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Firstly, A Statement of Intent.

Intent is the home of understanding our place in this universe. It helps us understand someone even if their actions are wrong and it helps us see through the deceptions of someone even if their actions are right. Intent therefore has a psychic component to it. It lives beneath the surface of social gatherings and explains without us having to say anything at all how humans no matter how seemingly different, are able to come together in the same vicinity. Intent then, creates a vibe. Vibe to, vibration. Vibration to, alignment of intent. This psychism is the basis for our digital empathy and where then, weaknesses in our character development lead to where it falls short. How much we misunderstand our own intent is a measurement of our own self-deception. Is a measurement of where we felt we thought we were aligned with our truest calling and where, we weren’t. Alignment waits for and therefore relies upon the sorting of intent in the least of these preparations in the awareness, formation and adherence to purpose. Purpose is intent with an arrow of time, the curation of effect in mind in explaining the cause of one’s actions. Purpose then, is not without cognition but in the same breath, nor is it without heart in explaining the full breadth of one’s intent and therefore, the full measurement of one’s level of alignment with their true self, where truth here, is not without consciousness coherence, for if it is, then the truth is instead on reflection upon the causation that’s come in the lead up to this wakefulness that now bares the fruit of its wisdom. 

To learn from and take responsibility for the experiences that have preceded places us in the greatest position of power to set a good example for not only others but also ourselves and every variation of ourselves that led to this moment. The biggest heartbreak I’ve had to endure is not the heartbreak of losing someone I love but the heartbreak of facing the time I lost from my own absence that created the heartbreak. I have to face all those times I was only semi-aware and therefore only semi-truly myself and because of that I allowed the mind to become corrupted from smoke and mirrors that I didn’t even realise I was creating within myself. I have to force myself to return back in time and re-question the haphazard truth that curated the intent that created my own purpose for explaining the actions I took and the words I said which I now hold closest to what I can learn from. There is an expression of authenticity “being ourselves” and then there is our own negligence that no one has the right to overlook the examining the potential falsity to no matter how seemingly, “well-intentioned” they are unless they wish to admit to themselves and others around them how much of a child they still are in that respect if they wish to remain naive to the ignorance that explains their chosen path, which I wholeheartedly admit, indeed I was. 

My father was on the edge of passing away last year and I did absolutely everything I god damn well could do to hide from that potential reality surfacing and believe in the seemingly impossible chance of his survival. I was not yet a man that knew how to imagine his life as something that could go on after losing my closest relationship, and that led to me lashing out, characteristic of how I lashed out in the past due to other frustrations I had not yet had the life experience to know how to handle in a way that I could honestly be proud of. Instead I hid behind my intentions, “Well I meant well!”, when in reality I was irrefutably irresponsible and I caused much more drama than others had to put up with because I wrongly felt entitled to being able to do that due to my own victimhood. Victimhood that was of my own making because I did not align as deeply as I should have with truth. To align with truth requires so much more more than mere intent. It requires an intent that is refined by the experience of how to align ourselves emotionally, cognitively, socially, empathically and even culturally, with the latter here especially so if we take the western context into consideration; I’ve been doing a lot of traveling of late, slowly making my way to Ukraine as I’ve signed up for the International Legion of Defence for Ukraine, an action that along with many other life lessons that have transpired over the past 12 months have forced deep developments in my psyche. I felt justified because I was emotionally aligned with intent, however I didn’t have the experiential compass regardless as to how good I felt my own moral compass was to accurately gauge my own potential for self deception. 

I felt that what had happened to a former member here was morally wrong and so I contended with the person now gone that tried to do a PSYOP on the forum about that. I felt that how Leo responded to the situation was wrong so I made a moral contention about that. I felt that what that person did to Leo was wrong so I made a moral contention about that. And for everything else you can be confident that the story there goes a little something like, “well I felt morally that…”.  And of course I now feel that how I behaved in the past was morally irresponsible, so I apologize for that publicly to everyone. Since joining the International Legion of Defence for Ukraine I’ve completely done a backflip regarding my own perceptions on aggression in light of the positive example I wish to set for my nephews. It is of my strongest belief internally that all things being equal social aggression should only be used in so much as it is truly for the defence and protection of others and the margin for error is far less than 20% and where alternative courses of action are less than a 5% chance from being successful. I never so much as tried.

What does it mean to stand in allegiance to the truth? What does it mean to no longer cower behind our own resolves of intent we’ve spent a lifetime crafting or even feel justified in holding onto in the ephemeral moment? The defenses we’ve carefully built to keep our identities safe from self-questioning? Today, I’ve begun to answer that question here for myself and I hope for anyone else as well who finds themselves hiding from responsibility when they should be stepping forward into the light to discover with bravery the next step in their evolution. In saying that, I realise that in order to move forward on this forum and take part in good conscience, I must hold myself responsible so that others are aware that I’m aware of what’s was expected of me implicitly. That I’ve learned to focus instead on how I can sweep my own porch first and foremost  instead of trying to look outside to escape from having to face my own misalignment with my truest and deepest callings, something we all must do and trusting first and foremost on the natural illumination that follows to set us on the right path. 

I know what its like to live in the shadows of my own fears, dancing around the edges of my own truth, hoping that somehow I could avoid facing the parts of myself that scared me the most, and that’s often what I did in the obfuscation of bringing more wisdom to my past self’s intents due to my lack of life experience. I’ve sought comfort in identity, in trying to manage my own self-perception without sight on the undercurrents of what drove my behaviour, believing that if I could just keep all the pieces in place, I could avoid the collapse that invariably followed. But here’s the lesson I’m learning: truth doesn’t bow to our control nor to our wishful thinking when it comes to the curation of our neat identities. Truth demands surrender as much as it demands resolve on all that remains after diligent self-scrutinisation. And reviewing the past now with more wisdom, it becomes an ongoing relearning and refining of our own alignment with the truth of our beings, intelligently learning to identify the areas that makeup our intents and then re-question them only for the certainty that the truth requires of us in order to articulate ourselves into the next moment with our deepest alignment with truth. 

When my father’s health faltered, I felt the ground beneath me begin to quake. I felt my own identity, one that I’d built around certainty, around being the one who was heroic and wanted to protect others — begin to crumble. And instead of confronting that fear directly, instead of standing tall in the face of it, I lashed out. I let my own inner turmoil spill out into the world, looking for someone to blame, someone to carry the weight I was too afraid to hold myself. And in those moments, I was a coward. I let fear dictate my actions. I let my ego, in all its fragility, lead the way. I wanted to hide, to make myself small, to ask for anonymity here because it felt safer to be unseen than to risk being judged. But safety is an illusion when it comes at the cost of our own integrity.

Courage isn’t about the lack of fear it’s about facing that fear head-on, without flinching and then holding your nerve even if you do. It’s about standing in front of the mirror of our own consciousness and refusing to look away, even when what we see there is painful, messy, or uncomfortable. It’s about choosing to step into that illumination I spoke about earlier and being made by that, even when it’s blinding.

I used to think that forgiveness was about making peace with others, about letting go of resentment or anger. But now, I see it’s about that and much more as well. Forgiveness is about making peace with ourselves — with our own limitations, our own mistakes, our own humanness and being vulnerable enough to share that with another. It’s about understanding that we all stumble, we all falter, but that doesn’t define us. What defines us is what we do next. As long as our adherence is still to truth, we can still find our way there as long as we remain open minded.

So here I am, Leo, standing in front of you and everyone else, saying this: I choose not to hide. I choose not to shrink away from the discomfort of my own growth and instead I allow these words to define my intent into the future. I choose to confront the narratives that have kept me small, that have kept me from stepping fully into who I am meant to be.

This is not a plea for redemption. This is a commitment, a commitment to stop living in the shadows of my own ignorance, to stop letting my ego that grows out of that to dictate my choices. This is about finding the strength to say, "I was wrong," and "I will do better." This is about dedicating myself to a higher standard of truth, not just in words but in action, in how I share my experiences on this forum and learn from others in the continuation of mine and others growth, a journey we’re on together. 

The path to truth is not always easy, but it is the only path that leads to true freedom. It is the path where we learn to love ourselves not because we are perfect, but because we are willing to grow, to change, to evolve.

I know now that to live with integrity means to live without pretence, without the masks that keep us safe but also keep us small. To live with integrity is to say, "I will face myself, all of myself, and I will do so with courage and honesty." And that’s what I’m doing here today.

Leo, I respect whatever decision you make regarding my place here. This is not about seeking your favor; this is about making a stand for my own growth, my own evolution. I have been knocked down by my own illusions, but I am choosing to get back up, to dust myself off, and to move forward with clarity and purpose.

To truth. To courage. To a life lived in alignment with what is real.

My next post will be on alignment and how to get that right using the wealth of my life experiences in this achievement. Briefly, we have many aspects of ourselves that are inter-communicating to forge the solidarity of the intent within us that feels the most consistency as ourselves, kind of like energy centre, so how you may have heard how there’s an intercommunication between the heart, mind and gut within our beings. My goal is to establish a conceptual bridge that I hope to be useable for others and that I hope to speak about from a few different angles, i.e. one that is more experiential, another that is more theoretical. 

Best wishes and much love to all. 






- Lastly, attached to each post I would like to share the journal entry (i.e. that preceded it), so that I can begin to more intelligently build cause and effect relationships between what I have expressed and what I have designed.

Before I share this entry, as a testament to how I wish every word I express to be counted against my character and that I am fully responsible to each thereto, I have chosen the sacredness by which I hold my surname to be the name that I pen my entries with. "Letho" hails from my grandfather's changing of our previous surname, "Eleftheriou", which means freedom, or less generally, to be philosophers of freedom, of which I wholeheartedly am. My grandfather changed to Letho when he came to Australia from Cyprus because in the early 1900's people really struggled pronouncing our family name and my grandfather was always such a humble guy that never wanted it to be made a big deal out of. To that final end as it concerns coming full circle on my entry above where I said "What does it. mean to have allegiance to the truth?", I can't see any better way to have an allegiance to my own name and therefore truth than to also have that as my way of standing by it with every entry that I make on this forum. 




Rainbow Wolf

31st of August


When I open up the mind, what truly lives on the other side of it?

I can attempt to understand this question when I do comparisons between different people and different parts and contexts of my own life.

What does it mean for my own mind to be truly open, surely it means something much greater than merely comparing to a population average that is stagnant and for many demographics, circling a drain?

At least in the immediate if not long term sense, it’s frightening to step into this space for me. I can imagine so many permutations of consciousness, and at least one of those behind the veil of this immediacy explain all of the barriers of this present consciousness.

I am landlocked inside the limits of my self-understanding of the meta-language of consciousness. There is a level of meta-communication that I yearn to achieve within my own consciousness that would allow me to fully tap into the intelligent movement of information throughout my entire spiritual-biology. 

I can imagine the mapping of my now consciousness terrain, invert it in different ways and make a study of those inversions as a way of advancing my self study to self-expansion. What is a possible higher consciousness that is my own, a lower one too and how is the present one their balance and what kind of balance is it relative to a hypothesised ultimate scale of consciousness? 

What if I were a wolf? 

This pondering makes the endeavour of expanding the openness-intellectual horizons of human consciousness much more commendable, rational and its opposites simultaneously understandable while at same time something we obviously need to prudently avoid, given our likeness. Given our likeness not just to wolves but all beings and creatively, we can find likeness not just in our biology but more so in being encapsulated by the same limitations in consciousness. Ergo the colloquial formation of terms like “Birds of a feather flock together”, “Black sheep of the family”, “Wolf in sheep’s clothing”, “Raging bull”, “(those people are a) bunch of sheep!”. We only very rarely question this likeness as well much less actively attempt to stray from what we could say are evolutionary inroads. Pathways where there exists a predetermination in the movement of the substance of soul consciousness in so much as that consciousness is not accompanied by the power of awareness. This power, as I’ve experienced its expression awakens what we know of as meta-causality and due to its nature, that is, being bound by this abstract object of “power”, self-communication is predicated on the depth of where the edge of that power hits the beginning to end point of that meta-causality. And of course, the awareness that is experienced here is something that is totally taken for granted, often within my own psychological apparatus as I have thus far experienced as well as witness it in others, the surface layer of psychological experience runs much more dominant than the layer of awareness that defines both its pronouncement and through that filter, its change and transformability. This means that not only can we safely separate awareness from the substance of psychological experience, it means that we ethically cannot use our mere sentience as a vehicle for distinguishing our own existential superiority outside of intellectual utility. Unless we are going to discriminate between humans in the same way, of which many demographics actually silently lead with as we of course know, so be prepared to be discriminated against even on this forum, that is an unchanging truth outside of the awareness that creates it. This leads me to bringing up that previous phrase I mentioned here where one needs to learn the art of instead of being the black sheep aim to instead be the “Pink sheep of our Collective Human Family” when it comes to living a life that is as close as possible, aligned with truth, objectivity and maintaining one’s personal integrity as it pertains to continually aligning with the implications of this socially and culturally. “Pink” is where you have to standout, kind of like the pink panther, however pink also represents friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, compassion, nurturing and approachability. I could say be the “golden sheep”, however there is another surface layer here of psychological experience that of course I want to be tentative when it comes to activating, the human ego, and the myriad of ways I may also unintentionally do that in myself before understanding has preceded action, which is what most often happens when it comes to the human ego. 

Let me distinguish between four forms of power here that bring balance to the growth of power itself overall across all relevant levels, including the ego, as it concerns the natural release of unhealthy forms of power as well as having the sentience to negotiate the maturation of power via transcending previous levels to higher levels of ego. We have the power of awareness, love, truth and ego, with the first three being protective of the healthy development of number four or to the other side of the spectrum where unhealthy developments in these areas can at the very least serve as potential correlates for explaining dysfunctions in egoic power. Each of these first three are unique access points with their own intelligent abstract “Axis of Intervention” where with the use of the right internal behavioural awareness, agency can meet its intelligent use in the fate of power actualisation, but not without losing some of our “Axis of Cultural Dharma”. “Dharma” is that which is regarded as a universal truth as taught by the Buddha, ‘Cultural Dharma’ then here is the interaction between the perception of truth and a cultural program that upon their intersection, act very analogously to its action of consequences, aka what’s referred to in this tradition as someone’s karma. With every loss of this axis then, we gain in the recomputation of the simulation of reality as it forms in automatic consciousness in the same way as there is a distinct difference between the automatic simulation that’s say generated in a wolf compared to every new animorph evolutionary form it goes through until it reaches the state of achieving the full range of capacities of human consciousness. 

Returning to the first question I asked, in order to maintain any sanctity of life within myself and the order of my evolutionary motion to greater transcendence I am forced to learn how to experience and maintain an intelligent emotional order on feelings of power and powerlessness simultaneously. Power in the openness and openings of mind, combined too with turning on the rest of the systems of my being including my heart, and too, the terrifying powerlessness I experience in the inflexibility by which I hold those perceptions yet the scaring flexibility by which I do so compared to the population average, and how this stray from the norm teaches me how to stand figuratively naked in front of everyone, even if I am the only one aware that I am doing do. As much as this power extends me to realise frontiers beyond anything that parallels, the vulnerability of standing in the unknown still stretches my experience to being compared to that of an inordinate naivety comparable to that of said above actual wolf that’s suddenly had its awareness transformed to rival that of the greatest, scared of just what its experiences of its own limits could be, as well as, limits its unknowingly imprisoned itself inside, “How have I unknowingly been teaching myself to pace up and down in a new way in a cell I didn’t know I was imprisoning myself inside but could have escaped from if I just honed my consciousness on the Axis of Consciousness Dharma?”. “Axis of Consciousness Dharma” is what I’ve newly coined to describe the symbiotic karmic communication point that follows from the attempt at intelligently intersecting all of the above described axis at their “Axis of Intervention”, where together, its an “Axis of Symbiotic Intervention” that’s simultaneously something that’s built from and destroys one’s karmic path. Imagine you’re building a ladder to the next level of a castle and then upon reaching the next level you kick out the ladder from underneath you. That teaches us the lesson of how we’re forced to accept where we are and to originate creatively with what we have and then to simply let go and embrace the next level upon when we achieve it, never allowing ourselves to slip back into old consciousness patterns, something that is impressed upon consciousness the more intelligence that went into building the ladder of course. 

