
Corruption is inefficient and is being phased out by the universe

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So I have this new theory that no one can be 100% corrupted because they have an agenda. So their goal is to fulfill their agenda however selfish that might be and not actually the corruption which is just a byproduct. Even a theoretical demon/devil whose goal would be to inflict pain and misery for the sake of enjoyment and sadism would also not even be close to 100% corrupted because their goal would be that enjoyment and I mean dopamine they would get from that. You would have to be really committed to evil to be 100% corrupted and I've never even heard of such a concept or entity.

You could also argue that everything is moving towards corruption which is basically achieving your agenda while inflicting 0% harm to other beings outside of yourself. Those would be things like the metaverse, AGI and simple things like artificial meat to replicate every single selfish goal without harming others as really it's kind of inefficient to do so. Even if you consider things like murder, rape, theft, etc all these things will be able to be replicated in much more satisfying ways in metaverse and augmented by stuff like neuralink for more precise dopamine modulation. 


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The universe is free to go in whatever direction it pleases. There's nothing preventing rampant corruption.

Corruption is a construct invented by your mind.

Corruption also causes suffering, which humans generally don't like. Therefore over time, if we can find ways to do without it, we will naturally try to construct less corruption.

God and I worked things out

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It's Technological Revolution synergizing spiro-dynamical Evolution

All ego, incl. collective takes time to rewire and adapt to nuance

Systems harmonize after the traps are traversed (Game Theory)

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❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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@Keryo Koffa Do you have more links to read about the systems harmonizing part of game theory? That's precisely my point, I'd love to read more on it. 

@Staples I don't know if you're saying platitudes and being intellectually dishonest or making a good point but I don't think that the universe is ignorant or indifferent towards suffering. Saying that corruption is a construct of the mind seems like a silly point because well isn't everything a construct of the mind? 


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1 hour ago, LordFall said:

@Keryo Koffa

@Staples I don't know if you're saying platitudes and being intellectually dishonest or making a good point but I don't think that the universe is ignorant or indifferent towards suffering. Saying that corruption is a construct of the mind seems like a silly point because well isn't everything a construct of the mind? 

That's not what I said. I said the universe is free to act out whatever it pleases.

Good and nasty included.

As humans, we generally don't like corruption because it causes us suffering. But we are still free to do as much of it as we like.

Corruption is a construction because there exists minds that can not and will not ever act it out.

Could you expect a goldfish to be corrupt? No. One has to exist at a certain level of conciousness to act out corruption.

And yes everything is constructed. You're just going to have to accept that at some point.

Edited by Staples

God and I worked things out

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