
Bean’s journal 🐯

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A scientist and an alien walk into a bar.

The scientist orders H₂O while the alien orders H₂O₂.

After watching the scientist enjoy his drink, the alien says "Hey, mind if I try some of yours?" 

Those were its last words.

Edited by Yimpa


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On 11/24/2024 at 7:27 PM, Beans said:

🦆❤️ stinkabutt

It’s only because I’m the most fragrant Black Hole you’ll ever encounter ;) 


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I just got to witnessed my favorite cousin’s engagement 

i remember as little girls we spoken about going out and exploring the world together

To Paris, Italy, Japan, Mexico, etc 

I never in my life would’ve imagine the day that I would be able to witness her engagement. My heart was completely moved; because knowing she found someone who loves her completely and fully. 

Is all I could ever want for her. She’s my best friend, but also my favorite cousin. I’m so happy I got to witness such a precious moment in her life. And I’m so excited for her wedding. 

it felt so surreal, it felt so unexpected. 
im so happy i came 


:)) “Love is curiosity“ - Nicolas Nuvan

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Currently experiencing the worse sleep ever 

constantly being woken up by multiple people

Loud and unexpected noises by multiple people whom have absolutely zero consideration of others 

not to mention the cherry on top of a child crying their absolute lungs out, only to be triggering another child’s need of attention/demands and then crying because it’s bed time. 

and then the needle that broke the camel’s back

a symphony of a house full of dogs barking 


You got to be fucking joking rn 

Edited by Beans

:)) “Love is curiosity“ - Nicolas Nuvan

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One of my gifts/talents is natural vocal versatility. This means that on one end I can sound extremely masculine, in the middle androgynous, and all the way up to feminine. I can do this all with 0 experience vocal training. I am planning on working with a vocal coach soon to hone in on this skill so I can feel more confident with my fluid expression.  


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7 hours ago, Beans said:


Seriously inspired by how this guy lives his life with no regrets and doesn’t care what others think. 

“As sick as it is, it is normal.”

Edited by Yimpa


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On 8/30/2024 at 9:04 PM, Yimpa said:

Your tears break my heart.

It pains me seeing you in pain too. 
regardless if it’s tears, emotionally distress, physical pain, etc. 


im so happy to have you in my life

it feels nice to know you care for me

i love when you express yourself and your concerns

youre an amazing partner, and I’ve been very fortunate to have gone through this journey with you

:)) “Love is curiosity“ - Nicolas Nuvan

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On 8/31/2024 at 10:32 AM, Beans said:

beans said “I feel afraid of your judgements”
We’re working on a lot together

learning to be more mindful and considerate of feelings 


It’s not perfect but that’s okay, because we are humans! 
It’s okay to have an imperfect relationship:))

I’m very bad at using this platform tbh

Edited by Beans

:)) “Love is curiosity“ - Nicolas Nuvan

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On 9/5/2024 at 2:27 PM, Yimpa said:

We will find her again, don't you worry! I cannot wait to explore more with you


I just really want to know her last name 

:)) “Love is curiosity“ - Nicolas Nuvan

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God is so chill that even flirting with the Devil turns into Divine.


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( an up-to-date about my provider: )

Last week, I read an upsetting review for my eye doctor. One patient said he became frustrated and yelled at them, "this isn't rocket science!" when they were just asking for guidance on how to use their medication. Reading this review created fear and contempt for him, inside me… until I connected it with this forum post by our dear friend Emerald..

You know what? My eye doctor could’ve just been relieving their childhood Team Rocket fantasy, which completely reframes the rude comment as hilarious instead of offensive. He is probably also dealing with myopia from all the mesmerizing hours he has spent playing with his original Game Boy.

Video game references can truly make real-life situations way more entertaining.

Edited by Yimpa


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Sometimes my tummy cramps really hard

And then I feel really sick, because how bad it’s hurting

to the point where I was assuming “maybe I need to take all my clothes off”

because how bad the cramping was. (I didn’t need to this time)


thankfully after some breathing exercises the pain was beginning to subside 

now I can rest in peace 

:)) “Love is curiosity“ - Nicolas Nuvan

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:$:|:/o.OI’ve woken up several times during the night because my tummy 

It Hurts 

:^: come love me 

:)) “Love is curiosity“ - Nicolas Nuvan

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Stomach pain is like a 5.5 

the pain isn’t as extreme as it was yesterday 

Trying to stay hydrated, and will be extra careful about what I’m eating 

:)) “Love is curiosity“ - Nicolas Nuvan

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Pain is a bitch, periodt.

Edited by Yimpa


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