mastery possible respectively. 

At every level of awareness for every absolute truth, where an absolute truth is purely the highest intersection of one’s meta-potential, and search a previous post on “meta-rationality” here to catch on to what I’m referring to here, as stated there is a change in the way said value is both perceived, actualised and as I have attempted to provide some seeds to so far, redesigned for the setting of a new neuro-heart-soul configuration. In other words, if every absolute truth to related secondary to tertiary value exists in our nervous system as as having been possessed by its architecture, it therefore is classified as having what can be termed as a “self-fulling original nature”, that is to say that it when its expressed by our sentience, it is its own self-justification hence why we call it an absolute truth because our convictions are our beliefs and the absolute truth of our beliefs is evidenced by their impact on our biology which we’re more aware of as we move up the developmental hierarchy of awareness. This “originality” that we become possessed by in the moment is also original because as I eluded to in my post just previous, potential like an association making sense enough that it makes sense for the next association to be the next is being recreated in real time via an uncertain probabilistic algorithm, and once its created, it undergoes a bioelectrical learning loop of redefinition. However both before and after the logistic of this loop, we have two independent “original states” that who’s originality is to its unique dimensionality that equals its own unique ontology, its meta-ontology is only relevant to the stated learning loop however its irrelevant in understanding the fact that however small of a way, there is indeed an unmistakably different person between the two states, even if they are seconds apart. I didn’t say a different soul, I said a different person, meaning a different avatar (another word I brought up in the post just previous), however slightly. So this change in “originality” automatically leads to a change then in its “self-fulfilling original nature’ which is due to the alteration in the structural and functional ontological encoding of the influence of the value set pertaining to the absolute truth that is designed as reflected in the absolute truth of this developmental hierarchy of awareness, DHA. Using compassion as an example, one now experiences this value as if they’re viewing it as a completely different person after the suite of inner-environmental changes have caught up with the sentiences change and growth in rising up the ladder in awareness, including too to tie in with the earlier thought, a new vision on the architecture that fuels their drive to master this next level of both awareness and the values corresponding to any one absolute truth one is working with. In doing so, re-understanding how the self articulates and understands itself via the avatar through what becomes descriptive of a meta-reflective layer being more and more added to the described “self-fulfilling original nature” as one climbs up DHA. 

Whether you’re viewing compassion or another truth you’re working with, I hope my reflections here provide you with the energetic ammunition you need to traverse the highest cliffs of a multiplicity of new mountains in your imagination. Giving you a chance to cast your binoculars of insight onto new interconnections for higher meta-realisations. Making the shift to the other side of that dividing wall I noted in the beginning and beyond that societal zombie film reel dulling your inner senses and instead into the trained destination of both biological and mind permanence, transforming your sense of agency over your avatar to its next level of meta-evolution. 




Now what is the ontology of how compassion exists in my present level of developmental awareness? Well I don’t know, but now I’m redesigning it relative to where I am for this level. If I have the capability I may be able to create an entry by the end of next week that shares said design of the parameters I can so far imagine. But they have indeed changed and advanced, that is without a doubt. In the simplest way of saying for now of course as already stipulated, the designs of my bioelectrical ontology of now undergone a permanent shift based on my deeper realisation, again deeper realisation meaning it was already pre-existing it just wasn't to the level it is now, on the relationship between my own compassion and how I apply it externally based on my observation of the level of awareness of the individual worlds around me, as well as of course, the ontology of its meaning relative to the rest of the makeup of my own "mind biology"; very briefly, mind biology is inclusive of the intersection between the intangible meaning-making value-hierarchies within being that are say, more Jungian, and the more tangible obvious bioelectrical effects of say training on bioelectrical exercises as those preliminary understandings I continually point to being taught at

P.S - I would have liked to have remembered to remind the reader about previous truths I've made clear regarding how awareness is the very definition of free will and therefore climbing DHA is the process of actualising one's free will, or to put another way, the space of freedom one has to actualise one's will to higher awareness and therefore agency which is dually defined as both awareness and will in their symbiotic relationship, but I... Simply wasn't clever enough to include it in my then temporal resolution and I don't really slow down or go back while I'm typing these journal entries, remnants of an alter-ego, if we make brief humorous association there on previous entries, would like to say that I'm just the horse in the film War Horse, once I get going, I go and go and no war will stop me but I will, as I am existentially doing with Ukraine, allow it to empower many aspects of me.

