
God paradox?

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God creates by loving everything and letting it be itself, whatever that self may be. 

This also means God is indifferent and does care more about one thing or person over another. 

How can God be both eternally loving AND indifferent?

Should we as God "love" everything or should we be "indifferent" to everything?

Any thoughts or advice? 

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"indifference" is a relative concept. You have to define two separate things for indifference to occur. In this case - in your proposition - You have 'God' and 'You' - the self.

You understand and can conceive of God and You as two separate things... The Error lies in assuming or thinking that God's Mind operates the same way.

Deep and long exploration on the Nature of God will show that first of all the entire field of perception is unknown to God. This does not mean God does not know You - to the contrary - it means you do not know the Real You unless you go beyond perception itself.

Deep and long exploration on the Nature of God will show that WHAT God Knows is a UNIFIED Whole - undivided and unconceivably dividable.

That ONENESS is also what LOVE IS - and it is a PEACE beyond human understanding.

Indifference does not exist in such a REALITY - in such a ONENESS.

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God's loves indifferently

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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54 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

God's loves indifferently

... God Loves equally, unconditionally, completely and perfectly - and so do You - as any other kind of Love, such as the so called 'conditional-love, is NOT Love but hatred disguised as Love!

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@Lila9 That's a nice theory but it makes no sense. I can learn to accept my suffering and accept that as god teaching me lessons and loving me but should I also believe that homeless crackheads, children dying in gaza/ukraine and people getting assaulted against their will are also experiencing that same infinite love? 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

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9 minutes ago, LordFall said:

@Lila9 That's a nice theory but it makes no sense. I can learn to accept my suffering and accept that as god teaching me lessons and loving me but should I also believe that homeless crackheads, children dying in gaza/ukraine and people getting assaulted against their will are also experiencing that same infinite love? 

The World that gives Reality to suffering, inequality, poverty, injustice, does have some Intelligence and a set of Laws upholding it, it certainly easy to imagine some kind of 'God' that created it, and that must be ruling it... the question is who is THAT god?  It is certainly not Love and the Source of Peace.

If you take the Bible for example - this compilation of old manuscripts. It is composed in two parts. One bigger than the other. One much older than the other. One is the Old Testament, and the other is the New Testament. Each part speak of God but they CLEARLY not talking about the same God. If you look close enough you will see that the God of the Old Testament is the opposite of the God of the New Testament.

The Old Testament speak of a God of punishment, of revenge, ... The Old Testament is NOT messaging the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth - because for one thing it was written before his birth. ...

When it comes to the word God there are nuances - to assume that a World of suffering where pure hell can be experienced is certainly not something that God who is Love could ever create. It is ridiculous to think that and insane to believe it.

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There is no paradox.

The highest Love is literally indifference.

The best way to practice this love as a human is to simply appreciate the beauty of every part of reality and to stop rejecting reality.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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25 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

There is no paradox.

The highest Love is literally indifference.

The best way to practice this love as a human is to simply appreciate the beauty of every part of reality and to stop rejecting reality.

@Leo Gura I hold this as an ongoing practice. This level of attainment is simply imposible for most humans. An unrealistic expectation.

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7 minutes ago, Greatnestwithin said:

is simply imposible for most humans.

Fortunately humans are imaginary and you are the one and only God ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There is no room to love (verb) when you become the love (noun) and collapse the separation. And so it looks indifferent.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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19 hours ago, enchanted said:

God creates by loving everything and letting it be itself, whatever that self may be. 

This also means God is indifferent and does care more about one thing or person over another. 

How can God be both eternally loving AND indifferent?

Should we as God "love" everything or should we be "indifferent" to everything?

Any thoughts or advice? 

First there's too many  Assumptions in Your Questions, who says God is eternally Loving and/or Indifferent, did You read this somewhere or someone told You this, how do you know this is Truth/Reality via that way of finding out?

What is Love anyways? Love is Inclusion, I include You as Me!

Indifference is I don't care, if one says this is Love then they don't know what Love is!

