
Leos problem with Buddhism

11 posts in this topic

Is there anywhere Leo has explained his problem with Buddhism/ Buddhists? I read him talking about Buddhist rats etc, listening to David nichtern a student of trungpa rinpoche and he saying how Buddhism invites you to try and break it it’s not about belief etc so has Leo broken it ?

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I think he wrote a blog post about how he has a different understanding of conscoiusness.

I could be absolutely wrong about this, but i think he said that in Buddhism they experience nonduality by confronting the void as they go down (?) in consciousness and his method is more like becoming more and more conscious. As you can see, i cant really recall how he said it.

He also talked about recently how human enlightenment is conformist.

I hope im not misquoting him too bad or giving false meaning to what he said, it would be nice if he @Leo Gura answered this, im curious too.

If it is about how he had many deep enlightenment experiences that goes beyond any spiritual teachings, i dont doubt him, but i would just like to say that there is no way to tell how far other masters went. It could be that they could not communicate it or did not see it reasonable to try. Leo took down his solipsism video too and as far as i know his most serious communication about his alien consciousness experience was a forum post.

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I see it as rude and immature but that’s me. “You rat!” 
uh okay 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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4 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

I see it as rude and immature but that’s me. “You rat!” 
uh okay 

Well, rude yes, but obviously he is not saying it with malice.

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@Sandroew idk he talked about feeding them to crocodiles I’m not sure haha

I do, think there was some malice in some posts as he went through, and maybe still has his anti human bias.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 minute ago, Thought Art said:

@Sandroew idk he talked about feeding them to crocodiles I’m not sure haha

No, he hunts them down with a harpoon first and then can the crocodiles get them. Lmao

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Duality vs non-duality has always been a common contention.

Describe a thought.

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I think that criticism might be that Buddhism doesn't account for the wide range of mystical experiences and states of consciousness or the existence of the Absolute or God-like experiences.  

But the important think to keep in mind is that Buddhism is directed to suffering and the elimination of suffering as summarized in The Four Noble Truths.   The Buddha would not answer metaphysical questions and avoided any speculation that diverted from the end of suffering.

Don't ask a car to be an airplane.  



Edited by Jodistrict

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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On 25.10.2022 at 9:25 PM, Water by the River said:

Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, The Supreme Source:

"I am the teacher, pure and total consciousness, whence everything manifests. Pure and total consciousness is the supreme source, it has created the Buddhas of the three times, from it have arisen the beings of the three worlds and the whole animate and inanimate universe. [... ]

Pure and total consciousness has created everything and has not created anything. It has created everything because it has created its own nature, pure and total. It has not created anything because within it there exists no need to create. When my nature is not understood and the phenomena that manifest from me become the object of judgement, desire and attachment give rise to the creation of concrete vision that is impermanent and destined to vanish like a magical apparition, and one becomes like a blind man who does not know what is happening. [...I"

"As I transcend all affirmations and negations, I am beyond all phenomena. As no object exists that is not myself, I am beyond meditating on a view. As there is nothing to keep apart from myself, I am beyond a commitment to observe. As there is nothing to seek other than myself, I am beyond obtaining the capacity for spiritual action. As no place exists outside myself, I am beyond a level of realization to surpass. As I have never encountered obstacles, I am beyond [everything] as self-arising wisdom. As I am the ultimate unborn nature, I am beyond [everything] as the [true] subtle ultimate nature"

"I am called "the perfect condition" because everything is contained in me. I am called "the source" because the teacher, teaching, and disciples arise from my three natures"

"I am the essence of all phenomena; nothing exists that is not my essence. The teachers of the three dimensions are my essence. The Buddhas of the three times are my essence. The Bodhisattvas are my essence. The four types of yogins are my essence. The three worlds, of desire, of form, and without form, too, are my manifestation. The five great elements are my essence. The six classes of beings are my essence. Everything inanimate is my essence. Everything that lives is my essence. All the habitats and the beings living therein are my essence. Nothing exists that is not my essence because I am the universal root: there is nothing that is not contained in me. The unborn, the wonder of birth, and the manifestation of energy are the three aspects of the three teachers: this is their condition."