Best wishes.

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Don't waste your time listening to the above. It's all for me. It's all for laughs.

More personally, a deep concept I am attempting to understand that's just incredibly profound is this idea I thought of relating to "Energy Incarnate" as in, our energy is continually reincarnating in each temporal moment and its connected to the temporal network that recycles every other cellular energy, and so for those that know a little biology, you already know that this has scientific truth to it. However, I am attempting to go one stage deeper metaphysically, as that's just always been my aesthetic experience of reality, the results of the intersection of biological sensitivity and the creative openness of my mental apperception of reality has always left me with a space that I've never been able to fill cognitively relative to traditional ways of thinking about reality based on the modern education from neuroscience to engineering to physics to psychology that I was brought up on. And I'm still not there, there's just a meta-language of consciousness at the experiential level that I am just so far from grasping still, like I know its growing week to week at the functional level, however for more than a year now it just feels like I'm walking around in the dark inside of a room I've never been in before trying to find the exit in zero gravity. Week to week, I know the gravity increases and so I know eventually I'll be able to plant my feet on the ground to take me to the next level at being able to find my way out of the room and into the elevator to go into the next zero gravity room taking what I learned from the previous room onwards and upwards, however because the spectrum of indescribable uncertainty has an equal amount of indescribable amount of options in a spectrum of choices I can choose between as a potential pathway to resolving that uncertainty, the subsequent unresolvable complexity of potential paths of consciousness solutions to problems I both only have partial infinite variations of knowing exist and not knowing exist, makes me feel like I exist on a pendulum sometimes between ordered existential frustration that goes no where and a sea of varied forms of disordered disequilibriums that burn time in no man's land between the physical and non-physical. A balance as well that isn't able to be simply resolved through practical physical manifestations. Which is why I journal, there's no one to really talk about this stuff to, I find that I'm the one being the person that either provides advice to others or just pretends like there aren't deeper things to talk about to communicate on a deeper social meta-realisation, this isn't a lamentation though, I've experienced it my whole life so I'm not burdened by it however it would be great to be able to communicate about these intersectional spaces between unshackled openness and cognitive thresholds I haven't yet reached to self-comprehend to the point  of resolving those mathematical consciousness spaces. 

Moving on, "Energy Incarnate" is reflective of a new paradigm, of which I've partly heard about before but never really given much thought, that the universe itself is totally sentient, awake and to add my own main part here, always recycling its energy via multidimensional energy structures where sentience is the functional aspect of resolving that computational energy problem within. the universe. As in, choice defines, in the way that I described earlier today [just "copy, paste, search the word *intent* and you'll find what I mean on this page"] the dynamic between generation and regeneration of energy structures across multidimensional space. As we grow in awareness or as I have reiterated, move up DHA, there is automatically a deeper, greater and wider spectrum of SC1 of the movement and experience of energy not only in our nervous system. However as we begin to disentangle our energy centres and reboot them via the natural increase in our agency from the described self-realisational process, there's a metaphysical layer to that which begins to open up to us which is blinding to the vision of our naked eye and as a proper right of passage is meant to frighten our ego. Because so far in our lives up to this point, our ego has just been the construct of modernism, post-modernism and worse, we haven't truly reached not only our self-individuality, but an individuality that is collectively integrated beyond the self-absorption that was initially designed to protect us in the beginning as we progressed our self-awareness beyond the myopic collective but now harms us in reaching our next level of self-integration via populating a level of awareness within our consciousness that opens us up to become enhanced by lowering the thresholds of cognitive-energetic sensitivity. As these thresholds lower when we get to opening up to this level of 'consciousness integration', reality itself altogether begins to breakdown energetically and everything becomes increasingly less physical and more pure potential. This is a consciousness aesthetic experience, it cannot be understood intellectually until the guards within one's consciousness have lowered themselves enough that the information has the space to enter via self-realisation and then to the subsequent self-perception. It's analogous to describing quantum physics to a drunk ignorant adolescent, the possibility is just simply never going to enter to the being that quantum physics is possible because they only accept what they can prove and right now that's the physical world and the closest thing they can prove right now in this example as being proof of the physical world is the beer in their hand. 

