
Let's settle the 'nice guy' debate once and for all.

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45 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

She was a New Age healer type. And of course when her New Agery failed to work on me, guess who she blamed?

Reminds me of the Mark Manson ex-GF that he talks about in his book.

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22 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

This is theoretical nonsense. 

He's absolutely correct. Women want a kind man who can if needed, kill everyone in the room. But won't, becuase he is wise and heartful, unless someone fucks with her. This makes women wetter than the Nile

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18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Women don't vilify unattractive men, they just ignore them. And that's what drives men crazy, to then vilify women.

What you really want is a hot girl's attention. And when she doesn't give it to you get butt-hurt, but rather tham face that hurt, you start to hate women and rationalize that hatred.

This pretty much summarizes BlackPill and MGTOW perfectly. These men have made their life purpose to trigger, gossip about, and complain about women.

The funny thing is these guys are just invisible to most women. Like MGTOW guys think they are "getting back" at women, but in truth their exiting the dating market isn't even noticed.

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If my health was better I would be 10x a better leader than I am.

damn, can't imagine how powerful that would be, considering everything you've done. 10X that!? 

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15 hours ago, kamill said:

I had that period and it only helped a bit :D 

I'm also skeptical of this being some kind of "karma" that you "burn". I don't think the answer is to just have a bunch of sex, how would that get your sexual desire out of your system? Ask most of the players in the world if this truly worked for them and they'd likely say it's still an issue. 

There seem to be some men who are great at monogomy and others who have more of a tendency to want more partners. 

I think you just kind of have to live with it and surrender to having chosen someone, and direct your sexual energy to them. No amount of having sex with others will get this out of your system permenantely, but i'm sure it helps in some manner.

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The only question you really need is: What is leadership?

My Uncle wrote a famous book on Powerful Leadership (9K+ Reviews on Amazon 4,7 stars) (he was in the Navy as a submarine captain for 300+ people for decades) 

He is visiting next week, I'll ask him this directly.

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7 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Instead of manipulating people into thinking we are strong and powerful, we should work on the strength of our character.

Instead of investing so much time in beautifying our physical body, we should strive to beautify our inner world, thoughts and perception of the world.


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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Hot witch girlfriends are a trap. Of course. That's the joke.

In practice that witch will be a fucking wacko emotional mess.

New Agers yes, but you can also find legit spiritual practioners who are female. That makes the path much more enjoyable if they are genuine in their practice, rare find though

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4 hours ago, Davino said:

Not good to enter in a relationship with strong desires to change the other person so that it fits your personal biases, which everyone swears are universal.

Learnt this lesson the bad way believe me. Even if you're right, it leads to unstable systems.

The best way is to inspire her by how powerfully you live your life based on your spiritual insights and this will make her motivated to meditate, do yoga, contemplate, read etc. For sure you can never force and making her do psychedelics is just abusive. 

Honestly, psychedlics are such a slippery road. I think this whole solopsism bubble (no one else is having an experience) is the price tag of 5 MEO DMT. 

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6 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

I'm also skeptical of this being some kind of "karma" that you "burn". I don't think the answer is to just have a bunch of sex, how would that get your sexual desire out of your system? Ask most of the players in the world if this truly worked for them and they'd likely say it's still an issue. 

There seem to be some men who are great at monogomy and others who have more of a tendency to want more partners. 

I think you just kind of have to live with it and surrender to having chosen someone, and direct your sexual energy to them. No amount of having sex with others will get this out of your system permenantely, but i'm sure it helps in some manner.

My theory is that men who struggle with being loyal and honest with women haven’t fully integrated stage blue values. When you have values like honesty and loyalty deeply ingrained in your spirit, the mere thought of being loyal to your partner for life gives you a profound sense of personal pride that's hard to describe. Additionally, knowing that you won’t have any more drama in your life in this regard adds to this sense of pride.

I still have fantasies about other women, but as you say, there’s a point of surrender. It’s where you tell yourself and fully accept that as long as you’re with this person, you won’t cheat on her.

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On 2024-08-05 at 6:42 AM, mr_engineer said:

Let's settle the nice guy debate once and for all. 

unfortunately there isn’t anything that you can settle once and for all

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15 hours ago, Applegarden8 said:

While this thread has turned into a burning pile of dong and that's exactly what I tought, you are such a fucking good sport, I will give you that.

Pepé Le Pew don't take vacations. 

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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"Let's settle the 'nice guy' debate once and for all."

Turns into a 1000+ page Megathread xD

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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5 hours ago, ivayloivanov0926 said:

Spoken like a sexist who puts all men into a common group and assigns the same negative behavior and personality traits to all of them. I will never cheat on my girlfriend, even if 10 hot women fall in my feet. I am capable of love and am male. I don't care about what your personal preferences and "not needing to love a man". That's fine. Just claiming all men cheat or want to cheat is stupid and offensive, and is the same as incels claiming "all women are gold digger cheaters who will sleep with chad when you're not home". 

21 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Don't block yourself energetically so as not to have to admit that you have made bad decisions with men by reaction formation; Because this will potentially prevent you from flourishing on an emotional level.
As a reminder, you made a topic to show us cooking recipes, and an other where you share stuffs about your country : This is proof that you really like giving (and receiving, automatically), you don't will make me trust you you linger on birds.