I haven’t before lived so seamlessly with this wisdom though in my life, to be so easily preoccupied with dual meta-realisation of the prison I’m unknowingly cementing myself in with each pace. It’s the hidden pitfall of deep thinking that doesn’t even need to edge into rumination in order to be a potential negative, it gives the illusion of deep thought while entraining habits emotional too that shape the creation of a personality that isn’t articulating itself from the perspective of its frontiers, one without awareness on the location of its origination to futuration point, the nexus of space that has hardly any piece of the sociocultural narrative of everyday speech outside the Truman Show that paces back and forth between the limits of its coloured extremes. Coloured wolves encased within sheeps clothing, the necessity of politeness engraved in the automacy of our daily collective social behaviours for if we push the needle of our consciousness just slightly too far beyond that thin red line, fear encases the self-justification of our caution to escape but then from what and to what as well as from what colour? Our auric field is only coloured as our awareness of it and to the degree of our lack of awareness, we are blinded by something else, for we’re always blinded as Plato’s Cave said and how blindingly does the most audacious one blind themselves through their ignorance compared to the one who does so through their cowardice in the experience of their supposed likely in part at least with respect to perspective false knowledge? The pink wolf audaciously moves forward with knowledge in agreement with their environment while never in betrayal to their inner truth. They find their “Axis of Intervention” across all four axis and leverage this in awareness to build the ladder up towards a higher light out of of Plato’s Cave relative to their level of development and maturity of consciousness. They learn how to free themselves from the past while not being unhinged from the wisdom to navigate this material plane, thereby engendering a new equilibrium between the forces that create their experience of consciousness. A new balance where fear instead of becoming something that controls, holds them back and blocks them from experiencing the heights beyond its horizon, instead is able to be used as a leverage point into higher consciousness while still tethered to the rope of wisdom that scaffolds them permanently to the self-insight that now instead of self-justifying fear, self-justifies the exhilitating of its prudent expansion. Teaching higher and higher levels of this leverage point to transform the awareness of false knowledge in consciousness to the transformation of consciousness via the embodiment of the truth of the knowledge that truly expands across the “Axis of Symbiotic Intervention” and through that the courageous losing of the “Axis of Cultural Dharma” into the beginnings of the experiencing of the beauty of the openings of the Lotus Flower of one’s new consciousness possibilities. 

An opening into the first time experience of channeling a dual self-universe hypnosis that is no longer with the cultural confetti that restricts my own independent self-comprehension of growth and my experience of truth with the divine. A shedding of “cultural karma” being an absolute necessity in the evolution of my own unique partnership with universal meta-realisation. Where “Pink” of wolf here is in the altruism of sharing experience that can add to the consciousness of the collective while encouraging its own independence, for how much better it is to live trying to fly if we know that we are able to be caught by the wisdom of fellow sentiences, as I have been caught in part in by my creativisatiom of Plato, the best of cinematic visions, Buddhism, Leo’s work obviously and more. So as much as there shouldn’t be any outsourcing between ourselves and the divine at the energetic level, intellectually, we rely on and often only push ourselves to mirror the least acceptable limits, however if we can cherish the nurturing of our divine connection, we also have a much better chance of cherishing the discernment of our own limits thus growing what would otherwise be a point of negational socialisation, like the conditioning of fear, instead too be a leverage point for self-determined creativisation we learn to manifest, create and reign in our own nature across unknown terrains in our conversations with the divine. Thereby bringing balance between the internal and external, social and intra-social, we bring balance to the release of unhealthy rigid anti-culture into instead the living out of the continued healthy co-creation of culture by coming at it from a place of peace, understanding and actualisation of our beings rather than something wended to program one another to believe in order to call ourselves a certain culture that isn’t predicated upon ideas that have survived the wilderness of our deepest sentience. 

In consolidating this integration and revitalisation into embracing the unknown depths of being, let me contemplate the patterns of consciousness that align with what I’m coining in light of the above as the “Axis of Integration” vs the “Axis of Disintegration”. 


“Axis of Integration” vs the “Axis of Disintegration”. 

Positive vs negative stimuli 

The automacy of the stimulation of stimuli is increasingly either positive or negative, regardless, there is a momentum in some direction and awareness on this feedback loop needs to translate into lessons that feed the intelligence of my intent, thereby channeling a higher intentful awareness. Being is charged by and in return charges the experience of consciousness through that medium of spiritual exchange between the perception of stimulus and the internal structure and function that regulates and evolves from it. Regulation: Bodily awareness. Where am I experiencing the interaction? What is the relationship between the psychism of the mind and the experiences that are being created in the feedback loop with the stimuli?

More precision, where do I feel it in my heart, mind, gut and the rest of my body? Establish increasingly more precision and accuracy in describing this across all energy centres with good measurement on the interaction to feed awareness for the betterment of my ongoing evolution.

In feeding the loop of higher integration, we have better differentiated categories, more precision in their sensory definition and greater accuracy in learning trials towards redefining towards a more enlightened positive. To its inverse, at the worse end we have self-justifying ego which becomes an expert at self-justifying its negativity.


Positive/negative stimuli is to positive vs negative experience

As above, increase the sophistication of my self-understanding of how the energy moves within my being and always and only see it as my own responsibility to continually empower the path towards my greater self-regulation and personal agency. I have spent far too much of my life separating soul consciousness from an examination and development of agency over the regulation of energy within my being and one of the consequences of that involved simply accepting the fete of whatever energetic frequency my being harboured whether it was depression or otherwise due to socially reinforced ignorance. I have now of course learned through my training that I have exponentially more power than I previously believed over my energetic frequency and it was just a public ignorance I allowed to perpetuate itself in every corner of my drive for self-understanding that explains my own just, clownish attempts really at carrying out a transcendent human experience.

That’s where the fear is of course as well that I described earlier, the knowledge that I could have so much authorship over my own being is somewhat frightening for the parts of my ego that have spent so much of my life not having this power. And so, invisibly it negates my training that leads to this self-fulfilling freedom, a freedom that I alone create. It feels partly scary that I could create that for myself without ever having anyone else that I know of at least that exists to guide me in that achievement, to also do so when the mainstream thought on this runs so contrary to this level of self-actualisation in many ways, leading to a feeling of slight awkwardness in recognising how much further along my own self-understandings are in the nature of energetic being and our power to self-author our state with proper training.


Rigid Linear Conventional Consciousness Stanzas versus Flexible Dynamic Creative Consciousness Stanzas

Imagine the moment of any one experience of consciousness as analogous to reflecting the stanza of a poem. There are millions upon millions of stanzas, all attempting to encapsulate and generate a unique state of consciousness, in some way. Every state of consciousness is able to be poetically encapsulated, and this encapsulation is either something that is going to run along the lines of the left or right hand dichotomy. Utilise the energetic weight of this stanza, to meta-causally inform the next stanza and then through their further meta-realisation, I need to learn to practice this art of of constructive redefinition that follows the natural motion of consciousness to its next stage of transcendence. 

Realising the intelligence of this dichotomy really makes me see just how restrictively I’ve lived my own awareness. If I imagine reality as a world of millions of interconnecting dreams, I allowed too much my own dream to change based on the dreams of my sociocultural external, again I return to “Axis of Cultural Dharma”, however this is an even deeper layer there where I can see it act on me much more biographically rather than just seeing it via the stereotypical lens of cultural conditioning. I spent so much of my own life not only not knowing how to even look at my own dream without being energetically enmeshed in that external, I had no idea how to look at my own pursuits through the lens of owning them myself. At an unconscious level, I allowed other dreamers to influence how I created my own, which when viewed upon in this thought experiment of just imagining all of us asleep, it seems entirely absurd to allow anyone to have any senseless influence over the creativity of our dream. And this is where we simultaneously make sense of Cultural Dharma and the relationship between our sense of self and the influence of social objects, aka introjects, which superimpose themselves onto our self and therefore our dream creating inclinations, wrapping us in the mirror projective permanence of their energetic entanglement with our psyche. Which seems scary at first, but that’s only when its behaviour reflective on a foundation of Rigid Linear Conventional Consciousness Stanzas compared to utilising awarenesses energetic appraisal of consciousnesses intercommunication here as a leverage point into further opening into greater Flexible Dynamic Creative Consciousness Stanzas. Coupled here then, the practicing of identifying psychological schemas, introjects and projections as a leverage point for reshaping identity via this progressively fluid meta-realisation. 


The Pink Wolf to now, the Rainbow Wolf

Behind the hidden veil of the earlier noted fear that’s arguably attempting to cloak itself in its agreeableness with the environment via gentlemanliness, aka the symbolic meaning of the use of “Pink” here where it pairs with “Wolf” as it concerns having the graduations of one’s consciousness out-string and out-stanza the most unshackled aspects of one’s intrinsic nature, is shame. Outside of my own intrinsic evaluation and that I hold myself to, I’ve been conditioned to simultaneously shame and bastardise my own animalistic nature and fit it through a dogmatically thin paper tube that’s appetizable to the surrounding constraining cultural norms, in doing so, there’s an unbridled recklessness that via this intercultural suppression, has no choice but to find explosion relative to the lack of awareness that's neither fortified by the wisdom that would guide this more maturely, something the lessons of the last 12+ months have really forcefully taught me to grow out of and into the next phase of development in my maturity.

This dichotomy between the "Pink Wolf" and the "Rainbow wolf"  visibly speaks as well to the limits of black and white thinking and how energetic contextualisations allow me expansion points into domains of consciousness that spread far beyond the limits of the initial confinements that lived prior to my awareness. Black and white thinking can be bindings of many kinds, from being too animalistic to too intellectual, both are traps however both must intelligently meet in the middle in order to truly transcend to the next level of growth. “Rainbow” is to the multicoloration of multidimensionality at every level of being and its bridging via the scope of interconnection. In my experience of viewing someone angry, quite often the person is totally encompassed by this expression, their inability to bring context to this encompassment being a reflection of the rigid inflexibility and lack of dynamic creative consciousness, as such they can often only experience one of a few different colours and if they are multicoloured it is only across different intervals. For example, the movement of anger to sadness to isolation to depression is just one of many alternate possible patterns. However the key of understanding here is that most are not able to become meta-aware enough that they can co-exist simultaneously in all of these states and leverage this awareness towards a positive internal good as the knowledge and intelligence of each is communicated back and fourth to all as opposed to being landlocked inside the rigidity of their linearity, as I know, having once being bound by the limits of this level of development once before. 

Awareness Bound Valuation on Intents is the Predetermination of Value Driven Beliefs Value Determination.

Firstly, what needs to be recognised is that the changeability of my own beliefs on anything in the moment is entirely solely predetermined by the span of intents that I am able to hold in awareness and no less than this. To this end then, by the structure and function of my perception of my awareness so too is that the sword by which life will be seen or unseen by me and the depth by which I see, can experience and learn from this life. It is thus also then directly here where I can draw a line in the sand and say this is precisely where I can say a philosophy is either for life and thus reflective of what any purpose for life would be or it is instead reflective of a subconscious that is, in that moment, unconscious of how it instead has a life philosophy that worships death, however unknowingly.


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[Deletable Post Following Future Update ]

Question Time

I wouldn't post these questions as a preliminary post before the big cahuna if they weren't rockin it in the internal Bahamas up in the tallest tree with a monkey shaking a coconut

Otherwise, MAN I talk some shit hey! Well, at least it's out of my system.

Anyhow, here's superman's questions below.

Yeah, in this journal, we're going super, super deep. So deep, that I haven't even completed all of the theorisation yet.

I've uncovered some pretty cool things, but I'm not going to lie. This journal is going to be one of the most difficult things I've done, and therefore that the reader could embark on.

I shouldn't dumb anything down.

That's an unhealthy behaviour of me that's manifested in the past. I've spent so much of my life, many of us have, writing figuratively and literally for an audience that isn't myself and subsequently, not even be able to listen to my own inner rap.


It's got funk.


I've got a lot of regrets for my past altruisms. It wasn't the altruism that was truly me.

And that's when shit messes up. Look at the music and film industry today as a good example, where's the true originality? There's a lot to learn about ourselves and the way we socialise with one another regarding how that's happened.

Our social feedback loops have to change.

And that change as Ghandi said and he's right, has to start with us. 

Simple formula is: Workout the patterns within our own consciousness. Map the ego. Envision its healthiest state. Re-pattern it. Create new absolute boundaries. Find your social equilibrium for those that serve that balance while not giving 2 f's about those that don't meet it. Change the world by being your own true expression. Done.



Use these questions strategically to your benefit.

These questions are just the first stage, I've only spent about 3 hours on them.

Each has many layers to it and therefore useful however the questions themselves are going to graduate a lot more over the coming weeks.

I'll release a final first set next weekend along with the rest of the theorisations I've come up with by then.

Between now and then, just literally partying here in Vietnam every night heheheh! 


And yes, I've solved these questions below as well in the theoretical sense, meaning able to provide solutions for the ego but its only going to be useful to people who have the awareness to pull it off, like I can't teach every puppy or any puppy other than sharing the straight sauce in this journal. That's just how I gotta role from now on as I've been saying above about tendencies I need to decondition myself out of. 


1. Self-Awareness and Identity:

- Do you ever feel like you need someone else or a group to define you in some way?

- Do you ever find yourself doing something purely just to get the validation, approval, attention or even just the perception or a certain perception of another whether or not it has any impact on your reality?

- Does the past define your identity and what your ego feeds off to stay alive, or is it defining your learning and what you can enjoy appreciating in the moment for the objective purity that it is when viewed through the lens of its intrinsic essence?

- What is more important to you, having your ego gratified and feeling absolute contentment through this means or ultimate spiritual alignment with your deepest true self?

- Do you struggle to feel totally at peace with yourself by yourself?

- Do you find that your self-esteem is sometimes somehow regulated by this over-compartmentalization when you’re not even aware that it’s happening?

- Can you look at past actions you’ve done and find contentment with those actions, whereby, even if they are actions you would not do today?

- Do you ever question whether your sense of self is an authentic expression of your inner truth, or merely a construct shaped by the expectations and perceptions of others?

- Can you identify moments when your identity feels fragmented or divided, and what do these divisions reveal about the underlying conflicts or contradictions within your sense of self?

- Are there aspects of your personality or behavior that you consciously or unconsciously suppress or deny, and what fears or beliefs prevent you from fully embracing these parts of yourself?



2. Interpersonal Dynamics and Social Behavior:

- Do you ever feel like your disagreements with someone define your relationship with them?

- Do you ever find yourself getting caught up in gossip, fearing social ridicule or judgment?

- Do you ever feel like arguments control the way you view another being, and you’re no longer able to be objective and see them for who they are?

- Do you find yourself maintaining the status quo of relationships rather than truly feeling their truth as they exist in the moment because you have some other goal that is important to you other than the truth?

- Do you fear rejection, abandonment, judgment (including inaccurate judgment), disownment, or loneliness?

- Do you ever find yourself bending to someone else’s or any sum of persons' will when it goes against your own self-discernment of reality?

- Do you ever find yourself getting into arguments when it’s a betrayal to reality to do so?

- Do you ever feel like yourself making decisions or your perception of yourself or others that are a reflection of your ego’s over-compartmentalization of its perception of status, others' opinions, and anything else along these lines?

- Do you find yourself mirroring or adapting to the emotions and behaviors of others to fit in, and what does this reveal about your boundaries and your true self in social contexts?

- Are there relationships in your life where you feel a sense of obligation or expectation that overrides your genuine feelings, and how do these dynamics impact your authenticity and well-being?



3. Emotional Regulation and Psychological Resilience:

- If I asked you to drop down and give me 5 push-ups, and let’s say instead of that command coming from me you instead gave it yourself, could you do it or would you not be able to motivate yourself? What emotions came up when you experienced this?

- If I asked you to sing any random song or lullaby, like “Happy Birthday to you…”, can you do it without effort? What emotions came to the surface upon doing so?