"Energy Incarnate" is no doubt just the beginning of a new paradigm around at least a class schedule 1 of a present-future development of a super consciousness. It's the natural first stage of super consciousness available to all of us as humans as a simple reaction to being blessed with human sentience and in doing so, the freedom it provides us to continually enhancing said freedom at the intersection generated between will, intent and awareness in enhancing said choice. One of the key virtues I'm actually going to start working on that I previously never acknowledged really is just the simple act of appreciation and gratitude of realising this intersection, experiencing it and having the freedom to enhancing it. And by the way, as I say this, what I've realised is this is actually a positive answer to resolving my described conundrum I spoke about at the beginning of this and directly ties in with my earlier comments in this journal on working towards the maximum resolution of SC1 of "Axis of Positive Integration" space, something which is undoubtedly going to be the continual pattern when it comes to resolving the full spectrum of at least the energy that's needed to fully solve all of the consciousness spaces I have spoken of. Because once the energy is solved, that is the full spectrum then of what is meant by the axis of positive integration, nothing becomes an energetic limit anymore its purely only a directional and temporal limit for a being, which is precisely what maybe sharing my journey is going to help people achieve as well. Firstly to help people realise that their biggest priority should be in solving "axis of positive integration" so their consciousness can and only will learn to spiral into positive alignment created by their free choice towards everything I have idealised with meta-transcendence in earlier entries, and that everything else, mainly the preoccupation of the described temporal and directional limit will almost seem insignificant by comparison and subsequently easily resolved as there's no longer going to be energetic resistance by simply finding yourself in flow to going after what you want. Moving back to the analogy then that I brought up at the beginning, achieving SC1 on the "Axis of positive integration" across the full nervous system is that first step to achieving enough gravity in the zero gravity room that then allows you to start beginning to see how you can walk around and find proper footing to make more self-determined steps towards your next stage, of which meditation by the way which you can even combine with the earlier stuff I mentioned on is going to be a really significant move to your next stage in this respect. Moreover, recalling a youtube video Leo did I watched many years ago I remember him talking about how meditation is going to open a sentience to their deeper unconscious and to add to that, I would say open them up as well to deeper "Multidimensional Incarnate Energy" that survives, regenerates and regenerates across intersections of reality that become available to perception as they in part lower their consciousness thresholds to experience the aesthetics of these aspects of reality. Meditations are just meditations though and we have to remember that they're simply  variations of access points on the portals and synchronisations of consciousness, that what has been popularised here is actually just a very preliminary step when it comes to advancing our consciousness purely though because barely any truly sophisticated meditation techniques have been created and are of regular practice, even though they're again, very important preliminary steps, just in the same way that the knowledge to be learned at heartmath is extremely valuable. but barely leveraged to actualise towards entry into the previously described elevator up to higher zero gravity rooms for deeper SC1-SC2 meta-self-realisation. 

To come full circle to my recording above, I do this stuff as a creative mirror as well to throw a dart of light into the darkness that reflects that above described spectrum of uncertainty to possibility as well as being a fun way to just explore it at the same time as I do "social no-man's land" as this space is. Uniquely, it also offers me a cool way by which I can advance the multiplicity of my own empathy as well as giving me another angle by which I can cast a light on my own limitations here as well, for Chad is just one sentient permutation of a million permutations that are similar to him and at least millions of sentiences that he's completely different from, and so as I brought up in my journal earlier regarding my internal experiences at the night club last week, its another scope of where incalculable multiplicity meets the myopia of personalised over-centralisation on one character and in doing so, leveraging that juxtaposition to better understand how both my psyche represents itself and others to discover unique expansion points on the previously constraining limits that are now seen under a deeper resolution via a more integrated and populated empathy across internally self-actualised variant-demography (i.e. having fun playing different characters). 

