
Got Salvia. Tips?

34 posts in this topic

20 hours ago, Jowblob said:

Be careful from the stories that i've heard.  like the man living for 30 years another life and being conscious there. This story makes it seem like salvia has samadhi qualities, which basically can make you experience another dream for 30 years or thousands of years etc. Remember consciousness doesn't know what time is. Imagine if you become trapped in some human hell reality

Yo @Jowblob I remember you posting about your experience with falling asleep on lsd, and how it’s a sure fire way to awaken to solipsism, yes? 

I was just wondering if you’ve experienced anything else since then, or if you were to do it differently, say you did it again? 

Edited by LifeEnjoyer

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On 8/26/2024 at 2:59 AM, LifeEnjoyer said:

Yo @Jowblob I remember you posting about your experience with falling asleep on lsd, and how it’s a sure fire way to awaken to solipsism, yes? 

I was just wondering if you’ve experienced anything else since then, or if you were to do it differently, say you did it again? 


Yes, it's a good way to awaken or break the reality you're in. It's like a form of god realization, after this experience it was very hard to come back and i threw everything away. I have experienced many things since then without the usage of any drug, basically breaking the limits of my own mind naturally and experiencing miracles or higher energies/chakras etc.


If i would do it again, i would make sure i don't have a job and i would live in some cost free place that is paid and alone by myself like owning a house/tinyhouse/camper. And make sure my costs of living are nominal/non existent. All these things would place less stress and more surrendering on me, making me explore that state even more. So if i would win a lottery, i would definitally in the future do this again.

The only problem about that state, is that it felt very eternal and like the game has stopped and that it was over. Just imagine , i'm standing outside in my yard and i can literally control how things can look like. I'm standing and i hear the same dove making the same sound, i'm like wtf why is it exactly the same every time? Then i look up, and i hear this dove flapping its wings and making dove sound flying above my head. In like replay motion. Meaning it played for like 5-10 sec. Then after 1 minute it replied again like a loop. And it kept happening.

I was literally like some god, breaking time/reality/constructs.

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If you do a real dose you'll completely forget you smoked anything, you'll forget who you are. Slowly you will realize you are coming back to your body.

Although it is uncomfortable it's not quite as uncomfortable and scary as people make it out to be because you disassociate entirely. There was barely any fear involved for me.

I did it a couple days ago, I became what I can only describe as a thread. I was working alongside all of the other threads, and there was a sense of comradery with my team. It felt like when I worked in a restaurant many years ago. We were all on an abstract assembly line. It was actually a kind of pleasant experience- I felt proud to be working on this project with my team, although I didn't know what we were working on exactly. But I could tell there were hundreds of us working alongside each other. There was a leader commanding our team of threads giving us orders. There was a distinct moment when I realized what we were working on.. we were forming the present moment of me laying on my couch- it was the same moment I "found" my body and started remembering I smoked Salvia. So in that brief moment it was as if I was still a thread but was aware of myself  as both a thread and the body. It wasn't really that these threads were forming a body, but forming the exact moment of me laying on my couch. The threads were creating my perception.

Notes from my trip:

-Teams of people creating my perception
-Many threads together working, all individuals

-Sense of safety and familiarity

-Lines of people like waiting for a roller coaster
-I am an employee

-Forgot I smoked anything

-"Darden restaurant type energy"

-"Ah I get it, I'm laying on my couch, and this is how I'm forming"

Oh, and I just smoked it in a pipe, basically filled the pipe like a bowl of weed. It was just the salvia extract. I used a torched lighter to burn it all quickly. After taking the hit I set the bowl down immediately, holding in the hit. After 15-20 seconds I exhaled. By the time you exhale you're in it.

Edited by Paradoxed

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On 8/29/2024 at 11:40 AM, Jowblob said:


Yes, it's a good way to awaken or break the reality you're in. It's like a form of god realization, after this experience it was very hard to come back and i threw everything away. I have experienced many things since then without the usage of any drug, basically breaking the limits of my own mind naturally and experiencing miracles or higher energies/chakras etc.


If i would do it again, i would make sure i don't have a job and i would live in some cost free place that is paid and alone by myself like owning a house/tinyhouse/camper. And make sure my costs of living are nominal/non existent. All these things would place less stress and more surrendering on me, making me explore that state even more. So if i would win a lottery, i would definitally in the future do this again.

The only problem about that state, is that it felt very eternal and like the game has stopped and that it was over. Just imagine , i'm standing outside in my yard and i can literally control how things can look like. I'm standing and i hear the same dove making the same sound, i'm like wtf why is it exactly the same every time? Then i look up, and i hear this dove flapping its wings and making dove sound flying above my head. In like replay motion. Meaning it played for like 5-10 sec. Then after 1 minute it replied again like a loop. And it kept happening.

I was literally like some god, breaking time/reality/constructs.