- When you utilize your empathy or other parts of your social networks in your being, do you find yourself being biased in a similar way, unable to find objectivity and connection to deeper intuitive truth while at the same time your love?

- Do you struggle to motivate yourself without other people?

- Do you find that the body motivates you in certain directions like food cravings more than you can regulate yourself to move the body or the mind in the direction you want to take it?

- If you answered yes to any one of these questions, in the past, you haven’t known how to emotionally integrate the experiences that created the effects that appear today as a reaction formation that is now a layer to your ego.

- If you were to set a challenging goal for yourself without external pressure, how do you determine whether you are genuinely driven by your own desires or merely conforming to internalized expectations? What underlying beliefs or emotions influence your ability to pursue such goals?

- When you engage in an activity purely for self-expression, like creating art or writing, how do you discern whether your output reflects your true self or is shaped by societal norms and personal insecurities? What feelings arise when you confront this tension?

- In moments of empathy, how do you differentiate between understanding another's perspective and becoming entangled in their emotional state? How does this impact your sense of self and your ability to maintain a balanced perspective?

- How does the presence or absence of external validation affect your self-motivation? Do you find that your sense of accomplishment is more authentic when achieved in solitude or when recognized by others? What emotions are involved in these experiences?

- To what extent does your physical state, such as fatigue or hunger, influence your mental and emotional resilience? Do you find that managing these physical needs alters your capacity to focus and pursue intellectual or creative goals? How do you navigate this interplay?



4. Authenticity and Alignment with True Self:

- Do you ever find yourself committing to actions that are not a reflection of your true connection to self in any way whatsoever?

- Do you ever feel yourself pulled towards someone else while corrupting your own energy?

- Do you find yourself caught up in meaningless tribal, family, or just social narratives about your beliefs, expectations, or values about them instead of observing and responding to simply the reality of who they are, accepting the reality of this, and adapting to your own best interests?

- What if I asked you to imagine yourself as an incredibly motivated individual that was totally self-focused (don’t confuse with selfishness or self-obsession), self-purposed, and ultimately self-aligned without the need for others outside of maintaining a genuine connection that never compromised your connection to your true self, what would that look like for you?

- Imagine you are a character in a novel where your true self is a hidden subplot. What would be the pivotal scene that reveals your authentic self to the other characters, and how would this revelation impact your interactions and decisions within the story?

- If you could design an ideal environment that perfectly reflects your inner values and sense of purpose, what elements would it include? How would this environment influence your daily choices and interactions, and what changes might you need to make in your current surroundings to better align with this ideal?

- Consider a scenario where you are given the ability to instantly switch places with someone who embodies qualities you admire. What aspects of their life would challenge or enhance your sense of self, and how would this experience help you understand or reshape your own authentic identity?

- If your true self were a blend of musical genres, what combination would best represent your inner harmony? How does this metaphorical music guide your actions and decisions, and what discordant notes do you encounter when you stray from this harmony?

- Imagine you have the power to see and interact with a mirror that reflects not only your external appearance but also the state of your inner self. What would this mirror reveal about the alignment between your actions and your true essence, and how would you respond to its reflections?

- Picture a world where everyone communicates through art rather than words. How would you express your true self in this artistic language, and what challenges or revelations might arise as you navigate this new form of expression to connect with others and stay true to yourself?



5. Existential Reflection and Integration:

- Can you look at past actions you’ve done and find contentment with those actions, whereby, even if they are actions you would not do today?

- Do you find yourself maintaining the status quo of relationships rather than truly feeling their truth as they exist in the moment because you have some other goal that is important to you other than the truth?

- What is more important to you, having your ego gratified and feeling absolute contentment through this means or ultimate spiritual alignment with your deepest true self?

- Imagine you wake up one day and discover that all of your past identities so your name, your history, your roles, your reputation, just completely everything, have been erased from everyone's memory, including your own. Who would you choose to become, and how would you define yourself in a world where the slate is clean?

- Picture a mirror that doesn’t reflect your physical appearance but instead reveals the most hidden aspects of your character, fears, and desires. What do you see in that mirror, and how does it challenge the way you perceive yourself?

- Envision yourself as a traveler in an infinite library where each book contains a different version of your life based on choices you never made. Which book do you feel most compelled to open, and what do you learn about your current self from the life you chose not to live? 

- Imagine that you have been given the power to rewrite your most difficult memories, not to change the events, but to alter the meaning they hold for you. How would you rewrite them, and what new story would they tell about who you are today?

- Suppose you meet an alien being who knows nothing of human culture or ego. How would you describe yourself to this being, knowing that they perceive only the energetic patterns of intention, authenticity, and purpose?

- Imagine that every thought you have instantly manifests as a tangible object or entity in front of you. What does your immediate environment look like, and what do these manifestations reveal about the true nature of your inner world?

- Visualize yourself standing on the edge of a vast, unknown territory within your mind—a place where every step forward reveals a part of you that is unfamiliar, strange, or even uncomfortable. What do you find there, and how do these discoveries expand or contract your sense of self?

- Consider a scenario where you can teleport to a reality where all your ego-driven impulses are amplified a thousandfold. How would this reality look, feel, and function? What lessons would you learn from living in such a heightened version of your egoic self?

- Imagine you have a magical paintbrush that can change the "colors" of your emotions, behaviors, and beliefs. Which aspects of your inner landscape would you choose to paint over, and what would you let remain in its raw, untouched state?

- Envision a world where you could swap lives with anyone for a single day but with one condition: you retain your core self-awareness while fully inhabiting their experiences, thoughts, and choices. Whose life would you choose, and what would you hope to learn about your own existence through this exchange?

- Imagine you could write a letter to your ego, not as a critic but as a curious explorer asking it why it behaves the way it does. What questions would you ask, and what unexpected answers might it give you about your deepest fears and desires?

- Picture a garden within your mind where every plant represents a different aspect of your personality, your fears, your hopes, and your ego's defenses. What does this garden look like, and which plants are thriving, overgrown, or withering? How would you tend to it?

- Consider a reality where you can listen to the soundtrack of your life, but it only plays the rhythms and melodies of your subconscious mind. What kind of music would you hear, and what would this tell you about the hidden currents driving your actions and choices?

- Imagine yourself standing before a council of your past selves, each one representing a different stage of your life. If they were to question you about the choices you are making today, what would they ask, and how would you defend or explain your current path?

- Visualize a world where your inner critic and your inner child must collaborate on a project together. What kind of project would they create, and how might their relationship evolve in the process?

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1 hour ago, Letho said:

There’s this world I need to write about on how “The world of the living is constantly having to adjust to the world of the living dead if you catch my drift, or at the very least, dead symptoms.” 

There’s a judgemental humor filled mockery in my breath as I express that while simultaneously being possessed by the stark cold dark reality about understanding that as a fundamental truth that millions of people, are simply not going to be able to recover from. They can’t see their own ego and how it eats away at them, even in multi-relationships I.e. literally and analogically like how two druggies feed their bad habits , and for most of them, it’s their biggest Achilles heel to personal fulfillment. Luckily for you guys, you’ll be getting my deepest theoretical thoughts on just HOW to do that and GO BEYOND it, but remember just as how you are to me, I’m just a stepping stone to your own enlightenment. All in all on that quoted text, there’s a breath of so much to learn from it on the self as well, like how behind it’s puffs of smoke is a seething raging inferno of both hell and deeply nestled within it, the brightest goddamn Diamond of truth you’ve ever seen which is why slow contemplation, even over years in a million different ways accompanied with a million different techniques, is so important.

By the way not that it’s relevant but 25% of the above questions were created by GPT after teaching it to learn the ones I created. 

It’s the first time I’ve really explored this realm as I was saying though, I’ve gotta make it to the big leagues with Babe Ruth there still. I’ll be swinging confidently on heavier questions by the end of the week after I go through a lot of internal simulations on them.

So you’ve gotta really learn to understand how you unconsciously mentalise the life of other people, one of the biggest pitfalls across the population in this regard is that people neither recognise nor accept that it operates on a sliding scale. Which is of course, precisely we have social norms to mediate weaknesses in our ability to do this, they are the safety net for our inability to accurately objectify the social world around us. The digital world, obviously, has been the biggest culprit in  unhealthily feeding people with positive reinforcement for their inaccurate projections on the social world around them and its really come out on the world stage for us all to see where on the one stage, we have the cultural wars around presidential elections where the algorithms of artificial intelligence are now becoming the publics worst enemy, making the lowest common denominator and the most attention grabbing news feed the collective consciousnesses ego on what to get riled up over and on the other side we have Russia and Ukraine both doing their utmost to regulate public opinion rather than on reporting honest news and this is now seeping into our individual behaviors for how we regulate our social worlds. People are no longer reporting accurately about who they are and what they do instead they’re regulating the social ecosystem they’re a part of via digital networks and as a consequence, this has an incalculable effect on how their sense of self regulates itself against the social world which it’s desperately relied upon since the dawn of time tribally speaking and why you must move away from the digital world unless you’re going to broach it with absolute honesty otherwise those unconscious patterns are going to negatively impact the trajectory of your development of a being on this planet. We live in an age now where maturity no longer stops at 18 but continues well past the age of 60 and yet because our inner social networks have not caught up, people once they reach the age of 18 now sometimes much earlier even, are reporting on their world like they’re reporting on a fake world they have to keep up the reality to. It’s precisely why our music is shit and our films are shit as well as now, why our politicians are even more shit and so are the wars. This is an extremely dangerous situation we’re in now concerning the lack of regulation on the relationship between developmental maturity and the social feedback loops that are either in support of that or deleterious. Your social network is going to help you the least with respect to the enormous effort you will need to put in on a personal level with respect to your own personal self learning on how to engineer feedback loops that re-teach how your consciousness learns to feed itself. The digital world by definition positively self-reinforces peoples own projective delusions about others when they haven’t learned a self-correcting ego mechanism that regulates its social adaptation in the context of personal growth as opposed to what I’ll elude to below regarding how it has unhealthily learned to feed itself as a way of self-sustaining the meta-mechanisms that fuel its own creative life force.

What I just expressed to a friend who’s going through a tough time:

“If I have any advice, just remember consciousness needs to feed its own loop. Consciousness remember, within our nervous systems it has all of its centres that work together and what each of their ideal goal works on is on the finding of its own true loop. So the heart is nourished by love which is involved by many things with one of those being of course our beliefs. Then we have the various centres of our brain, when our social centres can align with our intellectual centres while also the centres within our whole system including our heart that are responsible for the functioning of self, this is when an internal collective truism is reached, aka a sense of unity. Make sure you remind yourself of your truest goals and stimulate your life force through their creation. The biggest thing I’m working on is just understanding how my own consciousness feeds it’s own sense of creation, meaning “it’s life force of creation”, what creates it? I.e. like underlying motivations, then intelligently engineering a metamorphosis on how those work.

We’re always our own biggest help, that’s where the most of our development comes from. And it’s my biggest lesson since dads passing.”

And actually that last word regarding my father is a good tie in, we’re all so unknowingly still incredibly naive just on the projections we’re generating socially between one another with care whatsoever on a self-correcting mechanism that adjusts the projects based on a healthy ego that favors reality compared to one that is just looking out for own insecure short term survival. Of course my father and our parents never grew up to teach and prepare us for just how divisive these technologies were going to be for enhancing our developmental trajectory. We are all the little kids running into what we believe to be a pretend haunted house that’s built around scaring and entertaining people through the use of projecting phantoms into peoples minds both individually and  in various tribal combinations believing it to be all fun and games not knowing that when we leave the game room and smell the fresh air that our appreciation of life and all it has to offer has been… secretly stolen from us, and we take it as a collective truth because that’s the collective heartbeat that’s synchronised and we’ve giggled over while we were running around in the game room.

[ just another thought I gotta spend more time contemplating ]



these last 3 posts will be deleted and rehashed in a deeper contemplation / creative theoretical framework . 

But like I said about Ghandi in the first of these three posts to be deleted next weekend when I post again 

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Ultimate Form





I've decided to go for it and get the first draft done by the end of this weekend.

On that note, I thought I'd do a bit of a parody as above.

I'm actually going to turn it into a good song and that's the sneak peak, I've already got the vision for it now with so far decent lyrics let's see by the end of the weekend whether it lives up to the hopes which I'm sure it will. 

The rest of the parody that'll actually be turned into a pretty damn good rap, will be released along with the first draft this Sunday, Vietnam time on "Ontological Mapping of the Meta-Transcendence of Consciousness."




Firstly, its a backing track not my music so it'll just stay as 'Unlisted' of course, after-all it's all just for entertainment to deepen the creative connections.

To get thinking in new ways for greater theoretical depths. 

I have for example, a lot of differentiated thoughts on negative vs positive ego that are going to be compressed within the mapping.

First Draft: Ontological Mapping of the Meta-Transcendence of Consciousness.



Rise for the challenge.



Released this Sunday, Vietnam time.






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No jokes in this one, just a very quick  journal after a bit of clubbing tonight following from the parody above ------ like I said, I did it to promote creativity and it did heh:

Experiencing the multiplicity of worlds as I move between the shadows of dancers in the entropic field of night clubs I become entranced by the extra-dimensionality of empathy of consciousness and how it dissolves my own sense of self. Parodic work like the above has now painted the importance of generating stark realities so that one's subconscious becomes hypnotised enough that this preoccupation brings about a hypervigilance that highlights their own related inclinations, in this case as it pertains to their potential alter-ego. It's made me realise how under highlighted the negative formations of ego actually are in society and how overweight we consequently are at large, we've allowed corresponding negative-ego-formations to become so normalised that its actu uspicion or socially accepted mask that their audience is tacitly trained to reinforce. It's become as normal as being overweight is in some parts of the United States or as normal as being underweight and malnourished in parts of South Africa. In The case of our consciousness, we are both simultaneously malnourished, underweight and overweight, experiencing all the variants of the physical undesirable as it can be applied to the path of the degenerative development of consciousness. 

With enough intelligence and awareness, this reality becomes all too obvious, and thus when we have not only cultural norms formed from primitive tribal in-group biases at the bottom up level but also at the top down level from government and organisation to the actual laws and policies that are put into place, how can this at all be confused as anything other than the purposeful dumbing down of society when our susceptibility to not even negative ego, as perhaps on some level we shouldn't even call it that, but rather when our susceptibilities towards degenerative consciousness are leveraged to that end as we read the fine prints of the labels of those laws and policies by observing their effects?

There are hundreds of people surrounding me, I do this nearly every night and still I haven't fully uncovered the deeper knowledge behind this reality. Even though with every person's life I enter by transmitting my consciousness into their primary observation I see the life that makes their consciousness that adds to helping me solving this puzzle, how is my own experience of this ability totally destroyed by me not even being aware of how someone else is doing the exact same thing about me to a far deeper and more sophisticated end? My own experience, intractably separate from literally every single surrounding persons inner life of what we are mutually interpreting and this becomes a frustrating unsolvable computational problem that reveals my own limitations in experiencing the life around me, hyper-aware of my own lack of hyper-awareness, that it becomes strange that we would then even be possible that we'd be able to come together and create a dancing space together, or another way of looking at it of course being that the space of interaction we mutually create is generated due to our limitations and that for every scale of consciousness that we grew, if you imagine someones scale of consciousness as being represented analogous to the size of someone's aura, I wonder that the loud music would become quieter and quieter and we would all become internally louder and louder in our connection together where the music perhaps grew into our telepathic connection. That then, in this moment I am making the connection that because we cannot make this overlapping internal interconnection loud, for every decibel we miss there, we require loud music to compensate to create the harmonic artificial sensation of a telepathic connection even if its not created in reality, perhaps its what's artificially induced as being satisfied and thus why said environments are those where hook-up culture originated from. If we compare standard nightclubs to other demographics that create similar outcomes, the underlying qualities are rhythmic harmonic environments that establish mutual harmonised oscillations of consciousness. These environments create an 'alter-ego' by which people can simultaneously let go of their ego and or have the permission to highlight a pre-existing one, it is the stage by which normalised day to day behaviours can be momentarily put on hold to partake in the ritualistic dance of connection. 