Alright that's enough, a brief reminder to myself regarding my above mention in this writing about where to now newly train the feedback loop between appreciation, gratitude and actioned training that supports. 


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Regarding my map on meta-transcendence: 

1st draft due date, today.

Potential Outcome 1

Regarding my map on meta-transcendence

Not on a high enough level of consciousness to do my first map on Meta-Transcendence yet based on what I shared in my previous, so the one just after Chad's fortuitous Bugatti disclosure and... the new lease on life it's given him.

I have to put my best foot forward in this respect on an internal level, right now my judgement is too clouded by my own energy structures that support too much the functionality of ego.

Naturally, this by definition means that I am not on a high enough level of internal integrity to self-perceive my consciousness to a level that would be synonymous to a level of responsibility that makes the completion of said map... Automatic.

As such, between the 35th and 40th hour of next week after 6-7 days of at least 5 hours a day of my own meditation techniques, I will have my first draft completed.

I am sharing this, because I do not want people (1) to have  illusions about my own abilities (2) illusions about what is required to complete such a map (3) to avoid choosing internal accountability where you can instead gain energy from always embracing truth rather than the energy that people gain from 'ego' say which moves them aware from the awareness we're looking to achieve here. Because creatively, sure I'll be able to share something  interesting, but is it truly responsible to do so? Sometimes creativity as we can clearly see plenty of examples of in our culture, is a mask that hides a lack of consciousness. I'll never on that note make "serious fun" of just things I do just for fun. Like I could make a whole series on Chad for example and build a massive following if I wanted to really work on it, and sure, I could wake people up in many respects here, but is it really a reflection of the highest I could do, or that you could do concerning your own creative projects? No, if you've read this far for this post  or follow the deeper terrain of what I've shared in my journal so far, then you're definitely capable of so much more to the esteem of the Worlds Arts.

In short, always honour the truth

(blend of intuition and black/white logic).

Aka, simply admit when you're not ready as soon as possible so you can begin preparation as soon as possible on the things that'll make you ready otherwise you're just living in a lie that hurts other people around you and perhaps you yourself may also be cognisant about but don't care about because you're too selfish, too ignorant and not mentally strong enough to take on the next stage of your development from a place of humility, instead you need that false ego of illusory totalitarian control. "Axis of positive integration" as I talk about in my previous post and introduce in my first post of this journal. I called it "Axis of integration" though in my first journal introducing it side by side with its opposite "Axis of disintegration", yeah the addition of "positive" is just one more distinction there (that'll include an opposite that's a negative but in the context of integration its a "positive negative") for further things I'll have to elaborate more deeply on in the future as the structures become more and more synthesised here, I didn't mention that the first time I added in "positive" to the term.


This will be my last till the end of next week.

Show inner strength to yourself to fuel the creation and realisation of your true self, not the ego that you're now ready to evolve which is why we're all looking to come together in this space, avoid pretending to be here and be present with your inner truth.

Rock it. Peace be with you, sincerely. 



Potential Outcome 2

Regarding my map on meta-transcendence

Given I'm going to start the meditation today, if after my 7th hour straight of meditation I am somehow at the level that feels intuitively right to create the first draft of the map for the first week of its beginnings here to bring things to a sacred temporal close there, then that will shall be done and it'll be my final post 8-12 hours from now to follow this one until the end of next week where I'll release the next draft based on following the meditation route of "potential outcome 1" anyway.



Rolls the dice...



Now let's see what falls by the end of today.






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2 hours ago, Letho said:

Regarding my map on meta-transcendence: 

1st draft due date, today.

Potential Outcome 1

Regarding my map on meta-transcendence

Not on a high enough level of consciousness to do my first map on Meta-Transcendence yet based on what I shared in my previous, so the one just after Chad's fortuitous Bugatti disclosure and... the new lease on life it's given him.

