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When we are born, we are born neither good or bad, positive or negative, good or evil, we just are. We reveal ourselves as being a good person or a bad person by the choices we make. We are programmed since birth. We are programmed and told and conditioned to believe what is good bad, right wrong, good or evil. For instance, money, homosexuals, religion, race etc., we are conditioned to look at these things, separate, put walls up, and become selective depending on how we have been conditioned to view these things, even without knowing it. The media is a huge influence on this and can condition us as to what we should believe and how we should judge. You can see how divided our world is. Christianity and other organized religions have been a huge influence of this as well. You are told how to treat your bodies, even told they are not yours, who's right, who's wrong, what you should believe, how to live our life. All this does is add fuel to the fire. Walls and barriers are constantly being put up, and our conditioning through the media and religion influence this. It's a snowball effect you see. Even starting hundreds to thousands of years ago we've been conditioned and programmed. When Christianity and other religions came about, things became pretty set as to how they wanted to control people. Organized religions are human made, put together by humans, for control and dominance of it's people meanwhile keeping this secret amongst the few in order to retain power. Christianities main push was war, the crusades, Constantine, and blood which paved the way for this 'peaceful' religion. The inquisition alone caused an estimated 13 million or so deaths. Once the old knowledge of Paganism was stomped under the rug (or so they thought), this new order emerged and has remained to this day. Ever since then, this conditioning has taken place, grandmother to granddaughter, mother to daughter, grandfather to grandson, father to son, year upon year, generation upon generation. It's a snowball effect you see. It started with force, then, over time, it gets told to and conditioned upon each other, and then down to children who in turn teach their children, and so forth. Same with the media when radio and television became stronger and more widespread. Just think of how the media has influenced us; fashion, politics, religion. If you observe the shows on TV, most people are attractive, wealthy, the perfect body, the materialism of certain peoples, in which tells us that this is what's in, this is what they have and you don't. This is how you should be. Same with religion. Have you ever seen a show that portrays Satan and His demons in a positive light? Have you ever seen a show teaching about the positive effects of Occult knowledge and rituals? Or a health show telling you to stimulate activity in your pineal gland? Enk  Most likely not. They have Christian masses on TV on Sunday morning all over the place. Have you ever seen a 'black mass' on TV? Of course not, because that would challenge the way the 'church' wants people to think. People might actually look into it and find it's for them and find the answers they've been looking for. Take a look at the world around you. How many reading this know people that have been ridiculed for being poor, for not having the 'in' fashion, for being overweight, for being not so attractive, not as smart or educated, for choosing to be unique by choosing a 'goth' fashion, or for perhaps pursuing other religions. I'm sure all of us have. Have you in your lives, ever saw a homosexual couple holding hands, or an obese person and thought something negative in some way? Why did you think this? Because you've been programmed to do so, somehow, someway. But is that what you truly believe, or are you just thinking or saying it because you don't want to become a target yourself for not going along with it? This is the herd mentality bestowed upon humanity. Don't ask, just follow, or else, you become the next target. Instead of just following what you've been told, question and make up your own minds. The point I'm making is this, who were these people that set the standards in the first place? Who were these people to bring all of this conditioning about in the first place? Who are they and what makes them so damn special? What makes them better? The answer, nothing!!! You can be better than these people by your freedom of choice. There is nothing dumb or stupid, there is no one smart or dumb, there is no one ugly or attractive, there is no one rich or poor, these are just categories that arrogant, power hungry pricks have set for humanity, over the years allowing these things to take place. We are all unique, yet part of a bigger whole. We are all inter-woven in some way. We are all part of a bigger picture. Humanity is starting to see this. They are starting see this snowball effect that they've been conditioned to. Humanity is starting to wake up and say, "hey, what am I doing? This isn't really me! Since when should organized religion tell me what to think, feel and act? Who are these people to tell me what's in and what's out? Who are the governments and political parties and law makers to take away my freedoms?" What you're seeing in the world today is just that, an awakening on a global level. All of the suppression and conditioning over the years, generations, even millennia are