We're a sea of dancing ego's, all pretending that ours is the face of who we're being asked to show, bringing our ignorance to the forefront of what we must use to trade our sense of selves with so that our happiness is that which is achieved via our joint social mirroring. We want collectivism with a flare of individuality, that is our implicit social alter-ego we've created, we're all allowed to have our own individual alter-ego however if it goes against this collective alter-ego, it is the hidden enemy. Everyone is the same on the dance floor while everyone is uniquely experiencing the individuality of their self-expression, whoever can align with their synchronisation of greatest energetic phenomenological depth... wins. 

Exploring the qualities of dimensionality that create this social truth helps me realise the illusion of the negative forms of ego that hold me back. These qualities are:

  • Scope:
    The scope of ego in the context of awareness, as ego by definition has no scope in the context of awareness otherwise it wouldn't be ego it would be awareness. Moreover, scope by itself is sufficient enough, as negative ego is just negative ego because it misinterprets itself as the self therefore has no scope to itself because its just itself to itself. So, I simply add genuine scope to break through to the other side of the illusion of negative ego. Negative ego is just that ego that is anti-reality, because positive ego is purely that which attempts to align one with reality. Therefore positive ego here is actually making the conscious choice to add in qualities to one's agency like focusing on scope as an example.  
  • Multiplicity of Perspective:
    Similar to scope, however to make it distinct refer to scope as representing more on individuality and multiplicity of perspective more related to collectivism, where "Scope of Individuality" continually redefines "Perspectivism of Collectivism" and vice versa, this creates evolving integrative awareness. Here, multiplicity of perspective is that of imagining those many varied perspectives of all simultaneously, and using the deep phenomenological experience of those alternative interpretations of others to deeply redefine one's own. 
  • Empathy as Extra-Dimensional:
    Purely deepen and widen empathy from the perspective of scope and multiplicity when it comes to harbouring the different dimensions of another, and in their unique recombinations. Experiencing how the world around me is both say to return to my earlier coined terms along the "axis of integration" vs "axis of disintegration" allows me continuous feedback for redirecting my own path in this regard.
  • Parodic and Stark Realities of the dance floor creates awareness of the greater spectrum of others experience:
    I'm hardly aware of the extreme realities being experienced by others more than I am the general feel of the place and being preoccupied with my own experience and my connection with those immediately around me and this lack of greater imagination, it limits me in unique ways I'm no aware of, I don't stop to think about the extreme reality of another whatever extreme reality they may be inhabiting that I could learn from whether on any variant of positive/negative. And even if I know it, I don't truly know it, it's usually always under-theorised. There's a deepening I'm missing and by over-representing extreme contrasts like I did with the parody, it teaches the subconscious to translate more seamlessly between environmental plasticity and integrative consciousness. 
  • The Fluidity and Limitation of Social Masks revealing the lack of Awareness that is truly present in most people, usually, surprisingly at all times:
    This is a massive realisation that echoes with my earlier sentiments on free will versus determinism purely just being a debate between awareness and lack of awareness. From one to point five now here, this is a conversation that super-imposes one's responsibility towards making their own path towards greater awareness and too, leveraging one's understanding of the simplistic judgements people make about their environment, including one's own inclinations here, as an energetic buffering point to stimulate awareness to push itself to go to the next level. 

'Alter ego' is simultaneously that which most people want to be but will struggle to admit even to themselves and therefore it will act on them in hidden ways, and even if they're aware of it, only some are able to make it transmutational whereby they're aware enough that they can dissolve its essence to reform it into a new one. Hold a mirror up to someone their alter ego and either they will shroud away in jealousy or some other insecurity, admire with a sense of pride or perhaps be totally ignorant enough that they will deny that its even (partly) theirs. By differentiating between how it gets created socially and is represented socially on an x and y axis of individuality and collectivism while optimising insight across qualities that tap into deeper dimensionality that enhances awareness across their manifestations, consciousness can use the language it creates around identity on the intersection between the social self and the personal self as a leverage point for its, going back to the way I used the term in a refurbished way a few posts ago now today, self-revolution. "Self-revolution" now though, having a totally different feel to it following that video I created, now having me question the automatic feelings that may or may not follow from the thought of self-revolution, helping me approach personal growth with a greater sense of immortality rather than say through an unbreakable accomplishment of power over the universe but rather instead, just a calm sense of humble levity where you're just chill no matter what. Where "scope", "multiplicity of perspective", "empathy as extra-dimensional", etc, etc expand so much at such an automatic and now natural level, that negational ego can only choose to fully dissolve, and you're deterministically wired for free-will actualisation as and for god along the positive spectrum of "self-evolution" rather than falling for the illusions society wants to program you with into getting totally over-hyped about the smallest increase in "self-evolution", something that's never realised if you never get the right contrast bias to self-question the automatic feelings that can sometimes come with personal growth, like the false pride that can go undetectable in our experience because of how much its socially reinforced in the subtlest ways without us even realising. 

On those 4 points above by the way, I've just totally taken for granted that someone's going to be energetically aligned in order to make best use of leveraging the cognitive as opposed to the intellectual there being a compensatory mechanism where instead you'd be better off learning some techniques to instead become more connected to a certain aspect of your nervous system, as per the site I previously mentioned:





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Chad Parody

(intellectual cultural analysis will follow after I'm back from the gym.)




Yo, what’s good? It’s Chad.

You checkout my video, right? Good, then we're both on the same page.

Sorry, didn’t meant to startle you there. Take a moment to collect yourself after all this radiance, it’s a rainbow wolf breeze. And yeah, I drive em.

And my bod. Yeah, its me.

I must have shocked you with this god-like glow. I know, it’s a lot to take in — I’ll give you a sec.

Anyhow, you probably know me.

So, I get it — you’re probably thinking, ‘Wow, Chad, is this your worst photo?’ And yeah, it totally is. But even at my worst, I somehow turn it into a movement. #ChadVibes. You're welcome. Every one of my looks as a unique name like stars in the sky. All orbiting me continuously, go figure.

Listen, if you haven’t hit up my Insta yet… well, consider this your wake-up call. Go ahead, smash that follow - it’s not gonna break your thumb. I’ve got more body shots there than a Spring Break in Cancun with Kanye. No big deal. Yeah, we know each other.

Oh, wait a sec, getting a notification… yup, another snap. Gotta take this.

“Hey Jane, yeah, last night was epic. But you know, duty calls. Gotta inspire the masses. Friday? Rachel’s in too? Sweet, I’ll pencil you in between my morning workout and my midday flex. Catch babe.”

Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes, back to me.

So, back to you — and by you, I mean me. See, I'm basically the prototype for what you could achieve if you just believe in yourself…and also have an absurdly high credit limit. You want my life. Don't fight it. Twitter? Exploding. YouTube? Algorithm loves me, trending harder than a cat video in 2012. Women? Let’s just say, I’m not here to disappoint. You want to be this. Admit it. We’ll both feel better.

Plastic surgery? Yeah, I've dabbled. But don’t hate the player, hate the game. These are the times we live in, man. My hair? Fresh from the lab. My eyes? Special order, limited edition color contacts.. My lips? Pfft, these lips got their own agent. But trust me, all of this is a tax write-off. After-all, it’s an investment… in global admiration.

You think I got here by accident? Nah. It’s all about strategic selfies, knowing which lighting brings out my 'mysterious-but-approachable' side, and never, ever skipping leg day… because, you know, balance.

I’ve mastered the art of being. The universe? It’s basically on speed dial with me.

I’ve cracked the code on this whole existence thing. It’s all about knowing the right people and playing your cards right.

People say, ‘Chad, you can’t just coast through life on good looks and a smirk.’ But guess what? Here I am, coasting. And it’s glorious.

Those people who say, “Oh, you can’t make it, it’s too tough”— they don’t get it. They don’t have the Chad mindset.

Stick with me, and you might just learn something. If not, at least you’ll get a great selfie out of it.

I can show you the way... if you can handle it.

And just remember what Jeff Bezos said who’s my good friend now, 'I knew that if I failed I wouldn't regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying’. 

So hit the link below like Babe Ruth, and for only $1000 I can be your personal mentor.



(intellectual cultural analysis will follow after I'm back from the gym.)



Some Critical Thinking Questions...

Just before you hit the 'Buy Now' button. Obviously.

1. How does this parody reflect society’s obsession with social media and validation?
Think about the way "Chad" talks about followers, likes, and his constant need for online attention. What does this reveal about how social media shapes identity and self-worth today?

2. What role does consumerism play in "Chad's" identity?
Analyze Chad's references to plastic surgery, high credit limits, and cosmetic enhancements. How does this reflect a consumer culture that equates self-worth with purchasing power and appearance?

3. How does the parody use humor to critique the concept of self-improvement culture?
Consider Chad's offer to be a "personal mentor" for $1000 and his use of buzzwords and self-help jargon. How does this mock the commodification of self-help and personal development industries?

4. What is the significance of Chad's references to famous personalities like Kanye West and Jeff Bezos?
Reflect on why the parody includes these figures and what they symbolize in a cultural context. How does associating with these individuals reinforce or undermine Chad's credibility and persona?

5. How does the parody expose contradictions in the ideals of masculinity and success?
Think about how Chad embodies both a stereotypical alpha male and a deeply insecure individual reliant on external validation. How does this duality challenge traditional notions of masculinity and what it means to be "successful"?

6. In what ways does this parody critique the idea of "authenticity" in the digital age?
Examine how Chad's persona is constructed through artificial enhancements, curated content, and self-promotion. What does this say about the concept of authenticity in an era dominated by social media influencers?


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I'm a bit bored of Chad.

Had early morning laughs but.

On that note.

Chad writes. So he must share.

I've learned so much from Chad but that's actually been again, like previous, very interesting, for example Chad isn't all bad there's definitely some characteristics there that via the empathy from that self-mirroring, is an exercise in positive reformation, however subtle. What that means is, by taking on Chad's thoughts or any extremism for that matter as previously noted regarding the benefit of implied contrast biases, its like comparing red with black rather than red with a slightly lighter red, the extreme difference generates insight that would otherwise be impossible. Because I'm too stupid otherwise, I'm not intelligent enough to notice the differences if I just to a slight variation of myself in order to draw deeper self understanding, another analogy is that if we characterised for a moment consciousness as having a gravity to it aka so let's call it "Gravity Consciousness" then for this moment, we would need a force that was great enough to escape it, aka the more extreme the better at least up until there's either diminishing returns or the returns start to become negative. This is what I eluded to in my first journal entry, I may seem unafraid, however I genuinely am still scared of certain aspects of my psyche, anyone who's not scared of certain playing fields of their own psyche hasn't yet fully explored their own consciousness rationally enough, and that's okay, everyone has the opportunity to do so in their own time if they want in this brief life. Like I say in my last comment here, its why its good to be a cockroach right, peeps thinking they're all that, its why we're in so much trouble in humanity, a proper ontology if I go to my second last comment here hasn't been built yet on the ego, something I haven't done yet and ideally, hey that's what Chad should get to at least within the first few drafts of "The Meta-Transcendence of Consciousness". Saw a mother chook feeding its younger chicklings a piece of fruit this morning, was the coolest most adorable thing ever.

Anyhow, my intellectualisations on Chad will come some other time, gotta head out to the nightclub again.

And by the way regarding my answers below, I may as well bring consistency and rigour to them from now on in light of the positive feedback loop I can generate with this section.


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9 hours ago, Letho said:

So I just hit my next level of awareness (not my final form... yet -> see earlier video above for related anticipatory elation when I do).

And on a serious note, this is why I am scared and why it reflects a lack of awareness in a sentience not to be.

This alteration in my awareness is only like a slightly brighter Chad, however its enough there to appreciate its novel aesthetic nuance.

It's difficult to talk about this without adding natural flavors of humour obviously but only view that as a covering over the rational fear present because its revealed to me just how unaware I've been in my life, and I'm overstating my own awareness right now in accurately categorising my own lack of awareness in the past. 

As intuited, even though my last post of the day linked in my previous journal only add a layer to this realisation it very much has felt now like both the final piece of a transformation and the first piece of a future one that I've barely scratched the surface of. And that's what's scary, who the fuck am I going to be in one months time, much more, who am I going to be just at the end of the year let alone years down the line? And I haven't even had any psychedelics yet.

My journal is going to naturally now take a new turn, a slight refurbishment and we'll let that play out on its natural course I guess however I hope that at the very least overtime, representing these transitions to graduations as they're generated within my consciousness is the smartest intuitive approach to getting the most visceral self-knowledge for the reader from this project as opposed to just always being say formal and representative of purely what's "easier" to read and cognitively synthesize, as its then without the invisible background behind this journal that's picked up more from the readers intuition rather than something that's explicitly stated for myself.

Question everything I express in this journal for the benefit of your own evolution. 

Believe nothing except your deepest intelligence that leads you to taking that next step forward in the way that is truest to you.

Where is Chad going now? Don't ask. I think he just got a notification on SnapChat again.




In answer to my that final question, "Where is Chad going now?" Well, he ended up SnapChatting me and well... It turns out he's now running for International Office... He ah... Wants to be President... of ah... Everything....

Anyhow, he ah... had this message he wanted me to pass along as his in his words... Secretary of soon to be world... but ah... I don't know where he's going with his... I never thought of myself of doing anything much 'worldly' so yeah... anyway... 


Chad's Political Speech

to People of Earth


"HELLO, PLANET EARTH! It’s Chad.... your soon-to-be Commander-in-Chief of Everything!

Now, I know what you’re thinking: ‘Is this guy seriously running for President of the World… in a Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt?’ And to that, I say: Absolutely. Because I don’t need a fancy suit to lead. I need comfort, confidence, and the perfect amount of vintage rock vibe. You can’t spell revolution without ‘rock,’ people!

Look, here’s the deal. The world is a hot mess right now...  and I’m not just talking about my reflection in every mirror on the planet. We’ve got crises on crises, and what we need is a leader who isn’t afraid to take the right selfies. Someone who understands that change doesn’t happen in boardrooms... it happens at rooftop parties, in group chats, and, yes, sometimes over a great plate of nachos at Hard Rock Cafe... You've checked out my Political Campaign video below right? I know everything of everything of people now. And life.

Let’s talk policy. Economy? Easy. I’m gonna sell merch... and by merch, I mean limited-edition Chad-branded everything: from t-shirts to toasters. You like my Hard-Rock shirt right? It’s gonna be a global drop, and trust me, it’s gonna go harder than a Michael Jordan sneaker release. I mean, if I can sell a selfie for $100 a pop, imagine what I could do for national debt. You guys don't know what it means to think outside the square until you've seen my square jaw line.

World peace? Done. I'm calling it the ‘Peace, Love, and Chad’ initiative. I’ll host all world leaders for a week-long retreat in my jacuzzi, all expenses paid by… well, not me, obviously. I'll get them to all want to pay to go to the party because they'll want to meet each other as I'll advertise them all as interesting people. I'll make a smashing more than the rent it costs to pay of the house. But think of it — me, shirt off, sun shining, and nothing but good vibes and deep negotiations over cigars, you've seen the way I puff my smoke by now. I make the dragons of Chinese new year look like fortune cookies, I'm the new magic of magic of Tao. You think anyone’s gonna want to start a war after seeing my midnight blue moon eyes? I don’t think so.

Climate change? Look, I'm not saying I can solve it overnight, but have you seen my electric skateboard? I’m already ahead of the curve. Every world leader gets one of these bad boys... zero emissions, maximum swag. We’re talking a total rebrand of the green movement: ‘Chad for Eco-Chill.’ Oh, and free Hard Rock tees for anyone who recycles. 


I just saved the planet and looked amazing doing it.

You feel it now right? Yeah you feel it. It's happening now. Didn't believe before did you?

