manuel bon

Leo vs. Eckhart Tolle

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Hi everyone. In my spiritual journey I've encountered many different gurus, but I have to say that the first and most influential teacher I've had is Leo.

But in the last months I got interested to some teachings by Osho, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Eckhart Tolle. The book that I am re-reading right now is "The power of now" by Tolle, and it greatly explains how to live in the present moment. I've noticed that @Leo Gura hasn't really talked about this topic: he went in such depth for spiritual topics, but I haven't heard about the fact that we can let go of our "talking" mind, our ego, and live in the moment, free of suffering caused by the mind. 

Did I miss any of your videos about it? If not, why haven't you covered these things?

I feel like in general Leo talks more about discovering reality, while Tolle talks about inner peace through living in the moment and transcending the ego. Just for curiosity, how come don't you teach also about this? 

Not criticizing, just wondering about all these things.🥰

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13 minutes ago, manuel bon said:

Hi everyone. In my spiritual journey I've encountered many different gurus, but I have to say that the first and most influential teacher I've had is Leo.

But in the last months I got interested to some teachings by Osho, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Eckhart Tolle. The book that I am re-reading right now is "The power of now" by Tolle, and it greatly explains how to live in the present moment. I've noticed that @Leo Gura hasn't really talked about this topic: he went in such depth for spiritual topics, but I haven't heard about the fact that we can let go of our "talking" mind, our ego, and live in the moment, free of suffering caused by the mind. 

Did I miss any of your videos about it? If not, why haven't you covered these things?

I feel like in general Leo talks more about discovering reality, while Tolle talks about inner peace through living in the moment and transcending the ego. Just for curiosity, how come don't you teach also about this? 

Not criticizing, just wondering about all these things.🥰

How do You discover Reality if Your Not Living in the NOW??

Our Minds are never in the Now, Mind is always Past/Memory and Future/Imagination Orientated, so since ppl are super Identified with their Mind/Intellect, they will never Realize Life/Reality and where it is...

Eckhart was my first real Spiritual Teacher, I read both his books, Power of Now and New Earth, they really opened my eyes up to a different way to approach things, just realizing Your Ego and how it all works is Transformative...

Reality will never be completely Understood, as what is the tool used to Understand something? For sure as Humans we can Experience Reality but too understand it is just leading one further away and more into their Minds and Intellect.. Just think of it this way, a Woman can explain to death what it is like to have a Baby, but a Man will never really Understand it as a Man can never have a Baby for himself (go thru pregnancy, labor and give birth) but on an intellectual level he can, but just not Experientially, so which is more important, Intellect or Experience??

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Leo has said in a video that he doesn't care about transcending suffering, and that he likes to use suffering as a teacher.

Eckhart is all about transcending suffering by detachment.

So they have different things going on, completely different goals.

Leo's goal is Infinite Understanding and "deep intelligence", knowing The Truth about reality.

Eckhart's goal he teaches to people is to bask in the awareness that's different from all the objects in your experience, to have no suffering, and he ties it up with not overusing the mind.

But it's possible to use the mind more, more, and more, not less.

So there are different paths you could go down, and it's all very subjective and personalized when it comes to what you want to do.

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