Why are you thinking i will lack something with my stance and way of thinking when it comes to men. I'm not being in denial nor am I preventing myself from flourishing on an emotional level. What I'm saying is quite radical and a bit out there, but why do you say I've made bad decisions with men. If I'm sounding like I'm disliking or hating men, you have totally misread me. Just because I'm not into men for the sake of romantic lovey dovey shit, doesn't mean I don't know if be men and would enjoy men in my life. It's just i know and understand men and they are not capable of monogamy and truly loving a woman. Even if they are monogamous, it is forced and strained and has to be focused upon. Lots of discipline and self-control. I don't consider that love so men aren't loving women either. Listen, it's all semantics and word games. If you truly knew me you would see how much I can display love but not because I want something from you but simply for existing. That's my baseline. Survival and agendas is another story of which I'm well aware of and will not go into this love shit fooling my self into thinking its real love when it's  all just conditional. 


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 hours ago, ivayloivanov0926 said:

Spoken like a sexist who puts all men into a common group and assigns the same negative behavior and personality traits to all of them. I will never cheat on my girlfriend, even if 10 hot women fall in my feet. I am capable of love and am male. I don't care about what your personal preferences and "not needing to love a man". That's fine. Just claiming all men cheat or want to cheat is stupid and offensive, and is the same as incels claiming "all women are gold digger cheaters who will sleep with chad when you're not home". 

Ok, most men, not all,


5 hours ago, ivayloivanov0926 said:

I never talked about these things and I stay away from threads about game, pick up and getting laid. My girlfriend was just a friend at the beginning and I never attempted any "game" on her. I've never went out to do pick up and I don't care about getting lots of sex. I've only had one girlfriend my whole life and want to only be with her until I die. And I will die with no regrets of having "missed out". That's like regretting missing out on all the tasty junk food in the world. I don't eat junk food. I don't do loveless sex either. 

Lovely, nice. 


6 hours ago, ivayloivanov0926 said:

My girlfriend is the most wonderful woman I have met and is the most intelligent, emotionally-intelligent, kind, caring, ambitious, and loving creature I know. She is capable of stellar clear communication which avoids most problems in relationships. She is incredibly aware of her trauma and triggers. She is Stage Green and reaching into Stage Yellow, capable of the most complex and nuanced thought that I have seen in anyone. She is literally the top 1% of women. I value her a lot and will never ruin our relationship for some cheap sex. Yes, I'm putting her on a pedestal. I don't care about all of that insecure dating advice of "never put her on a pedestal". I'm putting her on 10 pedestals on top of each other, because she's that cool. I value her so much I'll let her cheat anytime she wants. I don't really care, I'll still praise her. I love her so much that if she finds a better man, I will gladly let her go to him because I want the best for her, because I know she deserves far more than I am capable of providing for her.

Great. All of what you're saying is great but I still stand by my words. I've downgraded to most and not all. This is not about the wonderful gf that you have and have put on a pedestal. It's funny how all you're saying is a bit extreme and not the norm as in first and only girl you've had, you'll allow her to cheat if that's what she wants and all the other stuff you're saying, it's not the case with most men.  I've been there done that too, had guys worshipped the ground i walked on. That's not love. That's worshipping and fulfilling a void and a gap within you. Eventually you'll see this but only with some inner work done. You have put others down while lifting her up, that's not healthy. Saying she's in the top 1% is no different from me saying 99% of men cheat. You just don't recognize this. Of course, idk that all men cheat, because I don't know all men. Right or wrong that I said what I said is the issue and not the validity of my statement. You are no better in your pedestalizing of your gf and putting other women down while doing that than my saying all men cheat. 

I'll agree my statement was a bit too much on the absolute level as not all is the case; so I'll give you that; working in a field for so many years and that's all you see plus even in personal life, can't blame one to feel that way. It's something I'm working on tho, hard, because the evidence is overwhelming but I'm trying. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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16 hours ago, Majed said:

@mr_engineer a nice guy is just a guy who's too pussy to show intent with women. in a nutshell a guy who haven't learned theory of attraction and doesn't practice pick up. 

For some weird reason, everybody has equated 'nice' and 'pussy' and everyone collectively believes in this false equivalency. 

Where in the definition of 'nice' does it say that 'nice people don't face their fears'?! 

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13 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

He's absolutely correct. Women want a kind man who can if needed, kill everyone in the room. But won't, becuase he is wise and heartful, unless someone fucks with her. This makes women wetter than the Nile

By 'theoretical nonsense', I meant, saying 'women want a kind man' only to negate me saying that 'being nice is important to have a good relationship'. 

What you're saying is also theoretical nonsense. How on earth are we supposed to prove to women that we can 'kill everyone in the room'?! Should we actually do that?! Will women get wet then?! What are you even saying?! 

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2 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

"Let's settle the 'nice guy' debate once and for all."

Turns into a 1000+ page Megathread xD

🤣There's no settling of debates, only dropping. I think the heading only stirred the pot up some more. It's a fun topic, though. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 minutes ago, ivayloivanov0926 said:

My GF is in the 1% women in terms of consciousness and cognitive development = My girlfriend is among the 40million most conscious women on earth. Below this group are some other 1billion women who are also very conscious, but not as much. And below them are another 1billion which are also above average on cognitive development. Below them are the other 2billion which are average or below average in cognitive development. All of these women described can work to advance their cognitive development (unless they have some handicap). I am not saying that all of the other 99% of women are morons who will always be morons and cannot change. I am saying that there is a hierarchy of cognitive development and that higher you are, the more developed you are. I am not judging the other 99% of women. I don't think they deserve less love. I don't think they are less human. They are simply not so cognitively developed, less wise, less aware and have weaker communication skills. But those are all things you can improve on.

How do you know this. You're not doing anything so much different than what I'm doing with my statement that started this whole shebang to begin with. You only know your gf, the people around you and what you've read in books, seen in videos etcetc. You don't have proof of any of this, you're only speculating. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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