Leo Gura

Who Loves Post-Modernism? - New Video

267 posts in this topic

On 9/2/2024 at 3:04 PM, Leo Gura said:

But does that cat know it's a cat?


wow, that's great.

I am not a crybaby!

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Peterson -“ You mean God?! The same guy that XYZ’d?!!!”

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I've been contemplating my own Postmodernism, and this is what I wanted to share.

First of all, it has been like lifting a thick mental cloth that was suffocating my sense-making. I still can't pinpoint what made it happen, but the effects are clear and, from what I can tell, permanent, so I'm very satisfied with that.

My biggest breakthrough has been in interpretations—so much so that I've come to question all my epistemology and sense-making. Surprisingly, my metaphysics were undaunted by this process and remain rock-solid. However, I became hyper-aware of 'interpretation' as second-order sense-making, how I make use of my mind. In each situation I experience, my consciousness is crystal clear about what is happening, and on top of this, I ask myself: what do I make this moment to be, to mean?

For every experience, literally dozens of interpretations started coming up; each moment can be recontextualized. As I deepened my inquiry, ever more profound levels of relativity started unfolding. While it was raining, I had this seemingly absurd insight: Why does water fall down? It could be cats and dogs, or cheese, or whatever. The absurd relativity of being water amazed me to the core.

In this sense, my epistemology is currently undergoing construction work, and I'm still unsure where it's taking me. I've undergone similar processes before, but this feels like a thicker level of examination, where everything seemed maxed out now new doors are open. What I mean is, what happens when I become hyper-aware of interpretation-making? How am I going to make sense of existence? On the other hand, some interpretations serve me well and others do not—but well for what? This deepened into pure questioning of my 'principles,' or should I call them 'biases,' depending on the interpretation. In this sense, I have to reformulate purely personal principles to which I can conform and test my interpretations. These could be truth, fulfillment, pragmatism, and so on—I'm still working on it. Postmodernism literally allows for infinite mind flexibility of interpretations, points of view, and relativity. I'm kind of playing with it from this newfound clarity.

On a collective level, I understood why, in the big scheme of things, this is the next step beyond modernism. I can clearly see how, in the next fifty years, from governmental thought spheres to decision-making elites, the diversity that Postmodernism showcases will come in very handy for the evolution of humankind. My concern lies in the abuse that modern and premodern forces can make of a naive Postmodernism, although my guess is that a strong modernist backbone will hold up, as will sheer survival forces when things get tough.

Regarding the video format, I loved how you picked different philosophers and explained their big ideas. This approach gives the viewer anchor points for further research and contemplation. Moreover, when you listed the properties of Postmodernism, like intertextuality and more, I really enjoyed the way it was done. It felt like a solid epistemic system analysis.

In terms of the new direction Actualized.org is taking, I have mixed feelings. I'm super excited about the path you're going to construct for humanity to evolve into the peaks of human possibility. In a way, it's true that this is something only you can do. However, guiding towards the highest states of Consciousness, God, and Infinity is a work only a sage like you can do. I'm sure you will cover this in your courses, which is totally understandable, and I'll be the first one to buy them. Still, I have this heartache that I wanted to express. I'm one of the most serious contemplators of your work, and I know the difference between gold and diamond. That's all.


chirp chirp

Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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@Davino It's clear you're doing some serious contemplating. Very good.

Don't worry, I will still cover many practical mundane topics like success and relationships and such.

I will cover any topic that is useful and worthwhile to talk about relative to personal dev and sense-making.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Don't worry, I will still cover many practical mundane topics like success and relationships and such.

I will cover any topic that is useful and worthwhile to talk about relative to personal dev and sense-making.

I don't care much about you explaining those. I can get that through other means

I care about God and metaphysics. You are the only alive source that doesn't make me cringe when talking about such topics. Excuse me if I wasn't clear about what I meant. 

Videos like a poetic Description of God, Outrageous experiments in Consciousness, the many facets of Awakening or Understanding Absolute Infinity; this is the stuff that makes me tick. I see you going further away from those contemplations in your teachings, I guess you are enjoying them without sharing. I really really miss the psychedelic Leo, the one that blew my brains out with Awakenings, now I enjoy your content but you don't make me cry on the floor, do you get me now?

Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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20 minutes ago, Davino said:

I don't care much about you explaining those. I can get that through other means

I care about God and metaphysics. You are the only alive source that doesn't make me cringe when talking about such topics. Excuse me if I wasn't clear about what I meant. 

Videos like a poetic Description of God or Outregeous experiments in Consciousness, this is the stuff that makes me tick. I see you going further away from those contemplations in your teachings, I guess you are enjoying them without sharing. I really really miss the psychedelic Leo, the one that blew my brains out with Awakenings, now I enjoy your content but you don't make me cry on the floor, do you get me now?

