
A Simple Rule of the Existence: Masculine gives, Feminine receives.

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Masculine energy as its highest possibility, is about sacrifice and destruction. 

Feminine is about being moved by this sacrifice and destruction.


Men give, women receive. There's nothing more simple than this.

A man is that one that sacrifices itself and just gives, he does not expect nothing from the woman because a man does NOT receive, it ONLY GIVES to the woman.


What's beautiful is that if you follow this rules, all of Existence is designed to Liberate you. 

If you do transactions with the feminine (expecting something from Her, as like you are entering a transaction) you are betraying the Rule of the existence I just explained to you and you will only know entanglement at every step of the process. This is a sure way to mess your life as a man. Expecting as the feminine is supposed to give you anything. 


Sacrifice yourself for the feminine, just give and don´t expect anything on return, if you have incarnated as a man this is how you should relate to women if you want the love-sentimental-sexual life to not be in friction with your maximum well being and liberation. 

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Be careful with all these labels and your ideas on this. Having been through a big break up after a 3 year relationship, I'm starting to reexamine my beliefs on much of what you said here and a lot of what is said about masculine/feminine. I have believed a lot of this before and actually found a lot of this is out of alignment for living a true life and even finding harmony in a relationship. We as men really paint ourselves into a corner with this loyalty type of mindset and to be honest a lot of it is just us looking to create meaning because without it we don't know what to believe or do with our lives. Be careful! Men will willfully make themselves a slave to this greater idea of serving women. You're not free, you choose not to be if you go along with what you say here. 

Edited by Lyubov

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How about: Yeet masculine and feminine out da window, and beeee FREEEEEEEE :P

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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Most men will not understand this, and this message will be misconstrued. It is indeed correct. It is not about serving the feminine, being submissive, being a simp, having her control you or whatever other unaligned notion you may see this message and interpret it to be. The Universe also operates like this - as far as masculine and feminine. Parts of the mind is also masculine and feminine, and one gives while the other receives. The conscious mind (masculine) penetrates the subconscious mind (feminine) which is the womb of creation and gives birth to everything in the physical realm.

Giving is receiving and receiving is giving; so it's not like anyone is missing out on anything. The egoic mind structure will not understand this because it's about me, me, me and acquiring more for itself, being in control and usually not aligned with the Universal flow of things.

When women are less stressed about life and gets the opportunity to rest in her feminine, it works for all.  That energy flourishes and emits so much radiance and light unto the world in a positive way and the masculine then gets to receive that to power it's life force to now birth new ideas and creation flows. 

There's more to this that meets the eye and it's not about men serving and women taking. There's a balance at play here and energies have masculine and feminine qualities. Even in homosexual relationships where one is more masculine/dominant and the other feminine/less dominant the energy dynamic still works the same. When you stop seeing people as humans and individuals and can see everything as energy, those personal attributes you take so personal along with your biases and prejudices will melt away as in "homosexuals can't have kids so therefore it's not natural" type ideas. That's in your limited mind because having kids is not the only way to birth and create and allow for the Universe to continue it's flow of life. That comes in many different areas of life.

We have strayed way from this natural law with our thoughts and ideas about masculine and feminine and the feminist movement didn't help. Neither did the mgtow movement and the different pill ideologies which have vastly separated the two and now we're seeing the aftermath of this dichotomy. Women are built a certain way psychologically and so are men. Men are givers by nature and women receivers by nature (as the sex act implies). But the masculine is still receiving and the feminine still gives - it's only indirectly. Both flourish under this dynamic as both balances each other out; but I'm afraid we have a long way to go for this understanding to turn itself back around due to the increase in the gender wars; and it's in the ignorance of this very same dynamic why it was birthed to begin with. Going against the laws of nature has consequences; and when it's on a large scale as this all will feel it's wrath and it is one of the reasons why there's a loneliness epidemic also. 

This is obvious when we look at how the feminine gets attracted to status and the likes and men to beauty and sex. It's all because of this dynamic and gets revealed when you dig deep as to why and leave your petty little egoic judgements aside.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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All I understand is that polarity dynamics evolve like toroidal fields, energy circulates in a give-and-take.

@Princess Arabia So unlike their complex manifestations, these energy dynamics are "absolute"?
Okay, that's fine but maybe we're stacking overthinking conceptualizations onto them?
What if we're anthropomorphizing them too much unnecessarily and fall into our karma?
And then we wonder how we got lost, well we dig our own hole but it's by no means absolute

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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I think those qualities are our projection onto reality. It's another matter how they work, which still doesn't mean which one and how much of it is right for an individual. I don't like when people view these qualities as absolutes.

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3 hours ago, Nemra said:

I think those qualities are our projection onto reality. It's another matter how they work, which still doesn't mean which one and how much of it is right for an individual. I don't like when people view these qualities as absolutes.

Nothing wrong with what you're saying; but would you give a plant orange juice or put Pepsi in your gas tank or does a ruler measures backwards. No, there are certain rules that apply for this level of creation and certain qualities that are intricately designed in order for this level to grow and evolve. It may not be right for the egoic individual; but if that individual steps out of it's egoic structure and taps into the higher Universal mind it may work for them on a level where it reduces suffering and pain and maybe bring more flow into their lives where they start to experience more harmonious relationships. 

Everyone has their own unique personalities, but certain things will apply to everyone on a Universal level and it will be up to that individual who understands the original topic to structure it consciously into their lives in a way to suit their preferred chosen identity.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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So if a mother gives to her child is she being masculine?

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1 hour ago, Raze said:

So if a mother gives to her child is she being masculine?

You have missed the whole point. A mother/child relationship does not apply here in the sense we're speaking about. You're looking at it as a female doesn't or shouldn't give anything to anyone which is ludicrous. She can even give to her male counterpart and it still applies.

Your question implies, imo,.that a son should be giving to.his mother and a nephew to his neice and a brother to his sister.

The post is referring to male and female relationships as in intimate relationships. A woman can give her husband gifts and it still applies. This is not about that but more of expectations on both sides that will nurture both sides energetically. 


Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I used to engage a lot with and really read into these dynamics and I hold them much lighter now. Something has changed for the better. Don’t get me wrong I don’t deny there is this masculine / feminine dynamic. I just don’t interpret it so stringently and I’m open as well to my perspective on it evolving further. I also think there’s every individual who has their own challenges and life situations they need to take care of. It’s not as simple as being masculine and feminine. We need to live consciously and authentically and I think a natural flow for these energies will balance out. I do like authentically providing, I would say in a romantic relationship I would wear that hat more than the woman. Does that mean I now need to build my identity around it and some dogma where I need to live up to ideas of masculinity? Absolutely not. 

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