
We are Ignorant

6 posts in this topic

How can we go about our lives when no one knows what reality is? We all just go about our days doing the most meaningless of things, caught up in our illusions, self-deceptions, identity, and utter ignorance. We privilege one part of reality over another: some of us like socializing over being alone, or the reverse, all of us have hobbies that we consider better than others, and our worldviews are of course always correct. In this forum there is a small island of 'spiritual' (for lack of a better word) people who want to go beyond this shallow ordinary existence. But even so, the most enlightened of us still go about day-to-day activities like everyone else, since the psychedelic peak only lasts so long. As the adage goes, 'chop wood, carry water'.

If feels so random, like a joke the universe has played on us. We have been generated from a pool of absolute infinity and thrown into a limited human form. Yet few of us have ever even conceived of the possibility. As an exercise, try closing your eyes, then opening them and looking at your body? If you're able to think, WTF?!, then you get the insight I am trying to describe here.


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20 minutes ago, AtmanIsBrahman said:

How can we go about our lives when no one knows what reality is? We all just go about our days doing the most meaningless of things, caught up in our illusions, self-deceptions, identity, and utter ignorance. We privilege one part of reality over another: some of us like socializing over being alone, or the reverse, all of us have hobbies that we consider better than others, and our worldviews are of course always correct. In this forum there is a small island of 'spiritual' (for lack of a better word) people who want to go beyond this shallow ordinary existence. But even so, the most enlightened of us still go about day-to-day activities like everyone else, since the psychedelic peak only lasts so long. As the adage goes, 'chop wood, carry water'.

If feels so random, like a joke the universe has played on us. We have been generated from a pool of absolute infinity and thrown into a limited human form. Yet few of us have ever even conceived of the possibility. As an exercise, try closing your eyes, then opening them and looking at your body? If you're able to think, WTF?!, then you get the insight I am trying to describe here.


Maybe it's so that we could wake up.  Also, once you do, you realize the whole thing is just a game.  Even all of the suffering.   Yeah- in the moment the suffering is absolutely brutal when it does happen - but it isn't permanent.   On a broader spectrum it's just a game - and the awakened one knows it.  All of the suffering and the fear - all of the pain - and all of the love.  It's just a game.  And then - then it becomes much easier to bear.  It's even cherished.  God is a sick fuck - but that's the beauty in it all. 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Its one dimension. This is cool when you are out of it. Its like a mini game play with it. Imagine your soul flying through the universe all the mini games are cool and fun and then you find one and its so weird and brutal you are in a trance with it for 1000 years. I agree with you wtf is even happening?? Its weird. A random God created this not the real God. The real God created the random God that created this game.

Higher level player come in and tell you how to play the game so you can see yourself. Find yourself keep your seat.

Edited by Hojo

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The universe hasn´t played any trick on you. You had.

You are the universe or reality and currently you are entangled in your own manifestation, karmic imprints from past lives/past processes make now what is your body, emotion, energetic configuration and life tendencies.

The process of your Liberation is stopping to pick up more baggage and memory from creation, resolve your bag of karma, leave the body and don´t come back as anything, since Any type of physical (or mental) manifestation means limitation.

Edited by Javfly33

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