I have to put my best foot forward in this respect on an internal level, right now my judgement is too clouded by my own energy structures that support too much the functionality of ego.

Naturally, this by definition means that I am not on a high enough level of internal integrity to self-perceive my consciousness to a level that would be synonymous to a level of responsibility that makes the completion of said map... Automatic.

As such, between the 35th and 40th hour of next week after 6-7 days of at least 5 hours a day of my own meditation techniques, I will have my first draft completed.

I am sharing this, because I do not want people (1) to have  illusions about my own abilities (2) illusions about what is required to complete such a map (3) to avoid choosing internal accountability where you can instead gain energy from always embracing truth rather than the energy that people gain from 'ego' say which moves them aware from the awareness we're looking to achieve here. Because creatively, sure I'll be able to share something  interesting, but is it truly responsible to do so? Sometimes creativity as we can clearly see plenty of examples of in our culture, is a mask that hides a lack of consciousness. I'll never on that note make "serious fun" of just things I do just for fun. Like I could make a whole series on Chad for example and build a massive following if I wanted to really work on it, and sure, I could wake people up in many respects here, but is it really a reflection of the highest I could do, or that you could do concerning your own creative projects? No, if you've read this far for this post  or follow the deeper terrain of what I've shared in my journal so far, then you're definitely capable of so much more to the esteem of the Worlds Arts.

In short, always honour the truth

(blend of intuition and black/white logic).

Aka, simply admit when you're not ready as soon as possible so you can begin preparation as soon as possible on the things that'll make you ready otherwise you're just living in a lie that hurts other people around you and perhaps you yourself may also be cognisant about but don't care about because you're too selfish, too ignorant and not mentally strong enough to take on the next stage of your development from a place of humility, instead you need that false ego of illusory totalitarian control. "Axis of positive integration" as I talk about in my previous post and introduce in my first post of this journal. I called it "Axis of integration" though in my first journal introducing it side by side with its opposite "Axis of disintegration", yeah the addition of "positive" is just one more distinction there (that'll include an opposite that's a negative but in the context of integration its a "positive negative") for further things I'll have to elaborate more deeply on in the future as the structures become more and more synthesised here, I didn't mention that the first time I added in "positive" to the term.


This will be my last till the end of next week.

Show inner strength to yourself to fuel the creation and realisation of your true self, not the ego that you're now ready to evolve which is why we're all looking to come together in this space, avoid pretending to be here and be present with your inner truth.

Rock it. Peace be with you, sincerely. 



Potential Outcome 2

Regarding my map on meta-transcendence

Given I'm going to start the meditation today, if after my 7th hour straight of meditation I am somehow at the level that feels intuitively right to create the first draft of the map for the first week of its beginnings here to bring things to a sacred temporal close there, then that will shall be done and it'll be my final post 8-12 hours from now to follow this one until the end of next week where I'll release the next draft based on following the meditation route of "potential outcome 1" anyway.



Rolls the dice...



Now let's see what falls by the end of today.





~~False alarm~~

Aka, Outcome 2 is going to be the winner.

Wow, consciousness is literally magic.

It was never going to be certain though, it still requires being to be as close energetically to absolute truth as possible otherwise you're just tainted by the ego's false lenses as I was saying and the universes wisdom literally won't open up to you, it will by definition only open up to us relative to our alignment to truth, which is purely energetic, requiring both cognitive and emotional components. In this regard the 'ego' is like being drunk where every variation of alcohol is like a variation of drunkenness and therefore a variation of by which the 'ego' taints perception in the wrong direction, LGBTQ+ and any other relatied memetic buzzword anyone? Huh-hmmm... It's why we have so many issues in academia, as the collective ego has been manufactured to such a point now where it actively works to corrupt ever new entrant into its potpourri that one's perception of consciousness hierarchy goes no further than being entrained into its misguided self-interest and selfless-interest. Working for 'the company' aka the university that is meant to be an institution that by its very word, 'unites' the 'verses' of our discovery to bring us under a higher level of collective egoic development via the feedback loop of trust imbued from this integrous installation of higher intelligence to maturing the balance between selfishness and selflessness, along with their definitions.