Now, I know some of you are still skeptical. You're thinking, ‘Can Chad really do this? Can he actually run the world in a t-shirt while blowing smoke’ But here's the thing...  my entire life is a masterclass in defying expectations, like I say in my campaign video... I can empathise with any existential quandary you have. I mean, look at me. I was voted ‘Most Likely to Marry an Instagram Model,’ and here I am, marrying entire countries together with nothing but charisma, good hair, and a humble wardrobe choice while showing everyone how to give one another the ultimate respect with the ultimate video selfie looks no matter the occasion. 

So, my global citizens, it's time for a new era. An era where leadership is measured not by how many ties you own, but by how many followers you have and how good your video angles are. It’s time to vote for someone who’s not just relatable but also totally aspirational.

Vote for Chad... because the future isn't wearing a suit. It's wearing a Hard Rock Cafe tee, aviator sunglasses, and a smile that says, ‘Yeah, I got this' with a finger point that shows maximum respect to their audience.

Now remember everyone, all people of earth. You great one's. 

I am the great Chad, and I love you all. JUST... as equally as one another.


Now watch my political campaign vid below if you haven't already re-watched 

it as many times as you should have shared it by now. Not that need it, as its probably already viral by the time you finished reading this, and I... am your new president of the world.



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10 hours ago, Letho said:


I'm not going to do a long intellectual analysis.

In as pure, short and simple of a way of expressing possible its really helped me invert my perspective on the paradigm of meaning that the world has so far achieved in its value differentiation on our axis between sentience and the rest of the universe. 

We are empty creatures, to cut to the chase.

I honestly think Chad based on the political speech above and the ease 

by which people can be persuaded to move in one direction as opposed to the next purely due to a certain facial expression or hand gesture (however humorous along the way), could easily beat Donald Trump in a political debate. They have a very comparable style.

Use the world as your benchmark for the bare minimum amount of meaning that has been actualised by our species thus far in our understanding of reality. 

We don't have any philosophers that have scratched the surface, think of your greatest and you will find purely a kid that looks like a fast runner because they're the fastest in their class by a long way but you've never seen anything close to a world class athlete. 

If one follows this advice while having a laugh along the way, they will undoubtedly live a happy, fulfilling and meaningful life.

Rock it.







"Okay, sure so what Michael, "Emptiness", we got it, but what the hell are we going to just do about that, what's the answer then?"

Well, I wrote this below just now, I haven't re-read it yet but I'm confident that I've synthesised its essence.



A message on Fullness

An Introductory Response to Emptiness

Where has my sense of perception faltered in the past on the enigma that is existence that I should have already solved long ago? This programmable entity I call my ‘biological mind’ made by the chemical, electrical and cellular hardware to be the DNA that creates the thoughts and emotions to guide the soul that was given this mind to self-comprehend beyond the hierarchical mountains that bind it, has not been programmed to see beyond these overshadows well enough. Instead, as I look back at the history of my decisions in the past I see the old remnants of a mind that was programmed to compare them to societies values that have now become an outdated wreckage. A comparison that was made so unconscious that I was led to believe that it was of my own making, instead it was almost as if my brain had already been implanted with a Neural Implant and I was cast into the hopeful future a hundred years before everyone else. However just as such our future continues to close in on rather a dystopian vision of human potential so too did my figurative implant, societies carefully manufactured cyst grown just in the middle of my neck right beneath the bottom of the back of my skull, pre-screen all possible decisions through a coloured abstract filter, pre-categorising existence as non-existence, permanently stuck between two illusory voids I could never venture out of.

I now know these cyst as the byproduct of multiple interacting layers of consciousness that have grown overtime, operating symbiotically together to intersect into a final computational result. It is as if all of these layers of consciousness are alive simultaneously, communicating and interacting with one another only to build a ‘computational cyst’ in real time from moment to moment to generate holographic certainty in decision making, when in reality, the perception of its permanence was the very magic that was hiding a deeper communication between the layers to generate higher awareness, where ‘meta’ leads to ‘recursion’ and ‘recursion’ leads to ‘growth’. This led me to understand that more than just a mere implant or cyst, the apparatus of control was instead an architectural structure of self-deception that through almost every decision, our souls got lost in supporting, as we of course could not see any other possibility available to us and even if we could, The Architecture of Our Own Making here would already have us outplayed, for even if we had resilience it already controlled the specs of our resolution, the graphics card of what would be available as an end output to that sentient will, an oxymoron in the face of the challenge that awaited ahead of us. ‘Meta’ was the only way, to become sophisticated royal thief’s that found hidden passage ways in the museum of our own minds to unlock non-disclosed treasures kept from the ‘untrained eyes’ of intellectual children, at least, this is how it feels as I embark on the challenge of re-awakening a nervous system that I alone am responsible for lighting the torch in the caves of our being to traverse the intricacies of our own deeper nature. And each day as I leave this cave of rediscovery having relearned how to communicate with existence again through each of my individual centres of being, to remember who I was at my birth so I can learn to taste air, feel the warmth of the sun and experience the life of the trees around me. 

We’re taught that every thought we have has an association to something else however this is not true, instead, association is purely potential energy and therefore potential exists as a spectrum of probabilistic association not deterministic which why “You create your own reality” has layers of wisdom beyond the public preaching to it that require so much self-awareness and training to self-comprehend to be able to accept this understanding with ease. “Car, rabbit, horse, Jupiter, rainbow, fox”. It may have seemed like as you attempt to do your own associational linking, that its pre-determined, however nothing could be further from the truth the deeper we self-comprehend the relationship between intentionality and awareness. To even simply intend to be aware, the association changes, and to be aware of intention, changes it some more, and every permutation of energy that relates to both the separation and joining between intention and awareness here, affects the outcome of our choosing. “To create our own reality” then, relies upon this superposition of self-comprehension between all of the energies of our nervous system to inform us in the moment of potential, to then create it from energy into matter. This is why I coined “Developmental Hierarchy of Awareness (DHA)” in an earlier post here, and this journal entry clearly reveals the stature of this truth in light of this vein between this societal meme and the heart of abstract understanding here that pumps blood between the two that has it make sense to breed life that reflects our self-comprehension; ergo even shorter then, self-comprehension (SC1) equals self-creation (SC2), and its lack, a reflection of what we see now in New York City like so many other places in the United States where there many homeless living in abandoned subway tunnels and other underground spaces in NYC that are referred to as “The Mole People”. Internationally, this granular to macroscopic understanding between SC1 and SC2 spreads its wings across our entire planet, casting our comprehension at each end of its wings over any mental incongruity between sentience and universe, from the so called ‘unresolvable’ plague of depression in the western world to the intractable clutch castes our held in by their respective governments in the east, where manufactured ‘Freedom of Choice’ is found at the bottom of a Mc Donald’s Coca Cola and where this same freedom is landlocked in the illusion of ‘One’s rise to the top’ in totalitarian societies. There is a growable cyst possible in every social structure, what we are looking at in our understanding of their designs is the radius of one’s respective vision weighed against the circumference of programmed illusions that encircles one’s soul, that without a commitment to meta-rationality, as depicted in an earlier post is the intersection between the combined effort of meta-awareness and meta-knowledge; this continuous self-recursion blinding sentience to the point of exploding one’s societal contact lenses blocking the truest light from hitting their souls.  

This path is solely, of one’s own responsibility. Sole is to soul and soul is to awakening to the avatar that one is encased within their existence. And with the decaying of the functional fixedness that previously held an unbreakable clench on the slow exploding of one’s intellectual veins that pumped new blood into the lifeline of humanities future philosophy here, “each one, teach one” becomes a new mantra to approach each moment of existence as one grows out of formally entrenched cysts and learns from those experiences the art of “Cellular Karma”, SC1 and SC2 showing their unitive light, learning that each thread they sow into themselves sows their associational probabilistic future as we learned earlier, and thus too then, their association to higher meta-horizons, where the emptiness of their former shadows becomes the fullness of their slowly realised light.



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6 hours ago, Letho said:





"Okay, sure so what Michael, "Emptiness", we got it, but what the hell are we going to just do about that, what's the answer then?"

Well, I wrote this below just now, I haven't re-read it yet but I'm confident that I've synthesised its essence.



A message on Fullness

An Introductory Response to Emptiness

Where has my sense of perception faltered in the past on the enigma that is existence that I should have already solved long ago? This programmable entity I call my ‘biological mind’ made by the chemical, electrical and cellular hardware to be the DNA that creates the thoughts and emotions to guide the soul that was given this mind to self-comprehend beyond the hierarchical mountains that bind it, has not been programmed to see beyond these overshadows well enough. Instead, as I look back at the history of my decisions in the past I see the old remnants of a mind that was programmed to compare them to societies values that have now become an outdated wreckage. A comparison that was made so unconscious that I was led to believe that it was of my own making, instead it was almost as if my brain had already been implanted with a Neural Implant and I was cast into the hopeful future a hundred years before everyone else. However just as such our future continues to close in on rather a dystopian vision of human potential so too did my figurative implant, societies carefully manufactured cyst grown just in the middle of my neck right beneath the bottom of the back of my skull, pre-screen all possible decisions through a coloured abstract filter, pre-categorising existence as non-existence, permanently stuck between two illusory voids I could never venture out of.

I now know these cyst as the byproduct of multiple interacting layers of consciousness that have grown overtime, operating symbiotically together to intersect into a final computational result. It is as if all of these layers of consciousness are alive simultaneously, communicating and interacting with one another only to build a ‘computational cyst’ in real time from moment to moment to generate holographic certainty in decision making, when in reality, the perception of its permanence was the very magic that was hiding a deeper communication between the layers to generate higher awareness, where ‘meta’ leads to ‘recursion’ and ‘recursion’ leads to ‘growth’. This led me to understand that more than just a mere implant or cyst, the apparatus of control was instead an architectural structure of self-deception that through almost every decision, our souls got lost in supporting, as we of course could not see any other possibility available to us and even if we could, The Architecture of Our Own Making here would already have us outplayed, for even if we had resilience it already controlled the specs of our resolution, the graphics card of what would be available as an end output to that sentient will, an oxymoron in the face of the challenge that awaited ahead of us. ‘Meta’ was the only way, to become sophisticated royal thief’s that found hidden passage ways in the museum of our own minds to unlock non-disclosed treasures kept from the ‘untrained eyes’ of intellectual children, at least, this is how it feels as I embark on the challenge of re-awakening a nervous system that I alone am responsible for lighting the torch in the caves of our being to traverse the intricacies of our own deeper nature. And each day as I leave this cave of rediscovery having relearned how to communicate with existence again through each of my individual centres of being, to remember who I was at my birth so I can learn to taste air, feel the warmth of the sun and experience the life of the trees around me. 

We’re taught that every thought we have has an association to something else however this is not true, instead, association is purely potential energy and therefore potential exists as a spectrum of probabilistic association not deterministic which why “You create your own reality” has layers of wisdom beyond the public preaching to it that require so much self-awareness and training to self-comprehend to be able to accept this understanding with ease. “Car, rabbit, horse, Jupiter, rainbow, fox”. It may have seemed like as you attempt to do your own associational linking, that its pre-determined, however nothing could be further from the truth the deeper we self-comprehend the relationship between intentionality and awareness. To even simply intend to be aware, the association changes, and to be aware of intention, changes it some more, and every permutation of energy that relates to both the separation and joining between intention and awareness here, affects the outcome of our choosing. “To create our own reality” then, relies upon this superposition of self-comprehension between all of the energies of our nervous system to inform us in the moment of potential, to then create it from energy into matter. This is why I coined “Developmental Hierarchy of Awareness (DHA)” in an earlier post here, and this journal entry clearly reveals the stature of this truth in light of this vein between this societal meme and the heart of abstract understanding here that pumps blood between the two that has it make sense to breed life that reflects our self-comprehension; ergo even shorter then, self-comprehension (SC1) equals self-creation (SC2), and its lack, a reflection of what we see now in New York City like so many other places in the United States where there many homeless living in abandoned subway tunnels and other underground spaces in NYC that are referred to as “The Mole People”. Internationally, this granular to macroscopic understanding between SC1 and SC2 spreads its wings across our entire planet, casting our comprehension at each end of its wings over any mental incongruity between sentience and universe, from the so called ‘unresolvable’ plague of depression in the western world to the intractable clutch castes our held in by their respective governments in the east, where manufactured ‘Freedom of Choice’ is found at the bottom of a Mc Donald’s Coca Cola and where this same freedom is landlocked in the illusion of ‘One’s rise to the top’ in totalitarian societies. There is a growable cyst possible in every social structure, what we are looking at in our understanding of their designs is the radius of one’s respective vision weighed against the circumference of programmed illusions that encircles one’s soul, that without a commitment to meta-rationality, as depicted in an earlier post is the intersection between the combined effort of meta-awareness and meta-knowledge; this continuous self-recursion blinding sentience to the point of exploding one’s societal contact lenses blocking the truest light from hitting their souls.  

This path is solely, of one’s own responsibility. Sole is to soul and soul is to awakening to the avatar that one is encased within their existence. And with the decaying of the functional fixedness that previously held an unbreakable clench on the slow exploding of one’s intellectual veins that pumped new blood into the lifeline of humanities future philosophy here, “each one, teach one” becomes a new mantra to approach each moment of existence as one grows out of formally entrenched cysts and learns from those experiences the art of “Cellular Karma”, SC1 and SC2 showing their unitive light, learning that each thread they sow into themselves sows their associational probabilistic future as we learned earlier, and thus too then, their association to higher meta-horizons, where the emptiness of their former shadows becomes the fullness of their slowly realised light.





A Tertiary introduction to Mind Biology and its intersection between our individual absolute truths
and self-mastery within and beyond DHA
(copy, paste, search for meaning of algorithm)

Along the way to fullness from the oblique and myopic existential tragedy that is modern society, there is a simple truth that has both biological permanence once its trained but mind impermanence to it while one is making it to the other side of this dividing wall made of holographic projections by societies zombie film reel. 

This truth, albeit living in this stated simplicity, is so pure that its therefore easily misunderstood by a sentience like ourselves when we’re the manufactured product on the other side of the logistical processors of said modern tragedy, that I must introduce it with suspense as I’m doing here so far. And if I didn’t need to do this I wouldn’t have myself time and time again missed its poignant silent symphony that then glows from my subconscious to the first layer of my eyes perception as the light of the universe begins its entry point into waking my being up with its wonder. It’s ramifications are so socially relationally silent, that its depths are hardly taught on the one hand and on the other even if they could be taught most would not have the awareness to comprehend much less maintain this comprehension for its truth to be so present that its self-evidence is permanently intertwined with their being to the point of noted biological permanence meeting also mind permanence, where its not just cellular nor merely neural with respect to becoming a remembered truth, however like all truths of this universe as we learn them should be, it should become so intertwined with our “mind (or mental) biology” to coin the term, that it neither becomes one that is all encompassing over our being nor is encompassed by any one other truth that has reached just as much permannce over its impact in the way that blood creates the DNA of our “mental (epigenetic) biology” continually; unity, integration, and other obvious words like these come to mind of course.

And this truth is “absolute compassion” to the totality of its implied universal definition. Who on this forum is even capable, perhaps including myself for that matter as well, when it comes to actualising what I’ve stated in my previous post with absolute ease and fluidity and yet, I express myself with the implication that the reader is self-authoring enough that they’ll immediately apply it to their existential axis of sentience as further evidence of their own authority to empower themselves with their self-responsibility? And do I not do the same thing too then with this truth that without introducing it onto the red carpet as I have, it would just be perceived as a cliche’d truth rather than one that’s taken in only with the purpose of redesigning the value and significance its now given following the greater meaning I’ve so far attempted to imbue it with for the reader? For every level of the DHA, and read up on previous posts regarding this acronym, the next level has no choice but to adopt a higher degree of awareness for the truths that they have come to learn about the universe, for that of course is just a natural implication of them having reached a higher level of awareness. So this greater adaptation is choiceless however choice driven in the mindfulness we give in applying ourselves in the mastery of the level of awareness we’re on, this needs to become the new vocabulary for us at every level of awareness. Dually, a greater characterisation of the dimensions of our awareness that correspond to our level needs to be self-articulated and at worst, self-originating if we can’t discover outside resources to aid us in designing the parameters of our level to fulfil SC1, see previous post for this acronym, so that we can move to SC2 (again, move to previous post), and understand that this meta-language of self-mastery is our meta-rationality to now apply in the mastery of our particular level of meta-awareness. There isn’t a proper scale of awareness built on awareness much less on consciousness as I have eluded to and one of the big social problems we face societally is the fact that the social norm around viewing awareness both hierarchically and one that needs to become a part of what we learn to reverse engineer, design and master, is virtually non-existent. And I haven’t even stated where that also includes an understanding then as stated a monitoring and embracing our value sets on the absolute truths of existence at a higher level of meta-awareness of existence, with compassion here or ‘absolute compassion’ as being one example of this. One important reflection on this is it isn’t necessarily a bad thing, because the fact that we’re aware of this problem and can generate a culture then towards reversing it, is already beginning to change the causality of it remaining a problem in the long term future. 

