
What do you think the point of life is?

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Go ahead and drop your answer below.

But first, let me warn you: You have no idea what this life is about. It’s not about “evolution” or “awakening”. It’s not about becoming a better person or loving others. It’s not about fulfilling a purpose or finding meaning. These are all stories you tell yourself. Except you are the author and you do not realize it. Any story you tell yourself becomes true. You think meditating and learning to give up attachment from your desires is the point? Then that’s the reality you will experience. You think it’s about trying to evolve your consciousness and become a “better” person? Then that’s the reality you will create.

None of you realize how this works. Any answer you give why you’re here becomes true for you. But it’s all relative. You’re just as wrong as the next person, or just as right depending on how you look at it. So what is the answer to the point of life? Stop looking for one and start creating one. But be careful: The answer you create may unintentionally limit you.

Many think the answer is “enlightenment”, but just as I have mentioned, this is a limitation. You think it may free you but only if you limit yourself to what is possible. What if I told you not only do desires not cause suffering like these “gurus” would like you to think, but you have complete freedom to choose any emotional state instantly, regardless of circumstances? Would you think I’m crazy? Or is that just another story you tell yourself keeping you in the box of limitations? Or what if I told you that you can experience having anything you want right now? Again, am I crazy, or are you just unaware of what is possible?

Let’s have a discussion about what is possible. :D

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Posted (edited)

You are limited anyway. You can't choose, at least not directly, how to feel. 

You can't decide things freely and manipulate your subconscious how you want. Actually it is mainly the opposite.

You have passions, fears, emotional challenges you didn't choose and have to go through them and develop according to their guidance. Anything else is a bypass.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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To power up your imagination and fill it with new data

Edited by Hojo

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@Nivsch I'm sorry but this is blatantly incorrect. I choose how I feel all the time. You telling yourself that one cannot do it is precisely why you continue to live a life where your emotions are determined by external outcomes. 

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Posted (edited)

8 minutes ago, Shodburrito said:

@Nivsch I'm sorry but this is blatantly incorrect. I choose how I feel all the time. You telling yourself that one cannot do it is precisely why you continue to live a life where your emotions are determined by external outcomes. 

I have tried to act upon the principle that we feed our subconsious with our own ideas and therefore create it, and tried to change that.

While there is a truth in that for sure, it helped only to some extent. You can try and get your own conclusions.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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Posted (edited)

I don't think there can be a point of life for life itself, as that would be a limitation. Life is just life. Always was and always will be with no point as to why life exists. As you say, we give life meaning. We create our own meaning; and we paint the picture on the empty canvas. Only thing with that is that life is also doing that. We are life. Life has limited itself to dig deep into itself. It is alive and conscious. It is sending back information to itself, reflecting on itself and interacting with itself.

It keeps expanding and evolving and going around and around performing strange loops around itself for eternity. All that are just appearances because nothing is really happening only appears to be. That's the paradoxical nature of existence. Same things happening over and over and over again, but with different contents. Appearing differently. That's why we say "history repeats itself", synchronicities' happen, psychic phenomena, and intuitions are possible.

That's my take.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

@ShodburritoGaining control of it again. Begin able to create consistent visible imaginary things in your mind without veering off randomly. I got like 2 minutes before I lose it. Losing control of imagination is a big  problem society has. Like try to imagine yourself rocking in a chair in a room for more than 5 minutes without your mind going somewhere else. Thats a problem for the spirit. Imagine that happens in God mode you are done, its the imagination in sleep mode. So i pretty much got 2 minutes in God mode before I go back to sleep.

Gaining power back over the imagination then being able to turn it off when you want. The imagination is like a horse freaking out right now you want to tame it. Maybe you have already but I havent.

Like a baby you spawn and your imagination is full on dreams are insane reality is insane you cant think then you learn about reality and your imagination shrinks. You learn rules your imagination shrinks. You get in trouble your imagination goes negative and shrinks. You get your heart broken  you stop allowing yourself to have certain thoughts and stop yourself from thinking about things because they hurt you. Years and years and years of this go by and your imagination is now crippled and severely limited to just a couple of things probably sex.

Reversing this is what I mean.

You die like this you are your imagination you are a crippled limited God.

Edited by Hojo

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I’m not sure there is a point. I’m not sure it’s possible to really put a point on this. The point of life is to live it. To learn new things, to go with nature and the flow. It’s hard to put into words. I think there’s a natural desire for people to want to create. To me these are the things I like to engage with in life and of course to expand my capacity to love and experience joy and wellbeing. 

