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Cars Are Real! Real Killers! Don't Be A Fool!

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maybe it is silly to say that the car won't kill us if it bowls us over. but then - this is the believed system we are trapped in seeing right now in our moment of life. and very likely any individual human will believe this with so much certainty that it is true until they die - and that is when you ask, but what is death? Eventually in the infinity of existence, the car and the self with both come to be nothing at all. the faith in them will be broken. and at that point when they are no more - can the car strike the human to kill them anymore? then, it cannot. the belief is no more. this is the nature of infinity, and the ultimate nature of our existence. When we shatter all of our beliefs we will become one with the universe. but in our short life, can we honestly expect to ever fully experience that? 

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