The key to it all is that You still care and are completely involved with everyone and everything, but none of it affects Your Inner Experience, You don't suffer another's Suffering, if You do then Your a Slave to them and less unable to help them, if You can maintain a high level of Experience within (Peace, Joy, Bliss) then Your more Enabled to help those that are Suffering, its that simple!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Fortunately humans are imaginary and you are the one and only God ;)

How can I stop rejecting and see beauty in animal suffering?

You mocked me the other day and said that  won't overcome all my biases.

Edited by Vibes

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17 minutes ago, Vibes said:

How can I stop rejecting and see beauty in animal suffering?

You mocked me the other day and said that  won't overcome all my biases.

This is the problem with trying to apply labels and such, that I must see Beauty in all things since God/Reality/Absolute is perfect and all encompassing bla bla bla, it sets up a conundrum for sure.. 

We have to drop these labels, most ppl (99.9999%) do not know anything about this so called God/Absolute/Reality, so drop the labels that it is this or that.  The only thing You know is how You are Experiencing Life right now, that is primary.  Animal Suffering is not Beautiful, but if You Suffer the animals that are Suffering then You have added to the suffering of the world, and by suffering it You lessen You ability to change it, so don't suffer anyone elses suffering, just be at Peace with it, then see what You can do to change it and makes things better!

Suffering disables You, being at Peace with things (Acceptance) Empowers You!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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33 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

... who says God is eternally Loving ... did You read this somewhere or someone told You this, how do you know this is Truth/Reality via that way of finding out?

What is Love anyways?...

This I can answer from personal experience - and also I can refer to the experience of many others.

The Love Which is God - foremost is AMAZING - STEPENDOUS and mind-blowing. It is incomparable and beyond any experience of earthly love. So finding words to describe It can never do It justice. When you experience It you know It is the Love Which is God, and you know that It is your essence and the essence of Reality Itself.

In That Love nothing else can exist but Itself - you know by It that you are Eternal, Non-mortal, that your safety is Perfect and inviolable... And you know that there is not one soul that is not that essence, and that every soul will eventually come to fully awake to that Love.

I had  in this life time the great fortune of having this experience - and I was not on psychedelics.  When it happened it felt like all of my insides suddenly started to melt. I felt like all of my insides had been held together by threads of pain -  threads that were all the horrors of human life, animal life, earth-life, that were stored within me in some subconscious layer - holding together my insides, my guts- and they were an integral part of being a human, part of survival...  ALL of THAT Bundle was deep, deep, deeper than a single lifetime, it was a bundle that was millions of years old - ALL of THAT Bundle was suddenly melting as ribbons of light were replacing my normal human vision. I could not help but sob and weep as all that ancient pain was being lifted off - and this Love was being revealed, revealing its Truth. I never, ever wept like that, it was so deep...

The sense of forgiveness was Total - even Hitler is forgiven in that Love - all history of evils fades like stories children tells each other to playfully scare each other... The sense of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is Total, total. There is nothing anyone can do to truly become separated from that Love. It holds each and everyone of us right Now - always has and always will.

When you experience the Love Which is God not only you recognize It - but It is more Real than any experience as a human. It is so Real that in comparison - this human state is like a dark dream in black & white - a highly filtered state - so filtered that Reality is completely masked.

Of course this experience was a paramount point in my life and just mentioning it compels me to speak on about it - but this is not the place for that , so I will stick to the topic.

After this experience I came across others that had also experienced this Love; for them mostly during a NDE (Near Death Experience).

In my case I would say I felt completely submerged in that Love - but I know I also just had a good taste of it - meaning that I did not 100% Merged with It as it probably would of been a No-Return event and I would not of returned to this human life.

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8 minutes ago, ICURBlessings said:

This I can answer from personal experience - and also I can refer to the experience of many others.

The Love Which is God - foremost is AMAZING - STEPENDOUS and mind-blowing. It is incomparable and beyond any experience of earthly love. So finding words to describe It can never do It justice. When you experience It you know It is the Love Which is God, and you know that It is your essence and the essence of Reality Itself.

In That Love nothing else can exist but Itself - you know by It that you are Eternal, Non-mortal, that your safety is Perfect and inviolable... And you know that there is not one soul that is not that essence, and that every soul will eventually come to fully awake to that Love.