Interesting. am taking a break from psychs rn, thanks for sharing though, @Jowblob

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Thank you for your feedback, @Davino, @Paradoxed

I think the salvia I got turned out to be very weak. I might have to try and do an extract or get a stronger one, but that will be in the future. 

What happened was that I made several doses of 0.25 and was doing progressively more without much of an effect. The most it got after like the 6th attempt was waviness with mild body effects, but that was essentially it. It also didn't do anything more than that to either of my brothers. Sorry to disappoint, hah.

Will come back eventually to it, since there is something exceptionally strong drawing me to this substance. I have had extremely vivid dreams my entire life (one yesterday) that closely match what i have read as trip reports. But not yet I guess. 

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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On 9/2/2024 at 10:07 AM, Ero said:

Thank you for your feedback, @Davino, @Paradoxed

I think the salvia I got turned out to be very weak. I might have to try and do an extract or get a stronger one, but that will be in the future. 

What happened was that I made several doses of 0.25 and was doing progressively more without much of an effect. The most it got after like the 6th attempt was waviness with mild body effects, but that was essentially it. It also didn't do anything more than that to either of my brothers. Sorry to disappoint, hah.

Will come back eventually to it, since there is something exceptionally strong drawing me to this substance. I have had extremely vivid dreams my entire life (one yesterday) that closely match what i have read as trip reports. But not yet I guess. 

I have heard others say that first timers sometimes have to "get over the hump", but once you do it becomes easier to trip. I personally didn't have that problem as the first time I ever took salvia I had my shit rocked. You probably just need a stronger extract or to take more. I believe in you :x

Salvia can be pretty insane. You will probably be very surprised, and it will probably be unlike anything you could possibly imagine. But that's what is so interesting about it. The first time's I did it were pretty unpleasant and scary, but I was a dumb teenager who didn't know what I was getting myself into or how to surrender. I would say it's important to accept whatever is happening during the experience good or bad. Mentally tell yourself beforehand that you are welcoming whatever happens.
Sometimes when you come back, you question reality (it's fine, more people should be doing this anyway), but it might take a second for you to ground yourself.

23 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

The psychedelic i'm the more afraid to test of. 

I actually find going deep with n,n-DMT or 5meo to be much scarier.

Edited by Paradoxed

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On 9/2/2024 at 4:07 PM, Ero said:
  1. I did progressive quarter doses without much of an effect.
  2. The 6th attempt was waviness with mild body effects, but that's all.
  3. It also didn't do anything more than that to either of my brothers. Sorry to disappoint, hah.
  4. I've had extremely vivid dreams my entire life that closely match the trip reports though.

It myself couldn't breakthrough, so I hoped you'd have some better luck.
I tried x20 and x40 myself several times 'till half the package was gone.

My experience was:

  1. A simple yellowish background overlay at like 5% opacity, akin to very simple phosphenes.
  2. The tree branches' texture gained metallic/copper reflection and looked a bit 3D extruded.
  3. Moving became lightning fast as if gravity was lessened and I was pushed by momentum.
  4. A strong sense of deja vu, like I stood in the same place but the time was two years ago.
  5. Feeling very uncomfortable, like being a clean freak who has been submerged in mud.
  6. I felt like walking like a diva queen and was posing when walking like Egyptian hieroglyphs.

But I didn't enter any new realms or see anything symbolically significant or abstract manifest.

@Ero Better luck next time, or with the next big thing 😁

14 hours ago, Paradoxed said:

actually find going deep with n,n-DMT, or 5meo to be much scarier.

I had the same non-breakthrough experience with 5-MeO, no matter how much I inhaled
Maybe I need to double the dose of what's generally recommended?

5-MeO for me had a massive body load

  1. Not surrendering was excruciatingly uncomfortable.
  2. But when I did surrender, nothing happened, just waiting, breathing.
  3. It felt like my chest, especially the space between my heart & throat getting softer.
  4. I sometimes saw the outlines of focused objects shift by an inch in an overlay.
  5. I sat on the ground inhaling more, but I just haven't had any real breakthroughs.
  6. Boofing was weaker and I only had 100mg to experiment with.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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The last time I smoked salvia the trip was that reality was crumbling into cubes, due to a kind of vibration, and I had to compensate for that vibration by jumping, so I started jumping around the house, and a friend had to hold me down so I wouldn't get hurt. I wasn't aware of anything except that it was necessary to jump to compensate for the collapse of reality, I didn't see the furniture or anything, so be careful doing it alone, you could have an accident.

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3 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

The last time I smoked salvia the trip was that reality was crumbling into cubes, due to a kind of vibration, and I had to compensate for that vibration by jumping, so I started jumping around the house, and a friend had to hold me down so I wouldn't get hurt. I wasn't aware of anything except that it was necessary to jump to compensate for the collapse of reality, I didn't see the furniture or anything, so be careful doing it alone, you could have an accident.

