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Finally doing it

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After 5 years of not acting on my desire to get better with women, I finally had the courage to break off my relationship, wich was amazing, and probably the person I loved most in my entire life, but as a friend or a sister. The sex thing just wasnt there. Now next step : gotta move to Paris. I live one hour away wich is just too far away. Can't get the motivation to go often enough. I don't have a car, I don't have a place there to pull, I have nowhere to sleep in Paris after a night out, the trains stop at 11 pm. Anyway, I am done with excuses, done with bullshit. I know my flat will be very small, and hard to find, but I don't care, I was burying myself in this confy flat in a small town. I know I'm gonna do it now, it's time. Every night I dream about girls, and it's getting to a point where it's freaking psychosis.

I know I have some advantages (I'm a comedian, I can be very charismatic, funny, interesting, I have a purpose, I'm someone people remember)   and some defects (I think I have a huge ego and I hate rejection. I love being loved and hate the opposite, more so I believe than most people). To extend on my deffect, I think I can be the most amazingly charismatic, but I soon as I feel I'm not loved or liked, I can deflate like a balloon and become literally the least charismatic person. Story of my life, a roallercoaster of charisma. 

But now, no more excuses. I'm looking for a flat in Paris. Plan is simple : I need to be somewhere where if I wanna go out, I just grab my coat and go out.

 I already did my first day game approaches, in Avignon, wich went absolutely horribly, way worse than I imagine it would (I am NOT a shy person at all, and I just turned into a shy person for my first approach. I was so scared and I think my emotion rubbed on the girl because she looked actually scared as well, wich was like a cold shower, I felt like a creep after). It made me realise even the first step was not a simple as I thought it would be. 

Now I'm working on expressing my personnality and being more funny and flirtatious in every day environnement. Today I did it with the lady who cut my hair, and it was amazing. Not even trying to pick her up (she had just come back from her honey moon) but just being myself, stop with this shyness bullshit, actually being here and expressing my personnality, in a seductive way. 

Anyway, as soon as I'm settled in Paris I will go out like crazy. I think I wanna start with night game, because I believe my crazy extraverted personnality will be great there. I'm confortable with being the center of attention, and being silly and crazy, and I think that might work well. The more subtle approach needed with gay game scares me, I will do it, but after. 

This is no excuses, I needed to thing to starts : 1 : breaking off my relationship. That was so hard but I did it.    2 : living in paris. I am doing it. After that, no excuses. 

Not sure what I'm looking for, any advices, encouragements, notes if you have been to paris, or if you know the game scene there. I know I don't post much, but I have been a avid consummer of leo's content since day 1 (well maby day day 4). 




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On 8/6/2024 at 5:57 PM, Fredodoow said:


The more subtle approach needed with gay game scares me.


Have fun and burn thru karma. Gay game is underated :D

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I don’t know if day game will work if you are gay, most people aren’t so it’ll be a very high rejection rate. If you’re a girl you probably don’t have to worry about creeping anyone out.

Edited by Raze

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