I had  in this life time the great fortune of having this experience - and I was not on psychedelics.  When it happened it felt like all of my insides suddenly started to melt. I felt like all of my insides had been held together by threads of pain -  threads that were all the horrors of human life, animal life, earth-life, that were stored within me in some subconscious layer - holding together my insides, my guts- and they were an integral part of being a human, part of survival...  ALL of THAT Bundle was deep, deep, deeper than a single lifetime, it was a bundle that was millions of years old - ALL of THAT Bundle was suddenly melting as ribbons of light were replacing my normal human vision. I could not help but sob and weep as all that ancient pain was being lifted off - and this Love was being revealed, revealing its Truth. I never, ever wept like that, it was so deep...

The sense of forgiveness was Total - even Hitler is forgiven in that Love - all history of evils fades like stories children tells each other to playfully scare each other... The sense of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is Total, total. There is nothing anyone can do to truly become separated from that Love. It holds each and everyone of us right Now - always has and always will.

When you experience the Love Which is God not only you recognize It - but It is more Real than any experience as a human. It is so Real that in comparison - this human state is like a dark dream in black & white - a highly filtered state - so filtered that Reality is completely masked.

Of course this experience was a paramount point in my life and just mentioning it compels me to speak on about it - but this is not the place for that , so I will stick to the topic.

After this experience I came across others that had also experienced this Love; for them mostly during a NDE (Near Death Experience).

In my case I would say I felt completely submerged in that Love - but I know I also just had a good taste of it - meaning that I did not 100% Merged with It as it probably would of been a No-Return event and I would not of returned to this human life.

That's a Nice Sharing!! If all peoples of the world had this experience it would transform this world, that is the whole idea of Spiritual Path, to bring about this Experience for everyone, as everyone is equally capable of having it!

I would call it the realization of Sat Chit Ananda, or Truth Consciousness Bliss, this is the Fundamental Reality, but us as Humans have to Seek it out, its there within each of Us, but we have a great Survival Aspect within us, it overrides this experience as You had above, if all ppl where in that sort of experience all the time, they would not care of Survival so the Tiger would eat You easily, so its suppressed for that purpose, but now with our ability to secure food and shelter, basic survival needs its the best time to regain this sort of Sat Chi Ananda experience and strive for it!


Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Gods love for you is metaphysical it dosent care what happens in physical reality. It cares about what is happening in your mind. So its indifferent that it does not care what you do and it loves you in that it accepts all the things you deem unworthy of its love so there is no reason to beat yourself up about anything as God is indifferent to reality. It wants you to see the things you dont like about yourself and it wants you to be loving towards them like it is. it dosent care if you dont feel that way and it will ride out the time it takes for you to see this so it is indifferent to what you are feeling towards it it wont stop until you see it without flinching. God is watching your entire life with you and has never moved.

This is how God is indifferent and loving.

Edited by Hojo

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2 minutes ago, Hojo said:

Gods love for you is metaphysical it dosent care what happens in reality. It cares about what is happening in your mind. So its indifferent that it does not care what you do and it loves you in that it accepts all the things you deem unworthy of its love so there is no reason to beat yourself up about anything as God is indifferent to reality.

This is how God is indifferent and loving.

The is no God or other Entity, Universe out there and then You here on Earth functioning, and it loving or hating You or anyone, this is ego saying "I am Important, therefore the creator must know of me, care about me, love me and do what I need to have done" Bullshit..

Whatever happens in Your life, no one cares other than family and loved ones, You are the only one that really cares, just drop all of this sort of awareness and thinking, just live life totally, we are pop ups, blips on a screen, we are here such a small amount of time. Do You know of the person living in Kanas City in 1806, are You aware of their existence?? Of course You aren't, no body is, but someone was there and alive and living their life and to them it was as important as yours it too you, but no one knows of this person or remembers or cares, so just live life to its fullest while  You are here and now...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@Ishanga Do you realize how nonsensical you sound? 

You’re just kind of spewing however you’re feeling at the moment.

Your posts are often riddled with poor grammar as well, making it hard to read.

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@Ishanga you are clueless of Gods love. There is literally a creator of the universe that loves you more than anything in the entire universe. You specifically. To God you are its perfect creation.

Edited by Hojo

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