Something Funny

Serious question about suicide

59 posts in this topic


I know this is a controversial, but there is no other place where I could possibly discuss it, so I hope it's okay.


My question is: what's so wrong about suicide metaphysically? I understand advising people against it because it's a politically correct thing to do, and you don't want to get in trouble, but in reality, is there any reason why you shouldn't kill yourself?

If you die, you will become one with the universe / god. You will either become hyper aware of everything and omnipotent, or you will fade away into nothingness and will not feel anything ever again. Both options sound fine to me.

There is also a chance that you might get re-incarnated, suggesting that there is a layer with ghosts and souls in between our realm and God consciousness. That also doesn't sound that bad. You could basically use suicide as a reset button, until you reincarnate with the cards you want to play with.

If a person doesn't really feel like living or if they suffer a lot, why should they bother and stick around.

Additionally, what if I am impatient and don't want to do all this spiritual work? I could just kill myself and get all the answers right away.

I hope this perspective doesn't sound too childish, I am really curious about those questions.

Death and decay 🥀

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Umm again I say this with all humility, I know really nothing of Death because I haven't Died:)

But I trust the sources I researched, so from what they say, if You are in a Suffering of sorts at the moment of Death, then that is what You will feel in the afterlife and it could be for a long time.. The only time You don't get that, is when You die a Happy Person, then in afterlife You feel very happy, and to have Union or Liberation, Not like heaven stories from Bible, but non individuality, then that is Muhkti or Dissolution, like a drop in the ocean going back into the ocean, its no longer a drop but merges with the entire ocean, its the same with this.. You are just a Bubble, the lining of the Bubble is Your Karma, you think You are this lining/karma, but Your what is inside the Bubble (LIfe itself), Spiritual practice and its ultimate goal is to burst the bubble completely, not reform it again and become another bubble (reincarnation)..

So Suicide although I can see why ppl do it (I have experience with it as a family member died by suicide in 06') does not end the suffering sorry to say!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Your biggest problem is that you have no idea if it will work as you imagine it will.

You really wanna kill yourself on a belief?

What if you kill yourself and turn into a piece of poo?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

What if you kill yourself and turn into a piece of poo?

that'd suck

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22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Your biggest problem is that you have no idea if it will work as you imagine it will.

You really wanna kill yourself on a belief?

What if you kill yourself and turn into a piece of poo?

That is the only real hard break to suicide. The unknown of what to come next...

I guess almost anything is worth bearing through because it could always be worse than what it is right now. But even so, if you get kidnapped and tortured, you could say in that case suicide is really the best option, but that's still a belief because a miracle could happen and you get rescued or something.

And if you can maintain an open mind and surrender, all the bad shit will end and you might be better in the future because of what you've endured.

@Leo Gura This ties with your ego not having control over what the next dream will be, but when you lose the ego, is it totally out of your hands and form will just simply keep changing and morphing? Is God an infinite ocean of forms moving without control? Here's where shit gets really scary...

Edited by Vibes

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2 hours ago, Vibes said:

Is God an infinite ocean of forms moving without control? Here's where shit gets really scary...

God is not without control God has the ultimate control over everything the ego is the one not having ultimate control and lacking it immensely; not God.

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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You do not know what happens after suicide don't just think or assume it would all only be good after death.

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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3 hours ago, Something Funny said:

My question is: what's so wrong about suicide metaphysically?

Some probably won’t agree with me, but I say Its wrong simply because its like the biggest insult you could give back to the universe. In a way its like kicking God in the balls basically. Maybe “God” isn’t the best word to use, but you get the idea?

