
Internet speed breakthrough

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  • Fastest speed ever sent via specific wavelength bands which are not yet used in fibre optic systems
  • Expected this discovery will contribute to meeting massive data demand of the future
  • Technique uses existing network but increases its capacity to carry data.

Aston University researchers have sent data at a speed that is 4.5 million times faster than the average home broadband.

The rate is the fastest ever sent by opening up specific new wavelength bands that are not yet used in fibre optic systems.

As part of an international collaboration, the academics transferred data at a rate of 301 terabits or 301,000,000 megabits per second, using a single, standard optical fibre.

That’s compared to Ofcom’s UK home broadband performance report published in September 2023 which stated that the average broadband speed is just 69.4 Mbit/s megabits per second.  

Professor Wladek Forysiak from Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies and Dr Ian Phillips were part of the team that successfully transmitted the data. They worked in collaboration with researchers from National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Japan and Nokia Bell Labs in the USA.

As the demand for more data increases, it is expected the newly developed technology will help keep up with future demand. The scientists used optical fibres, small tubular strands of glass that pass information using light. Regular copper cables can’t carry data at such speeds.

The feat was achieved by opening up new wavelength bands that are not yet used in fibre optic systems. Different wavelength bands are equivalent to different colours of light being transmitted down the optical fibre.

They did this by developing new devices called optical amplifiers and optical gain equalizers to access them. 
Dr Phillips led the development of a management device, or optical processor, at Aston University. He said “Broadly speaking, data was sent via an optical fibre like a home or office internet connection. 

“However, alongside the commercially available C and L-bands, we used two additional spectral bands called E-band and S-band. Such bands traditionally haven’t been required because the C- and L-bands could deliver the required capacity to meet consumer needs. 

“Over the last few years Aston University has been developing optical amplifiers that operate in the E-band, which sits adjacent to the C-band in the electromagnetic spectrum but is about three times wider. Before the development of our device, no one had been able to properly emulate the E-band channels in a controlled way.”

Professor Forysiak added: “By increasing transmission capacity in the backbone network, our experiment could lead to vastly improved connections for end users.

“This groundbreaking accomplishment highlights the crucial role of advancing optical fibre technology in revolutionising communication networks for faster and more reliable data transmission. 

“Growing system capacity by using more of the available spectrum - not just the conventional C-band but also other bands such as the L, S and now E-bands can help to keep the cost of providing this bandwidth down. 

“It is also a ‘greener solution’ than deploying more, newer fibres and cables since it makes greater use of the existing deployed fibre network, increasing its capacity to carry data and prolonging its useful life & commercial value. “

The results of the experiment were published this month by the Institute of Engineering and Technology, the IET, and were presented as a post-deadline paper at the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) held in Glasgow, October 2023.

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I thought this happened just yesterday, but i read the date wrong. The article was Published on 26/03/2024.

Btw i just copied the whole article here, i dont know how ethical that is, but the link is also there.

Here is what ChatGPT said which is a bit shorter:

Yes, researchers have recently made a breakthrough that could significantly increase internet speeds. A team of scientists from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden set a new world record for data transmission by sending 1.84 petabits per second through a single optical fiber. To put that into perspective, this speed is almost a million times faster than the fastest home internet connections available today.

This incredible speed was achieved by using a special chip called a frequency comb, which allowed the researchers to divide the light in the fiber into many different colors (frequencies) and transmit data on each one simultaneously. This method dramatically increases the amount of data that can be sent over a single fiber, paving the way for potentially revolutionary improvements in internet infrastructure. 

Theoretically, with speeds like this, the entire internet could be downloaded in just a few seconds. However, it will likely take years before this technology is adapted for commercial use.


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By the time they put that in USB form your files will transfer at 250mb/min.


Edited by Leo Gura

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The cutting edge technology research in the US/Europe never fails to blow my mind. The research that happens behind closed doors is even more unfathomably advanced. 

What happens in the rest of the world is absolute bottom of the barrel crap.

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When would I be able to have 300 terabit internet?

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