If this is going to be my first draft, man its going to be such incredible leverage for me carrying over to the end of next week where by then I'll have draft 2 completed.


On time. On schedule.

We will have a signed, sealed, delivered by the end of today.






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Presenting a Glimpse of 'Meta-Transcendence of Consciousness'.

On behalf of Bugatti



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1 hour ago, Letho said:


Presenting a Glimpse of 'Meta-Transcendence of Consciousness'.

On behalf of Bugatti




On a personal note I'm probably on no greater than a level 3-6. I'll share all the levels and relationships there at the end of tonight.

I couldn't give a damn if peeps steal my work, that's not at all on my mind by the way haha, its just a reflection of what level they're on relative to this map I'm creating. 

Very humbly, this map is probably at least one level below where I want to go however its taking me in the exact direction I need to so there's that which is a relief. 

I'll have my 35+ hours of meditation next week that'll undoubtedly have a massive impact on next weeks next draft however I now see the importance of at least getting this first one out of the way.

So whatever project you need to get started on, just get started on it now from the purist place possible. Just get the resolution right on your direction and allow the draft process to slowly reveal what the final product is going to be. You're not meant to know immediately, the universe is helping us in all our deepest creations which means its only going to show what the final act looks like on your final draft, you're not meant to know everything all at once so just get going!

Peace and stay fluid. 



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This is what I'll be listening to until I've finished the first draft tonight.

It's pretty cool.

ChatGPT helped with the lyrics.

Even if my singings a bit rusty, it improves pretty quickly so I'll re-do it in a weeks time for a better rendition heh.


All completed within 20 minutes.

This is my 3rd take of it for fun no warm ups or anything haha.




"Flowing with the Light"

(Inspired by Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind")


How many lifetimes must a soul live through  

Before it awakens its sight?  

How many steps must the mind ascend  

To merge with the eternal light?  

Yes, and how many moments must the heart endure  

Before it knows what’s right?  

The answer, my friend, is flowing with the light  

The answer is flowing with the light.


How many veils must the spirit pierce  

To see the truth beyond?  

Yes, and how many doubts must dissolve away  

Before the soul becomes one?  

Yes, and how many shadows must the seeker face  

Until all fear is gone?  

The answer, my friend, is flowing with the light  

The answer is flowing with the light.


How many worlds must a being traverse  

To reach the boundless shore?  

Yes, and how many trials must it overcome  

Before it’s bound no more?  

Yes, and how many waves must the ocean stir  

Until it returns to the core?  

The answer, my friend, is flowing with the light  

The answer is flowing with the light.





Motivation till 1st draft completed tonight heh!




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4 hours ago, Letho said:




This is what I'll be listening to until I've finished the first draft tonight.

It's pretty cool.

ChatGPT helped with the lyrics.

Even if my singings a bit rusty, it improves pretty quickly so I'll re-do it in a weeks time for a better rendition heh.


All completed within 20 minutes.

This is my 3rd take of it for fun no warm ups or anything haha.




"Flowing with the Light"

(Inspired by Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind")


How many lifetimes must a soul live through  

Before it awakens its sight?  

How many steps must the mind ascend  

To merge with the eternal light?  

Yes, and how many moments must the heart endure  

Before it knows what’s right?  

The answer, my friend, is flowing with the light  

The answer is flowing with the light.


How many veils must the spirit pierce  

To see the truth beyond?  

Yes, and how many doubts must dissolve away  

Before the soul becomes one?  

Yes, and how many shadows must the seeker face  

Until all fear is gone?  

The answer, my friend, is flowing with the light  

The answer is flowing with the light.


How many worlds must a being traverse  

To reach the boundless shore?  

Yes, and how many trials must it overcome  

Before it’s bound no more?  

Yes, and how many waves must the ocean stir  

Until it returns to the core?  

