
Why this world?

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Why do I live on earth with 7 billion other humans and millions of other life forms? Why was I not born alone on some empty rock. Why do I have access to these teachers and this wisdom.

Why not better?

Why wasn't I born at a time where wisdom is 100x more profound and better taught? Or where the planet/ civilazation is 100x more beautiful.


Was this random? Seems stupid to make this random. 

And if it wasn't random, why not better? 

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I think everything has manifested out of infinite Potentiality.  Basically an endless possibility field .one of which is this current life you just described.  And all of them must move from being potential to being actual you are !

Idk .

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Karmic Evolution, but be my guest.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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9 hours ago, Philipp said:

Why do I live on earth with 7 billion other humans and millions of other life forms? Why was I not born alone on some empty rock. Why do I have access to these teachers and this wisdom.

Why not better?

Why wasn't I born at a time where wisdom is 100x more profound and better taught? Or where the planet/ civilazation is 100x more beautiful.


Was this random? Seems stupid to make this random. 

And if it wasn't random, why not better? 

Trust the infinite intelligence of God

He definitely has reasons and purposes for your creation in this particular time and space

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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Why don't you tell me why you want to be here?  

Not with your thoughts or rationalizing side, as they're not on board. I mean, what do you feel?


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11 hours ago, Philipp said:

Why do I live on earth with 7 billion other humans and millions of other life forms? Why was I not born alone on some empty rock. Why do I have access to these teachers and this wisdom.

Why not better?

Why wasn't I born at a time where wisdom is 100x more profound and better taught? Or where the planet/ civilazation is 100x more beautiful.


Was this random? Seems stupid to make this random. 

And if it wasn't random, why not better? 

The problem with asking Why when You want to find an Answer, is that it forces someone (others!) to tell You a story and for You to either Believe or Disbelieve, this in the end does not cease the questions of WHY. 

If You ask Why to find knowing, then You can use it to become a Seeker, this enhances everything about You to find the Knowing, its like walking around a strange room in the dark, then suddenly there is light, true Seeking is like that, now You can see clearly the path and You stay on it, so use the Why for this reason, not to find answers from others!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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because the infinite is infinitely interconnected and in perfect balance, and for this the frog must eat that fly. Both the frog and the fly are infinite, within them is the infinite, and at the same time they are gears of the infinite that move exactly. The cosmos rolls on itself infinitely and I am now typing on a phone to balance its perfect movement and push its development, the same as everything that happens and develops.

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Hinduism says the earth is like a washing machine it has cycles time dosent exist the cycles of the washing machine exist infinetly. This is just where the washing machine is in its cycle.

There probably is a world where you are alone on a rock dreaming this up.

Edited by Hojo

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18 minutes ago, Hojo said:

Hinduism says the earth is like a washing machine it has cycles time dosent exist the cycles of the washing machine exist infinetly. This is just where the washing machine is in its cycle.

I'm waiting for the washing machine to finish cycling my favorite shirt, so I can put it on again...

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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Everything with a Boundary has a cycle, everything Physical has a Boundary, that is why we call it Physical, no Physicality present then that means there is no Boundary perceivable and therefore there are no cycles.. Cycles are ruled by Karma, cause and effect, conditioned Memory on all sorts of levels, every part of Your Body is Karma stored in it, cells, atoms, molecules, bones, skin, hair, dna, rna, its a form of memory intelligence, so hence without Karma being present then no Physicality, whether its Us or the Planet/Universe is possible...

We are here to play this Karma Game, within it is all sorts of Potentials (one can live like a beast or a saint), add in Free Will and Choice and it can be a Beautiful Game or a Miserable One, its Existence way of getting to know itself! 

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Now if things existed..if there was such a thing as  karma to get rid of..then you’d have a job on your hands. You’d have to do all sorts of things to get rid of your karma..your past sins. You’d be working continuously..practising all kinds of japa.. mantras..everything.. to remove all of these thoughts of the past. But I say to you since these things never existed to begin with..why do any work at all?’s okay.if you like to work. but I’m very lazy myself.. and the less work I have to do..the better.:D

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32 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Now if things existed..if there was such a thing as  karma to get rid of..then you’d have a job on your hands. You’d have to do all sorts of things to get rid of your karma..your past sins. You’d be working continuously..practising all kinds of japa.. mantras..everything.. to remove all of these thoughts of the past. But I say to you since these things never existed to begin with..why do any work at all?’s okay.if you like to work. but I’m very lazy myself.. and the less work I have to do..the better.:D

Because I can't levitate and supposedly that's how you unlock it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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8 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

Because I can't levitate and supposedly that's how you unlock it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

You Don't need to levitate. 

Actually what happens is this...As you begin to realise you are not your are not your are not your are not the world.. you’re not even a "thing " and this world is not a thing and thereby "karma " as well is rendered are you begin to think this way whatever has to happen in your evolution will transpire without you doing anything. If you are meant to be with a teacher you will be with a teacher. If you are meant to be by yourself you will be by yourself, yet you have absolutely nothing to do with it .no karma is evolved. 

