
Feeling having a cold what to do

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What if you feel first symptoms and you know it will hit hard in a day. What cam I do to reduce the illness (I don't care about the symptoms I feel, I don't want to numb myself, it's really about getting back to normal health with the best outcome)


Edited by OBEler

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Oil of Oregano. Lots of lemon/lime water and citrus fruits. Bone broth. Sleep with a cut onion by your head for 2 or 3 nights or longer if needed also a cut lemon.

Oil of Oregano - few drops in water 2x/daily.

No dairy, meats or grains for this period.

Make and drink herbal teas such as thyme and ginger, add fresh garlic if you can stand the taste or just cut fresh garlic in pieces small enough to swallow like a pill and take with water, no need to chew.


Go online and Google or YT  "MASTER TONIC". Take 2x daily.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Just now, OBEler said:

@Princess Arabia Wow that sounds solid, i will try out! Thanks 

Oil of Oregano and Master Tonic in that order are probably enough if only choosing to do one or two. You're welcome. Feel better soon.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Drink tons of water. You are made of it. Act like it 💪 

Sleep a lot.

Light movement. Go out for a walk. Stretch.

Don’t eat heavy. Eat fruits, cooked or raw vegetables depending what it is, eggs, seafoods, bone broth, fish, white meats, fermented stuff like yogurt or kefir, etc. Easy stuff to digest basically. You can eat the spicy Mexican chili bowl some other time.

I am realizing this is pretty basic advice but there you go! I got sick a lot in the winter months & realized the value of the basics.




Edited by Rigel

Sailing on the ceiling 


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Echinacea didn’t do much for me.

Sailing on the ceiling 


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If your immune system is healthy , you'll probably fight it off, within 3-4 days, depends what it is and how fast before your antibody production is full on. 

Lots of good advice above already to support immediate immune response, just don't combine medication and herbs, choose one or the other. Take it easy, sleep it off, maybe something like Leo's veggie soup if you have the energy could do you good or ask someone to make it for you. 

Feel better soon. 

Edited by Michael569

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2 hours ago, Michael569 said:

just don't combine medication and herbs,

Good point! Forgot to mention that. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Bunch of vitamines.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Vitamin C. Orange juice. Vit C and A. I did vitamin therapy for 3 days and cold gone. 

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Bunch of vitamines.

Lots of bottled up vitamins out there contain stuff that aren't good for the body; especially while fighting a cold. If you're referring to vitamins in bottles. Gotta be specific. Lemons and limes and garlic and ginger contain vitamins. If bought in a bottle with toxic preservatives it reduces their effectiveness.

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8 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

Orange juice.

Stay away from conventional orange juice. They are manufactured in a way to cause harm. Even home-made freshly squeezed should be drunk minimally because of all the concentrated sugar because of the removal of the fiber and can spike blood sugar.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Since i walk a lot i've never had a cold again.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Nasal saline spray + blend coconut cream with honey and sucking it all day, both to heal the throat and kill the virus, which lodges in the ENT system.

Also celery juice (even kill virus like EBV), walking, meditation...

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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18 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Oil of Oregano. Lots of lemon/lime water and citrus fruits. Bone broth. Sleep with a cut onion by your head for 2 or 3 nights or longer if needed also a cut lemon.

Oil of Oregano - few drops in water 2x/daily.

No dairy, meats or grains for this period.

Make and drink herbal teas such as thyme and ginger, add fresh garlic if you can stand the taste or just cut fresh garlic in pieces small enough to swallow like a pill and take with water, no need to chew.


Go online and Google or YT  "MASTER TONIC". Take 2x daily.

Do you have any suggestions that are evident and of a time that couldn’t be considered middle age folklore?

Also, vitamins are not just plain toxic and in 99% of cases, with the right dose, you’re still going to be better off consuming the vitamins and their preservatives. 

You’ve said some edgy stuff here before but my God.

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I get the feeling of "getting a cold" quite frequently as my immune system isn't the greatest genetically (ever since I was a child) and I go out quite a bit. 

The main thing I found to be a game changer is Zinc (higher dosage, do not take on an empty stomach unless you want to be nauseous af). Also Beta Glucan and L-Glutathione. If you get the first symptoms N-Acetyl-Cysteine is amazing. Vitamin C and D3 probably don't hurt but aren't really proven to help in this context unless you're deficient. Although, I also take high dose D3 + K2 if I get the feeling. 

Andrew Huberman did a great episode on this topic: 


Edited by cle103
typo & edit

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11 hours ago, yetineti said:

Do you have any suggestions that are evident and of a time that couldn’t be considered middle age folklore?

Also, vitamins are not just plain toxic and in 99% of cases, with the right dose, you’re still going to be better off consuming the vitamins and their preservatives. 

You’ve said some edgy stuff here before but my God.

Coming from someone who doesn't visit the doctor nor dentist and very rarely get sick. I'm not a doctor, I was just giving my suggestions. I'm not sure what you're referring to as "but my God" and being edgy in this department. Excuse me if I'm not a druggy and I do eat, for the most part, holistically. Sorry if that offends you.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia You almost certainly have wonderful genetics and minimal bad habits. There’s just no evidence around almost any of what you presented.

