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Experience of illusion

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I recently experienced maya. The smoke screen. Basically the fact that everything is an illusion. It was a meditative experience that happened sporadically. But my question still stands. If we are imagining the past then how is it possible that if u move something in space ot remains there...shouldn't I go back to where it was? Or if I but myself on the arm. The bite marks are indicative of a 

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This is a great question that i used to get hung up as well. 


Think of it like this, the present is suspended in infinity. So it's always only Now, it's always only Infinity.


Things are moving, there is moving in Infinity, there is motion. So if you bite your hand that only happened in the Now but after some moments all you have left is the memory of it, but it still happened in the Now, hence the bite marks.


Likewise, you will be on your death bed in this exact moment. You may have a future concept of being on your death bed, but when you are on your death bed, it will be this exact moment, except things will have moved around and now your old and on death bed.

Does that make sense? 

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The past definitely leaves marks and effects

It's a continuous motion in time

Because we are bound by time

That's from the perspective of the person prisoned in the body and the physical world

And it's true not false it definitely is a continuous motion in time

But if you go beyond time then all past present and future collapse into each other and merge and you go into the realm of timelessness

Both are true from their own perspectives


Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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You are always making what happened from the current frame.Imagine time working in reverse and God started from death and kept telling itself a story about how it got to death instead of the other way around. So when you do something and ask from the current frame how did that happen you were always on the current frame making up how you got to the current frame the current frame being the only frame that has ever existed. And you keep forgetting then remebering that the current frame you are on is the only one that ever existed and you are just telling yourself a story of how you got there. it seems to change but it hasnt changed its always been the same frame.

Everytime you catch up to the current frame of reality in narration you can either face the truth or keep running.

This is madness


Edited by Hojo

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@BlessedLion yeah that does make sense but then again my mind can't help but wonder that might be a concept as well. But definitely there have been some instances in my life which prove this.

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