
How does god make sure that every part reunites back into the godhead?

31 posts in this topic

3 minutes ago, rudirotbart said:

That's perfect, but scary. For how long does god have mercy until it sais: "Ok, now you will die. Muhahahaha"?

It is not a personal choice of a personal God. It's more impersonal, like physics.

When does God decide when a volcano will errupt?

God is not actively micromanaging your life.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Why does it feel like god is actively micromanaging my life, like sending me the most perfect and intelligent thoughts to guide me? Making me ask certain questions?

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40 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Except for death.

There's not really an option. All finite things must die.

How did you become as strong as to be able to accept these difficult truths (like infinity including unimaginable horrors) and still going deeper?

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Intelligence is another aspect of God, just like love is. Leo has a video called Infinite Intelligence, which explains it nicely. 

Let me add to the questions:

Every finite thing has to end.

  • Why is reincarnation a thing in many religious traditions? 
  • Do we have a soul that lasts longer than our bodies? Why? How did people experience this? 
  • Ofc the soul has to end too since it's a finite thing. Why not just end with the body?

There has to be a reason why did they think this?

Opposite to popular belief, they did not Just come up with things out of their asses. Not with something so fundamental as this.

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1 hour ago, rudirotbart said:

How did you become as strong as to be able to accept these difficult truths (like infinity including unimaginable horrors) and still going deeper?

Just by caring about truth over anything else.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Death is Love.

How can one be sure that the process of physical death is the exact same as the process of God/Love Realization on psychedelics?

As people have completely different experiences on psychedelics, wouldn't it make more sense that people would also have different experience going through death and right after death? For exemple, some might experience infinite love while others might experience confusion or something else?

I'm not completely sure of what you mean when you say that "death is love". I understand it as: anyone who dies, directly experiences love. But if that's what you're saying, I wonder how certain that can be.

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12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Just by caring about truth over anything else.

How can i create this kind of caring about truth in my life? I really care about truth but i feel to weak to handle deeper trips but i want to become stronger to be able to. I don‘t know if i should push myself or if i should love and accept myself exactly as i am Right now. How can i learn to decide between accepting my fear and pushing myself towards truth?

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11 minutes ago, Clarence said:

For exemple, some might experience infinite love while others might experience confusion or something else?

Sure, that probably happens.

You might pop out as a Pizza before you even reach pure Infinity.

There doesn't have to be any consistent logical process to it.


I'm not completely sure of what you mean when you say that "death is love".

What I mean is your consciousness melts into an infinite undifferentiated field. It's an ocean of no distinction between anything.


I wonder how certain that can be.

Well, you'd need to become conscious of Pure Infinity to know what that is.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, rudirotbart said:

How can i create this kind of caring about truth in my life? I really care about truth but i feel to weak to handle deeper trips but i want to become stronger to be able to. I don‘t know if i should push myself or if i should love and accept myself exactly as i am Right now. How can i learn to decide between accepting my fear and pushing myself towards truth?

Just gradually expose yourself to more of reality and really appreicate the full beauty of the diversity of Consciousness.

It's a gradual falling in love with Consciousness regardless of its form.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Becuase the Godhead and Infinity are True, and everything else is lies and deceit to different degrees and are finite by definition. Finitude at some point has to die into infinitude by definiiton

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On 8/4/2024 at 11:26 AM, rudirotbart said:


i have a question regarding the nature of god. In the video "The Ultimate structure of Reality explained" Leo explains that god can't force a being to become conscious, that Consciousness has to be chosen freely by it. But what if the part decided to stay unconscious for eternity? How does god make sure that every being reunites in the long run?

Hi, I have not seen this video. But I would like to work with your question, as it is a very good question.

This topic is related to the concept of Free-Will.

It is true that God can not force any soul against what the soul wills.

The reason and the 'why' every soul MUST return (eventually and ultimately) to God is a fact that can only be truly understood when one consider the ACTUAL nature of the state of Separation from God.

How real is a soul's separation from God?

A soul can not be truly separated from God. This statement does not mean that our experience of being separated from God is not genuine. It is genuine, but only as an experience not as a fact. It is like dreaming, when you dream you are in another city, you really believe you are there, and you are completely unaware that your body is actually lying in bed in your city. Your dream is genuine, and all the struggles and joys in the dream are real to you, they affect your mind and your state of consciousness.

The state of separation which is the basic requirement for the NEED to Return to God (reunites back into the godhead) does NOT just happen haphazardly and for no reason. The state of separation (the dream) must be 'willed' to happen.

This 'will' engendering the experience of separation is difficult to truly understand. It is often misunderstood as the will-of-God wanting to know the 'limited' and basically 'what-God-is-NOT'. This is and a confused concept. One thing you can be certain is that every soul you see experiencing human and non-human forms have WILLED that experience. Specifically it is You that has WILLED the experienced of separation - that fact should be beyond any reasonable doubt.

What is the nature of this state of separation? It has been identified as the state of 'suffering' in Buddhism and other spiritual ideologies. The suffering inherent to that state should be obvious to most human beings. Another characteristic of this state that can be use to identify it, is a state where the soul does NOT feel at Home.

A state where the soul does NOT feel at Home - What does this mean? What does this say? For one thing it defines how fundamentally this State is uncomfortable to the soul. It is uncomfortable because this State was NOT made for the soul, it was made for our being, for ourself, for our True Self. It is NOT the true Home of our Self.

Of course we now face the question WHY did the soul WILLED this experience. And I do not have a short answer to explain it. So for now I will skip this question; and move to the concept of the True Home of the soul.

The True Home were you belong, truly belong, is eternal bliss; is Perfect and Pure Love. ... I could add more characteristics, "unlimited", etc... what does all this sounds like? That is what God Created for Himself and for your True Self... for your soul. That is the only State that is True and that the soul can feel at home.

The return to that Home is not going to happen as long as the soul does not 'will' to return. In other words as long as the soul wills against BEING at Home it will not experience the Return, which is an awakening from the dream of separation. A Realization which is Mental/Spiritual in Nature.

This experience of separation from God, is a state specifically designed to experience the 'Limited' also known as 'Death'. Everything as a beginning and an end. In this place of continuous change there is a very special experience designed for the souls learning and ultimate awakening. The soul can take abuse and punishment (suffering) only so long. But its true escape from this state of suffering will not occur until the soul learns to WILL DIFFERENTLY. That lesson, that teaching is here in this world, in this state. No soul will 'forever' seek and NOT-FIND. Every soul is seeking its Home, and will continue until it has find its True-Will which is the very same Will as God's.

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