
Deeper Questions About Setting Goals

9 posts in this topic



I have a question and need a bit of your insight.


I sat down at a table with an A5-sized paper. I drew 5 stairs leading up, and at the top, I wrote 3 goals to achieve in 10 days.

That was 4 days ago. I had forgotten about setting the goals the very next day, but today, I remembered. 


I have been learning about and setting goals for 10 years, ever since 2014, and I've learned the do's and don’ts. Every week and every month, things change. I haven't achieved any of the goals I set, but I’ve learned more than I initially sought.


So today, instead of just learning or criticizing myself for why I couldn’t achieve them, I decided to inquire into my knowledge of goal-setting and everything else involved.


My goal is to assess my understanding—what works and what didn’t. Most importantly, why didn’t it work? My aim is to identify the main issues.


As you know, setting goals involves a complex interplay of reality, intention, metaphysical principles (Mulk), physical laws, logic, and psychological dynamics. I have literally over 400 keywords and concepts I’ve gathered.


I’m not talking about the superficial layers of reality; I want to dig deeper and understand the main issues or the core principles of this complex structure.


To deeply explore this mechanism, we need to consider various levels of existence and how they interact when forming and pursuing goals.


To tap into the fountain of knowledge and penetrate through, here are the questions I’m pondering about?



How do the fundamental interactions between objective reality, subjective intention, physical laws, metaphysical principles, logical structures, psychological dynamics, and ethical considerations collectively influence the process of setting, pursuing, and achieving goals within the fabric of existence?


If you understand what I’m getting at and have better questions, feel free to suggest them.


Thank you for your time. 


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In order to reach a goal, you have to have a plan. It doesn't have to be a fancy plan, but you have to have some idea of how you are going to reach the goal. A plan simply consists of the steps you are going to take that bring you closer and closer to the goal.

The upside of plans is that sometimes they work. The downside of plans is that sometimes they don't work. This confuses a lot of people who identify with a plan. In other words, they think that if a plan fails, then they have also failed.  People give up using a plan or aiming for a goal, but they don't fail, rather then analysing what you call a failure you could either move on to a different goal or try a different method or set of methods to achieve it. 

''How do the fundamental interactions between objective reality, subjective intention, physical laws, metaphysical principles, logical structures, psychological dynamics, and ethical considerations collectively influence the process of setting, pursuing, and achieving goals within the fabric of existence?''

I don't exactly know how those things influence the process but I also don't think I have to know it, I have learned to not overthink when it comes to achieving goals. What I do know is that after the goal and the plan there is a third factor important for success, and that's a purpose. Again, we have an area of confusion, because a lot of people think a purpose is the same as a goal, and it isn't at all. A purpose is the reason why you make a plan and set a goal. No one does anything without a purpose. A purpose is what motivates you to want to achieve a goal in the first place. It isn't an intellectual reason for doing it. It's an emotional reason based on some BENEFIT of achieving the goal. And in order to even move toward the goal, that benefit has to be more important to you than any benefit from NOT moving toward the goal. The more you love or desire something, the more likely you are to keep on moving and the more likely you are to succeed. This is a quote from one of my teachers which I agree with :

''It's good to have markers to help guide us through life, because they give us something to aim at. Markers--or goals--are not the same thing as resolutions, although many people confuse them. A resolution is a decision to do or not do something, like "I resolve to exercise more in 2025." A goal is something you aim at, like saying, "My goal is to take two inches off my waist." To make it more simple, a resolution is a decision, and a goal is a target. However, decisions don't make things happen, and neither do goals. In order to make something happen you have to take action of some kind. Action on a decision moves you forward away from the decision. Action on a goal moves you toward the goal.'' 

Important thing to note here from my own findings and experiments on this subject: it seems that putting expectation on the outcomes of the goals creates a sort of resistance , ultimately making the road to the goal longer/harder. Setting a goal with intention of having a great experience with it , using your imagination to feel what you would feel if you achieved your goal, having no doubt of any kind in the process - having 100% trust that whatever the outcome of this journey is it will be positive and beneficial to me ( here I really mean ''whatever the outcome'') , creates a lot smoother road.