Edited by Cosmic-Resplendence

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Multiple Points:

1. Spiritual Perspectives:

  • Seth: No one dies who does not want to die, this experience is a choice on another plane
  • Sadhguru: The emotions at death matter immensely, suicide is detrimental
  • Ra: This realm is an evolutionary catalyst and learning ground to evolve faster
  • Hindu: As we learn to embody higher forms, we naturally evolve
  • Buddhists: You will keep incarnating until you realize yourself in true essence

2. Ego-Blindspots to the beautiful sides of the Experience

  • To get yourself into this complex form needed immense holarchies of evolutionary pressures
  • Your life yields tons of opportunities that the state of mind obscures from itself
  • There is much appreciation that is unrealized and overlooked that psychedelics can tune you into
  • While alive, there are countless paradigms to be transcended and learned from
  • You are the anchor of your own experience, just need to learn to arrange it

3. Personal Experience and Desire

  • I felt/feel just like you, I want to evolve and morph my form at will and create realities to inhabit
  • My trips taught me much, but my intuition tells me that I'm not ready to transcend/ have unfinished business
  • My intuition also tells me that it's my psychology that I need to change and time on earth is short anyway
  • That there is much to do/discover/engage in/ find meaning through, that each day recontextualizes my whole life
  • And that each experience collected can be expanded and incorporated into the after-life so collect as much as you can

4. The Conscious Will Paradigm

  • I have personally adopted a "Conscious Leaving" paradigm
  • I will only allow my physical self to die if it is through Mahasamadhi and I can see the after-life I transition into
  • There is much to learn until death, we don't know what comes after and if dying through crude means is detrimental
  • It's also really sad to kill oneself that way, I think that sadness alone is of immense pressure
  • I think once we attain enough conscious awareness, it will in fact become an educated choice to make without pain or suffering

Ultimately, I think we ought to evolve body alignment to the degree that we won't need external means to fulfill desires or die if we want to but that our psyche consciously tunes into another reality leaving this body in full cooperation with each part and organ, same as becoming aware of everything that keeps us from health, it's a belief of mine of course but so intuitive and powerful that I'll take it as true. That is the highest goal I see, to become 100% Consciously Internally/Awarely Psychedelic and in 100% control of one's experience and in control of every detail of one's self-materialization.

Edited by Keryo Koffa

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The biggest problem I see if if you are God and you kill yourself you could possibly start scaring yourself really bad and there is literally no one to stop you when you start spiralling. If God goes into a fear spiral it will do it forever and cant be saved except for by slowly running its infinite course how long it goes is not determined by anything except it. The only thing to know is the fear spiral will end but it could last 100 years human time. If you feel good then why not do it spiritually and not use anything physical to kill yourself with that will mean no fear because you have to have no fear to leave spiritually.

God levels of fear not human levels.

Edited by Hojo

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You have to love a bit of chaos in a world of eternal peace.

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7 minutes ago, Bandman said:

But how do I find out for my self if that's true though? If it is, then I would completely agree with you, knowing peace and hope are eternal would give me the courage to live out this life and even any kind of hell, even if it'd be a googleplex years, just knowing in the end the suffering would cease.

How do you even know peace and hope are eternal?


I know I'm not Leo, but, for me, at my lowest, when I was very, very depressed, when I concluded that the opposite of how I felt at the moment was possible, it gave me a lot of hope and strength to get out of it. I wish you the best.

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@Bandman I'm sorry you're facing such health problems and dispair. I understand suffering from health problems.

The point of my statement above was merely to point out the truth of not-knowning. It's important in this work not to fool ourselves with beliefs and fantasies about things we lack experience with.

In this case all you have to do is to be honest with yourself: do you actually know what death is? The answer is probably no. So then the best attitude is one of not-knowing and openness.

But there is still the possibility for Awakening and higher consciousness where you might come to a direct insight into the nature of death.

So my advice would be that if you want a better understanding of death, pursue Awakening. And if you are suicidal, seek out help and support from others.

