
Is Financial Domination a crime?

42 posts in this topic

Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, gambler said:

@bambiKeep doing the good work, love. I appreciate you wholeheartedly.

What good work is this. What good work is Bambi doing here, I'm dying to know. Other than projecting, criticizing and judging and assuming and speculating.

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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I don’t know much about the appeal of pissing your money away to bratty cu***, but I have an idea of where the kick in the balls fantasy comes from.

Imagine you have a kid in the midst of puberty when the testicles begin growing and become insanely sensitive. Girls around this age are well known to have extreme mood swings and be immature. If he says the wrong thing to the wrong girl at the wrong time he’s likely to end up getting instantly thrown into more pain than he ever imagined possible, along with emotional trauma rivaling that of literal rape only a thousand times more physically painful. 

Not only this, but he also has to somehow accept the reality that due to the misandric sexism of our modern society, she will not be punished for this heinous sexual attack nearly as much as he would’ve been had he so much as slapped her across the face. This young can now move forward in one of three ways: 1. He can be absolutely terrified of and spiteful towards women for most of his life, 2. Start the long long journey of emotional healing, forgiveness, therapy, etc. Or 3. Fetishize the misfortune.

Number 3 is the easiest.

Even if he tries to heal from it, things like hearing girls threaten a strike in this area either jokingly or not, things like seeing girls make light of such a thing in retarded tiktoks as shown in my former post, things like hearing girls talk about it or seeing it portrayed comedically in movies and tv shows will make it incredibly difficult to do so. Especially since rape or any violence against women as a comedic element in mainstream entertainment is less than 1% of how much the opposite is shown.

(I’m using an extreme example here. You don’t have to literally get kicked in the balls to end up with this kink. It can happen simply by hearing girls threaten to or seeing someone else go through it. Even a hot movie scene can plant the seed)

Sexualizing the nightmare is a way of taking back control. A way to be prepared to actually enjoy the experience in case it re-occurs instead of once again being abruptly reduced to helpless, humiliating, debilitating, sickening agony by a protected class of human of whom you have no means of striking back without serious academic, social or legal repercussions.

And it works. There are guys who’re so into it they can take dozens of insanely hard kicks without flinching.

There’s an ancient practice in the shaolin tradition called “the iron crotch technique” wherein they do the same thing for the same reason barring the sexual component. They wanted to make the most fierce and indestructible fighting machines in the world. The groin is an obvious vulnerability so they developed the technique to eliminate it.




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