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44 minutes ago, Someone here said:


Now if things existed..if there was such a thing as  karma to get rid of..then you’d have a job on your hands. You’d have to do all sorts of things to get rid of your karma..your past sins. You’d be working continuously..practising all kinds of japa.. mantras..everything.. to remove all of these thoughts of the past. But I say to you since these things never existed to begin with..why do any work at all?’s okay.if you like to work. but I’m very lazy myself.. and the less work I have to do..the better.:D


Well there are lazy ways to do it too, if You can do absolutely No Thing, no thinking, no dreaming, no imagining, no ideas popping up, no judgement, no ego, no thing other than breathing and bodily functioning and being absolutely here and now, then Your there, karma is no problem for You, but can you be like this??? 

If not then Japa, mantra, kriya, asana, Jnana, Bhakti, Prananayama, on and on it goes...

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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3 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Well there are lazy ways to do it too, if You can do absolutely No Thing, no thinking, no dreaming, no imagining, no ideas popping up, no judgement, no ego, no thing other than breathing and bodily functioning and being absolutely here and now, then Your there, karma is no problem for You, but can you be like this??? 

If not then Japa, mantra, kriya, asana, Jnana, Bhakti, Prananayama, on and on it goes...

I obviously can't be like that. But it doesn't mean I need to do anything.  You see.. what I'm talking about is the simplest Version of enlightenment possible..Doesn’t it feel good to be nothing instead of believing you are thoughts..and you are human..and you have a job to fulfill.. and you have a mission ..karma and so on? There are many spiritual people i know who think they have a mission. They have come to save the world. They can’t even save themselves and they’re looking to save the world😂. The world will go on the way it’s going on without your help.. for or against. I don't believe neither in  karma nor In free will..these two if you investigate them you will see they are barriers on the spiritual path. You ain't gonna wake up seriously as long as you hold such beliefs.

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19 hours ago, Philipp said:

Why not better?

The logical end point of your question is "Why not everything at once?". You should work backwards from there.

57% paranoid

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36 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I obviously can't be like that. But it doesn't mean I need to do anything.  You see.. what I'm talking about is the simplest Version of enlightenment possible..Doesn’t it feel good to be nothing instead of believing you are thoughts..and you are human..and you have a job to fulfill.. and you have a mission ..karma and so on? There are many spiritual people i know who think they have a mission. They have come to save the world. They can’t even save themselves and they’re looking to save the world😂. The world will go on the way it’s going on without your help.. for or against. I don't believe neither in  karma nor In free will..these two if you investigate them you will see they are barriers on the spiritual path. You ain't gonna wake up seriously as long as you hold such beliefs.

I agree for the most part, we are not anything we have accumulated, we have accumulated our Body and Mind, our thoughts, opinions, beliefs, ideologies we hold as true, are all borrowed for the most part, not many ppl are truly authentic in their POV or Understanding, only a few are coming from a Pure Perception of Reality, that is why we have Guru's they are coming from that and can help us get there too, don't listen to their words, watch their actions and You'll know if there Authentic or not..

Don't worry about Free Wil. that is a consequence of Awareness, not something You think up and try to execute, but it our Human Ability to have Free Will, to decide how I want to be within Myself, to determine my Destiny and Direction in Life, that is partly what it means to be Human, otherwise we  are no different from the animals or plant life which are more in a predetermined state of existence than we are!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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2 hours ago, Someone here said:


Now if things existed..if there was such a thing as  karma to get rid of..then you’d have a job on your hands. You’d have to do all sorts of things to get rid of your karma..your past sins. You’d be working continuously..practising all kinds of japa.. mantras..everything.. to remove all of these thoughts of the past. But I say to you since these things never existed to begin with..why do any work at all?’s okay.if you like to work. but I’m very lazy myself.. and the less work I have to do..the better.:D


You cant escape the mechanics of Life.

Dont see Karma as a sin, Karma is just the trait, the "odor" you have picked up.

What makes you as a human being, your fathers, your family, your way of emoting, of thinking, of reacting, this is all karma.

Until you dont happen to pick the odor of having a father that takes a knife to his throat in front of a family lunch, or smokes some good afghan dope in front of you, or even makes you drive him in your moms car to the drug dealer itself to go score that day you dont learn to appreciate the seriousness of Karma 😉



Edited by Javfly33

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8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

because the infinite is infinitely interconnected and in perfect balance, and for this the frog must eat that fly. Both the frog and the fly are infinite, within them is the infinite, and at the same time they are gears of the infinite that move exactly. The cosmos rolls on itself infinitely and I am now typing on a phone to balance its perfect movement and push its development, the same as everything that happens and develops.

Yeeees... Your username rings true as well haha

Some people have a power with words and can create a perfect analogy/metaphor of it

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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