
UK riots

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Posted (edited)

37 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

I would do a racial profilage and by extension a natalist politic that would favorise white peoples. Ofc i completely stop unqualified immigration.

Oh wow


what about for example in norway the ppl that have a norwegian white parent and let’s say a black african parent and grew up in norway. Would they be a class below the white people?

Edited by PurpleTree

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3 hours ago, Alex4 said:

In my opinion, what really drives far-right people is their fear that their country will lose its identity. They worry about seeing the native people  becoming a minority, along with their culture. I believe that the arguments they use against immigration, such as it being economically unviable or creating a lot of insecurity, are simply arguments meant to captivate the moderate electorate that is not extremist but has legitimate concerns. I see a difficult solution to this, we are talking about feelings rather than "solving immigrant crime. 

Yes, fear. Racism works similarly. Of course, it's an irrational fear baked in double standards and hypocrisy.

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3 hours ago, Alex4 said:

In my opinion, what really drives far-right people is their fear that their country will lose its identity. They worry about seeing the native people  becoming a minority, along with their culture. I believe that the arguments they use against immigration, such as it being economically unviable or creating a lot of insecurity, are simply arguments meant to captivate the moderate electorate that is not extremist but has legitimate concerns. I see a difficult solution to this, we are talking about feelings rather than "solving immigrant crime. 

I agree with you, fear is at the bottom of this. Whatever arguments they have are just a flimsy cover for the fear and hatred that they have. 

What's interesting is that this mindset is more prominent in areas that are heavily white, as in 98% white, so these are people that don't actually come into contact with non-white people regularly and are not really affected by them. Their fear is allowed tp fester because they haven't got any real life experience they can draw upon. 

In a way I can understand that, imagine you never came across let's say cats, and all you hear is how bad and dangerous they are and how theyre ruining the country, of course you would hate them. 

But I agree this is a complete feelings issues and is leading to some decisions that make no logical sense. Brexit of course but also claiming immigrants are costing taxpayer money but then going on a rampage through the country which will probably cost more money. 

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Posted (edited)


4 hours ago, Alex4 said:

In my opinion, what really drives far-right people is their fear that their country will lose its identity. They worry about seeing the native people  becoming a minority, along with their culture. I believe that the arguments they use against immigration, such as it being economically unviable or creating a lot of insecurity, are simply arguments meant to captivate the moderate electorate that is not extremist but has legitimate concerns. I see a difficult solution to this, we are talking about feelings rather than "solving immigrant crime. 

I’ll add entitlement to the list of drivers for this riot and the push to the right we see globally. 

There reasoning of is, this is my piece of land , security, identity , my worldview etc and don’t you dare question this, their thinking goes I guess. And the culture wars ensues. 

Edited by ArcticGong
Added some clarificating words

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1 hour ago, PurpleTree said:

Oh wow

Why ?

1 hour ago, PurpleTree said:

what about for example in norway the ppl that have a norwegian white parent and let’s say a black african parent and grew up in norway. Would they be a class below the white people?

Idk, i'm not a racialist ideologist. 

The devil is in the details.

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3 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Most of crimes in france are committed by non whites persons. 

Is this true?

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2 minutes ago, Alex M said:

Is this true?



The devil is in the details.

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1 hour ago, Consept said:

What's interesting is that this mindset is more prominent in areas that are heavily white, as in 98% white, so these are people that don't actually come into contact with non-white people regularly and are not really affected by them. Their fear is allowed tp fester because they haven't got any real life experience they can draw upon. 

I've noticed this. I grew up in a multicultural city and now live in the rural countryside. Immigration seems to be a problem for people around where I live now (not for everyone), and the few I've spoken to about it have never seen or met an immigrant. Go figure 🤷‍♂️

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10 minutes ago, Alex M said:

I've noticed this. I grew up in a multicultural city and now live in the rural countryside. Immigration seems to be a problem for people around where I live now (not for everyone), and the few I've spoken to about it have never seen or met an immigrant. Go figure 🤷‍♂️

Not true at all where i am.

The devil is in the details.

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1 hour ago, Consept said:

What's interesting is that this mindset is more prominent in areas that are heavily white, as in 98% white, so these are people that don't actually come into contact with non-white people regularly and are not really affected by them. Their fear is allowed tp fester because they haven't got any real life experience they can draw upon. 

Good insight. Fear of the unknown.

Imagine being raised alone in a sealed, robot-controlled lab, unaware of the existence of other humans. As far as you know, you're the only human that has ever lived. Your skin is green. On your 20th birthday, a door opens, revealing an expansive outdoor area where you see groups of people for the first time. One group is white, one black, and the other green. Which group are you most likely to approach? The greens, right? 

This thought experiment seemingly reveals that we all have a benign, natural tendency to align ourselves with those most like us because to do otherwise carries more risk. The tendency itself seems to only manifest toxicity in low-conscious people. 

I've been trying to use logic and reason to beat the low-consciousness out of them, but the shit doesn't work. 

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Is all complex, but this guys dont help at all to solve the problem.


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The protests follow a mass stabbing incident at a Taylor Dance and yoga class for young girls 6-11 years old. 3 children died and 10 injured with 7 critically injured (5 children, 2 adults). Protests sparked when rumors initially spread that the boy was a Muslim migrant.