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Live to the Highest Possibility and Potential, whatever that is, if its making the most $$ then that is it for You, if it is Winning Wimbledon then that is it for You, for me its Enlightenment which is just a word to say You've reached the Highest State of Experience Possible for a Human Being!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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What is your addicted or in my case dependant on substances just to feel normal and i never even feel normal. How do i tell my story to even feel normal?

Guess to tell yourself you can beat this dependancy one day. I know i will but it will take time. 

"Your the left eye and i am the right would it not be madness to fight, WE COME ONE." - Faithless

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The point of life is to make the ego happy.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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I like how you ask what the meaning of life is then immediately dismiss any meaning making as untenable.

That said, it can be whatever you want it to be in my opinion. The base message behind self-help is that you can accomplish whatever you put your mind to. It is a trap to think of life as only having a singular purpose however. It is an experience, not a destination. 

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1 hour ago, Basman said:

I like how you ask what the meaning of life is then immediately dismiss any meaning making as untenable.

Basman made a valid point here when he said "... you ask what the meaning of life is then immediately dismiss any meaning making as untenable."

The point of life differ between people. If you are seeking for an answer that is so fundamental that it is the Truth for All - it would have to include all the animal kingdom and plant kingdom, all forms of Life - human or not.

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There is no point to life. Your life is based on the conclusions and beliefs that you have drawn up. 

If you believe that you are the only important person here, then you want attention and want people to look up to you. You become a narcissist. That becomes the point of your life unless you can break out of it.

On a broader sense, you can say that the point of life is to grow consciously.

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Posted (edited)

3 minutes ago, hyruga said:

There is no point to life. Your life is based on the conclusions and beliefs that you have drawn up. 

If you believe that you are the only important person here, then you want attention and want people to look up to you. You become a narcissist. That becomes the point of your life unless you can break out of it.

On a broader sense, you can say that the point of life is to grow consciously.

There is no point to life at a certain point in life, before that point in life, there is a Point too Life, so what does this conundrum mean? It means there is Possibility to explore, the possibility of no point to life and the possibility of there being a point to life, explore both, see what happens, then do what You want, that is the point of life! In Normal language this is called a Circle!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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On 8/23/2024 at 7:42 PM, Shodburrito said:


Let’s have a discussion about what is possible. :D

Two things are going on here

  1. - one is the wish to genuinely answer the question: What do you think the point of life is? without being told what answers are tenable or not.
  2. The other is the silence of the one who dropped the question in the first place. He clearly here attempted to set up the stage for something... It is like a game of "guess what I think?".

Why Shodburrito does not tell us what he thinks the Point-Of-Life is?

Or what do you think Shodburrito thinks the Point-Of-Life is?

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The point of life is LOVE

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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I just want to see what other people think and if anyone understands what my original post means.

I think something far more radical is going on with existence than most realize. People are constantly looking for answers to philosphical or spiriutal questions like these. But here's the thing I think is going on... There is simultatenously no answer as well as infinite answers. Any answer you choose as being "correct"for a quesiton like "What is the point of life" becomes the reality you experience. 

Why do so many people believe in millions of different answers to this question and somehow they all experience them as factual/objective realities. I think we have the power to "manifest" (if that's even the correct word to use) any reality we believe is true. You believe that Jesus Christ is the savior of humanity? Then you will "manifest" a reality where you experience that. You believe that the point of life is to pursue hedonism? Then you will "manifest" a reality where you experience that.

It's not that any of these answers are necesarilly true. I don't think there is an answer to this question, and the thing is, depending on how you answer questions like these will determine in what ways you are limited. Someone commented that the point of life is love. By believing that, you are boxing yourself into a certain reality where you will not only seek out but also create a reality where you experience love to be the point of existence. It's not that believing that or experiencing a reality where that is true is bad, it just has its limitations. This is a step beyond relativism. I'm not just saying that all beliefs or judgements about reality are neutral (neither good or bad) but literally we have the power to shape what we experience to be true.

So my thing is, if my beliefs play an active role in how I experience reality, why limit myself by choosing any singular answer to this question of "What is the point of life" or any other philosophical question? 

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4 minutes ago, Shodburrito said:

So my thing is, if my beliefs play an active role in how I experience reality, why limit myself by choosing any singular answer to this question of "What is the point of life" or any other philosophical question? 

Are you saying that you rather keep your options open to multiple answers, perhaps choose an answer under a certain context but not lock-in to it, and be able to change it as needed, or as necessary as circumstances changes? Or - do you mean you rather have no answers attached to these questions at all time?

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