
Is it possible to know what comes after death before physical death?

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My father passed away recently and I've been thinking of this question a lot.

I haven't had any mystical or nondual experiences or even any out-of-body experiences, but as I understand from Leo and others, you reunite and merge with the Infinite at the moment of physical death.

But that leaves some questions unanswered. Like, for example, what is reincarnation then? What reincarnates if your consciousness merges with the infinite? 

Isn't there something individual about us except the ego? Like a soul or something that keeps existing after physical death?

How do we explain near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences?

Maybe the soul, or energy body, or something else is still relative to some kind of dream, (maybe not this physical dimension but still) and it experiences other dimensions after exiting a human body. Can that be the case?


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5 minutes ago, bazera said:

What reincarnates if your consciousness merges with the infinite? 

From Infinity there is endless possibility for any kind of reincarnation.

Maybe you will reincarnate as a pizza ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Depends on how awake you became during your lifetime. 

Most people will come right back here, still mostly asleep that is.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

(pronoun: they/them, he/him)

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@Leo Gura Okay, but what I don't understand is the following:

If in the moment of your death, you realize the highest truth, where does that leave space for reincarnation, existing as soul or anything else?

Or it isn't guaranteed that you realize anything, and just continue existing in some subtler form of dream until you reincarnate into material existence again.

Also, some people report seeing ghosts or spirits of their dead relatives. How do we explain that?

Edited by bazera

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1 hour ago, bazera said:

@Leo Gura Okay, but what I don't understand is the following:

If in the moment of your death, you realize the highest truth, where does that leave space for reincarnation, existing as soul or anything else?

Space is imaginary. Soul is imaginary.

Infinity has infinite potential to become literally anything. So you might pop out as a pizza baking in an oven.


Or it isn't guaranteed that you realize anything, and just continue existing in some subtler form of dream until you reincarnate into material existence again.

Also possible. There's no obvious straight path. You could pretty much become anything.


Also, some people report seeing ghosts or spirits of their dead relatives. How do we explain that?

That's easy to explain. Within Infinity you can see anything you want: ghosts, dragons, unicorns, demons, etc.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura


That's easy to explain. Within Infinity you can see anything you want: ghosts, dragons, unicorns, demons, etc.

So Infinity means you can also talk to and experience dead relatives for example? Even if they reincarnated.

I guess these are all technical details (our speculations) of how it actually works, and you are talking from a meta, more abstract point of view that you've experienced, that even if all that is true, it's still imaginary from the highest point of view.

I was wondering about this question: what will my conscious experience turn into when my body physically stops working? How would the experience change? And if I can get to that same experience without physically dying. 

Edited by bazera

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40 minutes ago, bazera said:

@Leo Gura

So Infinity means you can also talk to and experience dead relatives for example? Even if they reincarnated.

Infinity means you can fuck your grandma in heaven for a billion years, then reincarnate on Earth as a pizza.

40 minutes ago, bazera said:

I was wondering about this question: what will my conscious experience turn into when my body physically stops working?

No one can tell you that. There is not a single answer because as you become closer to Infinity you can become more and more anything you dream.

If you dream of demons as you die you might turn into a demon.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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22 minutes ago, deamordeamar said:

So scary.

It's infinite imagination.

No limits. Absolute freedom. God.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura And why do you think Near Death Experience stories are so consistent? Like for example people going through tunnels and seeing white lights. Maybe a conditioned human mind has the same unconscious tendencies of what it dreams after dying.

I've heard many stories of people going through tunnels during NDEs, but not many about becoming devils. What can be the reason for that consistency?

The material existence has some consistency in it, right? Like the inability to go through walls. Can the "afterlife" conscious experience have something like that as well? 

If it's really that infinite and without limits, Christians will probably meet Jesus and go through the selection of heaven vs hell and then go with that whole burning in the fires for infinity kind of experience. Why not?

So upon physical death, instead of some Ultimate Awakening, one can continue dreaming then, but with different forms. But yeah, without experiencing Infinity, I'm just speculating, but still interesting.


