Leo Gura

Who Loves Post-Modernism? - New Video

267 posts in this topic

5 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Wrong. This is an immature way to go about using psychedelics. 

Maybe so, but it's effective 

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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1 hour ago, Davino said:

Leo in the near future:

I've reached whole new levels of Consciousness

that I had not yet reached before

Lol, you know the deal. One more after that too.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 hours ago, Yimpa said:


Terrible Graphic. This is more how Postmodernism looks to premodern and modern thinkers.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

Wrong. This is an immature way to go about using psychedelics. 

Ego death is a common occurance in the use of psychedelics and mature users do experience, and handle this situation well.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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3 hours ago, Davino said:

My mother gave me this body but didn't give me GOD

I know what you meant, but I would be careful with this statement - maybe your mother DID give you GOD and you never noticed ;)

It's Love.

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Post-Modernism Part 1 is fantastic. The new direction for Actualized is a great move. I have some questions for follow up episodes:

1. How does a post-modernist effectively communicate with modernists, and pre-modernists? How can they present post-modernist perspectives such that a modernist can understand and get on board, without severe resistance?

2. How does a post-rationalist or meta-rationalist effectively communicate with post-modernists and modernists?

3. What further development exists after post-rationalism? Are we starting to reach the limits of human cognition, requiring a shift into transhumanism in order to further develop?

4. How does a post-modernist+ individual succeed and thrive in a world that rewards modernists and rationalists? Where having a post-modernist+ perspective is quite lonely or even demonized.

God and I worked things out

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One of the things i wanted to ask. As i am one of those who's youtube gets hit with your jordan petersons/jonathan pageau's/alex o'connor, john vervake.

And whilst i do agree with Leo's assessment that Jordan's shadow is primarily motivated to speak through his anger and emotional reactions. 

One of the criticisms he has laid out of the post modern ideology which i don't necessarily disagree with and Leo didn't adress other than he is consumed by his shadow when talking about this topic. Is that the post modern perspective deconstructs everything through the lens of power, who has it and who hasn't. And reducing all of history through that lens is a terribly destructive attitude to have. Because you essentially assume the worst from others. 

Whilst i'm not saying power is not an issue, of course not. The world moves from so many different tides, that reducing it to merely a power struggle is...childish. 

I tend to lean into agreeing with his analysis on this. 

And i'm inviting people here to offer a different perspective. That perhaps i haven't considered yet. 

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A new movie in Netflix Called Maharaj

Is about a case or true history that happened in India where a journalist was invoved in exposing and bringing to court a Guru Leader that was abusing his power over his cult followers. Is a interesting movie since it shows a clash between worldviews. One Pre-modern other Modern but at same time there is indices that the British Empire may be behind the sacandal to make easy to convert people to Christianity. 


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15 hours ago, LambdaDelta said:
  1. Death is a natural part of life" - Yoda being a psychonaut. 
  2. Can you lose or gain anything?
  3. Why does transforming the world matter?
  4. My break was full of human bs. Maybe the real vacation was some whacky hellish realm all along?
  5. Looking forward to more of your writeups.
  6. Leo's videos are an Awakening cheat code, though individuation should be part of it.
15 hours ago, Yimpa said:
  • Wrong. This is an immature way to go about using psychedelics. 
  1. Hmm, that slipped into my background, but is very true.
  2. Idk, can you lose your hand if you cut it off or leave physical life if you suffocate or overdose on the wrong drug?
  3. Because we're interconnected and having to deal with lower stage attitudes and rules is a pain in the ass.
    + That's literally what actualized.org is for, we are the world, without this intention from Leo, we wouldn't be here.
    + Though of course in my personal agenda I agree to disapprove of Leo's focus on "practical" knowledge for the masses over esoteric teachings for the top-students
  4. Far as I am into it, I start to agree more and more with that.
  5. Don't worry, I'm working on them! Already PMd Ero some material, am working on holonize-refining it for a post.
    BTW, did you read my Stage Coral Thread from 6 weeks ago? It seemed to have gone over everyone's head
    Though the real breakthrough I've yet to put into words came the next day, still it captures the essentials well!
  6. Agreed!
  • I guess it depends on how metaphorical your notion of Death is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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PMs are the most immature lunatics on the planet :D

I AM Godzilla

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33 minutes ago, ryandesreu said:

You have said that when people like Trump uses his/her mind to con the public, that that's not really intelligence, which I agree. You now say that Putin's Brain wants to regress Russia back to premodernism and that for that plan he is genius. What's the difference?

I didn't say Dugin's plan was genius, I said his use of PM against PM was genius.

In the end, Dugin is delusional and his plan to undo the Enlightenment will not work. Russia will continue to stagnate as the West grows.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, ryandesreu said:

you should use the word smorgasbord in the next two videos on this topic also. 

No problem. Here is Leo singing to a Buddhist rat:


I AM Godzilla

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@Leo Gura Post-modernism doesn't seem very psychologically advanced to me. Yet the world is still pretty much stuck on modernism. Is this mostly because of survival?


"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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6 minutes ago, HMD said:

@Leo Gura Post-modernism doesn't seem very psychologically advanced to me. Yet the world is still pretty much stuck on modernism. Is this mostly because of survival?

Survival is relative, though it does correlate. But Orange greed need not have a limit, and neither did Blue, it takes a leap of faith, enough pain, or to see the limitations head-on, of course, the entertainment obscures the path to progress, and so are all the useless jobs just to keep people busy. All the burnout is a feature, not a bug, unlike pharmaceutical companies would have you belive. The social matrix is strong and demonizes depression, which is actually a reasonable response and cure if integrated.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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14 minutes ago, HMD said:

@Leo Gura Post-modernism doesn't seem very psychologically advanced to me. Yet the world is still pretty much stuck on modernism. Is this mostly because of survival?

1) It's quite advanced relative to how the average human thinks. It's not advanced relative to something like nonduality or Spiral Wizardry.

2) PM is not a practical worldview for normies. PM is for intellectuals, not regular people. PM does not help normal people survive.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura only useful for raving madman on the corner 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Just now, Thought Art said:

@Leo Gura only useful for raving madman on the corner 

It's highly useful for driving Jordan Peterson mad.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

Idk, can you lose your hand if you cut it off or leave physical life if you suffocate or overdose on the wrong drug?

You can, I meant in a more abstact sense, given the concept of ownership (incl. over one's body) is made up, we're everything, yet nothing. The "you're already enlightened" sort of perspective, which granted doesn't help so much with the work nor survival, but fun to think about. 


7 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

Because we're interconnected and having to deal with lower stage attitudes and rules is a pain in the ass.

True enough, though there's no such thing as a lower stage attitude when you yourself are at such a stage, you aren't construct aware. Still a pain in the ass, but in a different way. I sometimes wonder about 'ignorance is bliss', it's been so long I forgot how it's like to live from that perspective, can only observe it in others. 


7 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

Though of course in my personal agenda I agree to disapprove of Leo's focus on "practical" knowledge for the masses over esoteric teachings for the top-students

Sweet, so when can we expect to quit Leo's cult and join yours? coralized.org has a nice ring to it. 


7 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

Have not, but I will soon.

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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@Keryo Koffa Yeah, It's fucked up. Most people can't understand this. And those who do can't do anything about it on a bigger scale. 


"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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