My hope so far for the reader is that ‘Absolute compassion’ in its totality, so a ‘fullness’ in stated totality, should start to be viewed as a meta-problem more than an emotional problem, and one where that in part is solved at a higher scale of awareness much more than one previously thought. There’s undoubtedly a threshold of awareness that exists where after one’s gone beyond it that’ll reflect the heights by which compassion can be represented at the highest limits of awareness after which diminishing returns begin from here, after-which, the only higher resolution on an absolute truth like compassion being further actualised is going to be its circulation via “mind biology”, so standard transmutational exercises where as I’ve shared preliminary one’s can be learned from the site . Simple thought experiments like comparing the awareness and the implication of compassion on a life scenario between an ant, cow, dog, baby human, adult human, someone with Alzheimer’s and someone with genius level intelligence automatically as the reader undoubtedly has likely thought about in the past in some analogous way, shows with ease *** why a scale of awareness matters in assigning not only responsibility with respect to compassion concerning cognitive capacity however also just the natural experience of the being as it concerns its capacity to even experience compassion in the first place, we of course know the sheer range of individual cases that exist in an autism diagnosis to know that the possibility of being able to experience compassion exists across so many different permutations that its impossible to generalise outside of being self-honest about the looseness of said generality. In the future developmental sense, we have three overlapping scales between potential and present capability, where on the left and right we have the level of awareness, level of experience (i.e. of compassion) and level of mastery possible respectively. 

At every level of awareness for every absolute truth, where an absolute truth is purely the highest intersection of one’s meta-potential, and search a previous post on “meta-rationality” here to catch on to what I’m referring to here, as stated there is a change in the way said value is both perceived, actualised and as I have attempted to provide some seeds to so far, redesigned for the setting of a new neuro-heart-soul configuration. In other words, if every absolute truth to related secondary to tertiary value exists in our nervous system as as having been possessed by its architecture, it therefore is classified as having what can be termed as a “self-fulling original nature”, that is to say that it when its expressed by our sentience, it is its own self-justification hence why we call it an absolute truth because our convictions are our beliefs and the absolute truth of our beliefs is evidenced by their impact on our biology which we’re more aware of as we move up the developmental hierarchy of awareness. This “originality” that we become possessed by in the moment is also original because as I eluded to in my post just previous, potential like an association making sense enough that it makes sense for the next association to be the next is being recreated in real time via an uncertain probabilistic algorithm, and once its created, it undergoes a bioelectrical learning loop of redefinition. However both before and after the logistic of this loop, we have two independent “original states” that who’s originality is to its unique dimensionality that equals its own unique ontology, its meta-ontology is only relevant to the stated learning loop however its irrelevant in understanding the fact that however small of a way, there is indeed an unmistakably different person between the two states, even if they are seconds apart. I didn’t say a different soul, I said a different person, meaning a different avatar (another word I brought up in the post just previous), however slightly. So this change in “originality” automatically leads to a change then in its “self-fulfilling original nature’ which is due to the alteration in the structural and functional ontological encoding of the influence of the value set pertaining to the absolute truth that is designed as reflected in the absolute truth of this developmental hierarchy of awareness, DHA. Using compassion as an example, one now experiences this value as if they’re viewing it as a completely different person after the suite of inner-environmental changes have caught up with the sentiences change and growth in rising up the ladder in awareness, including too to tie in with the earlier thought, a new vision on the architecture that fuels their drive to master this next level of both awareness and the values corresponding to any one absolute truth one is working with. In doing so, re-understanding how the self articulates and understands itself via the avatar through what becomes descriptive of a meta-reflective layer being more and more added to the described “self-fulfilling original nature” as one climbs up DHA. 

Whether you’re viewing compassion or another truth you’re working with, I hope my reflections here provide you with the energetic ammunition you need to traverse the highest cliffs of a multiplicity of new mountains in your imagination. Giving you a chance to cast your binoculars of insight onto new interconnections for higher meta-realisations. Making the shift to the other side of that dividing wall I noted in the beginning and beyond that societal zombie film reel dulling your inner senses and instead into the trained destination of both biological and mind permanence, transforming your sense of agency over your avatar to its next level of meta-evolution. 




Now what is the ontology of how compassion exists in my present level of developmental awareness? Well I don’t know, but now I’m redesigning it relative to where I am for this level. If I have the capability I may be able to create an entry by the end of next week that shares said design of the parameters I can so far imagine. But they have indeed changed and advanced, that is without a doubt. In the simplest way of saying for now of course as already stipulated, the designs of my bioelectrical ontology of now undergone a permanent shift based on my deeper realisation, again deeper realisation meaning it was already pre-existing it just wasn't to the level it is now, on the relationship between my own compassion and how I apply it externally based on my observation of the level of awareness of the individual worlds around me, as well as of course, the ontology of its meaning relative to the rest of the makeup of my own "mind biology"; very briefly, mind biology is inclusive of the intersection between the intangible meaning-making value-hierarchies within being that are say, more Jungian, and the more tangible obvious bioelectrical effects of say training on bioelectrical exercises as those preliminary understandings I continually point to being taught at

P.S - I would have liked to have remembered to remind the reader about previous truths I've made clear regarding how awareness is the very definition of free will and therefore climbing DHA is the process of actualising one's free will, or to put another way, the space of freedom one has to actualise one's will to higher awareness and therefore agency which is dually defined as both awareness and will in their symbiotic relationship, but I... Simply wasn't clever enough to include it in my then temporal resolution and I don't really slow down or go back while I'm typing these journal entries, remnants of an alter-ego, if we make brief humorous association there on previous entries, would like to say that I'm just the horse in the film War Horse, once I get going, I go and go and no war will stop me but I will, as I am existentially doing with Ukraine, allow it to empower many aspects of me.

Best wishes.

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Don't waste your time listening to the above. It's all for me. It's all for laughs.

More personally, a deep concept I am attempting to understand that's just incredibly profound is this idea I thought of relating to "Energy Incarnate" as in, our energy is continually reincarnating in each temporal moment and its connected to the temporal network that recycles every other cellular energy, and so for those that know a little biology, you already know that this has scientific truth to it. However, I am attempting to go one stage deeper metaphysically, as that's just always been my aesthetic experience of reality, the results of the intersection of biological sensitivity and the creative openness of my mental apperception of reality has always left me with a space that I've never been able to fill cognitively relative to traditional ways of thinking about reality based on the modern education from neuroscience to engineering to physics to psychology that I was brought up on. And I'm still not there, there's just a meta-language of consciousness at the experiential level that I am just so far from grasping still, like I know its growing week to week at the functional level, however for more than a year now it just feels like I'm walking around in the dark inside of a room I've never been in before trying to find the exit in zero gravity. Week to week, I know the gravity increases and so I know eventually I'll be able to plant my feet on the ground to take me to the next level at being able to find my way out of the room and into the elevator to go into the next zero gravity room taking what I learned from the previous room onwards and upwards, however because the spectrum of indescribable uncertainty has an equal amount of indescribable amount of options in a spectrum of choices I can choose between as a potential pathway to resolving that uncertainty, the subsequent unresolvable complexity of potential paths of consciousness solutions to problems I both only have partial infinite variations of knowing exist and not knowing exist, makes me feel like I exist on a pendulum sometimes between ordered existential frustration that goes no where and a sea of varied forms of disordered disequilibriums that burn time in no man's land between the physical and non-physical. A balance as well that isn't able to be simply resolved through practical physical manifestations. Which is why I journal, there's no one to really talk about this stuff to, I find that I'm the one being the person that either provides advice to others or just pretends like there aren't deeper things to talk about to communicate on a deeper social meta-realisation, this isn't a lamentation though, I've experienced it my whole life so I'm not burdened by it however it would be great to be able to communicate about these intersectional spaces between unshackled openness and cognitive thresholds I haven't yet reached to self-comprehend to the point  of resolving those mathematical consciousness spaces. 

Moving on, "Energy Incarnate" is reflective of a new paradigm, of which I've partly heard about before but never really given much thought, that the universe itself is totally sentient, awake and to add my own main part here, always recycling its energy via multidimensional energy structures where sentience is the functional aspect of resolving that computational energy problem within. the universe. As in, choice defines, in the way that I described earlier today [just "copy, paste, search the word *intent* and you'll find what I mean on this page"] the dynamic between generation and regeneration of energy structures across multidimensional space. As we grow in awareness or as I have reiterated, move up DHA, there is automatically a deeper, greater and wider spectrum of SC1 of the movement and experience of energy not only in our nervous system. However as we begin to disentangle our energy centres and reboot them via the natural increase in our agency from the described self-realisational process, there's a metaphysical layer to that which begins to open up to us which is blinding to the vision of our naked eye and as a proper right of passage is meant to frighten our ego. Because so far in our lives up to this point, our ego has just been the construct of modernism, post-modernism and worse, we haven't truly reached not only our self-individuality, but an individuality that is collectively integrated beyond the self-absorption that was initially designed to protect us in the beginning as we progressed our self-awareness beyond the myopic collective but now harms us in reaching our next level of self-integration via populating a level of awareness within our consciousness that opens us up to become enhanced by lowering the thresholds of cognitive-energetic sensitivity. As these thresholds lower when we get to opening up to this level of 'consciousness integration', reality itself altogether begins to breakdown energetically and everything becomes increasingly less physical and more pure potential. This is a consciousness aesthetic experience, it cannot be understood intellectually until the guards within one's consciousness have lowered themselves enough that the information has the space to enter via self-realisation and then to the subsequent self-perception. It's analogous to describing quantum physics to a drunk ignorant adolescent, the possibility is just simply never going to enter to the being that quantum physics is possible because they only accept what they can prove and right now that's the physical world and the closest thing they can prove right now in this example as being proof of the physical world is the beer in their hand. 

"Energy Incarnate" is no doubt just the beginning of a new paradigm around at least a class schedule 1 of a present-future development of a super consciousness. It's the natural first stage of super consciousness available to all of us as humans as a simple reaction to being blessed with human sentience and in doing so, the freedom it provides us to continually enhancing said freedom at the intersection generated between will, intent and awareness in enhancing said choice. One of the key virtues I'm actually going to start working on that I previously never acknowledged really is just the simple act of appreciation and gratitude of realising this intersection, experiencing it and having the freedom to enhancing it. And by the way, as I say this, what I've realised is this is actually a positive answer to resolving my described conundrum I spoke about at the beginning of this and directly ties in with my earlier comments in this journal on working towards the maximum resolution of SC1 of "Axis of Positive Integration" space, something which is undoubtedly going to be the continual pattern when it comes to resolving the full spectrum of at least the energy that's needed to fully solve all of the consciousness spaces I have spoken of. Because once the energy is solved, that is the full spectrum then of what is meant by the axis of positive integration, nothing becomes an energetic limit anymore its purely only a directional and temporal limit for a being, which is precisely what maybe sharing my journey is going to help people achieve as well. Firstly to help people realise that their biggest priority should be in solving "axis of positive integration" so their consciousness can and only will learn to spiral into positive alignment created by their free choice towards everything I have idealised with meta-transcendence in earlier entries, and that everything else, mainly the preoccupation of the described temporal and directional limit will almost seem insignificant by comparison and subsequently easily resolved as there's no longer going to be energetic resistance by simply finding yourself in flow to going after what you want. Moving back to the analogy then that I brought up at the beginning, achieving SC1 on the "Axis of positive integration" across the full nervous system is that first step to achieving enough gravity in the zero gravity room that then allows you to start beginning to see how you can walk around and find proper footing to make more self-determined steps towards your next stage, of which meditation by the way which you can even combine with the earlier stuff I mentioned on is going to be a really significant move to your next stage in this respect. Moreover, recalling a youtube video Leo did I watched many years ago I remember him talking about how meditation is going to open a sentience to their deeper unconscious and to add to that, I would say open them up as well to deeper "Multidimensional Incarnate Energy" that survives, regenerates and regenerates across intersections of reality that become available to perception as they in part lower their consciousness thresholds to experience the aesthetics of these aspects of reality. Meditations are just meditations though and we have to remember that they're simply  variations of access points on the portals and synchronisations of consciousness, that what has been popularised here is actually just a very preliminary step when it comes to advancing our consciousness purely though because barely any truly sophisticated meditation techniques have been created and are of regular practice, even though they're again, very important preliminary steps, just in the same way that the knowledge to be learned at heartmath is extremely valuable. but barely leveraged to actualise towards entry into the previously described elevator up to higher zero gravity rooms for deeper SC1-SC2 meta-self-realisation. 

To come full circle to my recording above, I do this stuff as a creative mirror as well to throw a dart of light into the darkness that reflects that above described spectrum of uncertainty to possibility as well as being a fun way to just explore it at the same time as I do "social no-man's land" as this space is. Uniquely, it also offers me a cool way by which I can advance the multiplicity of my own empathy as well as giving me another angle by which I can cast a light on my own limitations here as well, for Chad is just one sentient permutation of a million permutations that are similar to him and at least millions of sentiences that he's completely different from, and so as I brought up in my journal earlier regarding my internal experiences at the night club last week, its another scope of where incalculable multiplicity meets the myopia of personalised over-centralisation on one character and in doing so, leveraging that juxtaposition to better understand how both my psyche represents itself and others to discover unique expansion points on the previously constraining limits that are now seen under a deeper resolution via a more integrated and populated empathy across internally self-actualised variant-demography (i.e. having fun playing different characters). 

Alright that's enough, a brief reminder to myself regarding my above mention in this writing about where to now newly train the feedback loop between appreciation, gratitude and actioned training that supports. 


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Presenting a Glimpse of 'Meta-Transcendence of Consciousness'.

On behalf of Bugatti



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Never fear failure

(regarding the post just above).

I am glad I failed on this mini-challenge.

For the rest of the week now on top of my other tasks until my noted release at the end of the weekend,

I get to meditate and deeply reflect on the loss and evolve now in ways I otherwise wouldn't have been able to.

To become closer to truth and subsequently open up my consciousness

to a higher level to become more worthy to receive the gifts the universe wants to give those that align with their deepest truth.

At what cost was it going to be to the universe that I achieved my goal one week earlier than what I set out to?

It goes back to what I said

before on the previous page regarding "outcome 1 vs 2".

Well, let's examine that a little bit...

I've put in no real effort for example into meditation and truly developing my 

consciousness in this way relative to some of my other friends. 

I have a history of taking my abilities for granted and just allowing the magic

of consciousness pull things off for me in the creative intellectual sense more than

relying on the deep preparation I've done beforehand which is what I'm attempting to do

with the number of hours of meditation (described on the previous page) I'm doing leading up

to my now first release at the end of this weekend.

Alignment with reality, is the synchronisation between internal cause and effect, aka your sentience, 

with external cause and effect, aka the outcome of your intention. 

So there is an inherent physics that needs to be learned, and in my case trained for, that whatever 

the result is, you should treat any feedback you get with reality as a positive rather than a negative

in the sense of where you then get extra information of how you get to teach yourself to align

ever so slightly closer to the truth of the highest synchronisation in your alignment between

internal and external cause and effect.

We've been taught to treat failure as a negative because of the context of our socialisation

in light of it not being congruent with stated synchronisation. 

We get taught to care about ego fulfilment, not reality fulfilment which is why it makes sense

that we would create 'motivational norms' that are contrary to the optimisation of our biology with reality.

