Whitney Edwards

Elephants used during religious festivals in India.

24 posts in this topic

On 8/29/2024 at 11:26 AM, Buck Edwards said:

Using elephants in religious processions should be considered unethical. I have no idea why it's allowed in India. Stage Blue unethical practice even though it's religious or considered sacred.






Do you own a cat? Or any pet for that matter?
Elephants are wild creatures, they can't just be brought to a festival on a whim. They have a very special relationship with their caretakers, and the people who approach it. They are taken good care of. Elephants almost never go berserk, it's kinda rare. You're pigeonholing this into animal cruelty. They are really good creatures.

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3 hours ago, ryoko said:

Do you own a cat? Or any pet for that matter?
Elephants are wild creatures, they can't just be brought to a festival on a whim. They have a very special relationship with their caretakers, and the people who approach it. They are taken good care of. Elephants almost never go berserk, it's kinda rare. You're pigeonholing this into animal cruelty. They are really good creatures.

These elephants are chained 24/7. A bullwhip is used to control them. Elephants are wild creatures. They can only be tamed by torture. They cannot be used for circuses or festivals. It's pure animal torture. It shouldn't be allowed and the respective governments should stop this practice. An animal in chains doesn't have basic freedom to move, let alone be well taken care of. Ridiculous statement. 

Edited by Buck Edwards

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7 hours ago, Buck Edwards said:

These elephants are chained 24/7. A bullwhip is used to control them. Elephants are wild creatures. They can only be tamed by torture. They cannot be used for circuses or festivals. It's pure animal torture. It shouldn't be allowed and the respective governments should stop this practice. An animal in chains doesn't have basic freedom to move, let alone be well taken care of. Ridiculous statement. 

Think out of the box for a while. They're not tamed in cities. If you look at the through modern eyes, all you'll see is torture. Elephant shelters are near a place with lots of trees and they need good shelter. They need a tropical environment to keep themselves healthy. And they're not chained 24/7. But you'll see them chained in almost every video on the internet, because that's internet.

My suggestion, go look at elephant shelters and their caretakers first hand. And try to see if the elephant is actually happy about being there instead of in the wild.

You're undermining a lot of things here. Anyways, I don't mind if you wanna keep thinking they're tortured. Whatever helps your survival. 

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The biggest issue for elephants in India and globally is poaching, which is a lucrative billion dollar business, and which often means instant death for them to get their ivory tusks sought by rich clients globally.

In captivity, especially in rich temples and affluent households, they have a good life and are even pampered. I know of an acquaintance of mine who had a pet elephant and went into a bout of depression after the elephants death.

Elephants are also bred in captivity which ensures their continuity and immunity to extinction unlike many other species which have gone extinct like the Indian cheetah due to unregulated hunting and poaching.

Edited by Ajay0

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