100% +1 me on that one. @Leo Gura I want to see the horizon of the Infinite Alien God Consciousness. I want to learn how to consistently tune into my subconscious to access the layers of Self that construct reality, I want to stop time and zoom into objects through the human UI, turn the wall into rubber, stretch it out within a psychic projection, and analyze its contents, to experiment with modifying the trajectory of light within my imaginary synapses, to transition into lucid dream frequency while awake and shake the waters on how deeply personal and actualized collective experience can overlap. How thought forms can be created and maintained and overlayed over reality, how breathing techniques can tune the knob of consciousness, and how to construct and deconstruct reality while sober.

I also want to learn practical reality manipulation, like direct internal mind-body communication to understand how karmic structures manifest and change epigenetically, how my experiences and ego influence my psyche and the rigidity and experience of physical reality, how mnemonically symbolic visualization of energy centers allows one to create a type of intuitive embodied interface to tune between different aspects of existence and the psyche, aka. chakras. I want to know how far Leo got.

+ Imagine an Actualized.academy, I'd take the first flight I'd get

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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32 minutes ago, Davino said:

do you get me now?

I get you.

But there is only so much new stuff I can say about God. I can't pump out a new video every month with crazy new structures of God.

It took me years to discover Alien Consciousness and I don't know if I will ever discover anything as radical or profound ever again. Just 1 such discovery in a lifetime is Nobel prize level work.

So you need to temper your expectations.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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23 minutes ago, Davino said:

I don't care much about you explaining those. I can get that through other means

I care about God and metaphysics. You are the only alive source that doesn't make me cringe when talking about such topics. Excuse me if I wasn't clear about what I meant. 

Videos like a poetic Description of God, Outrageous experiments in Consciousness, the many facets of Awakening or Understanding Absolute Infinity; this is the stuff that makes me tick. I see you going further away from those contemplations in your teachings, I guess you are enjoying them without sharing. I really really miss the psychedelic Leo, the one that blew my brains out with Awakenings, now I enjoy your content but you don't make me cry on the floor, do you get me now?

That's on point, I had a similar reaction to that announcement. Bittersweet. While I might actually need the practical stuff more at the moment, what I truly desire is God. By practical I also mean the advanced PM, relativity, and such understandings, that are for the top 1% epistemically, but still human level. That said, I can see the potential for how integrating those will deepen and clarify the metaphysics. My speculation as to the reason for the shift of focus, is Leo has seen the need to build a super solid foundation first before returning to the more advanced teachings. They're simply too radical, even for this audience. As seen by some reactions in the monkey torture thread and what Leo expressed there, plus many times in the past. It's far from the most challenging truth/insight to integrate, and yet even that is troublesome. 

Still, stay positive, as even with the lack of new content on those topics for a while, there's tons of breadcrumbs in the previous videos + blog + forum posts to explore. For instance, some time ago Leo mentioned an inverse of consciousness. What the fuck even is that? It challenges the paradigm that everything is consciousness. Though it probably still is, the exact mechanism is bound to be an epic mindfuck. Could take you years to uncover if that's what interests you. I'll certainly be moving in that direction in my trips now. The more insane the better. As Leo said, go explore infinity instead of asking him for stories (however amazing they are). We've got the means. 

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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I have very profound videos planned, they just aren't necessarily about God.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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25 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It took me years to discover Alien Consciousness and I don't know if I will ever discover anything as radical or profound ever again.
So you need to temper your expectations.

@Leo Gura Did you combine 5-MeO with a higher ratio of DMT yet?

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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18 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

@Leo Gura Did you combine 5-MeO with a higher ratio of DMT yet?

Speaking of, there's a promising new tryptamine, 5-EtO-DMT, currently at R&D. Said to be longer lasting than 5-MeO-DMT and active orally, same dosages. As nothing 5-MeO- seems to have an effect on me, hopefully this one will, so I can finally see what all the fuss is about.  

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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9 minutes ago, LambdaDelta said:

Speaking of, there's a promising new tryptamine, 5-EtO-DMT, currently at R&D. Said to be longer lasting than 5-MeO-DMT and active orally, same dosages. As nothing 5-MeO- seems to have an effect on me, hopefully this one will, so I can finally see what all the fuss is about.  



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26 minutes ago, LambdaDelta said:

Speaking of, there's a promising new tryptamine, 5-EtO-DMT, currently at R&D. Said to be longer lasting than 5-MeO-DMT and active orally, same dosages. As nothing 5-MeO- seems to have an effect on me, hopefully this one will, so I can finally see what all the fuss is about.  

