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Is a video about the corruption/capitalism coming?

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Even those who were always defending the biggest corporations now admit that their number one priority is profits.

A video example:

Is a video about this topic coming a anytime soon?

@Leo Gura

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You are in luck. Both are coming!

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You are in luck. Both are coming!

Good. Well, it would still be better if you didn't have to do them, but this topic seems way too important right now.

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@Leo Gura Brilliant I look forward to it

People need to be aware of the corrosive impact capitalism is having on society. We need alternatives outside of the typical socialism vs capitalism narrative 

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3 hours ago, Chadders said:

@Leo Gura Brilliant I look forward to it

People need to be aware of the corrosive impact capitalism is having on society. We need alternatives outside of the typical socialism vs capitalism narrative 

There is an alternative. Early capitalism was pretty good. You know, before the central banks money printing, etc.

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42 minutes ago, FourCrossedWands said:

There is an alternative. Early capitalism was pretty good. You know, before the central banks money printing, etc.

That's like saying, "The early heroin dosages were pretty good, you know, before all the nasty repercussions of being addicted to hard drugs."

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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3 hours ago, Nilsi said:

That's like saying, "The early heroin dosages were pretty good, you know, before all the nasty repercussions of being addicted to hard drugs."

The problem is that there is no true capitalism right now. There is no free market economy. When a very big company is about to go bankrupt, government comes in and save it with money that shouldn't even exist. When a stock market is about to crash, Fed lowers interest rates to avoid the crash.

Instead of letting the failing economy heal itself, governments try to save it by printing money infinitely.

This is socialism for the rich!

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Posted (edited)

im pretty sure people search reddit after everything. I do it because I think its mostly real people giving their opinions. I dont want to watch a video or read an article I just want a quick answer.

For example if I want to buy a product I will search for the review on reddit. Not only that i can ask a question on there

Edited by Hojo

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5 hours ago, Hojo said:

im pretty sure people search reddit after everything. I do it because I think its mostly real people giving their opinions. I dont want to watch a video or read an article I just want a quick answer.

For example if I want to buy a product I will search for the review on reddit. Not only that i can ask a question on there

This is true, I like Reddit and I often add "reddit" into my search phrase when I want to see reddit results specifically and I think Google knows that a lot of people just want to see reddit results.

However, Google has been around for 20 years and never pushed Reddit results so much, but as soon as they made a big deal with them, you now get Reddit results everywhere. Google literally now owns YouTube and Reddit.

They also added more ads into the search page and blended them so much it's really hard to distinguish them from regular search results. If you are not a tech savvy person, you never know what is an ad and what is an actual search result. Back in the day, if you owned a website and used this technique on your own ads, Google would ban your Adsense account for breaking the rules.

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@FourCrossedWands i agree their search results have gone to shit but almost everything has. Cant trust reviews cant trust opinions thats why I started putting reddit at the end. Google probably saw many people are doing. Only a matter of time until you cant even trust reddit for these things as it will be filled by bots.

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20 hours ago, FourCrossedWands said:

The problem is that there is no true capitalism right now. There is no free market economy. When a very big company is about to go bankrupt, government comes in and save it with money that shouldn't even exist. When a stock market is about to crash, Fed lowers interest rates to avoid the crash.

Instead of letting the failing economy heal itself, governments try to save it by printing money infinitely.

This is socialism for the rich!

What you are describing are exactly the consequences of a "free market economy."

Isn't it obvious that these government institutions are completely corrupted by the logic of capitalism? The economy doesn't fail because it has enslaved all other social institutions, making them so dependent on its survival that they will do anything to protect the capitalist imperative.

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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@FourCrossedWands if by that you mean mercantilism this wouldn’t change the fundamental endless growth imperative which is fucking the biosphere 

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On 21. 8. 2024 at 0:18 AM, Chadders said:

@FourCrossedWands if by that you mean mercantilism this wouldn’t change the fundamental endless growth imperative which is fucking the biosphere 

I am talking about supporting small businesses trying to make the best possible products which you don't have to throw away every 1-2 years. A system with healthy competition, without giant corrupted companies that are all being owned by the same people.

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