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Posted (edited)

Bye guys, i cant take being here anymore. Leo's vibe and stances as a teacher are just too harsh for me. What he said in the monkey torture video thread was the last straw; the fact that you simply have to accept that you will go through all kinds of torture for eternity just for the sake of it, its simply unnacceptable to me that this is the best idea that God has and that reality is this way. Theres no rhyme or reason about it. Im already suicidal and if there is no consequence to my action in the eternal sense, which is the case if there is just infinite reincarnation, there is absolutely no reason not to kill myself right now, maybe there will be some karma but that means absolutely nothing if you will just be reincarnating forever as everything imaginable anyway.

Basic personal development is also pretty much over for me due to health issues, i cant date or socialize for the most part, which is the biggest driver of my nihilism and suicidal ideation. I simply can't fathom the fact i have to suffer all this bullshit for absolutely no reason, if there is infinite reincarnation there is absolutely no meaning to any of your suffering or anything at all, including any awakening, since you are bound to fall asleep again, also there is an infinite depth to awakening that can never be reached, I mean Leo claimed to have had the deepest awakening 5 years ago, which he now dismisses as "human", even though he claimed in that awakening he transcended all notions of being human etc. Why should we believe this alien stuff is the final station now? It made me realize i fell into the trap of believing his stuff, when , it is all super contradictiory, another example of this is that in the 30 day 5meo video he said that in his final days of tripping he discovered a "2nd dimension" of awakening, what is that even supposed to mean, he never even mentioned it after that video, when you would think such a thing would be absolutely massive in consequence to metaphysics. It all just feels very snake oily looking back on it.

Hence I will soon be converting to Islam, it makes the most sense to adapt that worldview, precisely because as humans we know nothing, but realize the infinite potential of reality and the eternity of the soul, if you only know those things Islam makes the most sense imo, it also makes sense of the suffering since this life is seen as a test, to eventually potentially make you reach infinite liberation and redemption of your manhood. I can also place my fear of hell in the worldview and work with it, it just feels natural to me. 

Im still blessed to be priviliged to be in university and have a great chance of getting a remote job that i can work with my health conditions, so i can probably get some nice income and move somewhere where theres a sufi order and live the sufi life, give most of my income to the poor and just live a life of worship and meditations. Its better than going fully hermit and fits my new conclusions about metaphysics and religion. 

Thanks Leo first and foremost, for all the amazing content, i would never have this respect and amazement for reality and life where it not for you. It seems you dont really care for my takes on this forum but that is okay. May your health issues and suffering ease. 

When my issues were starting in 2022 Leo was even so kind to gift the life purpose course to me. Harsh as he is, Leo is an extremely generous soul and he wishes the best for everyone. That is why when the new course will come out, I will pay for one course for one of you who cant afford it. When its time, PM me and i will do a raffle and pay for one. Ill log back in when its out to do this raffle.

Thanks all the other ppl on this forum, Osaid, Princess Arabia, Emerald, Someone Here, Nilsi, Docwatts, and so many cool others here, this forum truly is a place like no other. Godspeed to all of you. i have enjoyed and learned so much from seeing yall speak and grow.

Im sorry for my wacky and sometimes resentful posts in the past, if i posted something wacky it was mostly as a reaction to my own ego because i was so frustrated that i was no longer able to fulfill my egoic desires due to my issues. 

I hereby request @Osaid and confirm to have all my prior posts hidden except this one.


I will end my journey here by sharing my favorite videos of Leo, one metaphysical and one about life.

An absolute classic, that forms the basis of all spirituality and consciousness work, and is absolutely necessary to begin working towards any kind of truth. An amazing exposition of our conditioned mind and assumptions, and all other metaphysics are to be derived from this realization.



My favorite video, the way Leo pulls out from you, your hidden and inner wonder for life, and reveals the wonders of life, how much is possible, how magical life and reality really is, i cant really describe whats so good about this video. It reveals to you the numbed , boring and fearful conditioning that you have lived with your whole life, the fact you know and knew nothing,  and pulls it all together in an extremely practical video for all to see. This vid made me feel like this world is home, that zelda feeling like there truly is magic in the world.

With this, i say you all goodbye.




Edited by Bandman



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Sorry to see you go. Take care of yourself and I hope your health improves.

I never said alien stuff is a final stance. It's just an aspect of consciousness I discovered.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Take care and all the best to you. You're welcome back if you change your mind. ❤️

Know thyself....

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Sufism is cool from what I’ve read. Stay well and be well friend. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Posted (edited)

19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Sorry to see you go. Take care of yourself and I hope your health improves.

I never said alien stuff is a final stance. It's just an aspect of consciousness I discovered.

Thanks for everything Leo. 

Maybe its not the final station, but it makes me think the ultimate reality and consciousness can never be realized, which is akin to what Islam and Sufism teaches. If you can awaken ever deeper, the ultimate can never be known. But hey, maybe im wrong. Its just all too much for me, you're a radical dude. 


I want to add that anyone reading this, who thinks actualized is some kind of suicide cult, thats extremely wrong. No, Leo's teachings are not good for people who are suicidal or extremely stuck in life, but that is simply because Leo thinks and teaches that nihilism is true. But the dominant view of western contemporary philosophy is also that nihilism is true. So that would make the entire west a suicide cult. Leo has always teached a love for life and to not harm the body, and Leo has even on many occasions shed tears of Love in his videos, for the beauty of life and consciousness.