The answer, my friend, is flowing with the light  

The answer is flowing with the light.





Motivation till 1st draft completed tonight heh!







Still completing first draft.

Still listening to above song 4 hours later.

Very rare that I'm able to listen to a song more than 3 times in a row since I was a kid writing Eminem's lyrics down on a big drawing pad to memorise and reflect on before they printed lyrics back then, "Oh the times they are a changing" hey.

New to singing again, but because I've got the spark again I'll do a better rendition on the second draft next weekend. Voice is a bit uncertain about where to place itself, hence why it jumped on the second verse and sounds a bit twangy in parts. I get a bit of unexpected reverb in a small area too which is interesting, might be a thing to develop. 

I feel inspired to make music again actually. Spiritual-Philosophy is exactly the kind of genre of music I want to create.

Lyrics that take one on an imaginative journey into their consciousness that helps them synthesize, distil and realise absolute truth while positively reinforcing the maturation of their own unique contribution and perspective from their relative position of existence.

Will complete draft within a couple to few hours more.


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Wow, still going.

When I share this, you're going to know exactly why now I've continuously stated that its only rational to have at least minor fear around the mind.

I've spent so much time now mapping out these transitionary nuances in the last few hours that so much more is going to make sense that previously you probably never thought it possible and that's only going to get even stronger for the second draft at the end of next week. 

So when I share it in a few hours, as I always say only take it with a grain of salt as its only consciousness from my unique relative position, however I really hope as its now created for me that many gaps are filled, ideas are engineered and new positive adventures are sparked both during and at the conclusion of taking in everything I have to share.

My next post will definitely be my last post until my second draft, so glad I decided to take the plunge as I talked about earlier I was hovering between as its now given me just so much to work with proper for the next stage of my synthesis of consciousness from this reference frame of meta-transcendence that's been articulated deeper and deeper to me as I break through to those other sides of phenomenological understanding.

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Still going.

I needed a break though, and in that break I created some standby music for you.

It took me just now 35-40 minutes. 

So it was a little more difficult than "Flowing with the Light", as most of it I had to learn so quickly having never heard the music before improvising most of it, sometimes not completely emulating the lyrics as you'll see it.

I haven't had the time to listen back to it all yet but...

 I think you'll enjoy it.




(lyrics below make sure you follow along...)






Song Title: To Find the Self Again

In the mirror’s quiet stare, who’s reflecting back at me?  

Are these shadows only dreams, or the truth of what I see?  

Do I walk the edge of light, where my essence starts to blend?  

Can I find the self within, or am I lost again?


What does it mean to dive beneath the skin,  

To find the soul that breathes within?  

Is the energy I feel a pulse or a sigh,  

A whisper of a truth that never lies?


In the flow of cosmic tides, what does freedom mean?  

Is it found in the spaces where the light’s unseen?  

Can compassion heal the wounds that time can’t mend?  

In the heart of the universe, where does this journey end?


When the world’s illusions fade, what’s the essence that remains?  

Is it written in the stars or just patterns in my veins?  

In the dance of energy, how do I find my place?  

Is it written in the silence or the echoes I embrace?


How does the truth of self reveal in every breath,  

Beyond the boundaries of life and death?  

Is the path of understanding carved in cosmic dust,  

Or is it woven in the threads of trust?


In the flow of cosmic tides, what does freedom mean?  

Is it found in the spaces where the light’s unseen?  

Can compassion heal the wounds that time can’t mend?  

In the heart of the universe, Darling, darling won't you tell me,

where does this journey end?


As the walls of illusion fall, where do I begin?  

When the light of self-awareness finds its way within.  

In the realm of boundless space, can I finally see,  

The essence of the self that’s been guiding me?


In the flow of cosmic tides, what does freedom mean?  







In the journey, where does it end?

Where does it begin in the quite of the cosmos,

I hear a distant song,  

A melody of truth that guides me all along.  

In the depths of self-discovery, I find my way,  

In the beginning, In the energy of existence,

I begin, I begin

To sway.






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