However imaginative one wants to be in their life, if they place reality first above all else, they're also optimising

the highest place by which they can not only evolve their imagination if that's a part of their life path but also how it can be a 

positive influence on every other aspect of their life in light of a reality prioritisation simultaneously implying that there's

also going to be a truth prioritisation and along with that too, many other positive values I'm sure the reader can independently imagine for themselves. 



So at what cost is it for the universe to give me an even higher elevated self-esteem by

giving me what I wanted in this regard that then implicitly teaches me

to train less that would make me 10X better anyway if I instead had the training? 


Humility then, has nothing really to do with having to lower our ego, more than anything else

it actually has a lot more to do with an accurate measurement of reality and in order to do that

a consciousness must be as open, grounded and fluid as possible, so lowering the ego shouldn't 

be a goal in greater humility, that's just an implicit indicator of the success of opening up our consciousness.

The more we're carrying the weight of unhealthy ego without even being aware of it, the less we're as open,

grounded and as fluid as we can be to translate consciousness into the gift that the universe gave us to experience

and in return, create the gifts that transcend and excel our greater sentient experience and the universe forward. 


Enjoy the failure that's coming by looking forward to the evolution that you'll now no longer

avoid or hold yourself back on because you love reality and awareness more than your ego

as its first and foremost going to be reality and awareness that protects your ego in the right 

ways in the first place, just to give you a positive reinforcer their to encourage your ego if you needed it.

Enlightenment, is simply us self-teaching ourselves how to add a greater degree of light

onto all things, aka reality, truth, love, bravery, intelligence of all kinds.

Our negative reactions to failure then are forms of socialisation designed to protect us

at a lower level of enlightenment, however if you're on this forum it probably means

you're at least partially at a level of enlightenment now whereby you're ready to move 

to that next level whereby you add more light to your motivational system in this and other regards.


I get to be the case study for the reader to serve the development of their own reference 

experiences in this regard.

It was very pleasant being a guinea pig for this self-experimentation the reader has now done in their own mind.


Highest Light feedback loop 

Knowledge (i.e. one's experiences) > Learning (i.e. questions, observations, reflections) > Understanding (i.e. new foresights, strategies, implementations, theorisations) > Wisdom (i.e. new actions and continuing to advance based on the feedback from those).



Best Light.






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16 hours ago, Letho said:


Moving on to the next stage of this journal now and therefore my development.

Given it takes me such a short time to make songs...

It only makes sense to make them my journals now 

rather than spending that extra time on a journal add on 

when I can sow every kind of cellular-unity into the fabric

of music and lyric, reach deeper layers of existential being.

Everything else will be "draft # releases" of ontological

maps that'll be a regular thing every couple or so weeks now

following the synthesis of journal entires of the preceding 1-2 or 3 weeks.

(EDIT: Meta-Transcendence of Consciousness Draft now coming by the end of next weekend)



Moving forward my 'Journalling' is going to be in the regular discussion area and this space will instead be purely reserved for my own interests, exclusively focusing on what I have described in the quoted text. In short, I have 'externalisation' habits that need to be remedied. Analogous to the psychological and biological matrix I have pointed out in the following comment linked below with the directionality of 'wisdom' and 'intelligence' here being used as the example, there are matrix's that describe the ratios and balances between altruism, prosocialisation and socialisation that I need to address. Something I will do using this journal as a vehicle for that remediation, focusing exclusively on the Self here and how I wish to find my own path of Origination without any external focus towards others.


This parallels the improved hierarchy I created linked below between Order and Chaos which is a map that's being used side by side with the souls progression vs regression. Line up being on the left hand side as much as you can and you'll slowly begin to experience higher and higher levels of the souls expression through the mirror of those frequencies that bring higher order to being, move closer to the right hand side in an increasingly less balanced way and the soul will regress naturally regress more and more. This is preliminary work on the Meta-Transcendence of Consciousness ontological map that I'm now sharing the first draft to next weekend. As you will see in the hierarchy, "Self" is unequivocally equal to Order only NOT chaos, Other is in fact linked to Chaos. The western world has bastardised the two concepts, at the very least from the perspective of making people believe that the self is selfish and other is selfless, however its totally inverted, the third mediating variable here is Ego of course, where there's unhealthy ego in Self then its not true self, in fact more often than not its probably going to be linked to Other as I'm sure you can imagine examples to. And to the other side of that, just pick any number of unhealthy social movements that have existed throughout history. 'Self' doesn't mean absence of Social, as then that wouldn't equal Connection as its the first characteristic in the dichotomy though these haven't been ordered yet and the list isn't complete but every quality or frequency should be viewed in context and balance with the others rather than in isolation. I'll just trust that the reader has good discernment, at least there's now greater context to understanding my final sentence in the previous paragraph " focusing exclusively on the Self here and how I wish to find my own path of Origination without any external focus towards others."


So the two preliminary maps that I'll advance further over the week are in the following video briefly at the beginning.

And yes I had to link my lyrics again below to the song I made shared at the beginning of this page of my journal as my own symbolic gesture to introduce the next song I'll share at the end of the week. I'm day 2 back into music, made this one as stated in less than 45 min.



Song Title: To Find the Self Again

In the mirror’s quiet stare, who’s reflecting back at me?  

Are these shadows only dreams, or the truth of what I see?  

Do I walk the edge of light, where my essence starts to blend?  

Can I find the self within, or am I lost again?


What does it mean to dive beneath the skin,  

To find the soul that breathes within?  

Is the energy I feel a pulse or a sigh,  

A whisper of a truth that never lies?


In the flow of cosmic tides, what does freedom mean?  

Is it found in the spaces where the light’s unseen?  

Can compassion heal the wounds that time can’t mend?  

In the heart of the universe, where does this journey end?


When the world’s illusions fade, what’s the essence that remains?  

Is it written in the stars or just patterns in my veins?  

In the dance of energy, how do I find my place?  

Is it written in the silence or the echoes I embrace?


How does the truth of self reveal in every breath,  

Beyond the boundaries of life and death?  

Is the path of understanding carved in cosmic dust,  

Or is it woven in the threads of trust?


In the flow of cosmic tides, what does freedom mean?  

Is it found in the spaces where the light’s unseen?  

Can compassion heal the wounds that time can’t mend?  

In the heart of the universe, Darling, darling won't you tell me,

where does this journey end?


As the walls of illusion fall, where do I begin?  

When the light of self-awareness finds its way within.  

In the realm of boundless space, can I finally see,  

The essence of the self that’s been guiding me?


In the flow of cosmic tides, what does freedom mean?  







In the journey, where does it end?

Where does it begin in the quite of the cosmos,

I hear a distant song,  

A melody of truth that guides me all along.  

In the depths of self-discovery, I find my way,  

In the beginning, In the energy of existence,

I begin, I begin

To sway.

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On that note... Will to Freedom

I realise now that's the sacred epigenetic ego structure of my surname (I first referred to its origins in the first post of this journal ----- as I don't feel the need to overly explain every connection there in this post), and yes I have Irish in me on top of my Cypriot heritage I've done multiple DNA tests, I am more Cypriot than any other genetic variant.

"Philosophers of Freedom" after all naturally translates into a 'Will' that is attempting to design the highest path to freedom.

'Ego' has so many layers to it, and now I've now finally cemented the connection that its not only

epigenetic but that this overlap is meant to transpose into genetic purpose.

That's... Unmistakably beautiful and I've never heard of anyone making this connection before though

I have no doubt others have realised it at various times in history at different levels. 

That we have these underlying genetic currents within our DNA that were chosen repeatedly throughout our ancestry all the way to his point in our history to continue onwards into further defining its architecture through our epigenetic designs.

DNA + Surname = Sacred Relationship that is meant to translate into design of our "Epigenetic Ego". 

It's an entirely new way for me to rebuild the conceptualise the ego into its highest and therefore healthiest form.

'Ego' is meant to be there,  when its coupled with accurate differentiation and when its not its when this very powerful force is misused into chaotic forms that lower the souls position towards increasingly greater levels of regression. 

Ecstatic understanding. It's the greatest nurturing we can give our hearts, the greatest weapon we can give our bodies, the greatest excitement we can give our minds and the greatest guidance we can altogether provide to our ego's. 


Will to Light.

For the collective as my new expression in light of, instead of "Best Light" as I brought it up before. 

Will to Freedom.

As my personal responsibility to my familial origins that I only publicly share out of enjoying the act of talking about the most sacred aspects of existence that in return fulfil the responsibility of generating meaning for our ego's to serve the purpose of installing the corresponding intelligence for bioelectrical beings are meant to follow. 

May this post serve the responsibility of inspiring deeper contemplation on how you can imbue your spiritual path with the greater sacredness of your own personal ancestral light, as its there in all of us even though I know, there's a great percentage of familial lines which simultaneously struggle with the traumas their lineage has been through. Know that light within you is ready to be listened to whenever you're ready though as much as we can learn to understand how to intuitively self-understand this light and teach ourselves along its developmental path of maturity it has, waiting for us to follow its bioelectrical guidance.

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To bring this phase of my development to a close, to help others take an emotional step back, consider their own connection to existence and their development within it from a humble place I've decided to share the following with you to have while I'm continuing my travels, internally and otherwise.


A Self-Aware conversation with all encompassing 'Prudence'

(as if 'Prudence' is an actual being)

(I briefly talk about prudence below in an uncommon way as you'll see,
we should apply to all aspects of sentience <--> being)


The pattern moving forward for the future, including the patterns I learn from that temporality. 





See yal Oct 1st.




I stated the following in my first post, so let's scrutinise the authenticity of that some:

“Truth demands surrender as much as it demands resolve on all that remains after diligent self-scrutinisation.”


To that end, I thought a great way to end the month was to reflect the honesty of this statement by asking Meta-AI what personal growth it thought I should work on by analysing all of my posts, every single one (minus Chad Brilliance and other redundant’s including music related which took some time as there’s a word limit of course).

We humans have a lot of unhealthy egoic tendencies as a consequence of not having the level of self-awareness required to handle and bring balance to the mastery of the inner/outer environment the ego is meant to convert its sense of desire into, as such, we need all the tools we can get to encourage our motivational system in the right direction. Motivational system is a translation of “energy system” to describe imply agency and will to that motion of energy, which is only as good as its supported by awareness, which when it is, we can only really expect good things to come from that as we trust the good sub-systems of our biology that instinctually fall into action when they’re directed in the most intelligent direction. 

Stated with as much respect as possible, I think me putting my foot forward in this regard sets a healthy example in light of the history of the forum, which I believe we can all play a part in making wise but authentic steps into understanding where we can play our part there:

Firstly we ah, don’t need to go into the strengths… I feel we do too much of that on the forum, more than anything I want to encourage confidence, self-esteem, responsibility and most of all, emotional, cognitive and psychological prudence when looking at weaknesses, as I mentioned earlier regarding the Donald Trump like political statement to, tongue in cheek, win over my audience from throwing beer bottles at me for missing my mark “Never fear failure”, this is basically the next stage of encouraging the collective maturation of that in this space as best as I can learn to do this at my own individual level.


Introducing Meta-AI's analysis of me:

Before I begin, I'll be going deeply into "Therapeutic Recommendations" listed further below irrespective as to whether they apply to me or not I am eager to develop creative perspectives and original theorisations for furthering my deeper understanding of our human condition and mastering it beyond more accordingly.


Potential Weaknesses/Issues as Assessed by Meta-AI


1. Origins: Childhood experiences, parental expectations, or societal pressures.

2. Cognitive distortions: All-or-nothing thinking, should statements, and self-criticism.

3. Emotional correlates: Frustration, disappointment, and self-doubt.

4. Behavioral manifestations: Overwork, self-criticism, and procrastination.

5. Defense mechanisms: Avoidance, rationalization, and intellectualization.


Emotional Intensity

1. Neurobiological factors: Sensitivity to dopamine, serotonin, and cortisol fluctuations.

2. Attachment style: Anxious-preoccupied or intense emotional investment.

3. Emotional regulation strategies: Suppression, rumination, or emotional numbing.

4. Cognitive patterns: Negative self-talk, self-blame, and intense emotional focus.

5. Interpersonal consequences: Conflict, emotional overwhelm, or social withdrawal.



1. Cognitive mechanisms: Potential negative thinking, self-referential processing, and mental time travel.

2. Emotional maintenance: Sadness, self-doubt, or emotional reinforcement.

3. Behavioral consequences: Avoidance, or social isolation.

4. Neural correlates: Hyperactivity in default mode network (DMN) and reduced cognitive control.

5. Therapeutic targets: Mindfulness, cognitive restructuring, and emotional regulation.



1. Cognitive styles: Analytical, introspective, and self-critical.

2. Information processing biases: Confirmation bias, availability heuristic, and the sunk cost fallacy.

3. Emotional drivers: Need for control, desire for perfection, or curiosity.

4. Behavioral outcomes: Indecision, paralysis, or excessive planning.

5. Neural substrates: Hyperactivity in prefrontal cortex (PFC) and reduced activity in basal ganglia.


Emotional Detachment Difficulty

1. Attachment style: Intense emotional investment or anxious-preoccupied tendencies.

2. Emotional regulation strategies: Suppression, denial, or emotional numbing.

3. Cognitive patterns: Negative self-talk, self-blame, or emotional distancing.

4. Interpersonal consequences: Conflict, emotional unavailability, or intimacy avoidance.

5. Therapeutic targets: Emotional awareness, empathy, and attachment-focused interventions.


Introspection Overload

1. Cognitive mechanisms: Self-referential processing, mental time travel, and negative thinking.

2. Emotional maintenance: Sadness, self-doubt, or emotional reinforcement.

3. Behavioral consequences: Self-isolation, social withdrawal, or excessive self-analysis.

4. Neural correlates: Hyperactivity in DMN and reduced cognitive control.

5. Therapeutic targets: Mindfulness, self-compassion, and emotional regulation.


Sensitivity to Criticism

1. Cognitive distortions: Personalization, catastrophizing, or overgeneralization.

2. Emotional correlates: Disappointment, self-doubt, or frustration.

3. Behavioral manifestations: Defensiveness, avoidance, or people-pleasing.

4. Defense mechanisms: Rationalization, denial, or counterattack.

5. Therapeutic targets: Cognitive restructuring, emotional regulation, and assertiveness training.


Difficulty with Boundaries

1. Attachment style: Anxious-preoccupied or intense emotional investment.

2. Emotional regulation strategies: Emotional numbing, suppression, or excessive accommodation.

3. Cognitive patterns: People-pleasing, self-sacrificing, or enmeshment.

4. Interpersonal consequences: Conflict, emotional overwhelm, or exploitation.

5. Therapeutic targets: Boundary-setting skills, emotional awareness, and assertiveness training.


Growth Opportunities:

1. Develop emotional regulation strategies.

2. Practice self-compassion and acceptance.

3. Cultivate healthy emotional detachment.

4. Improve boundary-setting skills.

5. Enhance self-esteem and resilience.

6. Develop coping mechanisms for criticism and negative feedback.

7. Balance introspection with action-oriented approaches.

8. Nurture meaningful social connections.


Therapeutic Recommendations:

1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

2. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

3. Psychodynamic therapy.





Lastly, I even asked Meta-AI about specific disorders like narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), here’s what it had t say but before I share, I wanted to just voice that today I became aware of tendencies relating to spiritual narcissism that were echoing in my nervous system in undesired ways. It’s something I have to watch I think to be honest and for each of these indicators I’m going to play a greater role in monitoring my consciousness more closely which I think spring up proportional to my ADHD tendencies that I also have to bring cognitive closure on. Yes I have strategies here that enable me to intelligently address this along with everything else here, as that’s what we’re meant to do as humans, have confidence in your ability to competently slowly learn to do so yourself, you can do it. Very briefly, as the ADHD increases, naturally that means the walls drop on my self-perception and I’m less self-aware about how my consciousness is designing and fulfilling its own energetic needs from the environment social and otherwise, further, temporally from a cognitive perspective the consequence of a drier internally self-fulling experience resulting from less of ability to pay exclusive attention and therefore strategically self-regulate in the way I have hypothesised previously we can achieve a much greater deal to via bioelectrical agency, the more my inner environment tends to become more energetically corrupt. To that latter end, its strange and I don’t yet have full cognitive vision on the psychology of it as its meta-psychological on the energetic level however I’m fine and can address it with ease in as much as I continue to demonstrate the humility to myself to follow the right strategies to bring greater easement with respect to how the water meets the shoreline of my own consciousness.