Taking vitamin pills does not make anyone a druggy by any stretch of the imagination.

More people should be taking vitamins, not less. These implications are why I am offended. What you’ve said is highly antidotal and your persistence responses, especially regarding vitamins, could seriously mis lead someone.

Vitamins (including bottled vitamins) are mostly good for you and great supplements for many, if not essential. Research your doses, use cases, etc. Compare with your diet. Track nutrients in a journal. Source high quality vitamins. Try to get your nutrients naturally, from food first, and do not overdue vitamins. Yet- be weary if you are exposed to something, such as winter and lack of sun, and if there is something in particular you should be taking especially, such as Vit. D3 & K2 (for lack of sun).

Vitamins are good for you and do not make you a druggy. Please do some more research.

Avoiding dairy, grains and meat while you’re sick doesn’t make someone a holistic eater either. Nor would different herb blends or sleeping with half a lemon…

Bone broth and teas are great. However, they’re more soothing than remedy in a time of sickness. Sure, depending on the tea, there could be additional effects. Yet, something like bone broth may end up having way too much sodium and dehydrating you if you’re sick. Have to look out for that as well.

You are correct about the orange juice.

This wasn’t meant as an attack on you. It was meant to provide contrast to your prior statements about vitamins and different remedies because they’re misleading.


Edited by yetineti

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4 hours ago, yetineti said:

@Princess Arabia You almost certainly have wonderful genetics and minimal bad habits. There’s just no evidence around almost any of what you presented.

Taking vitamin pills does not make anyone a druggy by any stretch of the imagination.

More people should be taking vitamins, not less. These implications are why I am offended. What you’ve said is highly antidotal and your persistence responses, especially regarding vitamins, could seriously mis lead someone.

Vitamins (including bottled vitamins) are mostly good for you and great supplements for many, if not essential. Research your doses, use cases, etc. Compare with your diet. Track nutrients in a journal. Source high quality vitamins. Try to get your nutrients naturally, from food first, and do not overdue vitamins. Yet- be weary if you are exposed to something, such as winter and lack of sun, and if there is something in particular you should be taking especially, such as Vit. D3 & K2 (for lack of sun).

Vitamins are good for you and do not make you a druggy. Please do some more research.

Avoiding dairy, grains and meat while you’re sick doesn’t make someone a holistic eater either. Nor would different herb blends or sleeping with half a lemon…

Bone broth and teas are great. However, they’re more soothing than remedy in a time of sickness. Sure, depending on the tea, there could be additional effects. Yet, something like bone broth may end up having way too much sodium and dehydrating you if you’re sick. Have to look out for that as well.

You are correct about the orange juice.

This wasn’t meant as an attack on you. It was meant to provide contrast to your prior statements about vitamins and different remedies because they’re misleading.


OK thanks.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@yetinetiI would like to say to you that please don't come at me and try to tell me about health and vitamins. I really don't want to argue with you, but imma say this. From what I've seen you wrote to me, you have not done half the research ilve done and it's obvious to me you have no idea that in the USA the Vitamin, Olive oil and honey business is fraudulent. There are numerous legitimate reports that  have legitimate studies that shows how half the vitamins on the shelves in the conventional space are filled with fillers and are not what they say they are. Also most of them have ingredients that are not of any value and have the capability to do harm to the body. I won't touch the honey and olive oil issue because that's not what this is about.

I have read many books in the past about nutrition and health and I do follow a few legitimate internet doctors in the wellness space and before I started to delve into spirituality, for ten years or so, health and nutrition was my interest of study.

That said, I am not a doctor and neither do I have any formal studies on the subject. I give suggestions that has worked for me and as this is just a forum and is not a place of expertise in the health industry, members here are well informed that they take any advice from anyone with caution.

I have been healing myself with these remedies for years and I'm well aware of what the body does and doesn't need.

I don't appreciate you coming at me with the way I treat myself and the remedies I use and suggests for others to try as if I'm recommending poison. Recommend what you like, but please don't leave comments to me critiquing my recommendations because I'm recommending what I KNOW works and what will work in a holistic level providing one gas no prior health conditions and are not on any blood thinning medication or for any degenerative diseases.

Please don't tell me what you think is best for me because I didn't ask and if you don't like to use holistic medicine that's on you, but please don't insult me for making that choice. It has worked for me for years and have kept me out the doctors and dentist office. I don't need you to tell me how to eat because I didn't ask. Half the forum has health issues and most people I know and one third of the United States. So please, before you come and ask for evidence, I am the evidence. For myself. I didn't recommend any thing that'll do any harm to anyone only help. You don't know me and you don't know what research I've done, so please take your bossiness somewhere else and please allow me to continue to treat myself how I see fit and to recommend to anyone that asks as long as I'm not recommending poison. Thank you. I've said all I have to say to you and will not respond anymore. Have a nice evening.

P.S. Once I had the flu and I slept with a cut onion and lemon by my bedside and the next day it  was all gone. One day flu. Please don't tell me what you think about what I'm saying because it will fall on deaf ears because everything I've recommended, I've done and they worked as fast as the lightning in the night sky.


Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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