I love this, it reminds me of my coral trip where I had to fit the entirety of existence into one room, or when I had to speedrun the entirety of my mind continuously and vigorously before it disintegrated to keep recreating it, as all structure was gone, or when I had to let go of ehatever path I was walking to surrender and each time evolving more clever solutions, or when I had to synchronize space and time through endless holarchies of abstraction, as reality became fractalized and needed to live through every single experience and lifeform and all the cruelty in the world to see how this fabric was essential for a greater purpose and  a retrocausal existence gradient, but that was dissodelic, not salvia, I wonder what salvia would do

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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8 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

I had the same non-breakthrough experience with 5-MeO, no matter how much I inhaled
Maybe I need to double the dose of what's generally recommended?

5-MeO for me had a massive body load

  1. Not surrendering was excruciatingly uncomfortable.
  2. But when I did surrender, nothing happened, just waiting, breathing.
  3. It felt like my chest, especially the space between my heart & throat getting softer.
  4. I sometimes saw the outlines of focused objects shift by an inch in an overlay.
  5. I sat on the ground inhaling more, but I just haven't had any real breakthroughs.
  6. Boofing was weaker and I only had 100mg to experiment with.

5meo is really uncomfortable when you don't breakthrough. I would be careful doubling the dose, just work your way to higher doses. I've experienced the same thing with the chest, heart and throat. That may be the chakras you need to open to be able to fully let go? You may be clinging, and surrendering on other drugs is much much easier. It's hard to say, but if you do breakthrough you will feel like you are actually dying, physically and psychologically, then love and gratitude as you return. You don't need intense breakthrough doses though, and if you do be careful and work up to it. I stopped doing 5meo for now because there is too much body load and risk. Have you tried n,n-DMT?

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1 hour ago, Paradoxed said:
  1. I see the sensations as chakras opening
  2. Your surrender/clinging affinity might vary on other drugs.
  3. Breakthroughs feel like physically and psychologically dying.
  4. Love and gratitude are your equivalent exchange.
  5. Working your way up is a sensible strategy.
  6. I stopped due to body load and risk.
  7. Have you tried n,n-DMT?
  1. I have had experiences that were very clearly associated with specific chakras, so I can see that as well.
  2. It definitely does, dissociatives do wonders, Lucy feels like pre-DMT, Shrooms are interesting, RCs vary.
  3. I had that on my coral trip a month ago, felt like physically suffocating and my mind was disintegrating.
  4. On my 5-MeO attempts, it was more disorienting. With others, love was there occasionally, not always.
  5. It sure is & especially, since 5-MeO compared to everything else seems to have a zero-tolerance profile.
  6. I stopped psychedelics when the experience seemed to lead nowhere too, though I switched to dissos.
  7. Oh, I wish, maybe that's why I'm still here. From all I heard, actual DMT seems to be my magnum opus.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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3 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:
  1. I have had experiences that were very clearly associated with specific chakras, so I can see that as well.
  2. It definitely does, dissociatives do wonders, Lucy feels like pre-DMT, Shrooms are interesting, RCs vary.
  3. I had that on my coral trip a month ago, felt like physically suffocating and my mind was disintegrating.
  4. On my 5-MeO attempts, it was more disorienting. With others, love was there occasionally, not always.
  5. It sure is & especially, since 5-MeO compared to everything else seems to have a zero-tolerance profile.
  6. I stopped psychedelics when the experience seemed to lead nowhere too, though I switched to dissos.
  7. Oh, I wish, maybe that's why I'm still here. From all I heard, actual DMT seems to be my magnum opus.

You should try regular DMT, there are many insights to have there, and you would like it.

I like "dissodelics" but you should be careful with too much ketamine, it is very bad on your bladder. Go on the ketamine addiction subreddit to see for yourself. ketamine is like my favorite drug, but there is too much risk involved with prolonged use. I'm sure you are aware of this but if you aren't just be careful. People have to use urostomy pouches (bladder bags) because of damage from ket (look up bristol bladder). Ket feels so loving that it tricks you into thinking you are doing serious work on yourself while destroying your body.

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30 minutes ago, Paradoxed said:
  1. You should try regular DMT
  2. Prolonged Ket causes bladder issues.
  1. From all I heard, DMT is the very thing I've been looking for all along
    But it seems the universe has withheld it until the right moment comes
    Doing it is inevitable and I will gradually gravitate towards it finding me
    I already see that once I do, I may not care at all about this life anymore
    Well, I may be too much of a brat still, I'd accept the experience too easily
  2. I accounted for that, so I established doses and researched the ranges
    I also went for the RCs, far more potent in fewer amounts to lower risk
    People experiencing it take grams in weeks, I may be a gram in months
  3. I've been off both for a month, trip was so strong, I'm on vacation now

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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