
My most key spiritual insights so far

10 posts in this topic

These insights derive from 3 years of intense spiritual practice (meditation, mindfulness 24/7 and psychedelics).

1. Everything is one. there is a universal consciousness which connects everything, which i've been able to empirically verify for myself.

2. Theres absolutley no free will (at least in the psychophysical sense). You are just as much in control of your own body as you are of everyone elses body - this for me also was a component in the realization of the oneness of existence.

3. theres no self. you are empty inside. no entity stirring the wheel. 

4. Non-conceptual reality is truth. this is a liberating insight. You realize that you can never ever have an idea that is completely alligned with the truth of reality. So when you're worrying what others might think of you, what might happen tomorrow, know that your thoughts can not ever be the actual truth. Truth is whatever arises and nothing else. Even if your thoughts were to come to fruition, the situation itself WILL NOT BE THE THOUGHT. A thought is true in virtue of it existing as a thought, and nothing else. All objects that point to other objects will never be anything more than pointers. This also means that vocabulary is completely inadequate in terms of describing reality. You cannot use a guitar to describe a bed.

5. NOTHING in existence is inherently good or bad. everything just is excactly what it is. even if my mother were to die tomorrow, it would not be ontologically / existentially / objectively bad. it would only be bad in power of the concepts and meanings my mind would apply the scenario. Even physical pain first becomes bad when it is labelled. Notice that the body itself actually does not give a fuck if pain is inflicted upon it, it is the mind that tells the body what it likes and what it doesnt. (even through some sensations obviously are more comfortable than others)

6. Existence is extremely likely eternal, even from a materialistic POV, since eternity is the case no matter how you look at it. Eternity is before you were born. Eternity is right now. Eternity is when you're gone. this moment is proof that eternity equals existence.

7. Consciousness is 100% transcendent of physicality, due to it not being subject to change or decay. I don't know why this argument isnt brought up more often, since it in my opinion is hard evidence that consciousness transcends the limits of the physical, since EVERYTHING known in the physical universe is subject to change or decay. and consciousness IS NOT. it has been completely the same from the moment you were born till now, unlike your other senses, and body for that matter, which is decaying and changing every moment.

8. You are most likely God due to several factors; if everything is one, theres definitively no seperation between you and anything else, here under God. Another strong argument is this; we find ourselves in a seemingly intelligently designed creation, without knowing how it got here. There exists an experience in which you become an infinitely intelligent creator, one with the entire creation. coincidence?

9. Solipsism is most likely true. However its not negative at all. do not waste time conceptualizing solipsism, since it only leads to suffering

10. Love is the fabric of existence

11. Philosophizing is extremely unlikely to lead to awakening, and more likely to create more conceptual layers, which basically is the antithesis of spiritual evolution.

12. Life is a miracle beyond comprehension. the only thing to do is realize it more and more.

there it is. was bored and needed some form of expression. hope some of you can use some of this



Edited by emil1234

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Nice. #4 is so true and #12 hit my heart where I felt it deep.


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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9# how is solipsism not negative at all? In the absolute view yes but if you speak from egos perspective 

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8 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Nice. #4 is so true and #12 hit my heart where I felt it deep.




32 minutes ago, OBEler said:

9# how is solipsism not negative at all? In the absolute view yes but if you speak from egos perspective 

you said it yourself. notice that solipsism is only negative / uncomfortable, in virtue of the thoughts you have surrounding it. you apply the negativity through your concept of solipsism, which is not actual solipsism. if one can live their whole life without knowing about solipsism, and not being negatively affected by it, its proof that solipsism only is negative if you make it out to be.

furthermore, in my own experience, realizations of solipsism are FAR from negative, quite on the contrary. i never felt so connected to people before in my life, as after my solipsistic awakening

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15 hours ago, emil1234 said:

These insights derive from 3 years of intense spiritual practice (meditation, mindfulness 24/7 and psychedelics).

1. Hermetic Principle #1

2. "Free-Will is a Myth, Religion is a Joke, we're all controlled by something greater: Memes, the DNA of the Soul"

3. Emptiness & No-Self/Entity (Represented by a 5 Stage Model for Attainment)

4. The Map is not the Territory (There is no Spoon, This is not a Pipe)

5. Evil doesn't Exist (Leo also got a video on that)

6. Eternal Now (Alan Watts)

7. Consciousness transcends material (Wilber Frequencies)

8. You're God because of Non-Duality and Cosmic Intelligence! (Sadhguru)

9. Solipsism ain't Nihilism, stop whining and enjoy yourself (Answer: Absurdism!)

10. Love is the fabric of existence ()

11. Philosophizing is anti-proportional (∝) to Awakening/Spiritual Evolution ()

12. Life is a miracle (Reminds me of "A course on Miracles")

I was bored, so I summarized & spiced up your post with a fitting picture for each point!


    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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9 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

I was bored, so I summarized & spiced up your post with a fitting picture for each point!


what the fuck that was epic. LOL. ur post was so much better than mine

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7 minutes ago, emil1234 said:

what the fuck that was epic. LOL. ur post was so much better than mine

Aww, it was only possible due to your effort!
I have a vast neural network that I use to shuffle concepts and art around
and this forum is a neat input pattern to train on!

When I figure out how to make AIs, I'll outsource it to them and integrate them into my brains!
But wait, I already am an NI, why the intermediaries, just automate it with my subconscious! 😁

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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33 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

Aww, it was only possible due to your effort!
I have a vast neural network that I use to shuffle concepts and art around
and this forum is a neat input pattern to train on!

When I figure out how to make AIs, I'll outsource it to them and integrate them into my brains!
But wait, I already am an NI, why the intermediaries, just automate it with my subconscious! 😁

I don't know why but your identity/behavior reminds me of Ed (Cowboy Bebop).

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37 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:

I don't know why but your identity/behavior reminds me of Ed (Cowboy Bebop).

Thanks, Gear 5 Luffy works too!


    X_Dclf.gifd6f81614052e2a309d6c1cccfa84534a.jpg b9fa942dbeb9b5d476da1da3ec093144.jpg


Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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