You either die a psychonaut or live long enough to see yourself enjoy reality's nostalgia.

After all, what if you lose the progress thus far without transforming the world?

Heh, guess that's what new generations are for, I just hope Leo ain't getting old and rusty yet! xD

I have many holarchies to expand theough after my vacation is over 

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

But there is only so much new stuff I can say about God. I can't pump out a new video every month with crazy new structures of God.

I let you cook chef. Just have that in the menu once in a while.

It takes me years to comprehend and reach the states you describe in those videos, so I'm in no hurry because I wouldn't be able to fully actualize them at such rate anyway.

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

It took me years to discover Alien Consciousness and I don't know if I will ever discover anything as radical or profound ever again.

Leo in the near future:

I've reached whole new levels of Consciousness

that I had not yet reached before

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

I have very profound videos planned, they just aren't necessarily about God.

Consciousness, Truth, Love, Infinity, Mind, Reality, Intelligence, Metaphysics; you know these kind of stuff

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

So you need to temper your expectations.


It would be a disservice to your potential waiting to be Actualized

I'm not pushy, I'm just persistent, everything has it's place and time I know. I always respect your Sovereignty

Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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1 hour ago, LambdaDelta said:

As Leo said, go explore infinity instead of asking him for stories (however amazing they are). We've got the means. 

Of course I do

But two Sovereign Minds Awaken more than just One.

I also had insane awakenings just because Leo pointed them out to me. I cannot see anything more valuable; no other human on the planet can offer me this value. Even with a trillion dollars I couldn't buy this. My mother gave me this body but didn't give me GOD

Even if just five individuals Awaken to it, fuck it, why not? The impact on such people is so insane you have no point of reference.

Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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After watching Leo's latest video on Post Modernism and the latest blog content, I came up with some notes to track my insights on what the philosophy gets right and what it gets wrong - it's good for me to share to keep it fresh (feel free to provide feedback..

What Post modernism gets right: Most human claims to truth (if not all) is highly subjective and relative; these claims are a bi-product of social constructs that are primarily meant serve the unique, relativistic survival needs of individuals and/or group of individual (collectives). This can manifest in various institutions (government, media, entertainment, academia, business, religion, spirituality, etc), ideology/schools of thought and culture at large (ie elements of the social matrix). Values & morals are subjective and often change throughout time, what is considered true and certain in one sense can take on an entirely different meaning per historical context, new discoveries. Science and language are not reliable means to reach universal truths, which makes them limited tools that are self serving inherently (this is one of my biggest takeaways). Post-modernism is prioritizes being Construct Aware, which is highly advanced level of Ego development if one takes into account the 9 stages model.

What Post modernism gets wrong: Though the vast majority of human claims to universal truth are false, there does exists and Absolute Truth that is Universal. It cannot be accessed by conventional methods such as science and language, but through a mystical experience. Post modernism as a school of thought (and that essentially what it is relative to Absolute Truth) falls victim to the same limitations of language that is apparent in the other school of thoughts that it seeks to deconstruct. Subscribing to the post modernist worldview, and creating an identity out of it-means that the philosopher has had great insight into the socially constructed nature of elements of the Modern and Pre Modern worldview, but has not taken it all the way by acknowledging the Post Modern philosophy itself as being socially constructed. Absolute Truth is what remains after the Post Modernism philosophy is successfully deconstructed and integrated; ultimately going beyond concepts and language into a direct Consciousness of God (or Infinity!).

Edited by Terell Kirby

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10 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

You either die a psychonaut or live long enough to see yourself enjoy reality's nostalgia.

After all, what if you lose the progress thus far without transforming the world?

Heh, guess that's what new generations are for, I just hope Leo ain't getting old and rusty yet! xD

I have many holarchies to expand theough after my vacation is over 

Or frame it like that, one of the base requisites for being a psychonaut is to die. 

What is losing really? Can you actually lose anything, or gain? Why's it matter to transform the world? (yes I'm kinda abusing postmodernism for fun, but it's something to contemplate in spare time)

Ironically my summer break has been full of human bs and business, the real vacation will begin next week in some whacky hellish realm. Looking forward to more of your writeups.


12 minutes ago, Davino said:

Of course I do

But two Sovereign Minds Awaken more than just One.

I also had insane awakenings just because Leo pointed them out to me. I cannot see anything more valuable; no other human on the planet can offer me this value. Even with a trillion dollars I couldn't buy this 

True, Leo's videos are an Awakening cheat code. Though once in a while it's very beneficial to forget it all and stray off to some untrodden path.

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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7 minutes ago, LambdaDelta said:

one of the base requisites for being a psychonaut is to die. 

Wrong. This is an immature way to go about using psychedelics. 


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