Don't leave the forum. Isolating yourself is not good for your condition.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura @Bandman I can relate to you both. I also know what it is like to suffer from my own health problems (Daily pain and mobility issues from an L5/S1 Disc herniation at my current age of 33), and have sufferred from the traumatic experience of going through religious indoctrination in a muslim cult, that I am still healing from. On this journey, I've come to appreciate the Beauty of depth of not knowing that Leo just alluded to 15 minutes ago in the last post. Self honesty makes me often want to cry, not out of sadness necessarily, but out of love, love, love, and more love for all that is. What I personally found helpful, Is that I often remind myself even at the deepest moments of suffering that there are "others" around me who are sufferring, and that I love them, and care for them, and want them to be well <3 

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I know this is likely unrelated to this topic of discussion, but since I mentioned love 3 times and self-honesty in my last post, I wanted to share this short video where Shia talks about the Love that his current wife practiced with him, he displays genuine self-honesty in this video, obviously not to the depth that Leo has shared with us, but still commendable nevertheless. 



Edited by Moutushi

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When you win the lottery is there any reason to give it back? We aren't born as slugs, rocks, planets or dogs. Our experience feels consistent. What if you were consistently experiencing the life of any creature or bacteria etc on earth? Would that be better? I really do think we've got it pretty good on the known cosmic scale of things that could be conscious like us. 

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I have been studying NDE's (Near Death Experiences) since the end of the 70's. I have read, and listen to a few hundred testimonies. I also read many books on the subject, especially those written by researchers.

There are a few NDE testimonies from suicide attempts.

The first thing I would like to explain which result from all that research on the subject of the afterlife - is about Karma and Judgment.

A phenomenon reported by great number of NDE'r is the phenomenon of the Life-Review.

In almost all cases when one is having his Life-Review he/she is in the presence of a very Loving being or Beings - who maybe is a Guide or an Old friend or a Family member that has been on the other side. The experience of receiving unconditional Love from that Being or those Beings is remarkably consistent in testimonies explaining their experiences of the Life Review. During the Life-Review the only source of Judgments is You as in the one who is reviewing his life. This is important to understand. It is your Judgment that determines not only if you are to experience a karmic-debt but how one is to find peace with himself as a result of his action in this lifetime. The concept of paying a karmic-debt is only the means chosen by You to achieve Peace with yourself. Karma is not just about reincarnation - you can process your Karma without experiencing a human life again.

We are here experiencing human-life as an effective mean to LEARN - a learning process that we usually plan before our birth. After we leave this body, our spiritual evolution is not any different than before we left the Earth-plane - so for most of us it means we still have some LEARNING to do in the afterlife. 'Learning' is one of the main activities of the afterlife.

As far as suicide is concerned - the consequences will depend on you and how you will judge the 'decision' you made of cutting short your human journey. What is different about the Life-Review and how we see our life here while in it - is that during the Life-Review we experience every feeling and emotions of OTHERS. How our words and actions impact others  -  we not only feel every feeling but also in some cases experience how their life would of been different if we had not  said or done a certain action. Suicide is usually very bad for those you leave behind - and even if you are old and alone - suicide has a very negative impact on others in your community; those that find your body; neighbors; etc... Of course this is a generalization, and today we have more and more legal euthanasia - which in this context of the Life Review - would be different than a suicide.

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10 hours ago, Something Funny said:


I know this is a controversial, but there is no other place where I could possibly discuss it, so I hope it's okay.


My question is: what's so wrong about suicide metaphysically? I understand advising people against it because it's a politically correct thing to do, and you don't want to get in trouble, but in reality, is there any reason why you shouldn't kill yourself?

If you die, you will become one with the universe / god. You will either become hyper aware of everything and omnipotent, or you will fade away into nothingness and will not feel anything ever again. Both options sound fine to me.

There is also a chance that you might get re-incarnated, suggesting that there is a layer with ghosts and souls in between our realm and God consciousness. That also doesn't sound that bad. You could basically use suicide as a reset button, until you reincarnate with the cards you want to play with.

If a person doesn't really feel like living or if they suffer a lot, why should they bother and stick around.

Additionally, what if I am impatient and don't want to do all this spiritual work? I could just kill myself and get all the answers right away.

I hope this perspective doesn't sound too childish, I am really curious about those questions.

Because you are here to experience this particular form.  If you just abandon it you miss out on everything this particular life has to offer.  There is nothing to feel bad about in doing that in the end - it just is.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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