manuel bon

Why should I be interested in politics?

45 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Since this happened in 2015, I can only assume because of Trump.

Yes, but also because it was a good time for me since I had finished establishing my foundation and had more free time.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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21 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Politics is fun!

You misspelled depressing. 

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22 hours ago, Hojo said:

Politics can be a spiritual trap you can become identified and judge massive groups of people in a whim. Hate can be born here.

yeah I'm also scared of falling into this trap.


17 hours ago, What Am I said:

I see the potential wisdom in what you're saying, but I firmly believe that we're more dysfunctional now. I guess the argument could be made that we'll dive so deep into dysfunction that we'll come out enlightened on the other side.

After the nuclear winter blows over, of course.

you think that's what is gonna happen?

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btw thank you everyone for being open and not criticizing. I appreciate that. 

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1 hour ago, manuel bon said:

you think that's what is gonna happen?

It was probably hyperbolic, but perhaps not the worst prediction of an outcome that could arise from an ever-worsening climate of excessive universal hate and disunity.

I think your intuition to strive towards spirituality is the correct one. Through tried-and-true practices, there's an innate human capacity to authentically shift from a false sense of identification with your mind to a wholly liberated existence as Consciousness itself. This rectification of Self brings with it a proper alignment to the natural order.

It seems more than likely that we're watching the results of an exaggerated mass misalignment when you examine the current state of the world. We've somehow ended up in a condition where this spiritual human capacity is so esoteric, it's likely that literally 99%+ of people on earth aren't even aware it exists as a potential.

Edited by What Am I

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