I have also noticed that when it comes to so called ''failure'', learning to not define it as failure, learning to not react negatively to it, and this requires real conscious effort and learning to almost ignore emotions of anger, disappointment etc that come up when we don't achieve something we set out for, creates a chain of events to follow where there is less of those situations, things begin to harmonise, synchronise, opportunities come up for new experiences and new goals to be set. Conclusion here that your reaction to the events is everything , we have a system within us that learns your own patterns of behaviour based on how you reacted to something in the past and uses what it learned to react in a similar way  to similar situations in the future , lets call it a subconscious'' , because we are repeatable creatures same principles can be applied in many different situations, and so we are on our way to quickly create behavioural habits, experimenting with changing those habits and teaching my ''subconscious'' new reactions to events I have discovered a whole new world and a whole new way to not just achieve goals but navigate through this reality.  



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Posted (edited)

4 hours ago, Jac067 said:

I seek holistic inter-paradigm perspectives on "goal attainment".

2 hours ago, Evelyna said:

You're overthinking: Plan = Framework / Orientation / Clarity
Purpose → Goal → Plan → Action | Purpose → Action | Plan → Goal
Failure ≠ Negativity/Despair | Failure = New Opportunities & Goals
Purpose = Reason/Intent = Emotion = Benefit = Motivation ≠ Goal
Markers = Pointers ≠ Decisive Resolutions

You learn from failure
The benefit has to be worthwhile.
Love & Desire move you forward to success.

"A goal is something you aim at, a resolution is a decision, and a goal is a target."
"Decisions don't make things happen, and neither do goals, you have to take action, which moves you forward"

Anticipating outcomes creates resistance and makes goals harder to achieve.
Visualizing attainment boosts you.
Trust only in the Force Have faith in the Journey
it will be positive, beneficial & create a much smoother road.
Beliefs shape Reality, so take control of your subconscious!

Another word for "the process of setting, pursuing, and achieving goals" is Self-Actualization


Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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Thank you, i have to break it down and try to see through the insights you provided.

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19 hours ago, Jac067 said:

As you know, setting goals involves a complex interplay of reality, intention, metaphysical principles (Mulk), physical laws, logic, and psychological dynamics. I have literally over 400 keywords and concepts I’ve gathered.

You make it way to complicated in my opinion

All of what you listed is certainly interesting and worth understanding and deeply exploring. 

But to break it done very simply. Become borderline focused on your goals. Do not allow anything to get in the way of them.

Set a goal and achieve it. Done deal. Do not allow yourself a way out or around them.

I think the concept of „burning your ships“ would serve you well. Make achieving your goals an inevitability. Something you expect of yourself. It needs to become a character trait. 


„Burning the/your ships/boats" means doing something that makes it impossible for yourself to turn back, especially if it is done willfully and without necessity. The figure of speech derives from legends about conquerors who supposedly, upon landing their army in enemy country, ordered the invasion fleet to be burnt“ 





Happily Insane

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You make it way to complicated in my opinion



Thank you for trying, i really appreciate that but The answer is quite complicated than what we think.

I may have to upload 4 hours long video to explain that but  afterwards you will be depressed or while or i don't know you may like it. 

But i was hoping some might give us another short insights.


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Just now, Jac067 said:

I may have to upload 4 hours long video to explain that but  afterwards you will be depressed or while or i don't know you may like it. 

I can also subscribe and share and comment ^_^

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9 hours ago, Yimpa said:

I can also subscribe and share and comment ^_^

I found my first customer yey ... woohu  

Literally that's what said to myself i soon i read your comment. 😑 

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Keryo Koffa, Evelyna and others +


"Why what's the purpose?"

"third factor important for success, and that's a purpose"

that's one side of the rope but what about in between (the details) what about the end the rope (ultimate purpose)


And other might also share the same beliefs as follows 

" I don't exactly know how those things influence the process but I also don't think I have to know it" Evelyna


That's what you think now in your current state but as soon as you progress your realize its complicated and you have to know the rules that governs you and the order.

This is the reason why we failed to many times in our lifes.  



Thank you for your time.





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