
What do you think the point of life is?

25 posts in this topic

The point is the thing itself. It's not that life has a point or meaning, it's that life and more broadly existence is the point itself. Life is beyond stories, so it's not explicable as a story. Ironically, my previous statement is just a mini story, so language is not up to the task. Only direct obeservation, direct knowledge and direct feeling can answer it, if there is an answer to be had.

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@ICURBlessings I am saying I would rather keep my options open by maintaining a fluid identity and belief system. Rather than getting locked in one paradigm such as "The point of life is to love" I constantly am open to adapting to different paradigms depending on what I enjoy the most.

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The point of life is to take LSD, of course :P

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@Shodburrito enjoy the moment as godliness. After life infinite silence, as before birth. Dance with the moment. Get Drunk from Love.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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