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Deep levels of awakening without psychedelics?

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Hi guys,
I was wondering is someone here has achieved deep levels of awakening without psychedelics ..
and how long time it took you to achieve that?

Thank you in advance for your feedback!

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Enlightenment can not be achieved, it is already what You are. Therefore, psychedelics are just an another experience.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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7 minutes ago, James123 said:

Enlightenment can not be achieved, it is already what You are. Therefore, psychedelics are just an another experience.


@James123 Additionally, since You are not an experience, that which thinks experience exists is ego or thought/identity.

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2 hours ago, James123 said:

Enlightenment can not be achieved

If you define the word in such a way. I would prefer to say it in a useful term and say enlightenment is not what you are but rather the ignition of light outwards. Along the path you will notice light coming into your body this have to fill a significant part before emanating so to call it enlightenment. 

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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4 hours ago, Justdoit247 said:

I was wondering is someone here has achieved deep levels of awakening without psychedelics .

I have an achieved temporary/unstable and flash’s of awakings without psychedelics, so much so that now it’s greater than my small amount on psychedelics. Also have meet someone on this form who has achieved enlightenment permanently without psychedelics by Rupert Spira definition of it. Granted they denied they are enlightened but their bar is high. 


Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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It’s frustrating hard to achieve an awaking on its own. You have it fully commit and if you are normal it can take 3 months with no relapses in an addiction and actually doing good practice. Of course this is an example it can be much quicker even one day. 


Edited by ChrisZoZo

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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I’ve had plenty of awakenings without psychedelics and they are much more clean and stable. They are more grounded in reality, rather than overwhelming and dream like. 

True awakening is extremely subtle 

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Enlightenment is the end of karma, it is being here and now absolutely, without the movement that the mind creates. Psychedelics make this possible to be glimpsed by changing the structure of the mind in subtle ways, but never the totally enlightened, it always has a component of deception, even so, if you are smart they can make you understand what you are, how you are causing the movements, what are the triggers in you that inevitably trigger it.

It is very difficult to get out of the wheel of karma, at least in most cases. but if you understand the mechanism, you can go out for short periods. then it catches you again

Edited by Breakingthewall

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6 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Enlightenment is a word that describes a mental state. 

There is no mind there. Because no you, god, infitnity etc...

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Hard work, investigate your difficult emotions, work on your nutrition etc. No shortcuts exist.

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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29 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

It is You but if is not realized then the "show" continues.


But show doesn't change what You are. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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2 hours ago, James123 said:

@ChrisZoZo any experience=ego.

Enlightenment is already You. You can't be more close to You. Do not need to add any experience.

My friend you need to understand that if you are going to be so lose with words you might ask well not use them. Look, formulate the sentence again but put in the definition of enlightenment and ego at the bottom. 

Now I can agree that we are all parts of god with him unable to experience as a human. But experience is becoming him more from the lack of identity power. At a high amount level you can actually exit the body for example Mahasamadi. Is that just an experience? ;)

Edited by ChrisZoZo

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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@Javfly33 try have a powerful awakening and be honest is that “ego” ?

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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4 minutes ago, ChrisZoZo said:

My friend you need to understand that if you are going to be so lose with words you might ask well not use them. Look, formulate the sentence again but put in the definition of enlightenment and ego at the bottom. 

Now I can agree that we are all parts of god with him unable to experience as a human. But experience is becoming him more from the lack of identity power. At a high amount level you can actually exit the body for example Mahasamadi. Is that just an experience? ;)

God and mahasamadhi is an another dream. Birth is biggest dream. Nothing has never happened.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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30 minutes ago, James123 said:

But show doesn't change what You are. 

Sure. But that doesn't solve everything IMO. 

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6 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Sure. But that doesn't solve everything IMO. 

Of course! There is so called life to live, learn etc...

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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4 hours ago, James123 said:

There is no mind there. Because no you, god, infitnity etc...

A silent mind is still a mind, and a infinite you is still a you. Enlightenment is the liberation of the movement, the opening to the absolute now, and this is a mental state. You could be in enlightened state, and 10 min later lost in the mind. In fact it's how it works. 


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