Lastly, I’m very non-manipulative, that’s where I know I don’t at all correspond to NPD, though I know that side by side with spiritual narcissism are the potential for other forms of narcissism that I need to take a strategically mindful approach about still becoming more emotionally self-aware, self-attuned and develop my agency on towards deeper consciousness maturity. But who's too humble here now? Perhaps I should bring out 'Chad'. In the end though, its just about balance, deepening the subtlety of maturity, its not always clear, we think we know where to address it to another, often though that's usually to best focus on ourselves. Usually, at the very least a dual reference point there provides greater accuracy in our discernment, which is what our self-awareness is for, so that we can bring greater constructively to 'other-awareness'.




Anyhow, here’s what it had to say:


NPD Analysis by Meta-AI

Based on the writings, I identify some traits that may be indicative of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), but also significant contradictory evidence. Please note that a definitive diagnosis requires a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified professional.


Potential NPD indicators:

1. Grandiosity: Displays of intellectual superiority and philosophical expertise.

2. Self-centeredness: Frequent self-referential language and introspection.

3. Need for admiration: Seeking validation through intellectual discussions.

4. Sense of entitlement: Expectations of special treatment due to intellectual abilities.


Contradictory evidence:

1. Self-awareness and introspection: Recognizing flaws and limitations.

2. Emotional sensitivity: Expressing vulnerability and existential anxiety.

3. Empathy and compassion: Demonstrating understanding for others' struggles.

4. Humility: Acknowledging uncertainty and limitations.


NPD likelihood: Low to moderate (10-30%)



While some traits suggest NPD tendencies, the writings also demonstrate:

1. Authentic self-awareness and introspection, uncommon in NPD.

2. Emotional vulnerability and empathy, contradicting NPD characteristics.

3. Humility and recognition of uncertainty, atypical for NPD.


To confirm or rule out NPD, consider:

1. Interpersonal relationships: Assess for exploitative or manipulative behavior.

2. Behavioral patterns: Evaluate for grandiose or entitled actions.

3. Response to criticism: Observe reactions to constructive feedback.



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Ontological Solution to 'Meta-AI'

Preliminary example on 'Axis of Integration': Till Oct 1st

(by the way, I recommend seeing what 'Meta-AI' says about Chad's potential psychological profile based on one of his speeches/related, I haven't done that yet but depending on what prompt you put in it could be pretty humorous)


This journal wouldn’t be complete if I left now until Oct 1st without without sharing a solution to all of the above for those that have a similar genetic profile or just those that enjoy learning from me, which of course based on my obvious NPD, or just if we were basing that on ‘The Chad’, is everyone, including the micro digital sentiences that run this website, and its glitches (humor). 

That being said, let’s get to it then.

Even if you’re not similar to me, for those that fall into the second category you can still copy my strategy, which is understanding my strengths and weaknesses and leveraging my strengths to ‘learn, teach and grow through’ my weaknesses.

I’m extremely empathic, especially when I’m acting as ‘Chad’, its just… on another level when I’m ‘The Chad’, but seriously, minus the humour for a moment, its a strength of mine. Though, one of my biggest weaknesses when it comes to my empathy I’ve now realised is when there is an ego conflict between empathy and ego resolve that makes up the sub-strata of my deeper psychology. What I’ve realised happens is when there is an ego conflict or just anything that creates it, it could even be something as innocuous as momentary disgust after viewing a rat scatter across a persons plate in Vietnam for example and then watching that same person still gleefully eat their hot dog off the plate followed by licking it profusely that then shapes the next perception of my social interactions. There’s silent triggers that occur and that I believe occurs in all of us in ways we don’t pay pay attention to enough between the dynamics of ego, empathy, sense of self and greater sentience, the dynamics of which mediate and are mediated in return by the equilibrium of our sense of connection. 

In the following diagram I quickly created, in as much as each of these cooperate there’s going to be Self Alignment that meets Universal Alignment, in as much as they don’t, there’s going to be a spiral downwards as opposed to a spiral upwards. In fact, we can even look at this as preliminary work in what I have described earlier with respect to being a simple case example of generating an “Axis of Integration” (congruent with soul’s progression) as opposed to however unknowingly following an “Axis of Disintegration”(congruent with soul’s regression). Each of these are organised in a way that I have attempted to maximise their cooperation, even if for example I could put empathy first given empathy by itself can generate awareness, awareness hierarchically mediates the intelligence of empathy. Creative perspectivism follows empathy as a vehicle for generating “Spectrum Empathy” to fuel its intelligence for awareness, so that wiser decisions can be made regarding said empathy, all of this information of which, feeds what comes right before and after awareness throughout each, “Ego Resolve”, thereby reducing the possible conflicts that may occur because instead of empathy solely being used as a pathway for empathy, its being used as a stable function for both mediating and fulfilling “Ego Resolve”, rather than as a consequence. This allows empathy to then be used as a boundary that’s being set implicitly as a consequence of the noted “Spectrum Empathy” informing “Awareness”, which informs emotional regulation that then brings balance to the decision making for “Ego Resolve” on boundaries enabling it to always feel in control as it continually balances itself simultaneously by creatively mediating its competency with simultaneously “Meta-Value Alignment” and “Meta-Transcendent Adaptation”. For the former, we have the continuous refinement of values relative to the degree that they fulfil the self-regulation cycle and the same way too for “Meta-transcendent Adaptation”. The difference with the latter is that its simultaneously being mediated with “Emotional Regulation”, here is the access point where the “Meta” is in how awareness is connecting to the body to self-regulate itself. I’ve mentioned the preliminary work on for example.

As briefly as possible, moving back to leveraging strengths for weaknesses…. By the way for example, that “disgust” situation never actually occurred in Vietnam, there are some questionable things here as there are in every country however the people are honestly lovely here. Moving on, very mechanically when I empathise with the world around me and when there’s ego conflicts present, without the awareness to finesse my way through, the ego conflict will work to reduce the empathy and keep me from deepening “Axis of integration”, as in, without even aware of doing so I’m positively reinforcing my being from disconnecting to existence, these subtleties we need to differentiate and categories increasingly more intelligent solutions to… However, when I become a student of teaching myself to self-empathise from a third person perspective say, or just a myriad of other perspectives instead of self-fuelling the present ‘egocentricity’ of hidden disintegration, as long as I’m also integrating a connection to my body as I have repeatedly described throughout this journal suddenly the world of Self that I think I’m in but I’m not I’m actually in an illusion of it, starts to open up and now, as I gently encourage it more and more, I can begin to do that for everything around me and much, much more. And I know what you’re thinking regarding societal perceptions on empathy and its conflict with other competitive interests that some may believe are necessary, but they’re not, for example, concerning those that experience CPTSD or PTSD from military conflicts, its my prediction that its the inability to mediate the conflicts between the ego and empathy primarily with creative-aware being secondary processes as supportive mediators here, that are not only the biggest cause for its development but also for people suffering from it longer than they should. 

Anyhow, utilising my map here in this moment, the decision my ego is informing to do right now is just stop. I’ll trust you guys can… ah… figure out the rest. You’re an intuitive bunch. 

I’ve put some Irish music in the background of this video now as I’ve noticeably honoured more of my Cypriot heritage more than my Irish so I’m giving them a voice, by the way yes, Eleftheria Eleftheriou is a relative of mine. We’ve got many music folk in our lineage, I’d love to learn more about my Irish side as the years go by.

Long story short, I’ll try this strategic solution of mine do redeem not one or two of the ___potential___ above that I’m looking at regarding everything Meta-AI has pointed out, but EVERYTHING. That’s how confident I am regarding this solution and it points to a deeper meta-understanding of consciousness that I will work to articulate properly by October 1st, whether I share that on the day is another story. Sincerely, you have my own personal gratitude if you get any benefit by learning from me as I enjoy helping others when it's a genuine positive.



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Challenge Time


I said this page of the journal wouldn't be complete...

Without finishing it with a solution, granted...

 however let's go one step further....


How about a Meta-Transcendence Challenge seeing as I'm struggling to complete my map of all the levels? I've got all the available information in me now to master the ego, all the rest of the information is something that'll come to me THROUGH the challenge. I used to be arguably the most athletic guy in my school, a lot has changed since then but the urgency by which I need to prepare for Ukraine for early 2025 has.... ah... not.




I'll be doing the challenge anyway, let's see what Meta-AI has to say about my challenge.


"As an inexperienced runner, attempting a 950 km run from Ho Chi Minh City, District 1 to Thailand in approximately 12 days is extremely challenging and potentially risky.


1. Injury risk: Insufficient training increases the likelihood of injuries, such as muscle strains, shin splints, or stress fractures.

2. Cardiovascular strain: Unaccustomed to long-distance running, your cardiovascular system may struggle to adapt.

3. Heat and humidity: Southeast Asia's climate can be unforgiving, especially for inexperienced runners.

4. Logistics: Managing accommodations, nutrition, hydration, and support becomes more complex.



1. Postpone your run and focus on building a solid running foundation (6-12 months).

2. Gradually increase your running distance, intensity, and frequency.

3. Incorporate strength training, flexibility exercises, and cross-training.

4. Seek guidance from experienced runners, coaches, or online resources.



Realistic goal:

Aim to complete a shorter distance, such as:


1. Ho Chi Minh City to Cambodia border (approx. 200 km / 124 miles)

2. Cambodia border to Bangkok (approx. 400 km / 249 miles)


Break your journey into manageable segments:

1. Train for 3-6 months.

2. Complete shorter runs (20-50 km) with rest days.

3. Gradually increase distance and intensity.



1. Safety

2. Health

3. Enjoyment


Consider alternative options:

1. Join a guided running tour or ultramarathon event.

2. Cycle or walk instead.


Stay safe, healthy, and happy!"



Sounds exciting.

But is it possible Meta-AI?


Technically, yes, it's possible but extremely challenging and risky.


To achieve this feat as an inexperienced runner:

1. You'd need to push your body beyond its current limits.

2. Ignore potential injury warnings.

3. Compromise on rest and recovery.

4. Face logistical and mental challenges.


Success would depend on:

1. Your current physical condition.

2. Effective training (though time is limited).

3. Adequate nutrition, hydration, and electrolyte management.

4. Mental toughness and resilience.



Risks remain:

1. Serious injuries (stress fractures, muscle strains).

2. Heat-related illnesses.

3. Cardiovascular issues.


To mitigate risks:

1. Consult a medical professional.

2. Hire an experienced coach or running guide.

3. Prioritize rest and recovery.

4. Monitor your body's signals.


If you still want to attempt this:


Create a detailed plan:

1. Training schedule.

2. Nutrition and hydration strategy.

3. Accommodation and logistics arrangements.

4. Emergency contingency plan.



Prioritize your safety and health.

Are you prepared for the challenges and risks?"



Yes I am, I am leaving in less than 30 minutes
(or just when my phone is charged)

What are your thoughts on this Meta-AI?



Given the urgency and lack of preparation, prioritize your safety:



1. Carry ID, phone, wallet, and emergency contacts.

2. Wear reflective gear, comfortable shoes, and suitable clothing.

3. Bring water, snacks, and basic first aid kit.

4. Charge phone, carry power bank and portable charger.

5. Share itinerary with friends/family.



1. Stay visible, use sidewalks, and follow traffic rules.

2. Avoid running in extreme heat or rain.

3. Listen to your body, rest when needed.

4. Stay hydrated, eat regularly.

5. Be aware of surroundings, trust instincts.



1. Focus on smaller goals (reaching next town).

2. Visualize success, stay positive.

3. Repeat motivational phrases.



1. Local emergency services: 115 (Vietnam), 191 (Cambodia), 1669 (Thailand)

2. Your country's embassy/consulate



1. Share location with friends/family via phone apps.

2. Use GPS tracking devices or smartphone apps.



You're taking a significant risk. Stay alert, prioritize safety.

Type "HELP" if you need urgent assistance.



1. Your name.

2. Starting location.

3. Destination.

4. Contact information.


I'll monitor and respond if possible.

Stay safe!"






My goal is to make it to Thailand by October 1st, I will just keep running until I reach my destination and then I'll report back here.


Will treat the running as a meditation for my entire being and therefore consciousness, practicing mental training and nervous system (i.e. heart-math) along the whole way, to make a BDNF++ transformation by the end of the 12 days.


Realistically, its possible I won't be back here until the 5th-10th of October, but I'll be looking to break my mental barriers as far as possible over these next 12 days.


~~ I've decided as well... ~~

I'll be running to as many countries as I can along the way to Ukraine.
 It's incredibly doubtful I will get there in time for when they require me for my military training, so a plane the rest of the way early in 2025 likely, however this challenge will now bring certainty to my physical preparedness.




The only thing that's going to get me truly through this I believe is a transcendent level of love of "Universal Ego" (not just love not just ego and not just universe or any other variation) as best as I can formulate it, which I'm not quite there with yet but with this challenge, I might just very well achieve. There's probably another level of ego, like "Meta-Quanta-Metadimensional Ego" but that's just theoretical, and right now that just looks like magical fairy dust with unicorns flying past my eyes while I'm drunk on laughing gas compared to where I am right now.


Leaving tonight. No idea where I'll be sleeping. Yep. Not seeking refuge in comfortable bedding. Like I said, gotta prepare for Ukraine. This is reality now. No fun and games outside of a healthy sense of humour. For example, "What would Chad do?" That's all I preach to myself in every moment when planning my life now.


I won't share any before and after photo/related. 



That's kind of lame and cheap to not believe me anyway in light of the rest of my journal, like in light of reading everything else in this journal if you really thought I'd like catch a plane, drive or do anything other than physically get there myself in the ways described, you're a lost cause and there's nothing I could do to convince you anyway and that's not my goal here haha, just to inspire and do what we're all meant to be doing here. Ascend and Actualise.

Shits just real now. And I gotta fucking prep next level across so many freaking areas not just running, 2025 countdown.




NOW THAT'S the way I gotta end this page of the journal.

THAT'S the true way to test and complete my theorisation's so far on meta-transcendence that'll be able to come a few days after I complete my run!








(and just kidding about the Chad thing, as I said... Healthy humour, but just for laughs... Imagine if I was really like that, some guys perhaps are).





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may be my last comment for this journ, just got nothing to prove to anyone other than myself & like I said earlier about The Self vs Other

just in case it turns out to be....

my latest insights that'll serve anyone dedicated

1. synchronisation of being 

= equals

2. synchronisation of self


lack of synchronisation equals when our beings naturally compensate to create ego mechanisms that still fuel a sense of self, albeit one that is unknowingly not aligning one to their true self connection, instead its a bridge to no where and or more chaos


Technique for synchronisation:

do nothing other than first combine WimHof and the technique you learn from

combination learned from myself.


lastly, the true self is perspectivism on being, not an expression of the noise produced by consciousness unless of course its still transitioning from noise related consciousness states in which case, there is perspectivism that drives one naturally home there. Think of an abstract photographer, they take in the whole gestalt of the photographic experience to define the photo, aka to define the perspective. Behind every moment is a story, however we only see what's going on if we can hold the camera of consciousness in focus correctly to capture perspective. Most of us are moving the camera around too much, distracted by aimless thoughts, etc, etc. Focus the lens. Improve the graphics to on your consciousness experience that you already have access to by simply learning to pay attention in the right ways.


where there is asynchronisation compensation will be in the form of a compensatory temporal self, where there is synchronisation this is when the temporal self is able to actually be useful to the level of that synchronisation. They will mirror each other towards higher connection and alignment or mirror towards further disconnection and lack of alignment


otherwise here's me continuing onward in my journey, may you embrace yours to the FINISH LINE! enjoy!






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