Spiritual Warfare

Are Near Death Experiences Legit?

5 posts in this topic

For me they are. In fact they’re more real now than what used to seem so real to me - being this individual person walking around here on earth.

Having these types of experiences out of the body has made me realize that the true nature of “awareness“ is that it seemingly is uninhibited when it’s not in a body. This has happened to me more than once. I have interacted with Jesus on a few occasions, and have related to other people that are both alive and dead. Somehow or another it doesn’t seem to matter whether a person is alive or dead on the “other side.“ Their spirit can be interacted with.

I was never a strict believer in anything. I never followed formal religion. I was what I would consider spiritual, but only really from a point of meditation or being interested in different schools of thought. Then when the experiences on the other side of this “reality“ began happening I realized that there is something going on here that is formless and that my energy or my personality really exists outside of the body.

It can come back into the body so to speak, where I am suddenly constricted and limited to using the five senses that the body has. But then being out of the body suddenly makes all those constrictions go away. And when out of the body there are visions that I “see” without the limited eyesight the body has

I never used to believe in anything that people would say about an afterlife, or the “spiritual plane of existence.“. But I have now experienced it so many times ( not of my own volition, but rather it happens to me) that I must conclude, without doubt, that I am not a body but rather awareness that has personality and can exist both in and out of the confines of a body.

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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6 hours ago, Little Aurobindo said:

@MarioGabrielJ Read Seth Speaks, channeled to a woman by a spirit who worked as a soul guide to help people reincarnate.

Thank you

The end of separation is the end of desire. It’s life, it’s death, it’s unity; it is the absolute. In this profound realization, we find perfection eternal, a state of everlasting harmony.

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Are Near Death Experiences Legit?

If you mean scientifically speaking - YES, NDE's are correlated to a huge body of evidences. They have been scientifically researched, and also all attempts to scientifically DISPROVE have failed - as in Prove they are NOT authentic experiences of something that could be called the afterlife.

Single NDE Cases - on their own - do not make good scientific evidences. BUT it is the Study of a large number of NDE's that brings about a very high correlation coefficient.

If you want a thorough research on the topic of scientific work pertaining to "Consciousness" in general through a wide range of studies from paranormal abilities, the placebo effect, NDE's and many, many other - over that past century - I recommend the book  'Irreducible Mind'.


here is a link to an interview with Ed Kelly re Irreducible Mind, Beyond Physicalism, and Consciousness Unbound:


On the other hand Your post speak of your personal Out of Body experience which may deserve a post on their own as a topic...


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