coming to a head. The sex scandals of priests, lesbianism of nuns is an example of this. Years of suppression and control are now coming out in tragic ways. All of the violence in the world. You have anti-government groups and more people are challenging politics in deeper and broader ways. More and more people are turning their backs on organized religion because they see what it causes in the world; disease, wars, greed, control, etc. They are seeing the importance money has to the church and what materialistic entities they are. More and more people are putting up websites and using the internet to vent out and display their views and are trying to make changes in this world and retain their freedoms, and take their lives back that the world religions have taken away. And who gets blamed for this? Non abrahamics. Always so quick to point the fingers are religions and it's people without looking within themselves and without even thinking for themselves and questioning it hence the snowball effect I've spoken about above. How would they truly know in the first place? Can this be proven? No, of course not! They say, "all of the drug use, violence, wars, poverty, sexual tragedies and 'sexual misconduct', depression, suicide, all due to satan and His minions". How do they know? Truth of the matter is, they don't, but they are told this, conditioned to believe this, and that's what they hand down. This has been happening for hundreds to thousands of years, and now, because people are awakening and coming to their own, the world is changing. Hundreds of years of suppression are coming to a head and, unfortunately, this can lead to tragic things. The things we see are a result of religious and political suppression. Most claim these changes are the beginning of the end here on Earth, Doomsday, Armageddon, and religions use this as a tactic to attract numbers, ask for money, and scare people out of their wits. "This is it, the end, it's do or die, everyone else is wrong, come to us and we know you'll be saved. Look what's ahead, come aboard, just, make sure to bring some cash, give away your possessions, give yourself entirely to us and what we want. Sure, you have freedom! You're free to believe what we want you to believe. You're free to say and do what we want you to say and do, OR, you know what's coming!!" The truth is, this is going to be the end of an era, and after, the start of a new one. This cycle has been happening on Earth for millennia. Each time we evolve as a species and grow to bigger and better things. We are moving towards an age where there is no 'religion', just free thinking and spiritual evolving. It's a transition point ahead of us. With each new aeon, things have a build-up, a climax if you will, in this case an awakening of humanity and releasing of suppressed feelings and thoughts. Eventually things will climax, but, this can be needed in order to create a start again of something new. At this point, minds will be opened and freed which will lead to a continuation of this way. Christian suppression will be removed to allow technology to move at a quicker pace safely allowing humanity to catch up and get to where it could have been. Due to Christian suppression, technology has not been allowed to move at it's potential which is why there is so much famine, disease and illness in the world. We could have solved so much of this already. Another reason for these issues is a degeneration of the soul/spirit. Our souls are capable of so much, above and beyond what people could comprehend. Much illness and depression are started in the aura that can be eliminated and we can live on a much higher plain of existence by doing the meditations that Leo suggests. This knowledge of evolving has been called Occult knowledge. The word Occult mean 'hidden'. Occult knowledge is neither good or evil, it's the way it's used that determines this. We choose to use and apply this knowledge for the good of humanity. This knowledge will be free to flourish in the coming aeon, the way it was originally intended to be. An example being during Sumerian and Egyptian times when humankind was years ahead of where we are now as far as spiritual development and knowledge. Satanism, Devil worship etc. are names given with the intent to control, suppress, and degenerate humanity therefore we do not pursue the teachings of the occult. We are using the meditations and 'pagan' ways of the past to evolve, free, and create a free minded world of the present and the future as we wish to look forward to the coming age. Everyone here has the power within themselves to drop this conditioned, programmed way of life and pursue a boundless evolution. Never adhere to the categories of this world because they only have you if you choose to allow them to. This world is like art, it can be as creative, inventive, meaningful, happy, flourishing, and open as you choose it to be. But remember, art is boundless, free, and a reflection from deep within. How do you want your canvas to look?

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I think everyone is searching and trying to reach a stable point on the forum. There are bumps on the road though.

But eventually, once those bumps are crossed, a stable calm is reached and from that point on, it all starts to fall into place.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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