
God’s Presence Is Literally Everywhere.

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I believe. In my own experiences. That whoever you may believe in. Regardless of it being a “God” or Religion. That our spirits are a collective thing that forms this “God” 

I personally do not believe into a “God” or Religion.  I believe in spirituality. And collectivism. I listen to my body, heart and soul. And In that I walk into the directions it takes me. And I have found that as I continue to do so. I’m always where I should be at the “perfect” timing. Even if I am late. (which rarely happens, but everything happens for a reason) 

I have found. That tuning into who I was, and who I am, today. Are two completely different aspects of my soul. I am anger, and love. I am divine, and scary. 

And a lot of people don’t like that. Neither do they understand the shape shifting forms, that divine transformation can give you. In my lifetime I will be a chameleon, because my soul is infinite. 

I believe even in Death. Our spirits and souls connect to us. Just in different ways. 
for an example. When I experienced the loss of a loved one. They came to me in butterflies. What a beautiful offering.

It is now my duty, to offer safety, comfort, and love to butterflies. Not because God told me so, but because of how powerful love. And spirituality is. 

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Aww, babe... you're making my heart melt :x

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37 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Aww, babe... you're making my heart melt :x


7 minutes ago, LordFall said:


:3 🫶🏼 (platonically)  


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Hey… I didn’t say that… You did!

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