The naming restriction on the media has been lifted since the suspect has been in court, 1st of August. The suspect is 17 year old Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, who was born in Wales to Rwandan parents. He is due to turn 18 August 7th (tomorrow as of writing) and is due for a hearing 18th october 2024 and a provisional trial set 20th January 2025.

The case is currently not being treated as terror related. No motive has been publicized.


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Posted (edited)

I believe the cost of living crises and broadly poor economics are a significant factor behind this wave of protests. The 2011 London riots was also marked by poor economics.

Poor economics combined with an anxious lower class can lead to outbursts. I believe these current protests are about more than just xenophobia.

Edited by Basman

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On 05/08/2024 at 10:15 PM, PurpleTree said:

This hatred has nothing really to do with immigrantion or violence they allegedly bring, its old school racism, basically a fear of what is different or of society's inevitable changes.


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4 hours ago, Joshe said:

Good insight. Fear of the unknown.

Imagine being raised alone in a sealed, robot-controlled lab, unaware of the existence of other humans. As far as you know, you're the only human that has ever lived. Your skin is green. On your 20th birthday, a door opens, revealing an expansive outdoor area where you see groups of people for the first time. One group is white, one black, and the other green. Which group are you most likely to approach? The greens, right? 

This thought experiment seemingly reveals that we all have a benign, natural tendency to align ourselves with those most like us because to do otherwise carries more risk. The tendency itself seems to only manifest toxicity in low-conscious people. 

I've been trying to use logic and reason to beat the low-consciousness out of them, but the shit doesn't work. 

Yeah definitely and thats an interesting thought experiment. So i can empathise with them in that its a nature that we all have within us, that kind of purple tribal thinking but its completely outdated. Even the conservative party wouldnt claim them because their mindset just doesnt work in modern society, its so low conscious, Conservatives didnt even really want brexit. Essentially these people become useful idiots for those trying to grab power. 

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5 minutes ago, Basman said:

I believe the cost of living crises and broadly poor economics are a significant factor behind this wave of protests. The 2011 London riots was also marked by poor economics.

Poor economics combined with a lower class that doesn't feel heard results in a lot of anger.

The lower class has been heard, thats partly why we're in the mess we're in. They got a conservative government whove fucked up the country for the last 14 years, theyve got their brexit which was and continues to be a disaster, UKIP and now Reform have got seats in parliament. So no they have been listened to. But yeah i agree the financial issues have thrown fuel on the fire but these are not really to do with immigrants, the crisis was mainly due to the crash in 2008 and then covid and also brexit as well just a general terrible management of the economy. 

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13 minutes ago, Consept said:

The lower class has been heard, thats partly why we're in the mess we're in. They got a conservative government whove fucked up the country for the last 14 years, theyve got their brexit which was and continues to be a disaster, UKIP and now Reform have got seats in parliament. So no they have been listened to. But yeah i agree the financial issues have thrown fuel on the fire but these are not really to do with immigrants, the crisis was mainly due to the crash in 2008 and then covid and also brexit as well just a general terrible management of the economy. 

They voted but they still can't afford houses. Economics is too abstract and complex for many of these people.

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Posted (edited)

JimmyTheGiant has a really good take on this situation. He has some good critiques of the left in terms of connecting with generally conservative, masculine men. The left alienates a lot of young men which costs them votes and influence.


Edited by Basman

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Posted (edited)

The average age of people in the UK is 40 and they are not getting younger.

Which creates all the problems people complain about and means there will be no civil war.
So they ban or reduce immigration, which exaggerates the problem of the age gap.  Things get more expensive, people have less, they complain more, and they lash out, not realizing they are making their own problems worse. They isolate themselves, and their communities, and their countries until they start to seek opportunities outside of them again.

The people running things know this, but they can do it because immigrants don't vote, and so are an easy target for everyone. Same old story, no power = being a target to score points off.

No there will not be a civil war here. People like Elon Musk are such drama queens, but it's in his interest to create drama because he runs a communications platform. Think about who gives these quotes first, and what their ulterior motives are. He requires sensationalism to extract value from his business.

Now down to reality.

There are riots every so often. We've had a softer era but people wanted more masculinity, so we've got it. Part of the result is that more force and violence are used.

The usual reasons are economic pressures or poverty cultivating a rise in desperation, nihilism, gangs, drug/drink use, and general destabilization of people's and communities' lives. Then a flash point for the violence, same old, same old. Add to that, the right has gone as far as it can go without going into violence to achieve its aims, so that's where we are. It splinters communities in doing so, and you get a swell of violence from the other groups opposing them as well.

Fixing the east of the country will help, that is where a lot of anti-everything sentiment comes from because Hull, Grimsby, Boston, etc port cities are still suffering the fishing collapse, and the Brexit promise to fix it was a lie. So people have turned to despair in these areas. Boston had the highest ratio of anyone voting for Brexit. Some effort has gone into Hull, but there is still work to do. When I head east, it's still in a bad way. Grantham still has a drug problem the size of a city that people have just accepted, and Nottingham is somewhat recovering from all the pressures they've had + the failure to rebuild the main transport hub and shopping center and wasted millions doing so—that blunder wrecked the high street. Nottingham council is completely broke at the moment

If you check this you'll see the north east is a constant hotspot.

Edited by BlueOak

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