Plus, the idea that an open forum, where anyone can criticise Leo all they want, like this is anywhere close to a cult is a ridiculous idea.

Yes, you could say that Leo's stance on solipsism might cause people to justify their suicide, but i would counter this with saying that western contemporary nihilism is no different. Even if you kill yourself, your parents will only suffer infinitessimally short compared to the void that is ahead of them. So theres really no difference in that regard anyway.



Edited by Bandman



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Posted (edited)

59 minutes ago, Bandman said:

the fact that you simply have to accept that you will go through all kinds of torture for eternity just for the sake of it, its simply unnacceptable to me that this is the best idea that God has and that reality is this way. Theres no rhyme or reason about it.

Thanks for your heartfelt post. What I learned from Leo is that all of reality is Gods imagination, even the ugly parts like torture. What’s even more profound is I am God, doing the imagining (for no reason other than the experience itself). It’s tough to stomach for any human mind, so I respect your honesty and vulnerability. Wish you all the best.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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Posted (edited)

51 minutes ago, Bandman said:

Maybe its not the final station, but it makes me think the ultimate reality and consciousness can never be realized, which is akin to what Islam and Sufism teaches. If you can awaken ever deeper, the ultimate can never be known.

The ultimate is Infinity, but Infinity has many dimensions to it and you will not experience them all. Just like life.

It's like I told you about exploring Earth, and you were all excited, and then I told you about other planets and you got depressed because you wanted to explore Earth and just be done with exploration. Well, God is infinitely vast. This is nothing to be bumbed out over.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Posted (edited)

"56 minutes ago, Bandman said:

Maybe its not the final station, but it makes me think the ultimate reality and consciousness can never be realized, which is akin to what Islam and Sufism teaches. If you can awaken ever deeper, the ultimate can never be known."

Quit exploring with Your Mind and Intellect, You'll never find much with either, Explore with Your Awareness.  Think of Awareness as another form of Intelligence, that is not attached to memory or 5 senses in any way, its beyond all that and is more inline with what we refer to as the Absolute, its from that place, once You get in touch with it, Perception opens up to another level altogether, of course our limited minds can't makes sense of it so You can't explain it in words, but You can Experience it, and that is the most important thing, so focus on Awareness, not mentally but by dropping all ideologies, philosophies, likes/dislikes, beliefs, and just being here right Now very intensely, try that and see what happens..

Good Luck to You!!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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1 hour ago, Ishanga said:

"56 minutes ago, Bandman said:

Maybe its not the final station, but it makes me think the ultimate reality and consciousness can never be realized, which is akin to what Islam and Sufism teaches. If you can awaken ever deeper, the ultimate can never be known."

Quit exploring with Your Mind and Intellect, You'll never find much with either, Explore with Your Awareness.  Think of Awareness as another form of Intelligence, that is not attached to memory or 5 senses in any way, its beyond all that and is more inline with what we refer to as the Absolute, its from that place, once You get in touch with it, Perception opens up to another level altogether, of course our limited minds can't makes sense of it so You can't explain it in words, but You can Experience it, and that is the most important thing, so focus on Awareness, not mentally but by dropping all ideologies, philosophies, likes/dislikes, beliefs, and just being here right Now very intensely, try that and see what happens..

Good Luck to You!!

But the 5 senses and thoughts are intertwined with awareness. There is nothing to be aware of without senses and thoughts. Also, I would say that contemplation is a higher-order faculty than pure awareness. Awareness only gets you to see things as they are. Contemplation gets you to see things as they are and how they could be. Without contemplation, without the intellect, you couldn’t have advised Bandman to not use his intellect. Do you see the paradox and strange loop there? You are using your intellect to tell us to not use our intellect.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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Posted (edited)

@Bandman take care man...and listen..infinity is what it is..reality is really what you make of it..and waking up really is fulfilling.. .but you can choose to make your reality a hell - or you can make it your paradise.   And that you have that choice at all is indeed a miracle.  Godspeed and stay golden pony boy 👦 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Have a happy journey. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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It's not true that you are just bound to fall asleep again, a lot of that is in your control and the more you awaken the more control you have over this. Yes if you haven't awakened much then yeah you're bound to come back almost "uncontrollably". But even then every awakening carries with you into your future lifetimes if you choose that. You can also remain as spirit and not come back here this is your choice. 

Anyway I hope you are okay because the way you started your post kind of worries me. 

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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Posted (edited)

4 hours ago, Bandman said:

What he said in the monkey torture video thread was the last straw; the fact that you simply have to accept that you will go through all kinds of torture for eternity just for the sake of it

@Leo Gura You don't actually believe that do you 

On 8/27/2024 at 10:14 PM, Yali said:

@Leo Gura How is it possible to be happy knowing that I in another form will experience Monkey Torture?

You don't know that, why would you even believe that 

Edited by Loveeee

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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2 minutes ago, Loveeee said:

You don't actually believe that do you 

That's a very tricky question.

And you guys are not mature enough to grapple with such things.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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17 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's a very tricky question.

And you guys are not mature enough to grapple with such things.

Try me

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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Posted (edited)

22 minutes ago, Loveeee said:

Try me

Said every HP Lovecraft character, before succumbing to madness 😂

Edited by Staples

God and I worked things out

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