"As the three times, past, present, and future, abide exclusively in me, all the Buddhas are in the same condition: this too is my essence. As I transcend the dualism of subject and object, like space I am allpervading, and I constitute the fundamental substance of all phenomena: my essence is pure and total consciousness. I, that am the source, abide in the single state, and in this same authentic condition the practitioners of the "four yogas"

"Realize my nature, the supreme source that is pure and total consciousness. Teach that all the phenomena of existence are only myself! If you transmit my teaching, all your disciples will realize my nature and will become this very nature.

"If my nature were to be compassionately displayed to the beings of the three worlds who have originated from me,....  Thus I, the supreme source, disclose my nature, displaying it to myself."

"Nothing other than this exists; none of the Buddhas have ever received a higher teaching than this from me, the source. Aside from this condition of equality beyond concepts, I myself, the supreme source whence everything arises, have absolutely nothing whatever to display to myself."

"Listen! As all of you are created by me, you beings of the three worlds are my children, equal to me, the supreme source. You are me, inseparable from me, so I manifest to you and through the five teachers of my natures I teach the single state of the five essences [of the elements]. I am the single state, I, the supreme source: you too are, you must become certain of this!"

"Listen, Sattvavajra! I will show you your own nature. You are me, the source. I am and have always been pure and total consciousness. What is pure and total consciousness?"

"Among all things existing in the animate and inanimate universe, there is not one single thing that has not been created by me, nor is there a cause that does not derive from me. Thus I am the essence of all, and nothing surpasses me. I am superior to the three dimensions, to the Buddhas of the three times, to the Vidyadharas, to the Bodhisattvas, to the beings of the three worlds, to the whole animate and inanimate universe, because I am the maker of all. Before there was any other teaching I, that am the source, pure and total consciousness, disclosed the teaching of pure and total consciousness."


Hey Leo, its You. YOU. You that is manifesting all this Buddhism-crap and the Human-crap and I-don't-know-what-other-crap.

Because there is only YOU. Real You. Not Leo. ;)

Ah, ok, got it. As soon as there is something to dislike, to "crap", to "rat", the separate "Leo"-gig continues a bit longer before it finally dies (or is finally seen as illusion that never really existed) somewhen in the imagined future.

The Raison d'être (Raison d'être /ˌreɪzɒ̃ ˈdɛtrə/ is a French expression commonly used in English, meaning "reason for being" or "reason to be.") for the separate self is to dislike parts of its own True Being instead of basking in Sat Chit Ananda.


You already know all of that? Uhum. Yes you do. Then why this auto-immune allergic reactions on your own dream? Ah, only know it part-time? Ok, so must be huge fun the rest of the time :/. Rodents, Buddhist, Buddhist crap, let's feed em to the crocodiles. :D

Who designed all of that Human biased and untruthful "crap" again? And all the crocodiles?

And now lets kill all Buddhas and all of Buddhism B| (seriously, they all must go. There is no Buddha, no Buddhism. Only YOU fooling yourself).

Who exactly is reading these words right now?


Selling Iconoclasm by the River and killing the Buddha by the river (together with @UnbornTao and Ken)


"won't accept any answer expect as your direct awareness of THAT Reality". 


PS: Ok ok, after so much irresponsible bubble from the Absolute Side of the street: Eat the veggies, do the meditation, brush the teeth, feed the cats. Until it is realized beyond any doubt that all of that has the same reality as last nights dream. And even then, brushing the teeth continues. By itself.

 "Though the view should be as vast as the sky, keep your conduct as fine as barley flour." - Padmasambhava 



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On 8/29/2024 at 10:54 AM, Holymoly said:

Is there anywhere Leo has explained his problem with Buddhism/ Buddhists? I read him talking about Buddhist rats etc, listening to David nichtern a student of trungpa rinpoche and he saying how Buddhism invites you to try and break it it’s not about belief etc so has Leo broken it ?

I don't know specifically where of even if he has explained that. By I imagine that he is not into it because Buddhism is a religion, and as any other religions, also this has beliefs. Spirituality and Leo's work are about deconstructing, letting go, not clinging to ideas and creating beliefs, staying open, etc. 

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