Possible Explanations on UAPs

30 posts in this topic

I really like this infographics.

We can make sense of what are the possible explanations on UAPs.

Great work made by Curt Jaimungal & Alex Gomez-Marin

What do you think?


Edited by CARDOZZO

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I have a feeling the UAP phenomenon involves a complex mix from the multiple listed categories. That includes human, which would be very interesting and diabolical.

Edited by What Am I

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12 minutes ago, What Am I said:

I have a feeling the UAP phenomenon involves complex mix from the multiple listed categories. That includes human, which would be very interesting and diabolical.


I believe that exists an super-intelligent alien species at the bottom of the ocean. 

Maybe it is intra-terrestrial, i don't know but we have something interesting down there.

Edited by CARDOZZO

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We don't really know about history, evolution. 

What is real? What we don't know about? 

What if Jesus was an Alien?

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4 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:


I believe that exists an alien species at the bottom of the ocean. 

Maybe it is intra-terrestrial, i don't know but we have something interesting down there.

If you pay attention to the myths throughout the ages, as well as countless modern reports and leaks, there's no denying the possibility that the depths of our oceans are used as some kind of base station for things relating to UAPs.

2 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:

We don't really know about history, evolution. 

What is real? What we don't know about? 

What if Jesus was an Alien?

It's obvious you must have turned a corner recently and had your mind melted by the likelihood of fantastic things existing on earth. This shit really is wild, and it's hard to know how far it goes, even after decades of looking into it as well as living it via spiritual experience.

You should know that this forum isn't big into any of this though, so you won't find a lot of people here who are even that curious, much less knowledgeable about the topic.

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7 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:

We don't really know about history, evolution. 

What is real? What we don't know about? 

What if Jesus was an Alien?

What do you think about past lives? Possible to retrieve them?

I’ve seen people claiming they’re 4th density star seeds reincarnated here to spread enlightenment. Where’d they reincarnate from? Planet Lyra.

i dunno

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24 minutes ago, LifeEnjoyer said:

I’ve seen people claiming they’re 4th density star seeds reincarnated here to spread enlightenment. Where’d they reincarnate from? Planet Lyra.

I usually view this kind stuff as somewhat fantasy-based, with a possible kernel of truth. It's very easy to spin off into "new agey" beliefs in UAP discussions. But if you can keep yourself grounded in what you know for sure and make careful extrapolations and logical deductions from that vantage point, it's more difficult to fall into that type of thing. It's possible, and even likely, that an actual hyperdimensional afterlife has a strong relation to the UAP phenomenon, but there's so many contradicting stories out there that it'd be almost foolish to grasp on to any one and be convinced it's the full truth.

Edited by What Am I

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9 minutes ago, LifeEnjoyer said:

what do you think of all perspectives are true(false)? - in scenarios like these

You're asking how do I determine what to believe when considering the relationship between UAPs and spirituality? Or did you mean something else?

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Don't forget Space Kangaroos.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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16 minutes ago, LifeEnjoyer said:

"the only false perspective is that your perspective is the only true perspective." - some weird guy on the internet I'm a fan of (hint: he's right above me)

Nice, useful quote. It's probably the easiest thing in the world to get addicted to our own kool-aid, so that's always worth watching out for.

20 minutes ago, LifeEnjoyer said:

Anyway yes, how do I differentiate between the lines of UAP and spirituality? They start to blur to me.

It's a delicate balance to not get caught in delusion and misunderstanding, and like I mentioned before, a lot of it will be based on extrapolations using your own concrete knowledge as a base. If your repertoire of spiritual understanding is weak, you'll be far less likely to be able to stand on solid ground in your assumptions regarding the topic of UAPs, especially in regards to their connection to spirituality. It'd be comparable to a fundamentalist's understanding of God as opposed to someone who has achieved the legitimate supreme state (via meditation or psychedelics). A mountain of experience and context would be missing for the fundamentalist, and they'd have no hope of teasing apart the subtleties of identity that are involved.

So I don't know, maybe focus exclusively on spiritual advancement for now. If you're a younger fella who lacks a great deal of experience in that area, trying to piece together the more esoteric aspects of life may do more harm than good. At least with spirituality, if you're honest with yourself, you can utilize the quality your own experience as a type of measure to determine the true extent of your progress.

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20 hours ago, What Am I said:

If you pay attention to the myths throughout the ages, as well as countless modern reports and leaks, there's no denying the possibility that the depths of our oceans are used as some kind of base station for things relating to UAPs.

It's obvious you must have turned a corner recently and had your mind melted by the likelihood of fantastic things existing on earth. This shit really is wild, and it's hard to know how far it goes, even after decades of looking into it as well as living it via spiritual experience.

You should know that this forum isn't big into any of this though, so you won't find a lot of people here who are even that curious, much less knowledgeable about the topic.

I think we can plant a seed here to be open for new possible explanations and POVs about life, history, aliens, humans.

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20 hours ago, LifeEnjoyer said:

What do you think about past lives? Possible to retrieve them?

I’ve seen people claiming they’re 4th density star seeds reincarnated here to spread enlightenment. Where’d they reincarnate from? Planet Lyra.

i dunno

Tom Campbell talks about it on My Big TOE Trilogy.

In his words, having access to past lives is nothing more than retrieving data from a database.

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18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Don't forget Space Kangaroos.


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19 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:

I think we can plant a seed here to be open for new possible explanations and POVs about life, history, aliens, humans.

I think the openness needed to delve deeply into these topics is one of those qualities that's more innate. Someone either has it or they don't. So we can plant small seeds here and there, and maybe they'll reach someone who's seeing it at the right time, but it'd probably be an exercise in futility to expand too much further while unprompted by any specific requests for more info.

And it's hard to blame Leo for not wanting excessive speculation on his forum. We've all seen what that can turn into, and he likely wants to maintain a certain degree of quality to the discourse.

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40 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:

Tom Campbell talks about it on My Big TOE Trilogy.

In his words, having access to past lives is nothing more than retrieving data from a database.

weird, that's how I described one of my DMT trips, it was exactly like this, retrieving data from a database.

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Out of these I have only experienced (apart from natural phenomena and some human ofc) 4.2 09, time traveling, with a bit of 5 03, distortion.

Edited by Bjorn K Holmstrom

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54 minutes ago, What Am I said:

I think the openness needed to delve deeply into these topics is one of those qualities that's more innate. Someone either has it or they don't. So we can plant small seeds here and there, and maybe they'll reach someone who's seeing it at the right time, but it'd probably be an exercise in futility to expand too much further while unprompted by any specific requests for more info.

And it's hard to blame Leo for not wanting excessive speculation on his forum. We've all seen what that can turn into, and he likely wants to maintain a certain degree of quality to the discourse.

Sure, we need strong evidence, thoughtful explanations, deep observations to explore reality and help us thrive a better path on earth.

These topics are great but we don't want to create conspiracy theorists here on the forum :D 

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