Edited by bazera

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@bazera Consistency is just part of this dream, reality doesn't have to be consistent.

Those NDE lights and things are probably human-specific experiences. Who would know what non-humans see in a NDE?

@Leo Gura You really think human mind has a choice in the matter in after-death imagination? That's surprising. You sure that's not a psychedelic bias?

I'm gonna become a cthulhu then... Sounds fun... No one else can claim old god afterlife now, I've called dibs.

God and I worked things out

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@bazera you will go back where you come from. To void. Deep sleep.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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You can get an online call for 20bucks and find out how your dad is doing. 


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 hour ago, bazera said:

@Leo Gura And why do you think Near Death Experience stories are so consistent? Like for example people going through tunnels and seeing white lights. Maybe a conditioned human mind has the same unconscious tendencies of what it dreams after dying.

Doesn't contradict anything I said.


I've heard many stories of people going through tunnels during NDEs, but not many about becoming devils. What can be the reason for that consistency?

You could go through a white tunnel and come out a devil.

The reason for consistency could be that people parrot whatever New Age nonsense they hear and think like a herd of sheep.


The material existence has some consistency in it, right? Like the inability to go through walls. Can the "afterlife" conscious experience have something like that as well? 

It could if you dream it.


If it's really that infinite and without limits, Christians will probably meet Jesus and go through the selection of heaven vs hell and then go with that whole burning in the fires for infinity kind of experience. Why not?

Possible, if that's what they want.


So upon physical death, instead of some Ultimate Awakening, one can continue dreaming then, but with different forms.

Sure. Or both.

There's really no limits at that point.

44 minutes ago, Staples said:


@Leo Gura You really think human mind has a choice in the matter in after-death imagination? That's surprising.

If you dead it ain't the human mind any more.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Leo is correct, the possibilities of what You can come back as are endless, but Karma is in play, karma is the residual affect of all the actions You have taken over the lifetimes, basically cause and affect..

There are many actions taking place right now within You, are You aware of this? So because of Karma there is Life like it is here on this planet, because of Karma the planet and Universe is here as it is (planets and Universe are performing action correct?), so because of this karma that You have over lifetimes, some of it is allotted for this incarnation that You have as You are right now, Your working it out as life goes on, how conscious You are determines how much of this Karma plays a role in Your Life, karma determines basically the type of person You are, and what You get Yourself into...

If You develop a high level of Consciousness within this lifetime that will affect how You are in the next one, you probably won't come back as a pizza, but as a Human, but more developed Spiritually..

The end game is that You are fully Conscious and the cycle stops, no more rebirth, no more Individuality, merge with Absolute/Oneness/Brahman and that is that, but you may have gone thru thousands of Incarnations, from a simple ameba or flower, to insect to animal to human, who knows? 

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

From Infinity there is endless possibility for any kind of reincarnation.

Maybe you will reincarnate as a pizza ;)

If you never learn what reincarnation is, will it be possible for you? 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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If You develop a high level of Consciousness within this lifetime that will affect how You are in the next one, you probably won't come back as a pizza, but as a Human, but more developed Spiritually..

And if not? Can we somehow know what the conscious experience of an unconscious person becomes after their last breath or some time after that?

@Leo Gura


Possible, if that's what they want.

You mean if that's what they want / choose consciously? or just automatically out of their life brainwashings

So basically you mean that physical death itself doesn't solve that grand issue of Self-Deception? 

Edited by bazera

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I don't know. I'm just speculating.

I will become an infinite alien mind. What you guys do is none of my business.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, bazera said:

So basically you mean that physical death itself doesn't solve that grand issue of Self-Deception? 

Christians are so deluded that death may not be enough to cure them. Lol

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You can get an online call for 20bucks and find out how your dad is doing. 

Is that for real? How can I know if he's just bullshitting me or not? And again, if that's really possible, how does that fit into a reincarnation / merging with the absolute, if there still is my dad somewhere where I can contact him and he can respond somehow?

Edited by bazera

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