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What is your experience with intuition? How do you listen to your intuition and do you base decisions upon it? Or do you just think it's nonsense? I would love to hear some experiences of you guys!

Personally I find it very often very hard to catch this gut feeling because thought tends to interfere very quickly.

"The death of the mind is the birth of wisdom." -- Nisargadatta Maharaj

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What Pinocchio said. Intuition comes from a place of not-knowing. It becomes a primary method of navigation when you release the illusion of control, when you let the body and mind do their thing without a doer. When that happens, you will naturally start to sense currents of rightness and flow with them. 

You can still learn to use intuition even if you haven't seen through the ego. The next time you have to make a decision on anything, whether it be deciding what to eat for dinner, what to do during free time, or even planning the year, listen to whatever comes prior to thought. It usually comes in the form of a language-less feeling-state, a magnetic pull. Follow that and see where it leads!

“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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Most of my important decisions are based on intuition. It's the best thing you can base decisions on.

Logical decisions result in poor alignment with ones values and authentic passions.

The monkey mind should not be used to make decisions. The mind is like an accountant. You don't let the account decide how to run a cutting edge company. You do that based on the founder's or CEO's wisdom, passion, and vision (i.e., intuition.)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Pinocchio Thank you for this! :D I'll use the "yes and no" method tonight. 

“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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On 14.2.2016 at 9:02 PM, ZenMonkey said:

Personally I find it very often very hard to catch this gut feeling because thought tends to interfere very quickly.

What helps me with that a lot is that I actually let my thoughts do that. I just completely let them interfere as they want and just see it play. Because every decision in the end is intuitive if you look very deeply. It's just that you are so damn good at constructing thoughts about thoughts about .. that one just gets completely messed up.

And when you let this be, it seems to just go away at times and you see intuition at its work.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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I had this a few times.... You just know without reason. You just fucking know.... It's weird.... But you know it somewhere in your chest

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On 2/14/2016 at 9:26 PM, Pinocchio said:

It's only when you drop that need for control and investment in outcomes that intuition starts to take off. You can't reach for it or try to intellectualize it, you can only stumble into it and allow it and learn to trust it through experience. By definition it's not anything you can formalize and put into a manual and study theoretically, it's exactly the opposite of that.

It's something you gradually grow into simply by living it without those preconceived notions. It's the spontaneous natural expression of you when you just step aside and stop trying to be a certain way or follow a certain ideal or develop a certain strategy. It's beyond all of those things, because those are all games on a different game board, and will eventually take a back seat.

And it is when we have this natural flow of life we see that choice only is resistance to what is.

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