
A lot of us are literal Slaves to the Internet

26 posts in this topic

I've been brainstorming about this lately:

How can I make better use of my phone to evolve myself and build positive habits?

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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@Lila9 Other than political disagreements, I enjoy reading your posts. Sending you my gratitude.

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8 hours ago, Javfly33 said:
11 hours ago, LastThursday said:

@Javfly33 you can still live in a cabin in the mountains the internet isn't stopping you.


It is because the internet has put on me ideals of Life that Only by living in a cabin i can not achieve.


You are a slave to your thinking, not a slave to the internet. It is possible to change your thinking.

57% paranoid

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You should be enormously thankful for Internet just for Actualized.org 

If internet didn't exist, you might had not been able to find Leo.

Through internet people are able to speed up the psychological and spiritual growth and be more educated.

Yeah, I'm a cool person.

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7 hours ago, gambler said:

@Lila9 Other than political disagreements, I enjoy reading your posts. Sending you my gratitude.

Thank you 🙏 


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11 hours ago, LastThursday said:

You are a slave to your thinking, not a slave to the internet. It is possible to change your thinking.

Thats a fair point @LastThursday

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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