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Integral Life: Any Thoughts?

3 posts in this topic

Groupthink at its finest.

The irony of Ken Wilber and his movement is that on the surface it is preaching radical diversity and inclusion, yet every outside idea just gets appropriated into the same old frameworks of quadrants, spiral dynamics, and so on.

This movement thrives precisely because it attracts pseudo-intellectuals that come with no critical thinking abilities or any background in philosophy that would make them realize how shallow and sterile the whole Integral community is.

I used to make fun of it, but I can now appreciate why Don Beck called Ken Wilber a stage red power god. He really is a dogmatic authoritarian in many ways and has run this community as such for the past decades.

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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44 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

Ken Wilber a stage red power god.


Such nonsense.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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